
Chapter Billionaire 111-120

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Chloe was completely at a loss for words. Linda had Lisa backing her up. Everyone was pointing fingers, already pegging her as the one who pushed Linda.

Jacob and Leah rushed over when they heard the commotion. Jacob asked, “What’s going on here?”

Lisa jumped in with her well–rehearsed story. “Dad, for some reason, Chloe pushed Linda, and Linda’s pregnant.”

Jacob’s face darkened as he turned to stare at Linda. She was sobbing in Lucas‘ arms. This made Jacob even more troubled. Lucas, who was supposed to be Chloe’s husband, was openly comforting another woman. This woman was also carrying Lucas‘ child.

Lucas was like a son to them, having grown up under their watchful eyes. They had assumed Linda was just a fleeting distraction for him. But now, things had spiraled out of control.

To make matters worse, the Moncada family had informed them that Chloe and Lucas had never legally married. Just days ago, Chloe had announced their breakup and even moved out of the Moncada family home. Perhaps Lucas had already secretly married Linda. And now, Linda had somehow become the Meadows family’s goddaughter.

Jacob felt a pang of guilt towards Chloe. But knowing Chloe’s zero–tolerance for deceit, he couldn’t completely dismiss the idea that she might have pushed Linda. Jacob had made up his mind. With the elite of Riverbrook in attendance, he couldn’t let the Meadows family be humiliated.

So, Jacob stepped closer to Linda. In a cold, commanding voice, he asked, “Linda, are you sure Chloe pushed you on purpose, or was it just an accident?”

Linda watched Jacob with wide, innocent eyes, her tears streaming down her face. She knew Jacob was trying to sweep things under the rug. In reality, Linda didn’t want to blow things out of proportion and disgrace the Meadows family. After all, she didn’t want her newly acknowledged godparents to hate her.

Her real goal was to convince Lucas that Chloe had repeatedly tried to harm her unborn child, thereby snuffing out any lingering feelings Lucas might have for Chloe. Clearly, she had succeeded. Lucas‘ look towards Chloe was now filled with loathing and contempt, just like three years ago.

But Linda wasn’t going to let this slide easily. Her tears fell like a broken string of pearls, followed by a moment of shock, then understanding, disappointment, and endless grievance. Finally, as if making a tough decision, she choked out, “You’re right. Chloe didn’t do it on purpose. It was just an accident.

Chloe took in every subtle expression on Linda’s face. Now, she truly understood how

skilled Linda was at acting. Linda perfectly portrayed herself as someone coerced into compromising, her face a mix of forced acceptance and grievance. She verbally claimed it wasn’t Chloe’s intention, but her expressions told a different story. They suggested she was pressured into downplaying the incident to preserve the Meadows family’s dignity, willing to let bygones be bygones.

This made everyone present believe that Chloe did indeed push her. It showcased Linda’s willingness to compromise, evoking sympathy and pity. Furthermore, it protected Jacob’s dignity, showing her understanding of the bigger picture. Truly, a masterstroke.

Indeed, Linda’s acting won everyone over. Jacob’s expression softened towards Linda, even showing a hint of guilt.

Chapter 112

Lucas held her even tighter, his heart aching for her. Meanwhile, whispers spread among the onlookers.

“It looks like Chloe really did it. Poor thing, Linda’s pregnant, so why is she so malicious?”

“Like mother, like daughter. I heard her biological mother was a murderer and her father a drunk. Her mom swapped her with the real Meadows heiress so she’d live in luxury. Now, she’s trying to harm someone else’s unborn child. Bad blood runs deep, it seems.”

“But why would Chloe push Linda?”

“Don’t you know? The Meadows and the Moncada families had an arranged marriage, and Chloe fancies the Moncada heir, the very one holding Linda right now. Clearly, she’s just jealous. But to harm someone’s baby out of jealousy? That’s wicked.”

“The Meadows family is just too kind–hearted and unwilling to sever ties despite everything. If it were me, I’d have kicked out the enemy’s daughter long ago to avoid trouble.”

On the other side, Jacob sighed in relief upon hearing Linda’s words. Often, the truth wasn’t necessary, just a fig leaf to cover the shame. As long as the victim didn’t mind, the matter would soon be forgotten. But Lisa wasn’t willing to let Chloe off easily. She had finally engineered this perfect opportunity. She wouldn’t be satisfied before dragging Chloe through the mud.

“Dad, now all three of us are your daughters. How can you be so biased? Chloe pushed her. You can’t just take her side.”

The sigh of relief in Jacob’s chest was instantly blocked again. When she noticed Jacob’s face darkened rapidly, Lisa’s heart skipped a beat. She knew Jacob was always displeased with her because he always compared herself to Chloe. Her talents, looks, academics, manners, demeanor, and upbringing, in Jacob’s eyes, none matched up to Chloe. He never considered Lisa to be his biological daughter. However, had she grown up by their side, she surely would have surpassed Chloe by a hundredfold.

Lisa knew what Jacob valued most was his pride and the dignity of the Meadows family. So she couldn’t escalate the situation beyond her control. Lisa took a step back and said, “At least let Chloe apologize to Linda. After all, Linda’s child was almost lost.”

Lisa glanced at Chloe, who stood on the stairs like a statue. Asking her to apologize to Linda would probably be more painful than death itself. Besides, only she and Linda knew the truth. Chloe hadn’t pushed her. Lisa wanted to see how principled Chloe was and whether she would bow under pressure.

The crowd of onlookers grew. The murmurs intensified. If this continued, the Meadows family would soon become the subject of gossip. This was the last thing Jacob wanted



Chapter 112

to see. Compared to the petty squabbles of their children, he cared more about the dignity of the Meadows family. He just wanted this to be over quickly.

Jacob addressed Chloe. “Chloe, even though it wasn’t intentional, Linda fell, and you do bear some responsibility. Come and apologize and we’ll consider the matter closed.”

How could Chloe possibly apologize

Chapter 113

The area beneath the staircase buzzed with whispers and murmurs. Voices discussing her were everywhere.

“Can you believe her? So stubborn…”

“She’s just been spoiled by the Meadows family and is used to strutting around like she’s royalty.”

“Absolutely ridiculous. Mr. Jacob is a man of stature; how did he raise such a headstrong daughter?”

All these whispers reached Jacob’s ears. His face darkened with anger. Neither of them was making his life easy. Couldn’t they at least preserve the dignity of the Meadows family without making a spectacle?

With rare sternness, Jacob commanded, “Chloe, I order you to apologize to Linda.”

“I will not apologize,” Chloe’s voice remained firm.

Jacob was frantic now. For the first time, someone dared to defy him publicly, which was like a slap in his face. Others murmured about his lack of control, noting his complete absence of authority in front of his children.

Jacob’s voice dropped, heavy with threat and desperation. “Chloe, if you don’t apologize today, then you’re no longer my daughter.”

His words marked the gravity of the situation. The hall fell silent, spectators quietly marveling at the unfolding drama.

Lisa, on the other hand, took perverse pleasure in the situation. She knew that even without her escalating the situation, Chloe’s nature meant she would never back down. She was bound to make a scene. Eventually, she would be disgraced and completely forsaken by their father.

Chloe stood at the top of the staircase, her gaze calm as she watched Jacob. She had never felt particularly close to him, especially compared to Leah. In this family, he was the patriarch, the absentee landlord. He was always busy with business and always entertaining guests. He would buy her expensive gifts but seldom spent time with her. Still, Chloe held a mix of respect and affection for him. After Lisa returned, Leah wanted to sever ties with Chloe, but Jacob stepped in. He declared that Chloe would always be the Meadows family’s eldest daughter. Chloe was moved by his words.

But then, one night, she overheard a conversation between Jacob and Leah outside the study. Jacob said that driving her out would only make the Meadows family a laughingstock. It was better to let her keep the title of the first daughter of the Meadows family. To them, it was no different than having an extra set of cutlery. That night, Jacob also made a will. Lisa would inherit all of the Meadows family’s wealth and company



At that moment, Chloé understood Jacob’s decision to keep her was not out of fatherly affection. It was merely for the sake of the family’s reputation. That was why she had spent the last three years with the Moncadas, rarely returning home. She thought she had forgotten about that incident. She convinced herself that they were good to her and that she shouldn’t care about anything else.

But that night’s events were no different from what was happening now. Everything was for the sake of the Meadows family’s reputation. Chloe’s feelings didn’t matter; whether she was a daughter of the Meadows family didn’t matter. What mattered was that the family’s dignity couldn’t be tarnished.

Chloe was no longer the same person she was three years ago. She wouldn’t allow herself to be wronged again. Chloe slowly descended the staircase. Step by step, she approached Jacob.

Jacob thought she had finally compromised and was ready to apologize to Linda. His gaze softened as he watched Chloe. Unexpectedly, Chloe walked right up to him. Her expression was serene, yet it exerted immense pressure.

A chill ran down Jacob’s spine.

? She let out a cold laugh. “Why should I apologize for something I didn’t do?”

Chapter 114

“Dad, this is the last time I’ll call you that.”

Chloe turned to face the crowd.

“From this day forward, I, Chloe, have nothing to do with the Meadows family. I’m no longer the daughter of the Meadows family. Whoever wants the title can have it! I’m done with it.”

“Today, I shall tear my dress to break our kinship. Let everyone here bear witness!”

Then, Chloe grabbed the hem of her dress and tore off a piece of fabric. In front of Jacob, she threw the fabric to the ground with force.

Jacob turned pale with rage.

Leah, however, didn’t scold or shout. Her eyes welled up with tears.

The crowd buzzed with whispers.

“She actually went through with tearing her dress to break kinship.”

“Say what you want, but she’s got guts. The Meadows family is one of the top families in Riverbrook. Is she really willing to give up her life as a wealthy heiress?”

“She must think she’s the heroine of some TV drama. Watch, she’ll be crying to come back by tomorrow.”

Jacob never thought Chloe would go this far. His face looked grim. Chloe, their adopted daughter, actually tore her dress to sever ties. This would indeed be a grand joke if it got


Lisa was thrilled. Everything was going as she wished, even more spectacular than she imagined.

Jacob was seething with anger. He pointed at Chloe. “Chloe, you better not regret this. Don’t come crying back tomorrow.”

Suddenly, Chloe knelt down, her expression still cold and resolute.

Jacob thought she regretted her actions, but Chloe only said. “Mr. Jacob, this is to repay you and Leah for raising me. From now on, we owe each other nothing.”

Then, Chloe stood up and walked confidently towards the door.

Jacob’s face turned pale, then flushed with anger. After all, he had raised her for twenty years. To cut ties like this was painful for him. But right now, he was more furious that Chloe had not shown him any respect in front of everyone.


Chloe had barely made it a few steps outside when someone blocked her path. Lifting her head, she saw a strikingly handsome face.

It was Connor.

Dressed in a suit, tall, with one hand casually tucked into his pocket, he exuded a relaxed and carefree air. Yet, his face, naturally cold, seemed out of this world.

Right now, he looked like some sort of otherworldly being just hanging out in the human world. He looked at all the mundane worries with a sort of laid–back indifference, casually taking it all in.

The crowd noticed him, too.

Especially Lisa. She saw Connor, and her eyes were filled with joy and excitement.

The party was more than halfway through, and Connor hadn’t arrived. She had thought he wouldn’t come. Unexpectedly, he hadn’t broken his promise. Something important must have delayed him.

The thought that Connor might have put aside extremely important work just to attend her birthday party made her as jubilant as a lark.

She ran up to Connor like she had wings. Her voice even carried a hint of shyness. “Mr. Connor, why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you for so long.”



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Usually people would jump through hoops to even get a red from Me Connor but most worded the Hunted away Se, it was a shocker to everyone that the real daughter of the Meadows Farmly was on such friendly terms with bus

The young ladies in the rooms were practically green witts envy

“What’s the deal between Lisa and Mh Common for him to show up at her birthday party

Look at Lisa She’s so shy she might as well have like you written all over her face

“The Wheadovas family sure hit the jackpot If Liba can shag the King of Eldridge, they’ll be Set for lifet

“I’m not so sure Just showing up at a birthday party doesn’t mean much

The room buzzed with a mix of envy, jealousy, and resentment

Initially, many had shown up to poke fun at the Meadows family, but now they were all envious and jealous. Even those standing nexito Jacob began to flatter Hir

‘Mr Jacob, your daughter is so close to Me Connor It looks like you’re about to get a rich son–in–law”

“Really, if your daughter gets to tie

the knot with the Santori family, dont forget your old pals here.”

“Your daughter is really something, bringing you so much honor.”

Jacob, flushed with pride, eagerly approached Connor. “Mr. Connor, I apologize for not welcoming you sooner. Please forgive my oversight.”

“Jacob, just call me Connor. There is no need for formalities”

་་་་་ ་་”

Mr. Connor’s humility and insistence on informality were a surprise. Wasn’t he supposed to be proud, aloof, and hard to approach? Yet here he was, acting as polite as a younger family member.

Of course, there was only one reason for this: Lisa.

Lisa was thrilled, basking in the envy and jealousy of those around her. To her, these emotions were like premium fuel, inflating her pride. She even tried to take Connor’s arm, but he smoothly avoided her.

Connor glanced at her with a cold look. Lisa felt a chill and wisely stepped back. Perhaps he wasn’t comfortable with public displays of affection.

Jacob, observing this, felt a twinge of suspicion.

Connor’s attention suddenly shifted to Chloe. His gaze fell upon Chloe’s torn dress, and his expression cooled even further. His tone became more distant as he spoke to Jacob. “Seems like I missed quite the spectacle.”

Jacob noticed Connor’s gaze on Chloe, and assumed her disheveled appearance was an embarrassment to someone of Connor’s standing. He coldly scolded, “You’ve already severed ties with our family. What are you doing here?”

Chapter 116

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A chilling aura began to emanate from Conner making everyone around feel a suffocating drop us the atmosphere. Yet, his words remained humile and potte

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Howevel upon hearing Connor’s question, Lina took it upon herself to speak My Connan you might not know but Chloe is my parents foster daugher Torbay my parents decided to formally adopt Landia as them goddaughter which upset my sister in a fit of anger, she pushed a pregnaret Linda down the stairs.

Fortunately. Linda wasn’t hurt Being the kind person she is, she didn’t want to make a bag deal out of it My father just asked my sister hapohagize to Linda, and that would’ve been the end of it. But instead of apologizing, Chloe chose to cut ties with us” Lisa exaggerated the story a bit

Jacob’s expression soured “This is a private matter of the Meadows family tapologize for my lack of discipline in raising my daughter Mr Connor‘

After hearing everything, Connor exuded an even colder aura. He couldn’t believe Chloe had been subjected to such injustice. The whole world seemned against her, with no way to plead her case.

Connor let out a cold laugh ‘So, that’s what happened Ms. Linda, did Chloe really push you?”

His gaze suddenly shifted to Linda. Linda and Lucas had also approached by then standing behind Jacob. Under Connor’s imposing gaze, Linda felt inexplicably nervous She put on a victim’s act, “I don’t think Chloe did it on purpose.”

Connor’s voice remained icy. “Whether it was intentional or not, are you confirming that Chloe pushed you?”

Linda grew anxious. “Mr. Connor, what do you mean by asking this?”


Connor inquired. Are you sure you’re not lying?

The word “lying” seemed to brand Linda on thespot: Had it been anyone else, it might not have mattered as much, but coming from Contor, a man everyone sought to associate with, his words carried significant weight.

Murmurs of skepticism rippled through the crowd.

Linda quickly defended herself. Tm not lying. was just going up the stairs when I spoke to Chloe. Maybe she was in a bad mood and pushed me down the stairs. Many people saw it with their own eyes.”

This was a trap she and Lisa had schemed in advance. Lisa had mentioned that the banquet hall at Cloud Top was for VIPS only and didn’t have cameras installed, so they thought their plan was foolproof.

Lisa chimed in, I saw it with my own eyes. I was standing not too far away and saw my sister deliberately push Linda down the stairs. It wasn’t just me. They all saw it too.

Lisa was referring to her group of friends, who had received many favors from her and naturally supported her story

“Yes, yes, we all saw it

Connor’s gaze swept across their faces, his icy eyes piercing like daggers.

Chapter 117

Lisa had a sneaking suspicion that Connor seemed to be siding with Chloe. Was there something more between Chloe and Connor?

it suddenly clicked. Chloe had done an exclusive interview with Connor a while back. Maybe that’s when they met. But Lisa figured they were just friends. After all, Chloe was already married.

Lisa wasn’t worried one bit. She’d already checked with the manager at Cloud Top and knew there were no surveillance cameras around. No one saw what happened, so she

was sure there was no evidence left behind.

With that assurance, Lisa didn’t mind tarnishing Chloe’s reputation further. She spoke up, “Mr. Connor, you might not know this, but my sister and Linda have a personal grudge. She pushed Linda because she wanted to harm the baby Linda is carrying.”

Connor’s face turned icy. His voice was cold and detached, “From what I know of Chloe, she has no reason to do such a thing.”

Whispers started spreading among the onlookers. It was clear that Connor knew Chloe and seemed to be taking her side. Lisa noticed this, too. What exactly did he know about Chloe?

Casting a glance at Chloe, Lisa scoffed, “What Mr. Connor doesn’t know is that my sister had every reason to act that way. She’s in love with Lucas, who loves Linda. Linda is carrying Lucas‘ child. Jealousy drove my sister to act out against Linda.”

The crowd seemed to have an “aha” moment. So, the rumors were true. All eyes turned to Mr. Lucas, the heir to Moncada International. He’s quite handsome and distinguished. No. wonder Chloe was head over heels, going to such lengths. If Chloe really was the daughter of the Meadows family, they would be a perfect match. But she was just a fake heiress from a shady background. How could she match up now?

Connor asked, “So you’re saying Chloe acted out of envy for Mr. Lucas?”

Lisa couldn’t reveal that Chloe was actually Lucas‘ wife and Linda the other woman. However, Chloe, with her pride, wouldn’t spill such embarrassing details herself.

Lisa seized this opportunity, brazenly fabricating, “Of course, my sister always coveted Lucas. Lucas and Linda’s mutual affection drove her crazy, and she was desperate to be the other woman.”

At this point, Lisa didn’t care about the Meadows family’s reputation. She was determined to smear Chloe in front of Mr. Connor.

Connor suddenly laughed, “That makes even less sense. How could my girlfriend possibly want to be with another man?”


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Chapter 118

Lisa was floored.

How was Chloe Mr. Connor’s girlfriend? That was just too much to swallow.

Lisa shot a glare at Chloe, jealousy nearly boiling over. She couldn’t hold back and blurted out, “Mr. Connor, you must be mistaken. My sister is already married!”

In a heartbeat, Lisa had made up her mind. Chloe’s good looks could easily lure Mr. Connor in, but he had no idea she was already hitched. So, Lisa decided to blow Chloe’s cover without a second thought. She had to make Mr. Connor see Chloe for who she really was.

Connor didn’t show the slightest bit of anger or even surprise. He casually asked, “Oh? You’re saying my girlfriend has a husband? Then, care to tell me who this husband is?”

That question caught Lisa off guard. She and Linda had cooked up this entire drama, painting Chloe as the home–wrecker in Lucas and Linda’s relationship. If the truth came out that Chloe and Lucas were actually married, the tables would turn instantly. Linda Would be the other woman, and Lisa would be her accomplice. The Moncada family would be utterly humiliated and wouldn’t let Lisa off the hook.

Lisa couldn’t possibly spill the truth. Meanwhile, Linda was also on edge, watching Lisa closely, terrified she might spill the beans. Luckily, Lisa had enough sense left to keep quiet. Lucas, however, was frowning deeply, his eyes cold as they fixed on Connor’s hand around Chloe’s waist.

Lisa tried again, “Anyway, my sister’s married. She’s not as innocent as you thought to be. She has duped you. She’s just a scheming, malicious bitch.”

Connor’s eyes turned icy, his voice dripping with a frosty chill. “You keep calling her your sister, yet every word out of your mouth slanders her. I see you as the one who’s uneducated and malicious.”

Lisa trembled with rage as Connor publicly branded her. The crowd around them started whispering, and Lisa felt the weight of her embarrassment, her anger boiling over.

With a shaking voice, she retorted, “Mr. Connor, You’re powerful, but you can’t slander me. Even if my sister is your girlfriend, you shouldn’t ignore the facts. She pushed Linda–we all saw it. Pushing a pregnant woman proves she’s cold–blooded and cruel.”

Connor’s lips curled into a cold smile, his voice heavy with threat. “Are you sure about what you saw? If not, you’re slandering and framing her. Lisa, can you handle the consequences of framing my girlfriend?”

“Lisa, do you dare to swear?”

The weight of his threat pressed down on her, his cold, dagger–like eyes piercing through



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Chapter 119

Lisa swore a venomous oath, but inside, she was laughing coldly. She didn’t believe in the power of promises. So, she spoke confidently and sincerely, knowing Connor wouldn’t find any flaws in her words. She used the idea of an oath to corner him.

Connor, however, just smiled lightly. “Fine, I hope you remember your words today when the time comes to keep your promise.”

Then Connor picked up his phone and made a call. “Get the Cloud Top’s general manager here right now.”

Five minutes later, Spencer, the general manager, came rushing in. The crowd had formed a tight circle around them, eager not to miss a second of the unfolding drama.

Lisa, despite her bravado, was trembling. Her expensive jewelry did nothing to hide her disheveled state. On the other hand, Chloe stood in stark contrast. She was supposed to be the most pitiful figure today, but from the moment she tore up her dress, her inherent resolve and decisiveness were undeniable. Now, even in silence, she exuded a composed and dignified air. The grace and nobility she projected made her torn dress look like a uniquely designed treasure, radiating a different kind of beauty.

Spencer approached Connor nervously. “Mr. Connor, what do you need?”

Lisa found it laughable to see the Cloud Top’s manager here. Connor was really good at putting on a show. What use was calling Spencer? Even the police wouldn’t help. There were no cameras and no evidence to find.

Connor broke the silence. “Activate the Eagle Eye system, Spencer.”

Spencer hesitated, puzzled that Connor even knew about the Eagle Eye system. “Mr. Connor, that’s against the rules. I can’t take that responsibility.”

Connor replied calmly, “Sartori Corporation owns fifty percent of Cloud Top. I may not be involved in the day–to–day, but as the largest shareholder, I have the right.”

Spencer was stunned. There was indeed a mysterious major shareholder known only to the chairman and vice–chairman. This enigmatic figure, owning a substantial chunk of the group’s shares, turned out to be none other than Mr. Connor from Sartori Corporation. In hindsight, it made sense.

Spencer immediately nodded. “I’ll take care of it right away.”

Meanwhile, the crowd was buzzing with confusion and curiosity.

“What’s the Eagle Eye system? Never heard of it.”

“Connor is the major shareholder of Cloud Top? Seems like Sartori Corporation owns everything.”


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Chapter 120

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Lina wall could wrap her head around it. But when Linda and Chine’s figures appeared

get crystal clean, on the big screen in the banquet Mail, she was completely fored Their Conversation was displayed word for word for everyone to see

Lecha, katil don’t get why you had to steal Lugns using such underhanded tactics.”

“Because i wors jealous. You were like leaves basking in sunlight, while was buried Semeath the ground. I was going crazy with jealousy

Wore ghose this prartharming your back on a friend who was genuine with you. You sacmftend ansiciently and betrayed fiendship. Talking about it now is pointless don’t reginet being kind to ware…”

“Chice, you’ll never be able to get nd of me, never…”

Every bit of the scene, every truths, was laid bare for everyone is the video, Leda suddenly grabbed Chise’s arm, then leaned back dramatically, pretending to stumble down a few cheps before grashing to the ground. Then carte Linda’s scream, drawing everyone’s attention, followed by her accusing Chice of pushing her

The video cut off there

The entire hall was dead silent This Eagle tye system, was something else. The projected images were so lifelike that it felt like everything was happening right in front of them. The truth was now glaringly obvious Chloe hadn’t pushed Linda Linda had staged the whole thing to frame Chloe and play the victim

From their conversation, people began to pick up on some telling clues

“So, Linda used dirty tricks to steal Lucas from Chloe? Chloe is so gorgeous. What did Linda do to make Lucas dump such a stunning beauty?*

“Look at her pregnant belly. Do you even need to ask?”

“I can’t believe Chloe and Linda used to be friends back in high school Chloe helped her so much, only for her to steal Chloe’s boyfriend Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.”

“Chloe’s been straightforward from the start. Who would’ve guessed that Linda, looking all innocent and frail, had such a vicious heart?”

“Lisa’s obviously in on it too, swearing up and down that she saw it happen. She clearly

was not afraid of her lies coming back to bite her.”

“And she had the Meadows family take Linda in as a goddaughter just to spite Chloe. No wonder Chloe decided to cut ties.”

“Who would’ve thought the real daughter of the Meadows family was so twisted? Well, I heard she was raised by a murderer in the slums. Normal people wouldn’t even think of such devious tactics. The Meadows family’s future looks grim with Lisa in control…”

The whispers and murmurs swirled around them.

Jacob and Leah, watching this unfold, felt a whirlwind of emotions. They had genuinely believed Chloe pushed Linda, never suspecting it was a setup by Lisa and Linda. For the first time, Leah’s gaze toward Lisa turned icy.

Everyone was now watching the Meadows family’s scandal unfold. Lisa stood there, feeling dizzy and bewildered. Today’s grand spectacle of disgrace was meant for Chloe, but she had no idea how it ended up backfiring on her so spectacularly.

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