Beyond the Rainbow

Chapter 16

“I’m so glad you’re back. I have so much to tell you. I found it! I found the magic! It was inside me all along, just like everyone said it was.” She turned toward Chiron who was standing quietly on the edge of the reunion. “You must be Wollolmombi’s new friend. Pan told me about you.” She decided to try out her newly - realized title. “I am Ronnie Biv, Keeper of the Key and Protector of Iridal.”

“Ronnie, allow me to present Chiron, son of Chronos and Folklore Tutor of Heroes. It was he who found Tilly and brought us together. I do believe he will find a way to further assist us in our endeavours. More to the point, Chiron possesses the knowledge of the Folklore of the Ages and may be of some help to you, Ronnie.”

Chiron smiled broadly at Ronnie. “Wollomombi is right, Ronnie. I am here to offer my assistance as Tutor. I hope I can be of some help to you.”

“Hello Chiron and welcome to the task of figuring out how to use the magic to rid the world of the Harpies. Thank you for finding Tilly and thanks to both of you for keeping him safe. But you must be tired and hungry. I’ll ask Azulia and her friend if they can find something suitable for each of you. Meanwhile make yourselves comfortable; just don’t step on my work there, behind me. I nearly have the puzzle solved.” As she turned and pointed to it, she laughed aloud. “I know it doesn’t really make sense yet but you won’t believe how long I’ve worked on it. I just have to solve the last bit and then figure out what it means. But first, I will go and get you some food. Relax and I’ll be back in a flash.”

Ronnie skipped off, with Tilly at her side, to announce the return of the Dragon and to arrange some food for them. Azulia was, as usual, way ahead of her. She’d seen their approach and had dispatched Meline to gather what she could to feed them. On the trail Ronnie met several Iridalites laden with trays. She took some of the load and led them back to the dragon and the centaur. After a brief greeting, the Iridalites left them to sort out the food and to tell each other of their adventures.

When the meal was finished and their stories had been told, Ronnie wondered aloud whether she might, someday, have the chance to attend a celebration like the one in the Woodlands. She was gratified with the assurances that she would surely be invited to many celebrations in Iridal now that she was the Key Keeper.

Tilly had finished his meal and curled up for a nap at the base of the nearby tree. Wollomombi yawned deeply, “I do wish that I could help but I believe that this kind of thing is best left to a tutor. I think I will follow Tilly’s lead and close my eyes for a short time.”

Ronnie and Chiron turned to the verse. “Okay, Ronnie, tell me again everything your father said to you on the cloud.” Ronnie repeated the conversation and Chiron smiled and nodded when she said the word ‘dawn’. He told Ronnie where to place some missing letters. When she had done so, his smile turned to a grin.

“We are almost finished, Ronnie. Look at what we have here.”

B L A _ _ A _ N I G H T


D A W N A L O N E _ A N _ A _ E I T R I G H T

E O _ H E L _ U _ I N O U R _ L I G H T

“Ronnie, I believe your missing letter in the first word of the last line must be an ‘s’ as the Goddess of Dawn is Eos. Of course, that helps with a couple of other words as well.

“Okay,” Ronnie said as she filled in the blanks. “Now we just need to figure out a couple more. Wollomombi was right about you, I never would have known the name of the Goddess of Dawn. Let’s assume the first word is ‘black’ and these ones in the third line are ‘can’ and hmm...I think make. Two words left. What do you think Chiron?”

“I do believe that they can both be solved with one letter. Can you see it Ronnie?”

“Oh yeah, I see. I think I can be of some ‘help’. She completed the puzzle with a flourish. Well, now we know what it says but what does it mean?

Black as night

No colour without light

Only dawn can make it right

Eos help us in our plight”

“Eos is mother to the Four Winds and Grandmother to Zetes and Calais. They once imprisoned the Harpies on the Island of Strophades. Perhaps she and they can be of assistance to us here. For what other reason would the verse appear on the back of the Key? I believe that this verse, when chanted, should bring Eos to us and she, in turn, can summon the others should we have need of them. I am sure of one thing: it must be you, the Key Keeper, who does the summoning. All we need do is think of a plan before hand. We had better awaken Wollomombi and let him know of our progress.”

Wollomombi had been merely resting his eyes and now opened them. “I am bereft of ideas. I am, indeed, still absorbing all that Ronnie Biv has told us,” He turned to Ronnie. “I wish I could have been with you on your journey but I know it was a road you needed to travel alone.”

“You’re right but I did have lots of company from place to place in the labyrinth. However, I would have welcomed some help with that horrid Echidna.”

“It does seem, to me, Ronnie Biv that you held your own against that creature. You learned a valuable lesson and it helped you to know when to trust. You used your instincts and trusted Pan, who led you into the labyrinth where you discovered the magic. You are, indeed, a being of power Ronnie Biv, and as long as you remember that and avoid the whirlwinds of doubt, you will never fail.”

“Whirlwinds of doubt...I like that” Ronnie chuckled, “I might just use that phrase next time I’m searching for an excuse when I don’t know the answer in algebra class. ‘Oh sorry Mr. English, I was overtaken by the Whirlwinds of Doubt and simply couldn’t sort out the problem.’ Bet he’s never heard that one! Of course, he is totally lacking a sense of humour so he would most likely send me to detention and the Whirlwinds would keep me trapped there for ages. Whirlwinds, oh my gawd that’s it! That’s how we’ll do it. Oh, Wollomombi you’re a genius!”

“I know not what you mean, nor how a whirlwind might save Iridal, but I will not doubt you. If you have a plan, share it with us.”

“I need time to sort it all out in my mind first. Will you please go and bring Iris and Morpheus here? The plan includes them too. By the time you get back, Chiron and I should have figured out how to pull it off.”

Wollomombi took to the air while Ronnie conferred with Chiron, sorting out her ideas. When the dragon returned with Iris and Morpheus, the plan was ready to be put into action. She quickly outlined it for them and sent the Immortals to enlist the aid of others. Iris winged to the Underworld, where Hades’ agreement was obtained while Morpheus sped to gain support in Olympus. The Gateway was opened for Wollomombi. He flew to the four corners of the Earth and gathered promises to follow the plan from all the worldly creatures he had befriended over the years. Chiron, meanwhile, had an errand of his own and traveled to the land of the Titans to seek out his father.

When all were gathered again at the Gateway, Ronnie held the Iris Stone tightly. “I sure hope this works.” She said as she looked around the circle. “Not that I doubt that the Magic is in me; I just don’t know whether I’ll get stage fright in front of all of you. Well, here goes.” She closed her eyes while she chanted:

“Black as night

No colour without light

Dawn alone can make it right

Eos help us in our plight”

As she finished the last line for the third time, a gentle breeze touched her cheek and she opened her eyes and smiled. Chiron had told her that a fresh wind, first felt on her cheek, would be the sign that Eos had heard her call and was on her way. She continued the chant until a beautiful being appeared before her wearing a gown the colour of the sun. An aura, holding all the glorious hues of dawn, surrounded Eos.

Ronnie bowed before the majesty of Dawn, who gently touched her shoulder and bade her to speak. “I hardly know where to start, except to say I am so glad to see you here. My name is Ronnie Biv. I am the Key Keeper and I am in need of your help.”

“Yes, Ronnie, I know all. I was in Olympus when Morpheus came to seek assistance. I believe your proposal can work and am prepared to call forth my sons. But let us first be sure we all understand the complete plan then we will ensure that the actions of today will be the saving of tomorrow.”

She turned to the Rainbow Goddess. “Iris, has Hades agreed to be vigilant?” When Iris had assured her of this, she turned to Wollomombi and was satisfied that the creatures of Earth would be attentive to their duties. She already knew the Olympians were in agreement and would guard the Heavens and the Seas. She went over the details of the plan again. “It would seem we are ready to call forth the Four Winds and to dispel the Harpies from this world and the next. Let’s begin.”

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