Between Rubies and Opals

Chapter Chapter Ten

“So, can we see them?” Lee asked, and looked over at Erin and Sam, sitting next to one another on the padded seating of the corner booth, in Dragona’s. Erin rested her head against Sam’s shoulder and flashed an amused smile.

“Would you stop asking her that?” Gowan slapped him against the arm.

“He’s never going to stop asking until you show him, you know that?” Vikki laughed.

“She can’t show them here anyway,” Sam said with a raised eyebrow.

“Whatever, nobody is looking,” Lee whispered.

“I don’t think it’s such a good idea.”

“You never think anything is a good idea, Gowan,” Vikki frowned. “Erin, your glass is empty again.”

“So it is.”

“You drink fast.”

“She’s used to it,” Gowan glowered and Erin glared at him.

“Shut up, Gowan!” Vikki shoved him and shook her head.

“Okay, that does it. Not to be rude, or anything, but what the hell is your deal with me anyway?” Erin sat up straight and looked at Gowan.

“Yeah, tell us, Gow,” Vikki nodded and looked at Gowan.

“What did I do to you?” Erin asked.

“Nothing-” Gowan stuttered.

“So then why are you such a mutt to me?” Erin asked and Vikki and Sam burst out laughing.

“You know exactly why,” Gowan said and sat back in his chair.

“Because of these?” Erin asked and pointed to her two fangs that slowly protruded from her top teeth.

“Yes, because of those,” Gowan nodded, with a look of disapproval on his face.

“Whoa, they’re awesome!” Lee gasped in awe.

Erin narrowed her eyes and as she closed her lips again, her fangs withdrew and disappeared from sight, like they were never there.

“So how exactly do you control them so well?” Vikki asked.

“I don’t know, I’ve always been able to,” Erin answered and looked at Gowan again. “For what it’s worth, Gowan, I’m not like the other vamps that you know. You don’t have to act like a badass in front of me, and everyone else. Because one, I’m not afraid of you, and two, I will never hurt anyone without proper cause, whether they are a vamp, or a wolf. I am not one of those vamps that do as they please, and I have more respect for you wolves than you will ever know.”

Gowan and Erin stared wordlessly at one another, as Lee, Vikki and Sam nervously awaited a response from either of them. Gowan dropped his gaze for a second and dug in his pocket for his wallet. “Erin, would you like another drink?”

“Sure, that would be nice,” Erin nodded, and Gowan stood up, walking to the bar.

“Way to go, Erin,” Vikki cheered.

“You cracked the hardest nut in the world,” Lee raised his eyebrows, giving her a small round of applause.

“What?” Erin frowned and looked at Sam.

“Gowan never buys a drink for anyone, let alone a vamp,” Sam explained.

“Really?” Erin asked.

“Really,” Sam nodded and pulled her close to him, kissing the top of her head.

“And what does that mean exactly?” Erin asked.

“Gowan doesn’t go out on a limb for anyone that, according to him, doesn’t deserve it. So by offering to buy you a drink means that he has respect for you.”

“Like a peace offering,” Vikki nodded.

“Okay, that’s a good thing, right?”

“Totally. It doesn’t happen very often,” Lee nodded.

“You just witnessed a miracle,” Vikki exclaimed, and Erin laughed. “So, I’m curious. How did the two of you meet?”

“In a Laundromat.”

“A Laundromat?” Lee asked in slight disbelief.

“I didn’t know vamps do their own laundry,” Vikki frowned.

“This one does,” Erin pointed to herself, and Vikki and Sam laughed.

“What attracted you to him, Erin?” Vikki asked. “We all know he’s a pretty boy, and all, but you don’t strike me as the type of girl that would only go for looks.”

Erin let out a laugh and looked at Sam. “Well, he was quite a smooth talker.”

When Vikki and Lee raised their eyebrows, she chuckled again.

“I was?”

“Do you even remember what you said to me?” Erin exclaimed and Sam laughed. “You said that Alex isn’t really Gowan’s type, and that you preferred brunettes, or even redheads, like me.”

“Whoa, smooth, Sammy,” Vikki said sarcastically. “How did you fall for a line like that anyway, Erin?”

“Hey, I’m here, aren’t I?” Erin laughed.

“What a sucker!” Lee exclaimed, and they all burst out laughing.

“You guys are a bunch of animals,” Sam muttered and felt Erin’s hand on his arm. He looked over at her and she smiled happily at him.

“I’m so glad I came,” she whispered.

Gowan suddenly appeared at the table with five full glasses, and placed a glass in front of each person at the table. He sat down and everyone looked at him. “What?”

“Nothing,” Vikki held her hands up in the air.

“Thank you, Gowan,” Erin said with a smile.

“You’re welcome.”

A few hours later, the four wolves were well-oiled, but Erin was still relatively sober.

“So how come you’re not slurring, Erin?” Vikki asked with a frown.

“We are naturally more resilient against alcohol,” Erin answered.

“So Sam has to spend a lot more money to get you drunk then?” Gowan asked.

“He doesn’t have to,” Erin smirked at Sam.

“Aw, you guys are so cute together,” Vikki cooed and smiled slightly.

Erin and Sam looked at one another and he touched her chin, making her crinkle her nose.

“So, Mister Ondruska, are you going to grace us with that velvet voice of yours tonight?” Vikki asked, turning towards Gowan.

“I don’t know,” Gowan shrugged.

“How can you not? You’ve got such a great voice,” Erin asked with a frown, taking a sip of her drink.

“You’ve heard him sing?” Lee asked.

“Yeah, I come here all the time,” Erin shrugged.

“You come here all the time?”

“Okay, not all the time, but I’ve been here many times in the past.”

The three wolves sitting opposite her narrowed their eyes at her and she laughed, leaning her head against Sam’s shoulder.

“What? I like it here,” Erin answered.

“A vamp preferring a wolf bar to a blood bar, that’s new,” Gowan frowned, taking a large sip of his dark drink.

“What are they like?” Vikki asked and leaned forward.

“The blood bars, as Gowan gallantly called them?” Erin asked.


“They’re creepy, and smell strange.”

“Coming from a vamp,” Lee frowned.

“It’s the truth though. Those places smell of old corpses, even though Alex loves going there.”

“Alex is your best friend, right?” Gowan asked.

“Yes,” Erin nodded.

“Why didn’t she come along too?”

Erin took a deep breath and shook her head. “Well, this isn’t really her scene.”

“Sounds like a typical vamp to me,” Gowan frowned.

“She is,” Erin nodded.

“So are you going up there, Erin?” Lee asked and motioned to the stage.

“Actually, I have never karaoke’d before.”

“What?” Vikki exclaimed. “Are you serious?”





“Never,” Erin repeated with a giggle.

“Then you have to go up there.”

“No, I’d rather not. I can’t even sing.”

“Of course you can sing. Everyone can sing.”

“Not everyone,” Sam muttered.

“Are you scared, vamp girl?” Gowan asked, his dark eyes sparkling.

“No, but I would rather not attract any attention to myself.”

“Scaredy-cat,” Gowan muttered.

“Okay, I’ll go, but you have to come with,” Erin said as she turned to Sam.

“Oh no, I don’t do karaoke,” Sam contended and shook his head.

“Scaredy-cat,” Erin raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m not scared.”

“Then why not?” she asked.

“Because Sam can’t sing.”

“But you just said everyone can sing.”

“He honestly can’t.”

“I don’t believe that,” Erin said, shaking her head.

“He totally sucks!” Lee nodded, and looked at Erin. “No pun intended of course.”

“It’s true, but I can’t be good at everything, you know,” Sam shrugged and Erin laughed.

“Gowan?” Erin eyed him.

“With me? On stage?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Sam?” Gowan looked at Sam with wide eyes.

“Fine with me. As long as I’m not dragged into this,” Sam said and held his hands in the air.

“Okay,” Gowan nodded.

“Okay, but I need to go to the rest room first.” Erin nodded and stood up slowly.

“I’ll come with you,” Vikki exclaimed and jumped up from her chair.

“Okay,” Erin laughed.

Sam winked at her as the two girls made their way to the bathroom. Once inside, Erin went into the last stall, and Vikki followed her.

“Do you mind if I come in with you?” Vikki asked.

“Not at all, but I don’t know if you want to be in here though,” Erin grimaced.

“Why not?”

Erin opened her bag and took out a vial of blood.

“No, I’m fine,” Vikki answered and shook her head nonchalantly.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Go ahead,” Vikki nodded and leaned against the door. “How often do you get thirsty?”

“Usually about every eight hours, but being around all of you, and the alcohol, shortens it a little.”

“Being around us makes you thirsty?”

“Yeah, you’ve got much more life than we do, and you’re warmer than us. So it’s like you literally burn us out.”

“God, you’re such a complex race,” Vikki sighed.

Erin smiled slightly, unscrewed the cap and emptied the vial of red liquid into her throat. She closed her eyes for a second and felt the blood spreading through her body, creating a comforting feeling that travelled through her veins. After taking a deep, satisfied breath, she opened her eyes and looked at a very intrigued Vikki.


“You have no idea,” Erin nodded. “However gross that sounds.”

“Different strokes for different folks,” Vikki shrugged and Erin smiled. “So whose is it?”

“I have no idea, we get it at the local vet-bank.”

“Vet? Like veterinarian?”

“I only do animal blood.”

“Have you ever had wolf blood?”

“Once, but it made me a little sick.”

“That’s odd.”

“That’s exactly what Alex said,” Erin answered, shaking her head. “I’ll never have it again, though.”


“I have too much respect for wolves. It would be disrespectful, and immoral.

“You’re sweet, for a vamp,” Vikki giggled.

“Thanks Vikki.”

“You’re welcome.”

There were a few seconds of silence between the two girls and Vikki looked at Erin as she put the empty vial back into her bag. “Erin?”


“I’m really glad that Sam met you.”

“Thanks Vikki. So am I.”

“I really like you.”

“I really like you too.”

“Are you and Sam going to get married and have babies?” Vikki asked and Erin looked at her in slight disbelief.

“I don’t know, but I hope so,” Erin said, shaking her head at herself. She couldn’t believe she had actually said those words out loud.

“Well, when you do, I am so being your bridesmaid,” she slurred.

“Okay, I’ll remember that,” Erin chuckled and opened the door.

As they returned to the table, Sam looked at her with a frown. “Everything okay?”

“Everything is fine,” Erin said, and slid back into his arms.

“You feel better now?” Sam asked.

“I do, thank you.”

“I was just telling Erin that I want to be a bridesmaid at your wedding.”

“What?” Sam looked at Vikki for a second and burst out laughing.

“Yeah, true story,” Vikki nodded.

“You’re drunk.”

“Possibly, but I’m also dead serious.”

“She appointed herself, I had no choice,” Erin shrugged.

“Well, in that case…” Sam’s voice trailed as he looked at Erin and she smiled at him. “You’re so pretty.”

Erin laughed and placed her hand on Sam’s, under the table. “You’re pretty adorable yourself.”

“Are you ready, Erin?” Gowan asked as he finished the last of his drink and looked at her.


“For your karaoke debut?”

“Oh fuck…” Erin blurted out and covered her mouth with both hands.


“Never.” Erin shook her head, planted a kiss on Sam’s forehead and stood up. “Wish me luck.”

“You’ll kill it, babe,” Sam winked at her.

“Please don’t say that,” Gowan grimaced and everyone else laughed.

Nikolai paged through the large black book in front of him with a frown, when the door of the study opened and Lukas entered.

“My father is going to slaughter you if he finds you in here,” he said with a raised eyebrow, still paging in the book.

“If anyone asks, you didn’t see me,” Lukas whispered, quietly closing the door.

“Why?” Nikolai asked and looked up from his book with a frown.

“Shh, I’m hiding.”

“From who?”

“Your mother.”

“My mother?” Nikolai let out a sardonic laugh and shook his head.

“It’s not funny,” Lukas whispered and sat down on the leather chair in front of him.

“Of course it isn’t,” Nikolai laughed again. “You’re hiding away from my mother, the mistress of locating things in the manor.”

“Fantastic,” Lukas muttered. “I’d much rather take my chances with your father.”

“You exaggerate.”

“You forget, your father neither scares me, nor intimidates me.”

“What has she done now?”

“She won’t leave me alone for one second.”

“And so her infatuation continues,” Nikolai sniggered.

“More like an obsession.”

“We both know why that is.”

“Your mother is very persistent.”

“At least something that Erina inherited from her.”

“Have you thought about a plan of action, regarding helping me to win back your sister’s affections?”

“You could always try by using that natural charm we both know you have.”

“Yes, look how successful that was. Your sister loathes me now more than ever.”

“You slept with her best friend.”

“That was not my fault. That Alex…” Lukas’ voice trailed and he looked blankly at Nikolai.

“Please, do finish,” Nikolai smirked and intertwined his fingers, waiting for Lukas to carry on with whatever bullshit excuse that he was going to come up with.

Lukas composed himself first by taking a few moments to clear his thoughts and looked Nikolai directly in the eyes. “It was an accident.”

“So, you accidentally slept with her?”

“Yes. She compelled me.”

“And you accidentally let Erin walk in on the two of you accidentally sleeping together.”

“You make it sound so bad.”

“That’s because it is.”


“Do you regret it?”

“Every single moment.”

“So dramatic.”

“What does your sister like, Nikolai?”

Nikolai pulled a face and glanced over at Lukas. “You dated her for thirty years, shouldn’t you know?”

“Erina does not confide much in you, does she?”

“No, never,” Nikolai muttered.


“We are very different, with different views and opinions on everything. Mostly she is upset by the things I say, which I don’t understand. She also has a tolerance towards the mutts that I do not understand, nor will I ever.”

“We had that same problem, Erina and I. We could never have a conversation without it turning into an argument.”

“My sister is very opinionated.”

“Yes, I realized that the moment I met her.”

Nikolai nodded, glancing down at the book in front of him and back at Lukas. “The first thing you need to do is let her trust you again, because, let’s face it, after what you did, I’m surprised she didn’t kill you.”

“She almost did.”

“Really?” Nikolai smirked.

“Yeah. She had the tip of her cross pressed into my chest, ready to push it through my heart.”

“The one with the emeralds?”


“That thing is lethal.”

“You’re telling me. I’ve still got the scar to prove it.”

“You’ve got a lot of ground to cover with my sister, Lukas.”

“I know, seeing as I have competition now.”

“Minor. We’ll eat that little vamp boyfriend of hers for breakfast, and still have room to spare,” Nikolai smirked, but his smile only lasted about a second. “You can start by not coming on so strong. Respect her space and don’t put any unwanted pressure on her. She doesn’t like that.”

“Anything else?”

“Good luck. You’re going to need it.”

“Thanks my friend.”

“I meant, with my mother. She knows you’re here.”

“Shit,” Lukas muttered lowly, standing up from the chair. “Let me be off.”

Nikolai gave him a slight nod and Lukas vanished from the study. Nikolai sighed slightly and brought his hands up to his face, furrowing his brow. “Lukas, you fool.”

Erin smiled happily as she locked the door of her apartment behind her and walked into the kitchen. She placed her handbag on the counter and smiled at herself, removing the three empty vials from her bag.

“You’re still in one piece,” Alex’s voice pierced the silence and Erin slowly turned around.

“Hey Lex,” Erin smiled slightly.

“How was your night?”

“It was great,” she answered, walking over to the garbage disposal and dropped the vials into it.

“Did you have fun?” Alex walked over to her and leaned her elbows on the counter.

“I did. You should come next time,” Erin nodded.

“Yeah, okay.” Alex rolled her eyes slightly.

“They’re not as bad as you think, you know,” Erin said with a frown. “They’re nice and funny, and they treated me as if I was one of them.”

“That’s nice, Erin.”

“That’s it?” Erin asked and Alex frowned at her. “That’s all you’re going to say? That’s nice?”

“Yeah,” Alex shrugged.

“O-kay.” Erin frowned and looked around her, crinkling her nose. She recognized the smell immediately and looked over at Alex. “Why was Nikolai here?”

“He wasn’t here,” Alex shrugged.

“Lex, I know my brother’s smell,” Erin said and crossed her arms. “Why was he here?”

“He wanted to know where you were,” Alex answered, clearly defeated.

“And you told him what exactly?”

“Not much.”

“Lex…” Erin growled, her voice low.

“I didn’t tell him where you were and with who you were.”


“I did tell him about the rubies.”

“What?” Erin exclaimed. “Are you insane?”

“What’s the big deal?”

“Are you seriously asking that question?”

“What happened with you isn’t normal, Erin. I’ve never seen a vamp behave like that around rubies before.”

“What did my brother say?”

“Also not much. He asked when it started, but I told him that this was the first time.”

“Okay, good.”

“He seemed a bit troubled, more than usual.”

“He made ‘the face’, didn’t he?”

“Oh yes.”

“Shit,” Erin muttered. “He better not tell my mother. She’s going to freak out and turn into a bat.”

“I don’t think he’s going to tell her, but you should really talk to your dad about it. Maybe he knows something that can help, or just clarify why you acted that way?”

“Those things are jinxed, I told you, but you didn’t believe me.”

“I do now.”

Erin ran her fingers through her hair and shrugged off her jacket.

“Should I be worried about you?” Alex asked.

“I doubt it. I’m fine.”

“Well, for your safety, and mine, I’ll keep them in my room,” Alex frowned for a second and shook her head. “No wait, I’ll take them back to the manor.”


“If they make you go crazy, they might come to life and strangle the venom out of me while I sleep,” Alex answered with wide eyes.

“I think the manor is a better place,” Erin agreed.

“So, in a totally unrelated topic, what are you wearing to your switch party?”

“I have no idea.”

“We should go shopping. I know the perfect place…” Alex’s voice trailed as she looked over at Erin, shifting around uncomfortably. “Erin?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“We’ll find you the perfect outfit, don’t worry.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Oh right,” Alex frowned. “Trust you to have your birthday on Fool Moon.”

“He’s not going to be able to come, Lex.”

“It’s not the end of the world.”

“But I want him to be there.”

“So Nikolai and your mother can make mincemeat out of him?”

“Alex…” Erin warned.

“I’m just saying.”

“You’re not helping.”

“I know. I don’t really know what to say anymore, Erin. Maybe this is a sign.”

“A sign?”

“Yeah, a sign that it’s wrong - and illegal I might add - to date a wolf.”

“No, it’s not. It’s only illegal to marry him and have babies together.”

“You’re thinking of marrying him and having babies?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You’ve thought about marrying him, haven’t you?”

“It was just for a second.”

“And then you realized how ridiculous you were being?”

“Yes. Why would he want to marry someone like me? There are so many-”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. There’s nothing wrong with you. If he’s too stupid to realize that, then he doesn’t deserve you.”

Erin narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. “You know you just seriously contradicted yourself?”

“No, I didn’t. Any guy would be lucky to have you, wolf or vamp.”

“Are you thawing?”

“No,” she pouted and spun around, heading down the hallway.

Erin let out an amused laugh and shook her head. She grabbed her phone, texted Sam to let him know that she was safely at home and walked towards her bedroom. As she entered her room, she stopped abruptly on the threshold as a strange sensation ran down her spine. She briefly looked around her and frowned. “Lex?”

“Yes?” Alex appeared from her room and sighed as she saw the expression on Erin’s face. “Nikolai wasn’t in your room, Erin. Give it a rest.”

“Something’s wrong…”

“What do you mean?”

“Was anyone besides Nikolai here?”


“And you’re sure that he wasn’t in my room?”

“I’m sure,” Alex nodded.

“Someone else was here. I can smell it.”

“I don’t smell anything, Erin.”

“You don’t?”

“No, nothing.”

“That can’t be right.” Erin shook her head and reached for the light switch. As the room filled with light, the two girls stared into the room, with wide eyes. On the ottoman by her bed, stood a large bouquet of white Algharakhian tulips.

Erin and Alex exchanged glances of disbelief and slowly walked into the room.

“Are you sure someone wasn’t in here?”

“I have no idea how I could have missed that,” Alex whispered.

“Maybe you were too focused on Nikolai to notice anyone, or anything else.”

“Very funny, Erin.”

Erin smiled briefly and walked over to the bouquet. She lightly touched one of the soft velvety petals and frowned. “They’re beautiful.”

“I didn’t know that Algharakhian tulips bloomed this time of the year,” Alex said beside her.

“They don’t normally.”

“Is there a card or something?”

Erin scanned the bouquet for a possible card or note, or any indication to identify the sender of the flowers, but there were none. “No, nothing.”

“You’ve got a secret admirer,” Alex winked.

“No, I don’t. There’s only one person that knows I like Algharakhian tulips.”


“Lukas,” Erin answered with a scowl.

“But how did he get in here?”

“Are you sure you didn’t see him?”

“I could have. Maybe. I don’t know, Erin. You know Nikolai makes me crazy, and blind, apparently.”

“Yes, I know,” Erin muttered and raised an eyebrow at Alex.

“Shit, I can’t believe he would deceive me like that.”

“I wouldn’t put it past him, Lex, don’t feel bad.”

“He’s a crafty one,” Alex muttered and then looked at Erin. “Lukas definitely still has feelings for you.”

“Well, the only feelings I have for him are feelings of disdain.” Erin grabbed the stems of the tulips and marched out of her room. “Bastard.”

“Where are you going?”

“Returning an unwanted gift.”

“Erin, don’t you think you should wait until tomorrow morning?”

“No, because-”

“Just wait until morning, then you can go throw it at him.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll wait until morning.” Erin threw the bouquet down on the ottoman, and stomped off to her bathroom.

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