Big City Darkened Nights

Chapter #5 - the ambush

Starting with the smaller Human, then the Hobgoblin, the centipedes go to work. First causing sleepy, twitching and grumbling.

Seeing the party moving strangely alerts the Orc sentry.

The smaller Human wakes sitting straight up, jerking at his robe.

Yelping, the second Human jumps to his feet dancing about, twisting back and forth.

The Orc sentry stands unsure of what to do or what’s going on.

Almost all at once the other three get bit and yelp too. The bigger Human plucks a snaking centipede from his back tossing it in the fire.

The centipede lets out a long, high-pitched squeal trying to escape the fire. It’s legs singe and break off as it hits the ground curling up into a flaming ring.

The sentry calls out in Orc, “What is it?”

“Centipedes!” The small Human yells pulling one off. He reaches for a mace only to be bit again.

Chuckling the sentry Orc says something about little bugs and no courage. Annoying his Orc comrade into tossing one at him. The tossed insect tries to take a bite of the sentry.

Now not amused the sentry joins the group in destroying the squirming critters.

Smiling ear to ear, Carr enjoys the spectacle as they stomp and flail weapons about at anything that moves including shadows and each other’s feet.

Coming close to beating on each other they slow down and case the ground, eyeing up each dead body. If any twitch, it gets ground under foot.

Settling down the Hobgoblin knows the signs speaking Orc to the smaller Human beside him. “I cramp.” Pointing to his legs.

Looking in a satchel the Human shakes his head speaking Orc back, “No herbs. No strength to heal all.”

Carr realizes they have a healer and is glad to know that his energy is low.

The party discusses who’s to be healed. The sentry being untouched says he can stay on watch. The other Orc seeming to have a greater say points to his shield arm and butt as the only bites taken. He points at the sentry and tells him to sleep. He’ll be healed and take the watch.

They seem to agree with the idea.

Knowing he’s not to be healed the bigger Human checks his bedroll before trying to get some more sleep. With little to say the Hobgoblin inspects his own blanket before laying back down.

Chanting the Human cleric performs lay-healing on the main Orc. His comrade keeps watch until they finish.

Halfway through the healing it becomes noticeable that the novice cleric’s muscles are stiffening from the centipede’s poison.

Finishing with the healing the cleric motions that he and his strength are done.

The Orc pats the healer’s shoulder mumbling something to him before taking a seat on the boulder. He also motions to the prior sentry to get some sleep.

Stumbling past the Orcs, to the bedroll, the cleric pulls an herb from belted pouch. Seated and semi comfortable consumes the pain reliever.

Carr shakes his head. What a weak healer. Violetta could’ve healed the whole group. Oh well, just have to wait until they sleep again.

Biding time Carr glimpses the horses’ sweaty coats as they glisten in the flickering firelight.

Studying each of the bulging and weighted saddlebags, he observes the last seems the heaviest. As the horse flips its’ tail and adjusts position Carr catches its dark gray color.

Certain the horse is Bolt; Carr wants to get a better look. He checks on the party first; the Humans seem to be sleeping and maybe the Orc. The Hobgoblin is in much discomfort, not being able to move his legs just to turn over. The main Orc seems occupied with looking for more centipedes.

Feeling confident Carr attempts to move around to the horses. Only making it to the next tree when snapping a dry twig under foot, freezing his position.

The Orc looks towards Carr, the horses even stir. Also getting the sleeping Orc to open his eyes.

Noticing the Humans are fast asleep the Hobgoblin struggles to sit up.

The fire in between Carr and the Orcs keeps them from seeing into the shadows.

Slowly Carr slips behind the tree to the opposite side.

The Orc stands easing out a finely crafted bastard-sword. Causing the other Orc to roll over and sit up.

Throwing blade at the ready Carr eases out to line up the advancing Orc.

Only glancing towards the foe, the Orc stares at where Carr was.

Carr waits until the male passes the fire, forcing the eyes to readjust.

The second Orc slides a battle-axe onto the lap.

Worried it’s a Treant out there, the Hobgoblin motions to put the axe away.

With a dismissive wave of his own the Orc instructs him to keep still.

Stepping in front of the fire the main Orc stops. Prematurely Carr tosses the weapon expecting the male to keep moving.

The Orcs see the blade spin by and all watch it pierce the hind of one of the horses.

Rearing up and braying the poor horse wants to run. Being tied it only upsets the other horses and waking the men.

“Intruders!” The main Orc calls out.

The second Orc, and bigger human get up. Carr knows it’s now or run, with heartrate up he draws the long-sword rushing in.

Startled the main Orc steps back. Certainly, surprised the group struggles to get into action.

Seeing the Orc step back Carr swings his sword for the male’s belly. Hopping back to avoid the blade angers the Orc forcing a hasty slash at Carr.

Smaller and ugly the second Orc appears menacing with battle-axe in hand. Showing signs of seasoning he directs the Human, to take a position opposite of him. The man is having a hard time getting upright.

Stretching his little body out the Hobgoblin reaches for an unloaded crossbow. The healer struggles to stand but just can’t.

Carr begins an exchange of sword clashes with the main Orc while attempting to keep distance from the two other males.

With great force the Orc swings his sword. Carr blocks it with his. The power of the clash causes Carr to falter backwards, giving the main Orc an opportunity, attempting to run him through. Pivoting out of the way of the sword Carr immediately has to dodge a swing from a battle-axe.

The cleric digs in his satchel as the Hobgoblin tries to draw and set the crossbow string.

Chopping at Carr with the bastard-sword the Orc misses as Carr nimbly spins aside.

At the ready Carr faces the main Orc.

The ugly Orc moves behind Carr.

Knowing that can’t happen Carr fakes out the main Orc by slashing towards the male’s neck, needlessly jerking back, as Carr’s swing was short. Following through Carr spins around thrusting his long-sword forward. Not expecting it the main Orc steps forward preparing to chop down. However, Carr’s blade finds flesh first, diving deep into the male’s stomach.

Seeing that enrages the ugly Orc into letting out a battle cry that echoes though out the forest.

Having no tricks, magic or working legs the Cleric can only observe. Finally setting the crossbow the Hobgoblin fumbles with the quiver of bolts.

The main Orc drops his elbows and hilt onto Carr’s shoulders and back.

Struggling to stay upright and keep his sword Carr wrestles to get out from under.

Dropping the bastard-sword the Orc head butts Carr attempting to push him away and leave the sword.

They barely separate after the head blow; the ugly Orc reacts too soon rushing in to cleave.

Catching sight of the ugly Orc, Carr panics mustering all energy to get out of the way. Taking the sword with him slices open the Orc’s stomach. The axe misses its target.

Looking down the main Orc sees dark blood rush out and part of his bowel. Grasping at the intestines drops to his knees.

Stunned and oddly concerned the ugly Orc can only watch a comrade’s fall.

Seeing an opportunity, the second Human fights to make his muscles work, attempting to attack. Easily evaded Carr does witness the collapse of the main Orc.

Crossbow loaded the Hobgoblin tries lining up a shot.

Trying hard to do something the cleric musters strength for a simple spell.

Ready for revenge the ugly Orc wildly swings the axe. The Human backs up the attacks. Managing to defend off both opponents Carr muses with the idea taking off with one of the horses.

Seeing where Carr’s going the man tries to stay between the rogue and horses. Hacking, chopping and slashing the trio change positions attacking.

Getting close to the animals Carr allows himself to be distracted. The Orc sees it and chops down. Carr jerks to the side just not far enough. The battle-axe removes his right upper arm covering. Tearing away his sleeve and peeling back a layer of skin.

Blood splatters, before Carr feels any pain, the Human backs up the attack slicing into Carr’s thigh.

In trouble Carr can tell the Orc has got him lined up swinging the axe behind his back. The Hobgoblin fires the crossbow, its’ bolt misses the mark piercing the back of the Orc’s leg. In pain but still swinging the Orc misses stumbling back burying the axe head into ground.

Still in conflict with the man Carr tries to get some distance from the Orc.

Cursing the Hobgoblin, the Orc plucks out the bolt whipping it back.

Trying to finally get past the man Carr jumps. The man slashes out a long-sword. Carr attempts to get his left arm out of the blade’s way. The man’s sword catches the end of the forearm covering and rips it off nicking the back of the fingers.

Now past, Carr backs towards the horses.

The Orc speedily steps over attempting to remove Carr’s head. Easily ducked Carr spins aside. The man thrusts his blade for belly. Carr bats away the foe’s blade with his own blade. Completing the spin Carr slices low across the man’s shin, in hopes of hinderance.

Axe head inbound Carr pivots again avoiding damage.

Setting the string the Hobgoblin readies the crossbow. Still chanting the cleric can’t get anything to happen.

Leaping high Carr attempts to jump on one of the horses. The Orc swings and misses.

Over shooting the horse Carr slides off its’ side. Trying not to injure the horse, the man slashes upwards at Carr. Slicing open one of the saddlebags, causing coins and gems to spill out.

As Carr hits the ground the Orc attempts to bury the axe in Carr’s back.

Already ahead of the Orc, Carr rolls under the horses getting some distance.

Chasing Carr down the Orc envisions splitting the young thief up.

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