Big City Darkened Nights

Chapter #20 - hangin-out in Hell

The minute pause it took Carr to look into the tunnel almost panicked the men. They’re relieved to hear him tapping and shuffling along.

Getting to the mystery opening Carr listens first. Hearing nothing but his throbbing head. Inside he sees the outline of a bed. Stepping towards it he trips over an iron box.

Touching the box’s framework, he feels a built-in lock and tries the lid, locked.

He pats along feeling out the rest of the space. Starting at the bed, standard wood beam construction. Straw for fill, touching the bedding Carr tilts his head. Feeling the sheets with both hands Carr’s surprised to find out evil old Hags like nice things too. The sheets are silk, Carr considers taking them but stops thinking of who slept between them.

Finding no other furnishings Carr locates a handle on the trunk and drags it out to the group. They all turn hearing the iron box drag on uneven stone. The grunts uttered let them know its’ Carr.

Captain Avilo inquires on behalf the group, “What have you got there?”

Carr heaves it over some rocks, “A box.”

Worried something will hear Dell grumbles, “That’s a thief for you.”

A bit curious Avilo queries, “Why? What’s in it?”

Dropping it behind Dell, Carr pants, “Don’t know. It’s locked. Maybe Tetra’s got the key.”

Reaching back Dell feels the chest, while Carr wanders towards the Hag.

Junior fantasizes, “I bet all the valuables she took from her victims are in it.”

Being it was a female being Dell suggests, “Maybe just clothes.”

“Too heavy for just clothes.” Avilo also points out, “Valuables? Maybe to her. She didn’t want treasure; her maggots were more important.”

Cornelious needlessly corrects, “Larvae.”

Having seen something personal Avilo restates, “Maggots. Those Larvae were the twisted nightmares of fallen foe. Just bigger than the ones in my dreams. Usually, they’d be crawling over something I was eating. I’d see their distorted faces and wake up in a cold sweat.”

The men get quiet in thought.

Finding Tetra’s body, Carr kneels down searching her torso for a key.

Cornelious knows those dreams, “Gaylord would say those dreams are to help your soul heal and there’s a meaning if you can see it through.”

“Healing the soul, eh?” Avilo thinks about it.

Trying to share with the Captain the old mage notes, “I’ve never made it through a full dream. That kind would surely cause me to wake.”

Not finding a key Carr returns to the group, “I guess we may never know what’s in the chest.”

Dell teases. “What’s the matter? Aren’t you a thief? Can’t you pick a lock?”

“My picks are in the castle.” Carr sits down, “And it is a little dark.”

Junior recalls the tale from dinner, “I thought you said you picked a lock in the dark?”

Carr defends, “I knew that lock and had my picks. Compared to the darkness here. That closet seemed to be lit by a candle.”

Junior sees something in the second large opening and pokes Carr. “Hey what’s that over there?”

The whole group tries see but has no idea where they are looking.

Carr does glimpse something moving, “It’s small whatever it is.”

Confirming what’s seen, Junior questions, “Did it seem to have a really big nose and be walking on two feet?”

Staring into the dark Carr sees it hiding behind a rock, “I think so. A couple hands high and it has little wings.”

“An Imp,” Surmises Cornelious suggesting, “We best get out of here.”

They try to look but only Carr can see it.

Spotting it again Junior comments, “It’s just a little thing. I could walk right over and stomp it under foot.”

The old mage advises them. “It was probably created from a Larva. Making a pet or servant for something far more dangerous and certainly bigger and more powerful than our Night-hag.”

That gives Captain Avilo some anxiety, “Cornelious maybe you should try your spell again.”

Seeing the Imp run out of the cavern Junior jumps to his feet, “I’ll get it.” Swiftly chasing after it.

“Stop!” Avilo calls out but Junior, like a dog hunting is in pursuit, “Dell, bring him back.”

“Okay,” Dell hops to his feet blindly running after Junior.

Racing out into tunnel, Junior spots the creature dart around a corner.

Dell enters the tunnels glimpsing Junior round the same corner the Imp did.

Sitting down and focusing Cornelious tries to cast the spell again.

The Imp exits the tunnel into a massive cavern lit from pools of lava.

Just about entering the cavern Junior stops grabbing the stone wall to pull himself back into the shadows. He watches the Imp run up to a great horn covered Devil, bigger than most Giants.

The Imp points back to the tunnel.

The Devil turns it’s horn crowned head.

Immediately spotting Junior the Devil moves towards him, causing the ground to rumble with each step.

Before seeing the Devil’s complete face, Junior runs back faster than he’s ever run before.

Dell rounds the tunnel corner in time to be knocked aside by Junior.

“Hey! Where are you going now?” The tunnel vibrates as Dell pushes himself off the wall, looking to where Junior came from.

The giant Devil too large to fit into the tunnel sticks its’ face in, blackening the end.

Spotting Dell the Devil yells out in a deep rough voice, “Come back little man!”

Dell’s eyes widen seeing the outline of a huge face, its red eyes peering into his soul. Dell slips back around the corner and starts running.

Laughing manically the Devil manically beats on the tunnel opening to make it shake and vibrate.

Having enough power to open a portal home Cornelious breathes a sigh of relief knowing his job is complete. The cavern fills with a red light and a breeze as the swirling dust marks its’ position.

“How long have we got?” Avilo asks the wizard, watching the cavern opening.

“Less than a minute,” the mage replies seeing Carr struggle with Paul, so he gives a hand.

“Yeah, you three get back,” Captain Avilo assists them walk Paul to the portal. “Where did those two get to?”

As they get Paul into the portal Avilo hesitates picking up the loose weapons, waiting for Junior and Dell mumbling, “Come on. Come, on.”

Running into the cavern Junior races right past his Captain and jumps into the portal.

“What the?” Annoyed Avilo avoids being hit by Junior, trying to ask. “Where’s Dell?”

Dell announces running in, “Devil run for your life.”

Figuring Dell will be right behind Avilo steps into the swirling portal.

Back in the castle tower, Cornelious and Carr lay Paul carefully on the bed.

Junior flies in, crashing into a covered writing table. Snapping off one of its wooden legs. The table falls on top of Junior everything on the table is now on Junior and the floor. Scaring Carr and annoying Cornelious they look at Junior disapprovingly.

Stepping through and seeing Junior on the floor Avilo shakes a head, “What were you thinking about?”

Looking a little white, Junior stare at the portal, “Big Devil. Very big, horn covered Devil.”

They all look over; the remaining seconds seem like minutes. Wondering if Dell’s going to make it in time, or perhaps the Devil got him and will be coming through.

Captain Avilo turns to Cornelious, “I’m going back. Try and come for us tomorrow.”

“It doesn’t work like that…” The wizard tries to explain.

From the portal Dell shows himself, dragging the iron box along. Struggling to get it into the tower as the portal closes. The iron chest hits the stone floor of the tower with a thud.

Angry with Junior Avilo barks at Dell, “What are you thinking? Risking your life and mine for that chest. You were just a split second from being left.”

Dropping his head Dell apologizes, “I’m sorry for causing you concern. I was right behind you and saw the chest just sitting there.”

Content everyone is accounted for Avilo calms down, pointing at Junior, “Do not ever, take off like that again. Especially in foreign lands and places.”

“Sorry Captain,” Junior gets up setting the things he spilled over, aside, “Sorry about the mess Cornelious.”

Pulling out a stool to sit on the mage shrugs, “At least it wasn’t the table with the crystal ball on it.”

Patting the wizard’s back Avilo says, “Thanks for getting us out of there. We were in no shape to be taking on a Devil, Demon or Dryder.”

“You’re quite welcome,” Conelious smiles, curiously asking Junior. “What kind of Devil was it?”

“The kind that’s bigger than a hill Giant, with big horns all over its head,” Junior’s color returns, “I wasn’t going to stand around and find out.”

Dell comments, “You didn’t have to run me over, running away. I don’t think it could fit in the tunnels anyway. I’d agree it was bigger than any Giant.”

“Sorry about that Dell,” Junior tries to defend himself, “I thought catching that little creature would be easy. I didn’t think there would be something that big waiting for its’ return.”

Dell smugly teases, “Not thinking is always your problem. That’s why the Captain and I are here to tell you what to think.”

As old as he is Cornelious sees them as boys about to get into a scuffle, “Alright, alright we’re all home now. Tomorrow we’ll laugh about it.”

“Someday Junior you’ll learn not to go blindly running off.” Avilo speaks to the group, “I’ll fetch Gaylord.” He walks to the landing, “I’ll see if anyone’s up yet to bring you something to eat.” He grumbles away about impatient youth while descending the stairs.

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