Betrayed, Yet Bound To The Billionaire by Grace Madeline

Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Odalys only noticed then that there were several dried flowers neatly arranged beside her .

190 Sienna followed her gaze and , looking a little cimbarrassed , waved her hand .

After Im done with company matters , I usually stay here at the hospital to take care of Dangelo .

When I have nothing else to do , I just pack up the dried flowers .

Vacuum sealing them helps preserve them longer .

I planned to bring some to you next time She said it almost sheepishly , as if she were apologizing for not having done it more perfectly .

Odalyss throat tightened as she took another sip of the flower infused coffee .

The last time she had been treated like this was by the Bennett family , who had exploited her for years without ever noticing her preferences what she liked to eat or drink .

But here , Sienna , having seen her enjoy the coffee once , had remembered and made sure to brew it for her .

The thought brought a painful warmth to her chest .

Im glad you like it , Sienna said , her eyes brightening at the sight of Odalys drinking .

Dangelo , seeing the coffee in Odalyss hands , hurried over with a plush rabbit doll , presenting it to her with a hopeful smile .

What do you think ? I found this yesterday when we went downstairs for a walk .

There was a claw machine across from the mall , and believe it or not , we actually won it ! I thought you might like it .

He offered the plush toy with a slightly shaky hand , a little self conscious .

For a man of his age to be holding a stuffed bunny like this was a bit out of character , but it had taken him and Sienna the whole afternoon and a thousand dollars in coins just to win it .

They had laughed together , but it had been worth it .

Odalyss voice was soft , bittersweet as she replied .

I never expected the first person to give me a stuffed animal would be you .

She paused , memories Blooding her mind .

When I was little , I always wanted one .

It was a strange feeling the pang of nostalgia mixed with sorrow .

As a child , she had dreamed of cute things like this , but the Rennen family had suited those dreams .

Now , it was the Drake family who was bringing them back to life .

The sensation was both foreign and comforting , like something shed longed for but never had a chance to touch .

Take it .

Its yours , Dangelo insisted , his voice firm but kind .

If you ever want to go grab more , just let us know , and well go with you , Sienna added , a soft smile tugging at her lips ..

Odalys accepted the bunny , her delicate fingers brushing against its soft fur as she cradled it to her chest .

A tender smile flickered on her face .

Sienna and Dangelo exchanged glances , and Dangelo walked over to join Percival and the others for the ongoing discussion .

Sienna , however, stayed by Odalyss side , fussing over her like a mother hen .

Dangelos condition has stabilized , Odalys said , her voice calm but purposeful .

The cancer cells havent spread , but the medication may need to be adjusted .

Ill talk to Clarence about changing the prescription after this .

It had been several days since she had last come to the hospital .

She had been so overwhelmed with work that she had forgotten about Dangelos medication adjustments .

It was only when Orson had reminded her in the car that she remembered .

Sienna shook her head , gently guiding Odalys to sit on the sofa .

No rush .

Youve been working too hard .

Take a break .

You need it .

Sienna handed her a plate of fruit , then peeled some walnuts for her , offering each piece with such care Here , eat some blueberries , and some walnuts , Sienna urged , her hands gentle and precise .

Odalys watched in silence , her heart tightening .

Sienna was so busy , moving from one task to the next .

She would bring one thing after another .

even crushing walnuts for Odalys .

She ate everything Sienna gave her , though the act felt bittersweet .

Youre going to spoil her at this rate , Dangelo teased , chuckling from across ross the room .

Sienna paused , her hands still holding the large bowl of crushed walnuts .

A slight flush crept up her checks .

I cant help it, shes so thin .

I just want her to cat well .

Odalys couldnt help but smile at their warmth , but it made her chest ache even more .

Sienna wasnt doing this out of obligation .

She genuinely cared for her , treated her like her own daughter .

1/2 7.39 AM Chapter 475 When Odalys reached for some dried flowers , she instantly recognized them as wildflowers handpicked from the mountains .

They werent cultivated artificially , but naturally grown , probably by Sienna herself .

How did you get these ? Odalys asked , her voice hushed .

Sienna seemed surprised by the question .

How did you know they were picked from the mountains ? she asked , incredulous .

I just knew .

Odalys murmured softly , her heart aching .

I thought the flowers from the mountains would have a better flavor when brewed for the coffee .

Theyre nourished by nature , by the essence of the earth .

I thought they would be more beneficial to the body .

nnas face softened with affection .

Youre right .

These have a better taste , and I believe theyre healthier too .

Odalys blinked rapidly , fighting the tears that threatened to fall .

She realized that Sienna and Dangelo werent trying to flatter her .

They genuinely wanted to care for her , and in their hearts , they were treating her like a daughter .

Then Ill take some with me .

Odalys said quietly , her voice trembling slightly .

Sienna smiled and nodded eagerly .

Of course , take whatever you like .

Ill have the rest sent to the Stewart family .

Percival and Harvey continued their serious discussion , but Odalyss mind was elsewhere .

She drank the rest of the coffee and walked to the directors office , where Clarence was already seated , examining a report .

Odalys knocked on the door .

Clarence looked up , his white hair a little disheveled .

His sharp eyes softened when he saw Odalys , and he immediately jumped up to greet her Odalys Stone Odalys , youre here ? Please , sit ! he said , clearly excited .

He was still studying the new prescription she had sent through Orson .

The more he examined it , the more intrigued he became .

Youve outsmarted us all , Odalys , he murmured , a grin forming on his face .

Youve got a better head on your shoulders than any of us old timers Odalys smiled but quickly got to the point .

Clarence , have you looked over the prescription I sent to Orson ? Of course ! Clarence said , walking over to his desk and pulling out the printed prescription .

His hands trembled slightly as he handed it to her .

Its brilliant , really .

These two ingredients work perfectly together .

They can protect the heart while locking down the bacteria , forcing them out or suppressing them .

Theres even a chance that we could use those bacteria for something else in the future Odalys grabbed a pen and added a note on the paper , her attention fully on the details .

ย The two of them discussed the formula , and though they had an age gap , their mutual understanding of traditional medicine was clear .

In fact , Odalyss knowledge surpassed Clarences , and he wasnt shy about admitting it .

Finally , Clarence looked up from the paper , his eyes filled with admiration .

Odalys , once you finish everything youre working on , I want to establish a traditional medicine clinic and hospital in your name .

What do you think ? *

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