Billionaire, Let's Divorce (Mark and Sydney)

Chapter 0351

Chapter 0351

Anyway, he was a good listener so I kept talking. "And you know what, I loved him so much that I was willing to overlook it all. I never pressured him or anything," I belched and it got both of us laughing really seriously.

My heart that came alight at the silly laugh suddenly felt dark, sullen, alone, starved. "Even in our marriage I've never been sure. In fact, way before now I'd say I knew the truth. I knew the truth all along. I have always known that he's loved someone else but I kept forcing myself not to acknowledge it. I told myself that it was his past and I didn't have any need to focus on it. I told myself that all I needed to do was focus on our future and make it better. Shape it into unforgettable memories. But I guess I was just being delusional," I belched but neither of us laughed this time around.

Dennis' eyes were so sad that I felt like his case might be way different from mine. He must love her so dearly.

"For years, way before she broke up with Aiden, I had longed for Ana." He smiled, "she was everything. For her, I was willing to change and become a better person," he opened his arms, the bottle still in his grip, today, I'm a better individual because of Anastasia. I owe this change to


He took another swig from the bottle. Unable to keep watching, I grabbed another bottle and took a gulp too.

"So I've said that for years, right?" He belched about thrice simultaneously. "We finally started to talk when Aiden left her and that was also when we all discovered that she was pregnant for him. But that was nothing compared to the love I had for her so I stayed, while hoping that someday she would see me for me. While hoping that someday she would stop talking about Jordan and see my efforts. But it was always Jordan. After she had Amie, she stopped talking about


him. It was as if she wrote him off but she closed herself up too. I shot my shot several times but she claimed she wasn't ready and wanted to focus on raising Amie. But I knew she was still in love with me," he took a gulp, "sorry, with Aiden."

"Aiden too," I chipped in. "He always said he wanted no strings attached or how do they say that again? He wanted to fuck but he didn't want me to love him." I guffawed. "Too bad he made a deal with the wrongest person." I laughed so hard that I had to clutch my tummy, "I already fell for him before I jumped into his bed."

"You thought everything else was going to follow right?"

I shook my head, "I told myself that I would make him fall in love with me to the extent that he wouldn't see another woman apart from me. But I guess my heart chose the wrong man."

"It's so unfortunate that our hearts make choices with it's eyes closed."

We both laughed, some of the content of my bottle splashed on the floor. "With their ears blocked."

"I tell you," he murmured and his eyes started to drift close.

"It just was never real, we forced it."

Dennis smiled, "Some of it might be real though. Ana tried to love me."

I pouted, "I don't know if Aiden tried."

"I'm sure he did," he leaned forward and gave me a pat on the knee.

He then threw himself back into the sofa, sinking into it as he downed what was left in the bottle.

I reclined in the seat, resting my head on the back of the sofa as I let the tears slide out of my eyes. The alcohol wasn't doing much because I could still picture Ana with a swollen belly and Aiden pressing his ear to it with a smile on his face.


Chapter 0351


An idea suddenly popped in my head and I gasped, getting Dennis blitzed attention. "How about we both get divorced and go somewhere far away?"

Dennis blinked, processing my words, "Far away...where?"

"Mhmm...." I trailed off as I gave it a thought. Where should we go? My eyes lit up and at the same time I turned to Dennis and blurted," Hawaii!" He did the same and then we both burst into drunken chuckles.

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