Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 29

Chapter 290 The Accident on the Highway

I felt relieved after ensuring the contract had no issues. After leaving Adrian's office, I handled everything with utmost care. The two cunning foxes played their games, and it would likely affect the people around


When I returned to the company, I saw a group gathered at the large screen in the lobby. They were watching the real-time news reports. The crowd even gasped in surprise occasionally. I glanced at the screen and noticed it was a news report on an accident.

I paid little attention since it could trigger some unsettling memories.

"I heard it was the CEO of ATL Empire."

"It looks pretty severe."

My head spun when I heard those words. I rushed toward the large screen and stared at it. The footage. showed a nearly wrecked Maybach with smoke coming from it. The scene was horrifying, and a glimpse of the license plate made me suspect it might be Atlas's car.

I was shocked as I grabbed a passerby and asked, my voice shaking, "W-When did that happen?!"

"Just a while ago. Didn't you see?" the person replied, looking at me in surprise.

"Where is it? Please tell me!" I pointed at the screen desperately.

"It should be on the highway to the airport."

I ran outside but forgot something important-my car was in the underground parking lot. I quickly descended the elevator, but my hands shook once I entered my car. Tears welled in my eyes as I muttered, "Atlas, if something happens to you, I-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt overwhelmed. After taking a deep breath, I drove off, determined to find which hospital Atlas was in. Since Foswood had many hospitals, I went to the most renowned one-Klinein Hospital.

My legs trembled as I ran through the hospital lobby. People crowded the area, but I didn't know if Atlas

was there. I asked the nurse, "Is there a car accident patient here?"

In the emergency room," she replied before running off.

I froze as the word "emergency" echoed in my mind. When I reached the emergency room, I saw a group

in black suits forming a barrier. It was daunting, and I didn't recognize anyone. I tried getting past them,

but one of the guards stopped me, "Miss, you can't get in."

"I want to.." My words got stuck in my throat. I didn't know how to introduce myself because I was nothing to Atlas's people. "I just want to see if the person inside is okay. Is it Atlas? Please tell me if it is. Let me in, please!"

Still, the guard warned, "Step back, Miss! No one is allowed to

"Let her through!" A cold, commanding voice sounded.

I froze, and my hands dropped to my sides. I looked inside and saw a stern-looking woman on a chair just

outside the emergency room. It was Celine.

Beside her was the equally expressionless Kenzie. On the other side was Stella, leaning against the wall.

They looked at me, and I didn't know if I should enter or retreat.

Chapter 291 Confrontation at the Emergency Room

Celine's face darkened as she sat some distance away. Her posture was rigid, and her eyes were

gleaming with chilling intensity.

When I saw Celine, I knew it was Atlas inside the emergency room.

I glanced at the tightly shut door of the emergency room, silently praying that everything would be alright.

"What's this? Weren't you making a fuss about coming over?" Celine's tone was icy, and her hawk-like eyes remained fixed on me.

I took a deep breath and bit my lip before approaching her.

"When did his well-being become your business?" Celine's words were cutting.

"My apologies, Mrs. Celine. I only wanted to know if Atlas was alright. Is he seriously injured?" I struggled

to keep my tone even.

"His condition is none of your concern. This is an internal matter for the Pierce family."

My tone turned equally sharp. "Are you suggesting that even friends are not allowed in? Can't someone outside the family care about his well-being?"

"Such insolence! How dare you talk to me like this?!"

My disrespect angered Celine. Did she think she was the only one who could say such venomous things?

I didn't back down. "I apologize if I sounded disrespectful. But I don't need anyone's permission to care about Atlas. It's a basic human right. You can treat me like a stranger if you want." "You bitch! Get her out of here!" Celine couldn't contain her rage any longer. "You shameless wretch!"

I stepped back as two guards approached me.

Hold it Mrs. Celine, there's no need for all this. This is a public place, not your family's territory." With that, I turned and walked toward the corridor but didn't leave.

1 sat confidently just outside the emergency room, where I could still observe everything happening inside.

needed to know if he was okay. He had held me in his arms just a few hours ago. He couldn't be

senously hurt.

I sat there, feeling worried and anxious. How did this accident happen? Atlas had told me he was leaving to give Celine sorte space and break free from her control. Could something else be going on?

A troubling thought crossed my mind. I grabbed my phone and called Grayson. I needed to get more information about the accident. It seemed too coincidental that Atlas was leaving and then this happened.

As I waited for Grayson to answer, I kept my eyes on the door of the emergency room.

Today's Bonus Offer

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