
Chapter Billionaire 181 -200

Chapter 181

Connor knew the wolves were probably under Chloe’s control. But as they closed in, baring their teeth, he instinctively stepped in front of Chloe.

By then, Lucas had also snapped out of it. He got up and stood protectively beside Chloe. Linda, watching this, felt her heart break.

“Lucas, how could you do this to me?” she cried.

The four wolves were closing in, all making a beeline for Linda, who curled up in terror.

She had lost all reason, and placed her last hope in Lucas.

“Lucas, help me! We’ve been together for three years. I don’t want to die.

“Lucas, I’m carrying our child. You’ve heard his heartbeat, seen how he looks. He looks just like you! For our child’s sake, save me.”

Lucas watchedthe advancing wolves, outwardly calm but struggling inside. He didn’t want to lose to Connor now, but he was torn. Linda deserved punishment, but not in such a brutal way. Plus, she was carrying his child.

Finally, Lucas turned and grabbed Chloe’s arm. “Chloe, let her go. Linda deserves to be punished, but not like this.”

His eyes were red with emotion. “Chloe, think rationally. This is murder. If you kill her, you’ll end up in jail Chloe’s face was unreadable. Lucas turned to Connor. “Stop her! Do you really want to watch her kill someone?

Connor responded coldly, “I won’t stop her, but I’ll cover for her.”

The wolves drew closer, and Lucas grew more desperate. Everyone held their breath just as the wolves opened their jaws to pounce on Linda. Linda’s screams pierced the air.

However, the expected bloodshed didn’t happen. Chloe calmly picked up the silver whistle and blew it twice. The wolves stopped instantly and ran over to Chloe, nuzzling her ankles and wagging their tails like dogs.

Chloe bent down and petted the wolves‘ heads. Then, smiling, she said, “Just kidding. These are pet wolves. They won’t hurt anyone.”

Lucas nearly collapsed in relief. A smirk appeared on Connor’s face. He had known all along. The wolves wore collars with tags, clearly indicating they were domesticated. Their shiny fur showed they were well cared for, which was only possible with close human contact.

Pet wolves must have a good temperament. Some wealthy folks liked to keep them, each one carefully selected. Any aggressive wolf would be euthanized. The ones kept were as docile as dogs, if not more so. But wolves are smarter. They understand humans, follow commands, and even perform tricks. Just like how Chloe had them pretend to attack Linda–they did it perfectly.

Connor wondered where Chloe had gotten these exceptional wolves. Their quality were top–notch.

At this moment, Linda finally breathed a sigh of relief. Chloe walked over to her, squatting down. “Linda, I’m done with our conflict, the fighting, the scheming and the betrayal. I know everything you’ve done, and it’s time we end this once and for all.”

Chapter 182

Linda had just breathed a sigh of relief when a new wave of terror washed over her eyes.

Chloe smirked, “Relax, I’m not going to kill you. You’re not worth spending my life in jail for.”

*Chloe, what do you want?

“You wrecked my life, so let’s trade for what you hold most dear right now.” Chloe twirled a strand of her hair thoughtfully. “But what is it that you value the most? Being Lucas‘ wife? Lucas himself? Or… the baby you’re carrying?

Chloe’s eyes settled on Linda’s belly.

Linda felt a chill. She wrapped her arms protectively around her stomach. “Chloe, don’t you dare harm my child.” Chloe grinned, It’s a pity he has you for a mother, Linda. I guess I’ll be the bad guy this time.”

Chloe stood up and turned to Lucas. ‘Lucas, didn’t u say you wanted to make things right?”

Chloe fixed him with a cold stare. Ill give you a chance.”

Lucas stood there, stunned.

Linda was frantic. ‘Chloe, you can’t do this. You have no right to hurt him. You’ll regret it, I swear. If you hurt him, you’ll regret it someday*

Linda realized Chloe had made Lucas the weapon against her. It had to be Lucas so that the pain would cut even deeper.

Lucas frowned deeply. After a long pause, he looked away, his voice heavy. “Chloe, I never planned on keeping the child”

Linda staggered back, one step at a time. “No, you can’t do this to me.”

But Lucas moved forward, grabbing her “Linda, terminate this pregnancy and leave the country. This child should never have come into this world, and you don’t deserve to be his mother.”

‘Linda, we all have to pay for our mistakes, you and I both

Chloe left the villa at Greenpeace Estate and headed home. She remained silent the entire way, and Connor didn’t ask any questions

Chloe took leave from the TV station and slept for three days straight. The confrontation with Linda seemed to have drained every ounce of her strength

During those days, Connor didn’t go to his office either. Whenever Chloe woke up, he was right there, making sure she ate. When she fell back asleep, he’d retreat to his study to work.

Chloe had never slept this deeply before, likely due to the medication. For years, she’d been haunted by the deepest, most painful questions. Finally, she had her answers. But the truth was even more brutal than she’d ever imagined.

Thinking about the vile, filthy scoundrel who had hurt her made Chice feel sick.

As evening fell, Chloe woke up again. She found herself not on the third floor but in Conner’s room on the second floor. The pillow still carried Connor’s unique, cool scent.

This fragrance made her feel safe and secure. Chloe slowly sat up. After three days of sleep, she finally felt a bit of her strength return. She walked barefoot out of the room.

The house was quiet. Chloe checked the time. She knew exactly where Connor would be

She headed straight to the dining room on the first floor. Sure enough, there was Connor, moving around the kitchen. Today, he was still in his white shirt, with a small apron tied around him,

Chapter 183

The apron actually belonged to Chloe. She had bought it during a time when she whimsically decided to dive into cooking. But she never actually set foot in the kitchen. Instead, the apron naturally found its way onto Connor.

Since it was a ladies‘ apron, it was a bit small on Connor His tall, lean figure, paired with the teddy bear apron, seemed almost comical. Still, she couldn’t deny that, at this moment, he looked incredibly handsome, The evening sunlight streamed in through the window, filtering through a maple tree just outside. The dappled light danced on his body like ripples on water. His profile seemed bathed in light as if dusted with a layer of fine gold.

He was focused, and his movements while chopping vegetables were calm and elegant. It was as if he wasn’t just cooking but creating a piece of art. Chloe leaned against the door, a small smile playing on her lips, enjoying the delightful sight.

Connor sensed her presence and turned around. He saw Chloe staring at him with affection.



“I just need a few minutes, and dinner will be ready soon. I’ve made your favorite, honey–glazed pork ribs.”

Chloe walked over, playfully wrapping her arms around Connor’s neck. She tiptoed to kiss his lips. “I think you’re the more delicious meal.”

Connor’s gaze suddenly ddarkened, but his ears quickly turned a shade of red. “Chloe, if you don’t stop, I guarantee you won’t be having dinner in the next four hours.”

Chloe quickly let go of Connor, stepping back with a chuckle and raising her hands in mock surrender. “Dinner


Tonight’s dinner was exceptionally lavish, and Chloe enjoyed it immensely. She looked just like her usual self, seemingly fully recovered. But Connor still felt a pang of discomfort in his heart. He realized she had been through so much and harbored so many things within. She always healed herself when faced with troubles. Behind her bright and cheerful demeanor lay an indelible shadow, and the self she showed him was never her

true self.

“I’m sorry,” Connor finally spoke.

Chloe knew why he suddenly apologized. He had learned about her past and was probably apologizing for his previous confrontations with Lucas.

“No need to apologize to me. It was never you who had to apologize.”

Chloe seemed nonchalant, but Connor felt uneasy. It seemed she hadn’t truly opened up to him. Yet, given their unique relationship and his inability to offer her a future, what right did he have to demand her complete

reliance and trust?

“Connor, help me find someone,” Chloe suddenly said.

Connor snapped back to reality. He seemed to know what Chloe was about to say. “Scarface Shawn?” he asked.

At the mention of the name, Chloe’s fingers tightened. “I want him to rot in jail. I can’t let such scum harm others.”

Now that it had happened, Chloe knew she couldn’t dwell on the past. Indeed, when she wasn’t having an episode, she was quite lucid. Being violated wasn’t her fault. Her perpetrator was the one who deserved to pay a painful price. She wanted revenge, to make him pay the price, and then to see him imprisoned for life, never to see the light of day. She was willing to testify in court, even if it meant exposing herself to the public eye. Such scum must not roam free.



Chapter 183

Connor’s face remained expressionless. He spoke calmly, He’s already dead.”

Chloe was shocked. After a long moment, she asked in disbelief, “Did you do it?”

Connor looked up at Chloe. “No, he died three years ago.

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

“Two days after the incident, he was found drowned in a nearby reservoir. The police looked into it and concluded that he had accidentally drowned after drinking too much. He had no family, so the case was quickly closed.”

Chloe hadn’t expected things to turn out this way. After a moment, she finally said, “What goes around, comes around.”

Still, for some reason, she felt uneasy. Her heart pounded uncontrollably. She couldn’t shake the feeling that Shawn’s death was suspicious.

Connor sighed, “He’s gone now. You should let it go and stop tormenting yourself over it.”

Over the past few days, Connor had looked into the medication Chloe had been taking. He finally understood why she had been able to sleep only three hours a night all these years. His heart ached for her.

Connor took Chloe’s hand. “I know it’s tough, but I’ll always be here for you, Chloe. Remember, I’ll never let go of your hand.”

Chloe looked into Connor’s eyes, seemingly stunned for a second, but then she smiled. “With the kind of relationship we have, let’s not get too sentimental, okay?”

Connor sighed and said no more. Any further, and she might suggest breaking up.

Chloe lost her smile, and her expression turned serious. “Connor, I’ve lost the capacity to love. It was true for Lucas, and it’s true for you. So, don’t fall in love with me. Let’s just be happy together and take it one day at a time, okay?

Connor’s grip on her hand tightened, but he eventually responded with a simple “Okay.”

Life seemed to calm down after that.

Linda suddenly vanished from Chloe’s life. Lucas hadn’t shown up since the day they left the villa. On the seventh day, Chloe received a message from Lucas.

[Everything has turned out as you wished.]

Chloe stared at those words for a long time. She could sense the reluctance and faint bitterness in them.

Had Linda and Lucas lost their child? Was this really the outcome she wanted?

Chloe wasn’t pleased. Even if they lost everything, it couldn’t make up for what she had lost, like her sleep. The feeling of not being able to sleep despite taking pills was unbearable, more painful than being stabbed.

That pain was temporary. Wounds would heal over time, but her insomnia gnawed at her nerves every night, bringing pain, fatigue, and torment. Her insomnia was getting worse. She had no choice but to visit Winston again.

Winston ran a private clinic, catering only to regular clients.

Leaning her head on her hand, Chloe lounged lazily on the office sofa. “Why can’t I sleep?” she wondered.

“Chloe, you know, the body is just a vessel for the soul. In a hundred years, we’ll all be dust. You shouldn’t dwell too much on what your body has gone through,” Winston said, knowing all the truths.

Chloe scratched her head. “I’m not dwelling on it, really, but I still can’t sleep.”

Winston got up and approached her. “That’s because your mind is too cluttered with unresolved issues and secrets. It’s rotting away inside.”

Chloe looked up, puzzled. “But I’ve opened up to you. You know everything.”

Winston fell silent for a moment. “Perhaps I’m not someone very important to you. Chloe, maybe you should open your heart to the one you love.”




Chapter 185

Chloe was feeling troubled.

For the past twenty years, her greatest love had been Leah. Loving your mom is just second nature for a kid. Before Lisa came back, Leah’s love for Chloe was unconditional, too. But once Lisa returned, everything shifted. Suddenly, Chloe felt like she had no home and no parents.

Her biological mom, Ann? They hadn’t even had a face–to–face conversation. Sure, Chloe had looked into her mom’s background, but she never visited her in prison. Such feelings could hardly be called love.

So who else was there? Who could she really open up to? The Moncada couple? They had no reason to worry about her. Cassie? She’d gone back to the Gilbert family three years ago. She was too far to help right now.

Only one person remained on Chloe’s mind. Connor. When did he become someone she could depend on, someone she trusted?


Chloe sighed. Winston seemed to read her mind and said, “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Old Time is still a–flying.”

Chloe chuckled, “He’s no rose on the branch.”

Connor was anything but a delicate flower. The biggest mistake Chloe ever made was treating him like he was some fragile plant needing a greenhouse. He was cool and aloof with others, but with her, he was like a blazing sun.

Sometimes, despite her best efforts to resist, she found herself falling for him: Whether she needed to end the relationship weighed on her mind daily. But sometimes, the thought of letting go was unbearable.

Winston watched Chloe calmly and said, “He’s your remedy, and for that alone, I think you should give it a try.”

Chloe sighed, “But he’s Connor.”

“Are you scared?” Winston asked.

“I am,” Chloe admitted openly.

The Eldridge Elites were already a den of important figures, and the Sartori family of Eldridge City? That was the deepest part of the water. Chloe hated scheming and plotting. Being with Connor would inevitably pull her into that world.

“Do you love him?” Winston asked.

Chloe almost blurted out, “I do.“,

Winston was someone she never had to guard herself around. After a moment, she sighed again, “Very much.” Chloe knew her heart well. When Lucas came back to the country, she insisted on breaking up with Connor, not because of Lucas. It was because she realized she had fallen for this so called Trophy Boy. She was getting addicted to his scent, the warmth of his embrace. It made her feel out of control.

Moving back to Greenpeace Estate wasn’t because of his relentless pursuit. It was because Chloe missed him, and that overwhelming longing made her surrender.

On the surface, she set terms. They were for him, but really, they were for herself. She wanted to be rational and restrained, not to fall deeper and become unable to pull herself out.

If love were just a feeling, she would have succumbed thousands of times over. But her love was also lucid, contradictory, restrained, and even selfish. She always reminded herself they would eventually part. So she kept him at a certain distance, like a door half–open – visible, touchable, but never fully embraceable.


Chloe was slightly taken aback.

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Chloe stood up, grabbed her bag, and was just about to leave.

“Where are you off to?” Winston couldn’t help but ask.

Chloe suddenly smiled, a radiant, shimmering grin lighting up her face. “To let someone in.

She didn’t quite know why she felt this way. Maybe it was because this was her first time openly declaring her love. Or perhaps it was because she had wrestled with her feelings a thousand times before finally making up her mind.

She was never one to shy away from a challenge. So what if they were caught in a conflict? So what if they had to walk through fire and brimstone? Right now, she just wanted to be with Connor.

Excitement surged through her. She wanted to see him now. She wanted to hold him tight and tell him, “Connor, I love you.” That was all she wanted to say.

It didn’t take long for her to reach the CNR Tower. She walked through the main entrance with confidence. Her photo was still scrolling on the big screen. Last time, it had made her feel awkward. But today, she was in a great mood. People still greeted her with respect, and she responded with a smile. Being known as Connor’s girlfriend felt pretty good.

Just as she stepped out of the elevator, Chloe bumped into Lisa, who was about to step in. Lisa looked momentarily stunned upon seeing her. Chloe didn’t want to deal with her and walked straight towards Connor’s office. But Lisa suddenly caught up and blocked her path, her tone hostile. “Chloe, what are you doing -here?

Chloe lifted her eyelids, glanced at Lisa, and spoke with a lazy, indifferent voice. “I’m here to see my boyfriend. Got a problem with that?

Upon hearing the word “boyfriend,” Lisa exploded like a popped balloon. “Chloe, you’re shameless! You were married to Lucas and had an affair with Connor. Now you have the nerve to parade around as his girlfriend? You’re just a second–hand commodity no one wants. How dare you think you’re worthy of him!”

Lisa didn’t know the real story between Chloe and Lucas. All she knew was that Chloe had been married to Lucas, who loved Linda and never cared for Chloe, so Chloe became twisted and loose.

Lisa’s face was filled with indignation. “Connor is just temporarily blinded by you. Soon, he’ll realize you’re nothing but discarded trash and not even worthy of a rodent’s attention. How dare you dream of becoming Mrs. Sartori.”

Facing Lisa’s tirade, Chloe didn’t show a hint of anger. Instead, she smiled slightly, her lips curling up. “Mrs. Sartori, huh? Would you like that title for yourself?

Lisa was suddenly stunned but couldn’t help responding. Yeah.”

Chloe’s smile widened as she glanced behind Lisa. “Oh, Connor, you seem to have quite a few admirers. It looks like the title of Mrs. Sartori isn’t enough to go around.”

Lisa froze. Connor? Was Connor behind her? Lisa turned around. Indeed, she saw a tall, striking figure. Connor, with a cold expression, walked up beside Chloe. He seemed displeased. “The title of Mrs. Sartori is only something you’d undervalue.” As he spoke, his expression was cool, but his tone was gentle.

Lisa was dumbstruck. Chloe had se her up. She clearly saw Connor standing behind Lisa, which was why she had deliberately said that. So, Connor had heard all the insults Lisa had flung at Chloe.

Chapter 187

Chice was dead set on ruining Lisa’s image in front of Connor.

Trying to salvage her reputation, Lisa said. “Connor, that shot what I meant. I’m just blunt by nature. I couldn’t stand to see you deceived by my sister. She’s been married for three years now. That’s the absolute truth. Her husband loves someone else, and Chloe’s been fooling around, too. Connor, please don’t let my sister fool you.Lisa always felt that Chloe had snagged Connor with her looks. She believed they hadn’t even known each other for long.

It’s just a fleeting affair, nothing more how could there be any real feelings?

Connor’s gaze shifted away from Chloe. When he looked at Lisa, his expression was cold and indifferent. “I remember Chloe has already cut ties with the Meadows family. So, please refrain from calling her sister so affectionately. It inevitably makes one feel like you’re trying to claim a relationship.”

Lisa was so frustrated she almost laughed.

How could Connor not grasp the main point of her argument? Besides, she was the legitimate daughter of the Meadows family. Why would she need to claim any relationship with an impostor?

“Connor, Chloe is fickle and flirtatious. She’s got a beautiful facade with nothing underneath. Haven’t you heard that the prettier a woman is, the more deceptive she can be?”

Lisa was beyond caring at this point. She was known for being straightforward, and she didn’t feel the need to hold back in front of Connor.

Connor’s eyes flashed with a hint of sharpness. He was about to say something, but Chloe gently patted his back, saying lightly, “Let me handle this.”

Chloe stepped forward and grabbed Lisa’s chin. With a gentle but firm twist, there was a crack.

Lisa’s jaw… was dislocated.

Lisa’s eyes widened in disbelief. Moments ago, she was reveling in the pleasure of berating Chloe. But suddenly, she couldn’t speak. Sharp pain radiated from her jaw. She tried to close her mouth but couldn’t.

Lisa, trembling, pointed at Chloe, trying to say something, but her words were incomprehensible. Saliva uncontrollably dribbled out.

Chloe clapped her hands. “Better get to the hospital, or it might not go back in place. Don’t blame me then.”

Lisa was terrified, stumbling into the elevator with a trail of saliva behind her.

Connor, witnessing this scene, was quite surprised. “Chloe, what other surprises do you have that I don’t know about?

Chloe smiled. “That’s a secret.”

After she followed Connor back to his office, Chloe asked, “What did Lisa want with you?”

Connor returned to his desk. “I was just about to tell you. Lisa has appealed to the appellate court, and the trial will be reopened in half a month.”

Chloe guessed as much that Lisa was here because of this. Chloe nodded. “What are the chances the new evidence will overturn the verdict?”

Connor raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you trust me? Sartori Corporation has the best legal team in the world.”

Chloe smiled. “Then I’ll make sure to personally invite Leah to the hearing.”

Connor looked at her, his gaze tender. “You little devil.”



Chapter 187

After discussing Lisa, Connor suddenly remembered something. “What brought you here all of a sudden?”

Chapter 188

It was three in the afternoon. Chloe should have been at the TV station, and she had never shown up to see Connor at this time before.

Without a word, she walked straight up to him and plopped down on his lap, wrapping her arm gently around his neck and planting a kiss on his lips. Connor’s ears turned bright red, and his heart raced with joy though he tried to maintain his composure.

“Ms. Chloe, please behave yourself,” he said, attempting to sound serious..

Chloe hooked her finger under his chin teasingly. “Don’t like it?

Connor couldn’t resist any longer and gave in immediately, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Like it? I love it.” He then kissed her deeply, their affection growing more intense with each passing moment.

Finally, Connor pulled back slightly and asked, “So, what’s this all about? What do you need from me?” He knew Chloe never came to him without a reason, and today, she was laying it on thick.

Chloe smiled, feeling a bit silly. She wasn’t here for anything in particular, just to confess her feelings. “Connor,


Just then, Connor’s phone buzzed with a unique ringtone. He didn’t seem eager to answer it, but Chloe grabbed the phone and handed it to him. “Your phone,” she said.

She glanced at the screen and saw the name “Diana.” Chloe handed the phone back to Connor and got up from his lap. “You should take this.”

Connor glanced at the phone and then stepped out onto the balcony to answer it, something he had never done before. Chloe’s intuition kicked in, making her feel that this Diana girl had a special connection with him. He was back in just five minutes. “So, what were you going to say?” he asked, acting as if nothing unusual had happened, offering no explanation for the call.

“Who’s Diana?” Chloe asked with a smile.

“She’s family. She’s in a bit of trouble and needed my help” Connor replied.

Chloe nodded, relieved. Maybe she had overreacted. Connor pulled her back into his arms. “You still haven’t told me why you came today.”

For some reason, the interruption made it hard for Chloe to say what she had planned. Instead, she kissed his cheek and said, “I’ll tell you tonight.”

Connor looked a bit disappointed. “I have to head back to Eldridge City for a few days.”

“So soon?” Chloe asked, surprised.

“Yeah, there’s some urgent business I need to handle,” he said, a hint of sternness in his eyes. “Why don’t you come with me? You haven’t been sleeping well. It could be a nice little getaway.”

Chloe shook her head. “I just took three days off. It wouldn’t look good to ask for more time now. You go ahead. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Connor didn’t push the matter further, and Chloe soon returned to the TV station. On her way back, she couldn’t stop thinking about Diana and the urgent business Connor mentioned. It must be something significant.

That evening, after finishing her ne s broadcast, she was getting ready to leave when Tony, her producer, approached her. “Chloe, pack your bags. We’re heading to Eldridge TV for a learning exchange tomorrow. It’s a fantastic opportunity, and you were the first person I thought of.”

Chapter 189

Eldridge TV was the gold standard for all national television stations.

In fact, it was also a publicly traded company owned by Eldridge Entertainment. From what people say, Eldridge Entertainment belonged to the Sartori family.

Of course, Chloe didn’t know too much about these business intricacies.

Chloe said, “Tony, I’ve already participated in a lot of exchanges with other stations. Let’s give this opportunity to someone else this time.

Indeed, over the past year, she had visited no less than thirty major television stations for learning exchanges.

They were pretty dull events, just meetings and then socializing with the financial backers behind the scenes. Sometimes, Chloe even felt like these exchanges were like being a social escort. Occasionally, she would even get harassed by some of the financiers. Chloe really didn’t like these social obligations.

Tony’s face stiffened. “This time, it’s different. Just go.

Actually, it was Eldridge TV that specifically requested Chloe’s presence. He had wanted to do Chloe a favor, but she wasn’t interested in taking it.

Chloe still refused.

Tony had no choice but to be honest. “Look, Chloe, someone important from Eldridge TV asked to see you specifically. It’ll be difficult for me if you don’t go. Just go, and I’ll give you an extra five days of annual leave.”

Chloe paused for half a second. “Make it ten.”

“Alright, alright,” Tony sighed. He had wanted to do her a favor, but instead, she had bargained with him. Tony felt frustrated.

When Chloe asked who exactly wanted to see her, Tony confessed, “I honestly don’t know. The bosses didn’t say. It’s someone from Eldridge Entertainment, apparently a very high–ranking official, but I don’t know who it is.”

Chloe frowned. She had no connection whatsoever with Eldridge Entertainment and didn’t know any of their executives. Why would someone request to see her by name? Her intuition told her it might have something to do with the Sartori family.

Was it because of Connor?

Regardless, she would face whatever came her way. Chloe wasn’t too worried. However, she didn’t tell Connor about her trip to Eldridge City. After she left CNR Tower, Connor had already rushed back to Eldridge City. This learning exchange trip would last three days. The third day was mostly free for her own activities. Maybe she could even arrange to meet him.

The next day, Chloe and Tony took a nine o’clock flight. Two hours later, Chloe was standing at the entrance of the Eldridge Hotel. After dropping off their luggage, she and Tony had a buffet at the hotel. Then, they headed to the Eldridge City TV station.

To their surprise, they were greeted by the head of Eldridge TV himself. Tony was flattered. It was well–known that the head of Eldridge TV didn’t usually pay much attention to the heads of other stations. The head of Riverbrook TV Station often complained that he was too arrogant.

Chloe found the head of Eldridge TV too enthusiastic. He personally took them on a tour. He smiled warmly at


After touring for about an hour, they participated in a production meeting at the station. Eldridge TV had recently produced several live variety shows that had been huge hits. Chloe and Tony’s main reason for visiting was to learn from this success. The meeting lasted until four in the afternoon.

After it ended, the head of the station approached Chloe Ms. Chloe, please wait here for a moment. Our



Chapter 18%

chairperson is on her way. She wants to meet you.”

Chloe was surprised. “The chairperson?”

Tony interjected, “The chairperson of Eldridge Entertainment? I thought she was always abroad.”

“She just returned to the country recently. Although the chairperson has been a

Chapter 190

Chloe was a bit lost. “Who’s it?

Tony responded, “How could you not know this? The big money behind Eldridge TV is Eldridge Entertainment, and the chairman of Eldridge Entertainment is the legendary Claire.”

Chloe was well aware of Claire.

She’s Connor’s older sister, and the family member with whom Connor had the worst relationship.

Chloe’s heart started racing. Why did Claire want to see her?

Chloe figured she should let Connor know about this..

So, after the station manager left, Chloe dialed Connor’s number, but the phone rang for ages without an


Soon enough, the conference room door swung open again. Chloe turned around to see a middle–aged woman stepping in.

She looked impeccable, dressed in a white business suit. Her shoulder–length hair was softly curled, and her makeup was perfectly done.

She was incredibly well–maintained, not looking a day over forty. You could easily believe she was in her early thirties.

Like Connor’s, her skin was a cool, glowing tone, giving her an air of aloof sharpness.

She carried a custom Hermes bag on her wrist and wore designer heels. Her neck and wrists were bare of any jewelry, yet she exuded a blend of efficiency and elegance.

Chloe put her phone away and made her way over to greet her. Ms. Sartori, I’ve heard so much about you.” Chloe extended her hand for a handshake.

Claire, with a piercing gaze, had already assessed Chloe. She smiled warmly as she took Chloe’s hand. “I suppose you know I’m Connor’s older sister. Since you’re his official girlfriend, you might as well call me ‘sister‘ like he does.”

Chloe remained highly respectful, but confidently spoke, “You’re my elder. It wouldn’t be right for me to overstep. I’ll stick with calling you Ms. Sartori.”

Claire seemed unfazed. “Suit yourself.”

Claire walked into the conference room, casually tossing her bag onto a chair, and started making small talk. “Is this your first time in Eldridge City?”

Chloe answered honestly, “I visited once as a child, but this is my first time here as an adult.”

“Do you enjoy the scenery?

“Eldridge City is bustling and vibrant. I like it a lot.”

Claire smiled, “Eldridge City is indeed a land of prosperity, but such riches can easily blind people.”

Her message was clear. She meant Chloe wasn’t a match for Connor, or worse, she thought Chloe was with Connor for the money and status.

Chloe smiled, too. “Everywhere is prosperous in this vast world. Ms. Sartori, rest assured, I will keep your teachings in mind and strive to cultivate my heart.”

Claire’s eyes showed a hint of appreciation at her composed demeanor.

She actually smiled, “You remind me a bit of myself when I was younger. I like you.”

Chapter 190

Chloe remained respectful but distant. “Thank you for your kind words, Ms. Sartori.”

Tony, standing nearby, was sweating bullets. It was clear Ms. Eldridge was trying to intimidate Chloe. It seemed joining the ranks of the wealthy wasn’t a walk in the park.

However, Chloe didn’t falter. Instead, she was respectful and composed, skillfully handling the conversation without being overpowered.

It’s truly a testament to her training at Riverbrook TV Station.

Claire said, “It’s getting late. I’ve booked ‘The Imperial‘ for dinner tonight. Tony, join us.

Chapter 191

Tony was taken aback by the invitation.

The Imperial was the crown jewel of Eldridge City. Getting a reservation at the restaurant? Practically impossible unless you were someone really special.

Rumor had it that the menu was a lavish spread of one hundred and eight dishes, rivaling the grandest feasts.

Tony, all smiles and nods, said, “It’s such an honor to be invited by you. Of course, I’ll be there.”

He gave Chloe a nudge. “Come on, say thanks. Dining at the Imperial isn’t something that happens every day. It’s a great chance to see and be seen.”

Attending a banquet with Claire meant mingling with the city’s elite.

Just as Chloe was about to speak, Claire cut in. “Places like the Imperial aren’t really for young folks like you,


The room suddenly felt awkward. Tony hadn’t expected Claire to be so reluctant to bring Chloe along. Her disapproval was pretty clear.

Then, Claire pulled a gold–embossed invitation from her purse. “I figured you wouldn’t enjoy a business dinner. There’s a more suitable event tonight–a birthday party for the Ms. Gilbert. It’s perfect for young people to have fun. All the notable young elites from Eldridge City will be there. Go and make some friends.”

She placed the invitation right into Chloe’s hands. Then, grabbing her purse, she headed for the door.

Before leaving, she turned back, “Oh, and could you order a bouquet of lilies for Ms. Gilbert?

She didn’t leave Chloe any room to say no.

Tony quickly followed Claire, patting Chloe on the shoulder as he passed. “Looks like you’ve passed the Sartori family’s test. Ms. Sartori wants you to fit into the Eldridge City elite circles. I’ve got high hopes for you, future Mrs. Sartori.”

Then, he dashed out.

Chloe stared at the gold–embossed invitation, feeling a mix of emotions. She had a hunch this wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed.

She opened the invitation. It only had an address and no other details. However, the address looked familiar.

It was the Gilbert family mansion on Stratosphere Road.

Wasn’t that Cassie’s place?

Cassie was Chloe’s childhood friend. They’d known each other since kindergarten.

In Chloe’s memory, Cassie had no parents but lived in a big house and was taken care of by a butler and a


It wasn’t until their sophomore year in high school that Cassie’s father finally came for her.

It turned out that Cassie was the long–lost illegitimate daughter of the Gilbert family, one of Eldridge City’s four major families.

The Gilbert family, though small, had a tangled web of relationships.

Lando Gilbert had two sons, Harry and Desmond.

Harry married into the Nagel family, tying the knot with Julie, who’s Devon and Eve’s aunt. But even after more than a decade together, they had no children.

Lando got anxious. Eventually, Harry confessed to Lando about a fling in his youth that resulted in a daughter he had kept hidden.



Chapter 191

This daughter was Cassie.

Cassie was officially recognized by the Gilbert family during her sophomore year.

Naturally. Julie was furious about the sudden appearance of a teenage illegitimate daughter. Still, she had to swallow her pride after being childless for over a decade. She could only watch as Lando brought Cassie into the family.

tronically, a month after Cassie’s return, Julie, in her forties, got pregnant. This gave Julie more confidence. She made life hard for Cassie, using her pregnancy as an excuse, and sent Cassie back to Riverbrook.

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

But back then, Cassie was happy, too. She spent a few more years in Riverbrook after Chloe and Lucas “got mamed When Lando fell seriously ill, the Gilbert family brought Cassie back, and she eventually went abroad to study

Coincidentally, Cassie had just returned to the country three days ago. She immediately arranged to meet Chloe, saying she’d fly to Riverbrook to see her. But as Chloe had been feeling down recently, she found an excuse to decline, not wanting to worry her friend.

Today, though, seemed like the perfect day for a surprise Visit. Chloe wanted to catch Cassie off guard, so she didn’t call ahead, She ordered a bouquet of lilies and took a taxi to the Gilbert Mansion. By the time Chloe arrived, it was already evening.

Four bodyguards in black suits were stationed at the gates of the Gilbert mansion, checking everyone’s invitations before entering. Chloe, holding her invitation, Walked in without any fuss,

Stepping inside felt like entering a different world. The entrance opened up to a massive garden with elegant landscaping–bridges over streams, waterfalls, rockeries, and a sprawling courtyard. The yard had been meticulously decorated. Trees were adorned with delicate fairy lights and balloons, and several long dining tables were set up, covered with an array of exquisite desserts. Waiters in tuxedos roamed around with trays of drinks, and a live band was performing. On closer look it was a band that had gained fame through a talent show

Guests had already started to gather and were scattered around the yard in small groups, either chatting and laughing or soaking in the scenery.

The place was huge, and Chloe didn’t recognize anyone, the end, she called Cassie,

“Hey babe, miss me?” Cassie’s lazy voice came through the phone.

Chloe chuckled, “Where are you?”

Cassie’s voice was tinged with boredom. “At home. There’s something going on today, and my dad won’t let me out. He thinks I’ll cause trouble. I’m so bored.”

“Come downstairs,” Chloe said calmly.

“What?” Cassie didn’t catch it.

“Come down and meet me at the entrance.”

Cassie shot up from her bed. “You’re at my house?”

Without even changing, Cassie dashed downstairs in her Bajamas, drawing curious glances from everyone she passed

“Who is that, dressed like that for Miss Gilbert’s birthday party?”

“Don’t you know? That’s Cassie, the illegitimate daughter from the main branch of the Gilbert family and Diana’s cousin. She’s just like the rumors say such a tomboy”

“But she’s so cool. Even in pajamas, she looks more dashing than most guys.”

“Stop dreaming, you guys. She’s the Gilbert family’s illegiinate daughter. She is not favored at all. They already have a biological son, and I heard Mrs. Gilbert can’t stand Cassie. She might get kicked out the next second for all we know.”

Cassie ignored the gossip and jogged to the entrance. There, she saw Chloe standing with a bouquet of lilies. Overjoyed, she quickened her pace.

Standing in front of Chloe, slightly panting, Cassie asked What are you doing here?”

Flipping her hair and smiling seductively, Chloe opened her arms, her eyes twinkling. “After being apart for so



Chapter 192

long, don’t you think we should hug?”

Chapter 193

The next second, Chloe found herself suddenly pulled into a warm embrace.

“Chloe, you stinker! I’ve missed you.”

“Same here, Cassie.

They hugged each other tightly, ignoring the curious glances from those around them. After a brief moment, Cassie let go and said, “Come with me.”

Chloe followed Cassie into the grand mansion of the Gilbert family and then upstairs. Five minutes later, Chloe was sitting on the sofa in Cassie’s room. With the door shut, all the noise and commotion from outside faded


Cassie still looked stunned by the surprise. “You came to Eldridge City and didn’t even let me know? If I’d known, I would’ve picked you up from the airport

Chloe smiled, “I’m here for work. Ended up here by chance

Cassie’s eyes fell on the lilies Chloe had brought. She walked over and picked them up. “For me?”

Chloe quickly took them back. “Nope, these are for Miss Gilbert. A gift from someone else. Don’t ruin them.”

“By the way, which Gilbert member is having their birthday today?” Chloe asked.

Cassie’s expression suddenly turned serious, her brows furrowing. “Who sent you with these flowers?”

Chloe sensed something was off. “The chairperson of Eldridge Entertainment, Claire.”

Cassie stood up, went straight to the trash can, and threw the flowers away.

“What are you doing? Why’d you throw them out?”

Cassie turned around and casually poured two glasses of red wine. She was wearing black silk pajamas with white trim. They were slightly loose but gave her a carefree, dashing charm. Her short, neatly styled hair gave her an air of rugged handsomeness. Though clearly a girl, her every movement exuded effortless cool.

Cassie handed Chloe a glass of wine and then leaned in beside her. “Things could’ve gotten really bad if you hadn’t bumped into me today.”

Chloe was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Cassie took a leisurely sip of her wine. “Today is my cousin Diana’s birthday, but she’s allergic to lilies. If you had given her those, it could’ve triggered her asthma. Who would take responsibility if something happened?”

Cassie gave her a look. “Dummy, you got played.”

Chloe’s expression grew serious as her mind raced with information. Diana? The name “Diana” from Connor’s phone flashed in her mind. Could it be just a coincidence?

“Why would Claire do this?” Chloe asked. “It’s so low for her to act this way.”

Cassie sighed, “It’s complicated. You wouldn’t understand all the love and hate tangled up in this.”

Cassie explained for a while, and Chloe slowly began to piece together the relationships. The Sartori family and the Gilbert family were originally united through marriage. Claire’s ex–husband was Desmond from the Gilbert family’s second branch. They had a son named Pax. But not long after Pax was born, Claire and Desmond divorced.

Desmond remarried Suzanne just three months after the divorce, and at their wedding, Suzanne was already five months pregnant. So, Desmond had been having an affair with Suzanne while still married to Claire. After the divorce, Claire had been relentless toward Suzanne and her daughter.

Suzanne had no significant background and was just a third–rate actress in her younger years. She and her daughter’s fate could have been much worse if it hadn’t been for Desmond’s protection over the years.

Chapter 194

Chloe felt a chill run down her spine as the story unfolded. The intrigue of Eldridge’s high society was far deeper than she had imagined.

Cassie had already finished her glass of wine, but the tale was far from over. “Just yesterday, my cousin was in a car accident, and this Claire was likely behind it.”

A thought flickered in Chloe’s mind. “Is she alright?”

“She’s fine. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be throwing a birthday party today,” Cassie replied with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry too much about her. She’s got some serious backing. Who knows, she might even end up marrying into the Sartori family and become Claire’s equal. That would really set Claire off.”

Chloe’s mind was racing. “Who is behind her–is it Connor?”

Cassie looked genuinely surprised. “You know the name of our King of Eldridge?

The realization hit Chloe like a stone sinking to the bottom of a lake. Her expression darkened.

Cassie picked up on the change. “Do you know Connor?”

Chloe ignored the question and pressed on, “What’s the deal between Connor and Diana?”

“What else? The typical boyfriend–girlfriend thing,” Cassie said nonchalantly. “You’ve probably heard that the relationship between Claire and Connor is beyond terrible. Calling them enemies wouldn’t be an exaggeration.” “Rumor has it Claire tried to kill him several times while he was growing up but never succeeded.” Chloe’s heart pounded. She knew their relationship was strained, but this was on another level. “Why?” “Who knows? Maybe it’s because Connor was a child their parents had in their later years. There’s a nineteen–year age gap between Connor and Claire. If Connor hadn’t been born, the Sartori family empire would have gone to Claire, the most capable of them all. So, when Connor came along, it’s no wonder she despises him.”

“Hating him is one thing, but trying to kill him? He’s still her brother.”

Cassie shook her head. “There might be more to it. Chloe, in the elite circles of Eldridge, family bonds are thin, Everyone is out for their own interests because the stakes are so high. The Sartori family is the top of the four big families in Eldridge City. The Shaw family has already moved abroad and faded from the scene. Even combined, the wealth of the Nagel and Gilbert families doesn’t come close to the Sartori family’s.”

Cassie sighed. “The Sartori family’s affairs are way too complicated.”

Chloe listened intently, her brows furrowed. Cassie sensed something was off. “You’re not usually this curious. Why the sudden interest in the Sartori family today?”

Before Chloe could answer, vibrant fireworks erupted outside. The red sparks lit up the sky like blazing flames before fading away.

Unintentionally, Chloe murmured, “Heart of the rose.”

She stood and walked to the window. Cassie’s room had a floor–to–ceiling glass window, providing a perfect view of the bustling scene outside. Fireworks lit up the night sky, making it as bright as day.

Cassie assumed Chloe was enjoying the view. She grabbed Chloe’s arm. “Watching through the glass is boring. Come on, let’s go join the fun.

Chapter 195

Chloe was pulled into the garden by Cassle. Fireworks burnt in the sky, a dazzling display that took your breath

praise. Chloe looked up, too. Watching the fireworks, she couldn’t help but think back to her own birthday. The sky had been filled with Heart of the Rose, burning brightly. Her once thrilling heartbeat now felt like a giant bubble. Pop, and it had shattered.

away. Everyone in the garden stopped and looked up, showering the spectacle 9

The fireworks lasted about ten minutes before gradually fading away, but the garden became even livelier. People gathered under a crabapple tree in the center. Presents of all shapes and sizes were piled high beneath it. Chloe finally saw the star of the day, Diana.

Diana looked young, though she was only three years younger than Chloe. Her face, full of innocence and naivety, made her much younger than she was. She had long, straight hair with bangs framing her delicate features that were lightly adorned with makeup. A pink dress hugged her slim figure. Her eyes sparkled with sweetness when she smiled. Chloe’s first Impression of her was one of beauty and youthfulness, like an exquisite Barbie doll in a shop window. Diana seemed born to be cherished, pampered, and adored like a little princess.

She was surrounded by a group of girls. Chloe and Cassie stood just a few meters away, separated by a man–made lake. The girls‘ chatter still reached Chloe’s ears.

“Diana, why hasn’t Connor arrived yet?”

“Diana, I heard Connor tailored a reality show just for you Is that true? Remember to include us when the time comes, okay?“.

“Diana, we’re so envious of you. You’re just in your sophomore year, and you’ve already been part of several big productions. Once those shows air, you might become an A–list actress overnight.”

“Diana, you’ve got such good fortune. Connor even started a talent agency just for you. That’s a unique honor in the entertainment industry.”

“Diana is the future Mrs. Sartori. What’s a company in comparison? Soon, even the Sartori Corporation might be handed to her on a silver platter by Connor.”

Diana kept smiling until she heard the last comment. She blushed, a bit embarrassed, and said, “Don’t say that. My relationship with Uncle Connor isn’t what you think.”

“Why are you still calling him ‘Uncle?‘ That’s too formal. Eve calls him ‘Connor. You can’t be more distant than her.”

Diana seriously replied, “Please stop. When he arrives and he hears you, he won’t be happy.”

A commotion arose not far away. Someone said, “Diana, Connor is here.” The crowd instinctively parted, making way for a tall, distinguished figure walking towards them. Chloe’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. Cassie kindly pointed out, “Look, that’s Connor Sartori.”

Connor–how could she not recognize him? The custom–made suit fit him perfectly. His handsome face made people forget his illustrious status and focus solely on his extraordinary looks. Each step he took seemed to tread upon the hearts of those around him. Someone might have screamed if it weren’t for the aloof aura he emitted. In the entertainment industry, it was hard to find another face that could compete with his.

Connor approached Diana, calm and composed. People around him started to greet him. Connor nodded casually in response, but his gaze eventually settled on Diana. “Diana, happy birthday.”

Diana was visibly delighted, looking up at Connor with eyes that seemed to sparkle like stars.


Chapter 196

“I got you a birthday present. Have a look. I hope you’ll like it,” Connor said, lifting his hand slightly.

Teddy, who had been following behind, stepped forward, holding a square, black velvet gift box with both hands. He carefully opened it, and a dazzling light flashed, eliciting envious gasps from everyone around.

Inside the box was a pink diamond necklace. The centerpiece was a huge pink diamond carved into a heart shape, surrounded by countless tiny diamonds sparkling brilliantly.

Someone with a keen eye immediately exclaimed, “It’s QUEEN’s latest design, ‘Heart of Sakura. I rernember it was auctioned off last month at the Kobe Jewelry Center for 80 million. So Connor bought it as a gift for Diana!”

“How romantic! Connor had been planning this surprise for Diana so early. An 80 million surprise, my goodness.”

“Connor must know Diana loves pink. This is so thoughtful.”

Diana was clearly moved, tears welling up in her eyes. But she still looked at Connor uncertainly. “Uncle Connor, this gift is too precious.”

Connor smiled softly, his eyes full of affection. “80 million is nothing to me, as long as you like it.”

“I love it, thank you.”

Someone in the crowd teased, “Connor, put it on her!”

Connor took the ‘Heart of Sakura‘ out of the box. Then, he gently lifted Diana’s hair and placed the necklace around her neck. Her slender neck instantly shone brightly, so beautiful it was hard to look away. After putting it on, Connor thoughtfully adjusted her hair.

Diana looked blissfully happy, and compliments began to flow from everyone around.

Chloe saw all this from the sidelines. A hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on her lips. The ‘Heart of Sakura‘ was also her design. So, when he went to Japan, he did not just buy her ‘From Darkness to Light.‘

Winston had encouraged her to open up to Connor. She had really wavered. Fortunately, that ‘I love you‘ had not yet been spoken.

After giving the gift, Connor received a phone call. He stepped away from the crowd, going behind a rockery to take the call.

The scene around Diana remained lively. People surrounded her, showering her with compliments and envious glances, until Eve arrived and broke the harmony.

Eve was late. In fact, she hadn’t received an invitation from the Gilbert family. Her aunt Julie had gotten her into the Gilbert family’s mansion. As soon as she arrived, she heard everyone discussing the 80 million necklace Connor gave to Diana. She went straight to Diana and indeed found the priceless pink diamond necklace around her neck.

Eve was furious, pointing at Diana’s neck. “Diana, take off that necklace!”

Diana’s friends blocked Eve. “Eve, look closely. This is Connor’s gift to Diana. Why should she take it off?”

“Connor is my fiancé; how could he give you such an expensive gift?”

The crowd laughed. “Eve, are you dreaming? Everyone knows Diana is the one Connor adores. What kind of fiancée are you? Even if Jeffrey favors you, what’s the use if Connor won’t marry you? Are you planning to marry into the Sartori family to serve Jeffery?”

The Nagel family had been somewhat stronger than the Gilbert family in recent years. Indeed, there were rumors that Jeffrey intended to ally with the Nagel family through marriage.

Eve trembled with anger, almost losing her sanity. She pointed at Diana, sarcastically shouting, “The apple of



Chapter 196

his eye? I doubt that. Diana, let me tell you, Connor already found a girlfriend in Riverbrook long ago.”

Chapter 197

A hush fell over the crowd momentarily after a bold statement was made. It wasn’t long before someone pointed an accusing finger at Eve.

“Eve, what are you talking about? Diana has been nurtured and cherished by Connor since she was young. All these years, Connor hasn’t been linked to any scandals. How could he possibly have a girlfriend?”

“Exactly! Connor doesn’t like you, so you resort to spreading rumors? If you upset Connor, you can’t bear that responsibility.”

“Eve, Connor is just over there. Would you say that to his face?”

Eve only found it amusing. Weren’t these people just sucking up to Diana to stay in Connor’s good books? But she couldn’t clear things up now. After all, she had spent so much time in Riverbrook, and she was well aware that Connor had been involved with that bitch called Chloe. Her image was even displayed on CNR Tower’s giant screens every day. Eve regretted not taking a photo or recording a video at the time.

As everyone pressed Eve for answers, a dramatic moment unfolded. Backed into a corner by the crowd, Eve turned her head and saw a stunningly familiar face. For a moment, she thought she was lightheaded from the confrontation, hallucinating. Rubbing her eyes, she realized that wasn’t the case.

Had this been before, she would have loathed to see that face and even be tempted to mar it. But now, she was overjoyed. It seemed a spectacle was guaranteed tonight.

Eve’s expression suddenly turned smug, her smile clearly mischievous. “Connor’s girlfriend is also here tonight.” The crowd burst into laughter. “Eve, don’t tell me you’re going to say that you’re Connor’s girlfriend.”

Eve snorted, her slender finger pointing across the space. “She’s right over there.”

Everyone followed the direction of Eve’s pointing finger. And there, across a man–made lake, separated by a misty water veil from a faux waterfall, they saw a face of devastating beauty. The woman Eve pointed at was breathtakingly gorgeous, creating a psychological distance with her sheer beauty.

Her features were flawless, her naturally wavy hair cascaded over her shoulders, embodying grace with every movement. Clad in a casual sky–blue dress with a sheer shawl draped over her shoulders, her simple elegance made her beauty even more striking. The evening breeze teased her hair and the hem of her dress. She was casually holding a glass of wine, standing there as if she was glowing.

Many were mesmerized, silently admiring. Diana also saw her, her expression filled with surprise and disbelief. Eve was very pleased with the reaction of the crowd. The beauty of that woman could indeed devastate everyone. Eve couldn’t be the only one affected.

At that moment, Connor returned from a call. He noticed the unusual silence. Spotting Connor, Eve approached him directly. “Connor, why did you bring your girlfriend from Riverbrook here? Aren’t you worried about upsetting Diana?”

Connor’s expression darkened instantly. “Eve, what are you talking about?”

“Chloe is right over there. Last time, in front of my brothers, you said she was your girlfriend. That wasn’t a lie, was it?” Eve deliberately raised her voice.

Regardless of Connor’s response now, one of them was bound to be cornered. Connor turned his gaze toward the man–made lake.

Chapter 198

Chloe caught his eye.

His gaze turned icy in an instant, and the air around him became chillingly tense. No one nearby dared to make a sound.

Meanwhile, the scene on Chloe’s side was a whole different story.

Cassie was completely flummoxed. She knew these high society ladies too. To her, they were all a bit nuts. They forever gossiped, talked about everyone’s business, and smiled to your face but stabbed you in the back. Normally, she couldn’t care less about their gossip.

That was until they claimed her best friend Chloe was Connor’s girlfriend.

That was utterly ridiculous.

However, when she glanced at Chloe, she sensed something was off.

Chloe seemed way too calm. She was holding a glass of wine, one arm draped over the wooden railing, a slight smile on her lips, radiating an effortless cool. She looked like a fairy who’d wandered into the wrong world.

Cassie knew Chloe too well. That smile was trouble. The more enchanting and mesmerizing her smile, the bigger the problem. Especially when the beauty mark near Chloe’s eye lifted just a bit–it meant she was seriously losing her patience.

Could Chloe really be involved with Connor?

On the other side, Eve was hell–bent on causing a scene tonight. She shouted towards Chloe.

“Hey, Chloe, Connor’s over here. Come join us!”

Chloe smiled. She straightened up, walking across the bridge over the artificial pond, heading towards the crowd. In just a few minutes, she was standing in front of Eve.

Chloe was quite tall, about 5’7“, and her heels made her even taller. Just by standing there, she was already towering over Eve.

“It’s been a while, Ms. Eve. Your voice still has that piercing quality. You even scared the birds out of the trees just now.”

Eve frowned, “There aren’t any birds out at this hour.”

The ladies around them covered their mouths, giggling. “Eve, she’s saying you’re being too loud.”

Eve’s face turned red with anger. ‘So, you’re the epitome of elegance, huh?‘ Eve was agitated by the comments.

However, Eve’s main target tonight wasn’t Chloe. She turned to Connor, forcing a smile. “Connor, wouldn’t you like to introduce her to everyone?”

Suddenly, all eyes were on Connor.

Eve clearly had some ulterior motives.

Could it be as Eve suggested? Was this stunning woman actually Connor’s girlfriend in Riverbrook?

Everyone had thought Connor, was living abroad. It wasn’t until the Sartori family matriarch’s birthday that they found out Connor had spent the last three years in a small town called Riverbrook.

Chloe’s eyes also locked onto Connor’s. She didn’t say a word and just stared at him, smiling. She, too, wanted to see how Connor would introduce her.

Connor looked at Chloe, his gaze colder than ever. After a long pause, he finally spoke, “I don’t know her.”

Chloe felt a sharp pain in her chest as if her heart had been squeezed, but her smile didn’t fade. It only deepened.


Chapter 198

Eve, on the other hand, panicked, “Connor, you told my brother and everyone else that she was your girlfriend.

Now you’re saying you don’t know her? You’re lying. What are you afraid you can’t tell the truth because Diana will get jealous?

“Eve!” Connor’s voice was cold as ice, with a hint of anger simmering beneath the surface.

Chapter 199

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

No way Connor had another girlfriend. Even though it wasn’t public knowledge, everyone knew Connor had eyes only for Diana for years. No other woman stood a chance. So, no one dared to entertain any inappropriate thoughts.

They had to go through Diana if they wanted to curry favor with the Sartori family. But if Connor had another woman? All those years of flattery would feel like a joke.

Why couldn’t it be them if another woman besides Diana could rise to prominence?

So, no one wanted the beautiful woman standing before them to be Connor’s girlfriend. That way, everyone felt balanced.

Eve, though, felt different.

As the daughter of one of the four major families, spoiled by her parents and brother and closely tied to the Sartori family, she had no such reservations.

Eve snorted, “Can’t admit it in front of Diana?”

Connor hadn’t spoken yet, but Chloe suddenly laughed. “Ms. Eve, you’ve got it all wrong.”

Chloe had already made her decision when Connor said those words.

Eve looked at Chloe. “What do you mean?”

“That day, I actually bumped into Connor by chance. He helped me out, and I owed him a favor. So, I followed him to your booth and put on an act, Ms. Eve. Don’t you get why?”

Eve was taken aback. “An act?”

“Connor wanted me to pretend to be his girlfriend just to shake off your clinginess.”

Chloe glanced at Connor. Her lips curled into a charming smile. Her words were soft and enchanting, like a butterfly fluttering at the heart

“Indeed, I’m not close to Mr. Connor at all.”

Connor’s eyes darkened as if he was trying hard to keep something in check. His hands, tucked in his pockets, were clenched into fists, but he couldn’t show it now. He knew this gathering was crawling with Claire’s spies.

Eve, however, was shattered by Chloe’s words. Tears instantly filled her eyes.

“Connor, is what she said true? You actually found a woman to play your girlfriend just to get rid of me? Do you hate me that much?”

Connor watched Eve, his eyes cold. “Eve, I thought I made myself clear. I don’t like you, and I’ll never like you. The Sartori family will never form an alliance with the Nagel family through marriage. So, stop bothering me.”



Chapter 199

“Eve, you’re the Nagel family’s precious daughter. Why do you cling to Connor like a persistent ailment?”

“Yeah, did he need to spell it out this clearly? He’d rather find any woman to pretend to be his girlfriend than give you any false hope. He hates you that much.”

Eve was devastated, bursting into tears again. “You all are bullying me. Just wait!” Then, she

turned and ran.

The area was still buzzing with whispers.

“Connor is devoted to Diana wholeheartedly. Thankfully he is not swayed by Eve’s provocations.”

“Eve is so annoying. Connor, Diana is of age now. Please give her a proper status.”

“Yes, yes, everyone knows Connor has been waiting for Diana to grow up. He’s been waiting for six years now.”

“Shut up!” Connor finally spoke.

His voice was icily cold. Clearly, Connor was in a foul mood. It was all Eve’s fault. She had ruined Connor’s mood, and now it was taken out on them.

Nobody dared to speak anymore. Only Diana slowly approached. She cautiously glanced at Connor and gently tugged at his sleeve. “Uncle Connor, are you alright?”

Chapter 200

Connor snapped back to reality. He turned and looked down at Diana, his eyes now soft and tender. “Tm fine. Next time Eve bothers you, just give me a call.*

Diana nodded, and then her gaze shifted back to Chloe. “Is this lady a friend you brought along?*

Diana didn’t recognize Chloe. Naturally, she wasn’t on the guest list. Since she was Connor’s friend from Riverbrook, she must have come with him. Just then, Cassie stepped forward and threw an arm around Chloe’s shoulder.

“She’s my friend. She’s here to see me today.”

Diana seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, her mood lifting. “Oh, so she’s my cousin’s friend. Sorry for not welcoming you properly.”

Cassie, ever so nonchalant, said, “Don’t worry about it. She’s not here for you.”

Then, looking down at Chloe, she said, “Come on, let’s not bother with them and head upstairs to have some fun.*

Cassie was slim but tall. Even next to Chloe, who was in heels, she was still a bit taller. From behind, one might mistake her for Chloe’s boyfriend.

Chloe smiled, “It’s getting late. I should be going.”

She glanced at Diana. “Miss Diana, happy birthday. I’ll be on my way now.*

Then, Chloe turned and left. Cassie immediately followed. “Let me drive you.”

The two disappeared into the Gilbert family’s courtyard. As they vanished, the gossip started, “They seem really close.”

“With Cassie looking so androgynous, she must be gay. That Ms. Chloe is so stunning. Is she her girlfriend?”

“Even as a straight woman, I’m smitten by that beauty.”

Diana interrupted, “Please, stop talking about my cousin.”

The conversation quickly shifted. “Let’s go cut the cake. How about you and Connor do it together?”

Diana turned to Connor, hopeful, “Uncle Connor, may we?”

Connor nodded, “Of course.”

Meanwhile, Cassie drove Chloe to the hotel. Chloe sat in the passenger seat, silently watching the scenery fly by. She had dropped all pretenses and slouched in her seat like a weary cat.


“You okay?” Cassie asked.

Chloe leaned against the window, her eyes following the bustling lights outside. “I’m fine.”

“What’s going on? How did you end up with someone like Connor?”

Chloe turned her head, a small smile creeping onto her lips. “He was my Trophy Boy for three


Cassie, startled, nearly swerved the steering wheel. “Holy crap! So, he’s the Trophy Boy you


Cassie had been abroad, and though Chloe occasionally kept in touch, she knew bits and pieces about Chloe’s life.

Chloe grinned. “Impressive, right?”

Cassie gave her a thumbs up. “Amazing. You just casually kept a Trophy Boy, and he turned

out to be Connor.”

Chloe smiled, too. Cassie noticed her friend didn’t seem too heartbroken, but something seemed off.

Chloe, are you really okay?”

“I’m fine. He’s just a fling, after all. If our relationship is over, it’s over. Should I be dying over it? It’s not worth it.” Chloe’s tone was indifferent.

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