Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 93

Chapter 93
27 First Shift
Alpha Grant POV
One minute I’m growling at that ba**ard Lincoln and the next I’m standing in my pack yard. “What the f**k” I say as I turn to
Octavius. “You were supposed to get my mate back. We had a deal.” “A deal means that both parties get what they want. Are my
nephew’s pups dead?” “It is not my fault that the ba**ard left the pack after his b**ch of a sister died.” “When I get what I want
then you will get what you want. Find the mutt so I can end the abomination my nephew created and I will give you back your
Luna. Until you find him, our deal is void. Do not call me until you have met the terms of our deal.” Before I can respond I’m
standing alone. “So much for your brilliant plan to get Evelyn back”, Thiago says. Sometimes I hate my damn wolf. I block him
and head back inside. Once I reach my office, I pull the book out of my desk that contains my contacts. I need a tracker that
cares more about money than morals. I find the name I’m looking for and dial it.
“Alpha Grant, to what do I owe this phone call?” “I need you to track someone down and bring him back to me alive.” “You know
the deal, Grant. I need the details to determine the cost.” “Come to the pack and we can discuss the details and your payment. I
will be waiting for your arrival.” “I will be there in five days”, Hudson says. “I need you here tomorrow.” His laughter pisses me off.
“Grant, I tell you when I’ll be there. I said five days and that is not negotiable. If you want my expertise, then you will wait or find
someone else to do your dirty work.” “Fine, I will see you in five days, Hudson.” I slam the phone down. Goddess, I hate dealing
with werebears.
Amelia POV
It’s been two weeks since we lost Clara. I’m trying so hard not to be angry with the goddess for taking her away from Eli and
Faith. I know she has her reasons, but my pups are hurting. We are all hurting. Clara was my daughter even if it wasn’t by blood.
Lily has been distraught and Neal is losing his mind about seeing his mate this way. Eli hasn’t talked about Clara since her burial
ceremony. Lincoln and I are worried that he is not allowing himself to grieve. He doesn’t let Faith out of his sight. He has set up a
pack and play in his office and despite our offers, he won’t let us give him a break. “Larisa, can you please meet us in Eli’s
office,” I link her. We need to get through to him because what he is doing isn’t healthy. He has thrown himself into his Alpha
duties and taking care of Faith. Larisa meets us in the hallway and I knock before opening the door. Eli is holding Faith and
giving her a bottle. He looks confused when he sees the three of us. I walk over and put my hands out to him. “I got her mom.” “I
know you do, Eli, but I would like to hold her. She is safe with me.” I can see how hard it is for him to let her go when he hands
her to me. We all take a seat and he has such fear in his eyes. He is afraid he is going to lose Faith the way he lost Clara.

“Eli, look at me.” He does as I ask. “I understand that your worried about Faith. Anyone that has been through what you have
would be scared.” “I’m not scared” he says. “Eli, you can lie to yourself, but I am your mother and I know you’re afraid of losing
Faith.” He growls “I’m not afraid because I won’t let anything happen to Faith.” I hand Lincoln our granddaughter before I walk
around the desk. Eli turns toward me and I make him look in my eyes as I speak. “You did not let anything happen to Clara. No
one is to blame for that sweet girl going to be with the goddess.” I can see that he is fighting back tears. He stands “I should have
insisted she go to the hospital. I should have realized sooner that something was wrong.” I pull my son into my embrace and I
can feel the sobs as he cries for the first time since he lost his mate. “Nothing would have changed what happened, Eli. Clara
may be gone, but she is never going to be forgotten. We will all tell your pup what a wonderful mother she had. You can’t stop
living because you lost her.” He pulls back and I wipe away the tears covering his cheeks. “Now you’re going to let us help you
have balance. You can trust us to take care of Faith when you have things to do. What you have been doing isn’t healthy. You
need to grieve and live.” I can see he wants to protest but he doesn’t.
“Your dad and I are going to take Faith for a while and you need to go for a run. I’m sure that both you and Silas need time
together. You need to be there for each other.” He nods before he wraps me in a hug again. “How am I supposed to go on
without her, mom? Every time I think about the fact that she is gone, it’s like I lose her all over again.” “I know sweetheart, but
you can’t be a robot. You need to feel the pain but don’t let it consume you. Remember that you can talk to any of us and lean on
us when you need a break.” “Thank you”, Eli says and pulls back. I see the first genuine smile on my poor pup’s face. He hugs
Lincoln and Larisa before he kisses Faith. “I won’t be long”, he says, before he leaves the office. I’m just happy he is listening
even if he only takes short breaks in the beginning.
I know my mother’s right and I will try to do better for both my family and Faith. “It has to be for you too, Eli”, Silas says. I’m glad
to hear from him because we haven’t talked much since everything happened. “Silas, do you think we can go for a run?” “Of
course, Eli” he says. Silas has been very quiet and honestly, I really didn’t want to talk or think about Clara. I know how selfish
that sounds, because my wolf lost his mate too. My mother is right. I try not to think about Clara, not because I don’t love her with
all my heart still, but because it kills me. I shift and Silas takes off. It feels good as the wind rushes through our fur. We run for
thirty minutes and I try to keep my focus here. Thoughts of Faith start to increase my anxiety and I decide I need to go back to
my pup. “Silas, I want to get back to Faith.” “I do too, but we need to talk first.”
He lays on the bank near a pond in the territory. “I need to tell you about what happened when we were both unconscious.” He
starts to tell me about the conversation he had with Cora. My heart twists in my chest when he tells me about opening our heart
to someone else. I stay quiet as a hundred thoughts run through my mind. “How can they even suggest that we open our heart to
another woman? I will do everything I can to be the best father to our pup, but Clara is the only mate I will ever have.” “I don’t like

the idea of another mate either, Eli, but our mates want us to honor them by being happy.” “No, we will honor our mates by being
an amazing father and Alpha.” Silas whimpers and I feel bad for yelling. “I’m sorry Silas but I won’t betray the bond we shared
and having a new mate feels like a betrayal of that bond.” “I understand Eli. We will be happy with our pup and family. Even
though it wasn’t long enough, I’m so happy we had the privilege to love our mate while she was here.” “Me too, Silas.” Silas
takes off toward the pack house and back to our beautiful pup.
Two Weeks Later
“Larisa, can you take Faith this afternoon? I have some work I want to finish and then I would like to go for a run.” “Of course,
Faith loves hanging out with her cool aunt.” He chuckles and hands Faith to me. Eli is doing much better. I know he still worries,
but he is talking more about Clara and trusting us to take care of Faith. Cayden and Evelyn called using facetime last night so
they could see everyone. They are staying in the human city near one of the covens. Cayden wants to find the witch that helped
Franklin. I’m hopeful they will return after he is able to deal with that evil b**ch. I take Faith up to my room and call Rose. She
arrives a few minutes later. “How is Aunt Lily”, I ask her. “She is doing much better. My mother is strong, but she forgets that
even she can’t change some things.” After an hour, Rose has to leave for training with her mom. She has gotten some of her
powers and she is having trouble controlling them. “Well, it’s just you and me, Faith.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I
start to feel warm all over. It’s the same feeling I got last time before I had the vision. “Mom, I need you to come to my room.” “I’m
on my way, Larisa.”
The door flies open and I hand her Faith. My skin feels like it’s on fire and like I’m being poked by thousands of pins. “Larisa, it’s
going to be alright. Your wolf is waking up. I’m going to link your father and brother. Let’s go out to the garden.” When we reach
the garden, the feelings are getting stronger. “I can’t take this mom. I feel like I’m on fire.” “I know baby. You are so strong. I know
you can do this.” The pain makes me fall to my knees. My mother keeps offering me encouragement. I can hear my father and
Eli’s voices even though I can’t focus on what they are saying. “Larisa, I’m here with you. My name is Ara and I am your wolf.” I
groan, the pain becoming unbearable. “It’s time to shift. Focus on my voice and let me do the work Larisa. I won’t lie, it’s going to
hurt, but if you fight me, it will be worse.” I try to relax and give control to Ara. My bones feel like they are all breaking at one time.
I scream and after ten minutes everything stops. The pain is gone. I can hear everything clearer than I ever have. I’m finally able
to focus and my family is smiling at me.
My mother walks over until she is standing in front of me. “Your beautiful. Let’s run my pup” she says and shifts. We take off and I
have never felt anything like this. It almost feels like flying. We run until we come to the lake. We walk over and Ara begins to
drink. I see my wolf for the first time. I gasp “Ara, you’re a white wolf.” “Yes, I am and you are a very special human. I am a very
lucky wolf.” I can’t believe this. My wolf is white as the snow. Her eyes are a beautiful blue color. We spend some time with my

mother before we head back to the pack house. Eli is sitting on the bench holding Faith with my father. I head behind the trees
and pull on shorts and a t-shirt. When I come out, Eli wraps me in a hug. “Congratulations Larisa, your wolf is amazing.” “Ara is
very amazing.” My father pulls me into a hug. “She is just like my little girl, special.” I’m so happy to have my wolf. The moment is
ruined when thoughts of the man from my vision pop into my head. “Don’t worry Larisa, everything will work out the way it’s
supposed and you will always have me.”

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