Beyond the Rainbow

Chapter 11

The traveling trio, meanwhile, heard the Woodland folk in the glade up ahead long before they saw them. Tilly, of course, had been aware of them for some time. He was, in his own dog-like way, missing Taffy and wanted to run after something. He crouched down and growled deeply, creeping forward in preparation for the chase. Wollomombi called him back, using the loud booming voice of authority he rarely drew upon. Tilly returned to the dragon’s side, having decided to avoid any chase scenes this day. He feared that he might end up being chased and wanted nothing as big as Wollomombi on his trail.

They rounded the bend in the road together and stopped in their tracks to take in the whole scene. In the roadside meadow were Woodland folk dancing, frolicking and generally delighting in all that a Midsummer celebration has to offer. There were Wood Sprites and Unicorns, Fairies and Elves, Pixies and Brownies; even Leprechauns.

Tilly hung back with Wollomombi, perhaps a little relieved to have been called away from the chase. Chiron had met a number of the Woodland folk over the years but had never witnessed such a large gathering and was charmed by the sight. Wollomombi knew all the creatures in Iridal and had attended celebrations aplenty. He had been delighted with each and every one, as he knew he would be by this one. Not wanting to disrupt the game on the edge of the meadow, they stayed put to watch and were soon caught up in the excitement and laughter.

The fairies had taken a form that could be likened to human were it not for the delicate wings on their backs and, in that form, had made a number of flower garlands. They had then reverted to their tiny, twinkling selves and were now playing a game with two unicorns. Each of the two teams consisted of ten fairies and one unicorn and had three garlands. The object was for each group of fairies to come together, lift a garland, fly into the air with it and toss it onto the horn of the opposing team’s unicorn. It was easier said than done since the unicorns were as determined to keep the garlands off as the fairies were to toss them on.

At the time of the arrival of the three companions, each team had managed to decorate the opponent’s horn two times. One group finally made the winning pitch and, after a celebratory cheer from both teams, the unicorns tossed the flowers to the ground and proceeded to enjoy them as a snack. The fairies noticed the onlookers and flew to greet them.

“Key Keeper, it is an honour to have you attend our celebration,” declared Fay - who spoke for the Woodland Folk whenever the occasion called for some formality. “I see you have brought Chiron. You are also most welcome at the Woodland Clan’s Midsummer Celebration. I am sure that I have not met your other companion, Key Keeper.”

“Allow me to present Tilly. He has not spoken since I first met him but he is a friend to Iridal and is the companion of the new Key Keeper. I have a long tale to tell and perhaps it would be best if we could gather everyone so that I might tell it to all at one time. We would ask that we first be allowed to enjoy a stroll around to observe the games and to hear the minstrel whose instrument I do believe I hear being tuned. I have no doubt that we will gather a small group as we go and can call everyone else when the time is right. We can but stay a short while as we are expected at the Gateway. I do, however, believe that it will benefit you to hear what has occurred this day, So, if you will excuse us, we will be off now to enjoy a little of this wondrous celebration and will soon call forth a gathering in the center of the meadow.”

“So be it, Wollomombi, I will wait to hear your tale and I am sure it will be one to inspire awe. I will bring no undue attention to you in the meantime. I am sure, however, that your mere presence will bring enough of its own. Partake in the fun and refresh yourselves; your journey back to the Gateway will be a long one. I am sure that you are used to flying straight across this land but you will find the paths in this forest twist and turn frequently. Joyous Midsummer to you.” With that, Fay and the other fairies flitted off to separate areas to partake in games and songs.

“Tilly, you must stay with Chiron and me or you must stay here.” Tilly, having heard the word ‘stay’ twice in one sentence, obediently curled into a heap and quickly settled himself for a nap. “Ah, yes.” Wollomombi said, “That is indeed what you need. You have had quite a time of it today and our journey is, as Fay said, far from over. Chiron, we must remember to bring Tilly some refreshment when we have finished here. For now, let us join the merriment. We, too, are in need of some distraction. The two friends, as they now considered themselves to be, wandered into the meadow and were hard pressed to decide where to look first.

The perimeter was decorated with an assortment of items that had once belonged to the Iridalites. The Woodland folk had found some along the trails and collected the rest in trade with the clans who lived by the lakeshore, in the grasslands, or in the river valley. There were children’s digging implements with sand still clinging to their edges and pieces of cutlery left behind after a picnic on the riverbank. There were even stuffed creatures that had been dropped in the tall grass and surely cried over but then forgotten by their young owners. Scales that Wollomombi had discarded on his frequent visits were also hanging from the branches of the trees. For a time, the decorations were enough to hold the attention of the dragon and the centaur but they were soon distracted by squeals of delight up ahead.

One small voice rang out above the others. “Once more, once more, We love this water play. We shall call ‘once more, once more’ all throughout the day!”

Wollomombi and Chiron immediately recognized this as one of the sprites. They always speak in rhyme and love play above all other activities. The two walked over to see what fun had been invented for these tiny creatures. The Elves and Leprechauns, who were scurrying to gather water in tube shaped flowers, greeted them hurriedly then continued with their task.

The sprites and brownies were all lined up to have a turn. As each wee creature reached the front of the line, it was gently lifted by a water-gatherer and placed on a tall, broad leaf plucked from a nearby plant. One end of the leaf was raised in the air and water was poured down it, creating a mini water slide. The moment the creature reached the bottom, it ran to rejoin the line and go again. After watching a few harrowing rides, the friends carried on toward the relay race.

Varying sizes of water droplets had been gathered on an assortment of flower petals. The teams were made up of a range of creatures, large and small representing all the Woodland folk. Each creature, in turn had to pick up a petal and run with it to a nearby tree and then return to its team - without dropping the petal or spilling the water droplet. The unicorns served as judges, deciding when someone should be required to turn back. It was mostly a free-for-all accompanied by much laughter.

By now, Wollomombi and Chiron were starting to gather a following and wandered toward the center of the meadow where the minstrel elf was about to sing. She was tall, even for an elf, and towered over those around her. She was dressed in a loose tunic and pants that shone with the bright colours of the rainbow. Her long golden hair hung down her back in a braid into which a several luminous ribbons had been woven. Elves are known for their serious demeanour, but this one had a smile that belied such a description. There was a twinkle in her green eyes and a laugh in her voice when she called, “ Hail, Key Keeper, and welcome Chiron! I am pleased to see you both here. I have just composed a verse I think will be of interest to you.” “Let us hear it then. I, for one, enjoy a verse, especially when sung by a minstrel of such talent as you possess, Singsong. When you have finished, Wollomombi will wish to take the stage. He also has something of interest for the crowd to hear.” Chiron replied.

Singsong played her lute beautifully and softly in accompaniment to the somewhat menacing lyrics:

Oh Woodland folk draw near to me and listen to my song.

Some danger has come to this land where we have lived so long.

You may not believe my tale though I swear that it is true

Take heed. Take care. The nasty one may find her way to you.

A creature has come to this land: a creature vile and low

Gather round and hear my song that you may know this foe.

I do not know why she has come. I know not her intent.

I only know how she came here: by the Harpies she was sent!

She comes in guise to all of those who dare to cross her path

But if you let her come too close, you will quickly feel her wrath

She is not the quiet maid who you will think you see

She is no friend of Iridal, though may pretend to be

She creeps around our much loved land just waiting for a chance

To bring us harm, to do no good, to be a big nuisance

She is tall and thin with long, long hair and wears a lovely dress

But under all her finery, she really is a mess

You will know her by her speech. It truly does sound queer

Her ‘esses’ whistle loud and long. They are sure to hurt your ears.

Until we learn why she has come, please stay out of her way

And don’t allow her any chance to spoil your happy day

Now my song has reached its end. I have no more to tell

Remember all that I have told and Let the Magic Serve You Well.

By now, all the attendees of the celebration had gathered around and Singsong’s performance was heartily applauded. Once the cheering died down, questions quickly spread throughout the crowd:

“Can this be true?”

“Is there really such a creature?”

“What can this mean?”

“What are the Harpies up to?”

Of course many turned to Wollomombi and implored, “Oh, Key Keeper what are we to do?”.

Wollomombi also wanted answers. Iris had mentioned Echidna - who was surely the creature Singsong sang about, but he had no more idea of where to find her than any one else. He could but tell the story of Ronnie Biv so he called for everyone to listen quietly to his long tale. When he finished, he looked out at a sea of surprised faces.

“I do wish that we could stay and answer all the questions you must have of me, but we must hasten to the Gateway. It is essential that I return Tilly to the company of the Key Keeper. Let word of all you have learned here spread across the land and, if any one of you meets up with the Key Keeper before I can reach the Gateway, please do tell her that Tilly is with me and will be safely returned to her side by and by.

“Before we continue our journey, may we trouble you for some refreshment for Tilly who is resting by the pathway. Chiron and I also require a small snack. I understand our road is yet long.”

Fay came forward and told him that all had been taken care of and their repast was set out near the spot where Tilly slept. She invited them to enjoy their meal and then called on the Woodland folk to return to the merriment of the occasion and to trust in the Magic to serve the new Key Keeper well.

Wollomombi and Chiron enjoyed a hasty bite then continued along the forest path with Tilly at their side. The remainder of the journey to the Gateway was uneventful. They talked and walked and walked and talked and did little else.

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