Betrayed, Yet Bound To The Billionaire by Grace Madeline

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 Odalys was taken aback .

She had planned to find an opportunity to visit the old man , but she hadnt expected Freya to bring it up .

Without hesitation , she nodded , Alright , Youre the best .

Odalys ! Freya exclaimed , jumping to her feet .

She slapped her own backside playfully before grabbing Odalys hand and pulling her along .

As they walked , Freya picked a few yellow wildflowers and tucked them into her hair .

How does it look ! Freya asked , glancing over at her .

Odalys glanced at the flowers Beautiful , she replied .

Freya , not missing a beat , also picked some flowers and placed them in Odalys hair .

Selah , seeing this , followed suit , pinning a couple of flowers .

into her own hair while taking selfies .

Bring your lace closer , she said , grinning .

Cheese ! they all laughed together as they posed for the camera They walked , chatting and picking flowers , while Stellan and Francis trailed behind like bodyguards , silently watching but with distant looks in their It was clear they were both worried about what Odalys had said earlier about what could happen next .

Selah approached the old mans door and knocked .

The elderly man , nervous , looked at his son before quickly opening the door .

He had expected Odalys alone , but seeing the entire group standing there caught him off guard .

He hesitated before asking politely , What brings all of you here ? were leaving .

Freya explained with a sinile .

We couldnt finish all the food , so we brought it to you .

Stellan and Francis entered , carrying the food .

The elderly man didnt seem to be too surprised by their actions , as he knew they would honor their word .

He stood still , watching Odalys with a thoughtful expression .

Dont worry , Odalys reassured him as she passed .

Ill keep my promise .

Wait for my news With that , the old mans tension seemed to ease He had feared that once they left , they would abandon him , but now he could relax .

After a few m more words , the group quickly left .

The photographer stayed outside to respect their privacy , as Odalys had requested .

Once back in the SUV , everyone settled in Francis , you should come with us , Freya suddenly said , breaking the silence .

She knew if Francis went back to Group As SUV , he would be sidelined and left out .

Sophias behavior was crystal clear to her .

Alright , Francis a agreed without hesitation , grabbing his bag g and following them to their vehicle .

Sophia , who had been watching from a distance , couldnt believe her eyes when Francis got in with Freya .

Without even a word , he turned and left her behind .

How shallow , Sophia muttered under her breath .

Now that they think theyve found a better opportunity , they ury just wan want to suck up to them .

People , after all, always wanted to get closer to those who could offer them something better .

Get in .

Atlas said flatly , not engaging with Sophias comment .

He glanced at her face before turning his gaze away .

She had said she wasnt wearing makeup last night , but it was clear she had put some on today .

Chapter 215 the Sophia he remembered .

And somehow , she looked different something in her expression , her appearance it wasnt the S It was almost as if the woman in front of him wasnt the same one he had known before .

The change felt unsettling , but Atlas couldnt understand why.

Am I going mad he wondered .

These thoughts were too strange to make sense of : Meanwhile , Finnan , who had been watching Group H.

, saw Stellan take the drivers seat and was about to step forward when the SUV suddenly revved and speil away .

Are you getting in Sophia asked , her tone slightly inked .

Finnian besitated , but when he saw that Atlas had already taken the drivers seat , he hail no choice but to sit in the passenger seat .

Sophia , left behind in the back , felt a pang of surprise .

They had left her there without a second thought : Alright , guys , the variety show is wrapping up .

Were heading back to catch our flight now .

But on the way , well stream a bit of the scenery for you .

Sophia announced , smiling into the camera .

She adjusted the lens to catch her profile , her confidence radiating as she straightened her posture .

She had deliberately worn a V neck dress that slay to accentuate her curves for the camera , After all , any publicity is good publicity , she thought , already anticipating the attention .

Wasnt there supposed to be a police station livestream ? Finnan suddenly spoke up .

The mention of it made both Atlas and Sophia stillen .

Given that Odalys was the heir to the Bennett family , they were sensitive to such topics .

Fine , lets watch it together , Atlas said , clearly not believing that Odalys would be alkandoned by her family .

He was certain she was lying and wanted to see how she would explain herself .

Feeling a little lighter now , Atlas leaned back in his seat , ready to watch the livestream unfold .

Hack in Group Bs SUV , Stellan drove , while Francis sat beside him .

Odalys , Selah , and Freya were in the back , all pulling out their phones now that the variety show had ended , and the signal had returned .

Quickly , lets watch the police station livestream , Selah urged .

Freya adjusted her camera and said , Lets all watch it together .

If you have any questions , leave them in the comments and well answer them .

Also , our show is almost over , so thank you for sticking with us .

She then positioned her iPad on the seat beside her , ensuring the screen was large enough for everyone to see .

Francis immediately pulled out his phone and started the livestream , while Stellan used his phone for navigation , his attention split .

At exactly 5:00 PM , the livestream from the police station began .

The camera focused on the face of a middle aged man , his badge clearly displayed : Officer Knox Cantrell .

He greeted the viewers .

Hi everyone .

Tim Knox Cantrell , the police officer youve been trying to find since yesterday , Due to a heavy workload and multiple cases on hand .

we worked through the night to revisit the original case .

I know youve all been eagerly waiting for this , and I didnt want to let you down , so I reviewed the case last night and even found the surveillance footage .

Lets take a moment to recall the events together , Knox began .

He paused , then continued , his tone steady but serious , It was the year 1 had just graduated from the police academy and started my first jobs here .

That night was my very first shaft .

I heard crying , and when I went to investigate , I found a man dressed in a magic robe holding a little girl .

He was reporting that the child had been abandoned outside and had nearly frozen to death .

The temperature that night was around -20 ° C , and the child was wearing nothing laut a short sleeve shirt , nearly frozen still .

As Knox spoke , he pulled out the old surveillance footage and opened it , pointing at the screen .

This is the little girl from that night , He clicked on another video and continued , I immediately pulled up the surveillance and spotted a suspicious vehicle .

I asked a colleague for help to track down the owner of the vehicle , and we made a call to contact them .

The video played on , and the clear sound of Knoxs voice echoed from the recording , as he repeatedly confirmed whether the people in question had any connection to the child .

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