Chapter 146
Chapter 146 Every word from Odalys was crystal clear in Brandons cars .
He suddenly looked up , disbelief written across his face as he muttered .
Isnt that … ..
Odalys explained .
What ? Its obvious that the poisons been in his system for a long time .
It just hasnt triggered yet , so no one noticed .
Initially .
this medicine must have helped his body .
Before , when he took it , he would feel better , but over time , it only weakened him more .
Eventually , his body couldnt take it anymore , and he ended up bedridden for good .
can keep changing the formula , but all that does is keep triggering the poison in different ways .
Its just a new method of poisoning As Odalys spoke , she gave Brandon a penetrating look .
You should be thinking about who gave you the first prescription .
After you changed the formula , who gave you that one ? Why has he been taking it for all these years and getting worse , almost dying ? All the doctors have said theres something wrong with his body .
You ever questioned it before you changed the formula , right ? Odalys gently reminded him .
Brandon began to tremble .
He hadnt expected Odalys to gue all of this .
No one else knew .
How did you know ? he asked , eyeing her suspiciously .
Odalys simply waved her hand , standing tall as she looked down on Brandon with a knowing smile Because I practice traditional medicine *** Im a healer .
I understand medicine .
One look and I could tell what was wrong .
Do I need to explain more ? she said softly , her voice tinged with a quiet laugh ..
Brandon quickly stood up .
He walked toward Odalys , standing in front of her , looking a bit lost like a child .
He nervously fiddled with his hands and stared down at the bot Is there anything that can be done now ! Can you save my son ? If you can , Ill do whatever you ask .
His voice broke as he spoke , one as it He fought back the grief budding inside him .
Right now , he didnt care about anything else .
Even if he was being used , as long as his son , he would do anything meant saving Yes , Odalys answered softly .
Chapter 146 Brandons heart leaped with hope , and he couldnt believe his ears .
He looked up at her and asked , What did you say ? I can save him .
Odalys repeated in a calm voice .
Brandon froze in place , watching as Odalys took a silver needle from her bag and placed it directly on his sons forehead .
In one swift motion , she jabbed the needle in .
He tried to step forward to stop her , but then his sons body suddenly jerked a few times .
With a cough , blood shot from his sons mouth , splattering onto the bed .
Odalys quickly pulled the needle out and gently pressed her fingertips against his sons chest , tapping it a few times .
Her movements were so fast that Brandon was left dazed .
Before he could even comprehend what was happening .
Odalys had already retracted her hand .
He just expelled the blood that was blocking his heart .
He should wake up soon .
By morning , go into the mountains and gather some herbs .
Make a decoction for him to drink , and his fever will break .
Odalys instructed .
She pulled out a piece of paper and wrote out a prescription , handing it to him .
Brandon took the prescription , glanced at it , and nodded .
I have these herbs .
*** My son has been ill for years .
I keep a stock of many remedies .
Brandon explained as he walked over to a nearby cabinet .
Inside , the shelves were neatly arranged with various herbs and medicines .
He grabbed the herbs according to the prescription and immediately went to prepare the decoction .
Odalys didnt leave .
She simply sat down and waited .
Before long , Brandon had finished brewing the herbs .
Without hesitation , he gave the decoction to his son .
Within minutes , the fever began to subside .
He really did break the feverant the fever ? Brandon was shocked , disbelief on his face .
He reached out and gently touched his sons forehead .
His son , who had been unconscious for so long , suddenly grabbed his wrist and softly called out , Dad Hes awake ! Hes really awake ! Brandon wh whispered in disbelief , his voice full of wonder and joy .
But he was too weak .
After saying a few words , he fell back into unconsciousness .
Brandon confirmed that his son was still breathing and that his fever had subsided before he turned to walk toward Odalys , Brandon stood in front of her and suddenly knelt down .
Ms Stone , please save my son .
I swear , if you can save him , I will pay you for the rea y life , he said , bowing deeply in front of her .
of my Odalys sat still , extending her hand to support .
Brandons body and gently forcing him to rise .
Brandon was taken aback , looking at her as she effortlessly helped him stand .
It was clear she had a background in martial arts .
Odalys spoke .
His poison has already spread too deeply .
He needs to rest , and Ill prescribe medicine for him .
You will brew the medicine for him and let him drink it .
Every day , I will come and give him acupuncture .
But each time , it will be more painful for him .
Clearing the poison from his body is impossible .
Its already spread to his heart and lungs , but I can keep him alive for another ten years Brandons eyes nearly sparkled with hope .
Ten years is more than enough , he said , tears streaming down his face .
He nodded repeatedly .
The thought that his son could live for another decade , no longer bedridden like a living corpse , was better than anything he could hope for Okay , heres the prescription , Odalys said as she slowly stood up .
As she did , it seemed like something occurred to her , and she thoughtfully reminded him .
If you dont want him to die , keep tonights visit between us .
Dont let anyone else know , especially the one who gave you the previous prescription .
*** Since he altered the formula and you didnt notice , its obvious he had an agenda .
He wanted your son to die .
*** If others find out youre no longer using that prescription , it will be harmful to both you and your son .
Odalys spoke softly but with authority .
Brandons eyes widened , and he was fully awake now , Yes , Ill still brew the medicine , and the leftovers will be disposed of in the usual place , he whispered .
Odalys didnt say anything further and turned to leave .
Brandon watched her go , a little surprised .
She hadnt asked for anything and hadnt asked any questions .
It looked like she had simply come to treat his son .
He had thought she had an ulterior motive when she spoke earlier , but now , she seemed to have wanted nothing in return .
His mind was in turmoil , but with all the life experience he lud , he kept his emotions in check .
Chapter 116 Although he had doubts , he didnt show them .
Instead , he walked to his sons bedside and looked down at his pale face .
Finally , he turned his gaze back to the direction Odalys had left .
By midnight , Odalys returned to her room and lay down .
She slept soundly , and by dawn , the sounds of birds chirping outside roused her .
Her eyes snapped open in an instant .
Freya , still half asleep , rolled over and snaked her arms around Odalys waist .
Her legs tangled around Odalys , pulling her into a tight embrace .
***Hey , what are you touching ? Odalys didnt turn around , simply reaching behind her to poke Freya .
Freya , still deep in sleep , instinctively grabbed at Odalys , and only when she heard Odalys voice did she freeze , her eyes wide open in disbelief .
She followed her own hands down to where they were .