Betrayed, Yet Bound To The Billionaire by Grace Madeline

Chapter 592

Chapter 592 Caspian was struck by how brutal Sophia had become .

He thought .

How is this different from a monster ? Shes practically inhuman , capable of tearing into people with her bare hands .

Its terrifying .

No Odalys replied , her tone measured .

The posthumous marriage is real .

But Sophia isnt the bride theyre looking for Someone died in that villa , but it wasnt Elass soIL Hes been using g the guise of these hese posthumous marriages to hire families desperate for cash to sell their daughters to him ! Percival stood as they spoke , choosing not to interrupt Youre saying he purchases these women and then sends them to shady clubs to make n money ? Orson asked , skeptical .

Those places have high standards height , charisma , beauty .

Women bought cheaply dont usually meet their requirements Not necessarily , Percival said .

What if he is using them for posthumous marriages ! It wouldnt be human trafficking , strictly speaking Onion frowned , more confused than ever Think about it Orson continued .

In some families , parents value sons more highly than daughters , so they treat daughters as expendable .

If they see an opportunity to profit by selling them off, the numbers could get staggering They all knew how prevalent the preference for sons still was in many communities .

Theyd seen families devalue their daughters and push them aside .

Its a tragedy , but it happens , Orson thought .

By purchasing daughters from less favored families at low prices , youre effectively buying into their resentment .

That resentment can be a powerful tool to exploit Percival observed .

Orson fell silent , unsettled by the implications .

He wanted to argue , to refute , but no words came to mind .

He thought .

If they didnt intend to care for these girls , why have them in the first place ? Bringing them into the world only to neglect them or worse , to heat or sell them off is beyond cruel .

How could anyone treat their flesh and blood like a commodity The sight of these people made Orson feel uncomfortable .

same kind of eye mask ? Orson murmured .

Take a look at this Odalys suddenly said , breaking the silence .

She reached into her canvas bag and pulled out a small container .

Close your Percival and Orion exchanged a glance before obliging .

Odalys brushed something calm and soothing over their eyelids .

Odalys , is this reyes Odalys didnt answer .

Insirad , ale instructed , Open your eyes As their eyes adjusted , the villas interior seemed to slat before them Odalys , what is this ? Orson squinted , looking around .

The air was teine , as though it carried the weight of lingering anguish and fury .

In the distatice , faint cries echoed likely coming from Elias , who suffered after his attackers beat him and left him behind .

This villa hades more than it reveals .

Those men might look healthy , at their time is already running out .

Even if no one touches them , their sins will catch up soon .

Follow me , Odalys said .

called confidently around the mansion , heading straight for a side entrance to the basement .

Without hesitation , she kicked the door open .

The space before then was adorned in festive colors as if prepared for a lavish celebration .

Con the floor lay row after row of women dressed ate gowns , their faces painted with heavy makeup .

Hut they werent moving each of them sis ? Orson murmured , a chill running slown his spinne rd to examine the bodies up close .

A glance at the stiffness of their faces told him they had been dead for quite some Theyre all dead .

Their parents sold these wor women for podhumous marriages , Odalys explained .

Percival strode further into the room , his steps heavy .

His sharp gare swept over the basement , the flicker of anger in his eyes intensifying as he took in the sight of sixty eight lifeless bodies .

1/2 10:52 AM Chapter 592 Young women , all under twenty , lay in neat rows .

Their delicate features were set in peaceful expressions , as if they had finally found solace , even in Odalys stood still , her breath catching .

Someone dismissed sixty eight lives as unwanted burdens .

Her chest tightened as she stared at them , overcome by a sense of helplessness .

It only someone had loved them .

If only their lives had held more value .

These children were neither loved nor cherished by their parents .

In the end , it was their parents who sent them to their deaths .

No one even questioned the purpose of their existence Damn it , this is worse than human traffickers .

At least those women still get to keep their lives , but here theyre all killed , Orsons eyes blazed with fury .

Odalys let out a helpless laugh .

They didnt die in someone elses hands ; they gave up out of despair .

Abused by their parents and eventually sold here , they found a place where they could eat and stay warm .

And so , they willingly chose posthumous marriage chose to end their own lives .

A bitter smile tugged at her lips .

What a cruel irony .

At home , they suffered from hunger and cold .

But once sold , they experienced a life they never dared dream of .

And after enjoying it all , they found no meaning in living , choosing to die in gratiturle It was grotesque .

Tragic .

Orsons anger boiled beneath the surface , caught between release and restraint .

So they gave them food and warmth , and that was enough to make them choose death willingly ! He clenched his fists .

But how is that any less cruel than what their parents did ? Odalys sighed .

Thats why I said earlier Sophia isnt like these women .

She would never choose to die , and shed never feel grateful to anyone just for giving her the bare minimum Hut 68 women have already gone through this posthumous marriage .

Theyre getting greedy now , looking for higher quality women from wealthier families .

Thats why Elias agreed to meet with Caspian .

Her tone grew colder .

-Too bad Sophia isnt what theyre looking for Percival scanned the surroundings , his sharp eyes studying the faces of the deceased women .

There was something haunting about their expressions .

Their faces were serene , their lips curved in faint smiles , and their brows relaxed as if they had died in bliss .

Whats the real purpose of these posthumous marriages ? Percival asked abruptly .

It wasnt an ordinary posthumous marriage .

The practice ensured the deceased wouldnt be lonely in the afterlife , allowing them to rest peacefully with a partner * Cadalys shook her head .

The purpose is to make these women willingly give up their lives so that they can serve another purpose .

Before their dratlis , tary likely consumed something special .

By the time they died , their souls were already gone .

She hesitated , then added , Or rather , taken , Percival and Orson exchanged a tense g glance at the mention of taken souls .

Anyone else wouldve fainted by now .

Orson leaned in .

Its curiosity paques .

Taken What do you mean , Olalys ? He couldnt help the strange thrill that crept through li him .

His previous frustration faded for a moment , replaced by the excitement of uncovering AD

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