Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 87

Chapter 87
21 No Permission Needed
Bradford POV
I return to the pack and I pray that Mateo believes me when I tell him we haven’t located the Luna and Calliope. I will be happy
when my family is far from his pack. Thankfully, my cousin is Beta for the Blue Moon pack. He has spoken with his Alpha and he
agreed to allow us to join them. I told my cousin that I could no longer stay Beta for Alpha Mateo. I was grateful he didn’t ask me
for more of an explanation. I reach Mateo’s office and I can hear a female voice along with his. I knock and the voices go quiet.
The door is thrown open and I’m confused when the office is empty. “Come in Bradford”, Mateo says. His pleasant demeanor
does nothing to ease my nerves. “So what progress have you made on locating that treacherous b**ch and my ungrateful
daughter?” There is the Mateo I know. “We have searched everywhere both in the human city and the surrounding packs. There
is no trace of either of them, Alpha.” He doesn’t speak for a long moment and I pray my heart doesn’t give me away. Before he
speaks again, a woman appears next to him. I can tell by her scent she is a witch. I growl as she has my mate by the wrist. My
wolf is pushing to the surface, but I know that I am no match for them. I won’t risk Julie being hurt.
“Bradford, I told you there would be consequences for failing me.” “Punish me, she is innocent in all this. I’m the one that is to
blame. I am the one that failed you. Please Alpha, I have been a good Beta all these years. Please spare my mate.” I hate the
fear I see in her eyes. “Bradford, where are my manners? Do you remember Simone?” My heart clenches in my chest. She
leaves my mate and comes to stand in front of me. Without warning, she places her hand on my forehead. The pain I feel is
unimaginable. My wolf howls and I scream. After a few minutes, she removes her hand and the pain is gone as quickly as it
came. The smile on her face makes my skin crawl. “It seems he is not as loyal as you had hoped, Mateo” she says over her
shoulder. A growl that shakes the office makes me drop my head. “What the f**k did you see?” “He knows where they are and he
is planning on fleeing the pack with his mate and pup.” I’m gripped by the shirt and pinned to the wall. “You f**king piece of sh*t.
How dare you betray your Alpha? Find their pup and put all three of them in the cells until I decide what to do with them.” I don’t
even try to plead with him because I know our lives don’t matter to him. If his daughter means nothing to him, then we have no
He drops me to the floor and I rush over to my mate, wrapping her in my arms. “I’m so sorry love.” She presses her face to my
chest. The witch walks over, placing her hand on both of our arms. The next thing I know, we are standing in the dungeon inside
a cell. I look at the b**ch that just put us in here. I can’t help the growl that escapes me. “Careful wolf, I have no problem making
your mate a widow right now.” Julie squeezes me tighter. “Now where is that brat you call a son?” Neither of us answer her and
she walks over placing her hands on our heads. “So you don’t know where the little ba**ard went. This isn’t over. I’m very good

at what I do” she says and she is gone. I pray to the goddess that Anthony is far from this place. I’m grateful Julie told him to
leave and we would contact him when we were safe. I just pray that evil b**ch doesn’t find him.
Alpha Mateo POV
My wolf is ready to shift and rip this whole f**king pack house down. I can’t believe he would betray me. I have trusted him all
these years. I’m ready to go down to the cells and torture Bradford in the worst way possible. After he watches me take his mate,
he can feel the pain of the bond breaking when I rip the head from her body. Before I can leave my office, Simone reappears.
“Did you find Anthony?” “No, but we have other things to deal with” she says, and I hate having to play nice with this witch. “I give
the orders. I am the Alpha and you work for me.” “Get over it Mateo. You may be an Alpha, but without me you won’t get what
you want.” I growl and she creates a black energy ball in her hand. “Do you really want to try me?” “Fine, what do we do next” I
growl out. “I know where your Luna and daughter are located.” The anger fades and only satisfaction remains. “So we don’t need
that traitor in the cells.” “Slow down Mateo. Think like an Alpha and not like an angry child. He obviously has a relationship with
your daughter if he is willing to protect her. We can use them if we need to. Leave them rot there for now.”
I hate that she is right. “What’s our next move?” “We will scout out the collective and once we have all the information that we
need we will burn it to the ground.” “What collective” I ask confused. Is she saying my mate and daughter are living among
rogues? “They are living in the Silver Paw collective.” She walks until she is standing in front of me. She places her hand on my
arm and my office disappears. We are surrounded by trees. It is dusk but I can hear people speaking and laughing. We change
our position and I can see children playing. “I’ve never seen a collective that seemed so much like a pack”, she whispers. “We
can move closer but do not do anything stupid”, she says. I swear I want to wrap my hands around this woman’s neck. She
starts to chant and then she is gone, but her wretched scent remains. “What the f**k?” “I’m still here. We just can’t be seen. We
will be able to get closer without being detected.” We come off behind the trees and start to walk toward the edge of the
I feel her grab my arm. “What the hell are you doing?” “We need to leave. This land has been enchanted with a very powerful
protection spell.” “What are you going on about?” Before she can answer, two women appear with two wolves. I can tell they are
ranked pack wolves. She places her hand on mine but before we teleport, I see two women run to one of the children. What the
f**? We appear in my office and this time I do shift and begin to rip it apart. I feel our body in the air before it hits the wall. I shift
back and stare at a very pissed-off looking witch. “Do you want to explain what the f**k that was about?” “Those two women are
my mates.” She looks at me confused. I explain what happened with Abigale all those years ago. How did they end up with each
other and who were those people that appeared? She laughs and I swear she is testing all the control I have. “The goddess
surely has a sense of humor. I will try to find out about the witches and I will be in touch.” She is gone without another word and
I’m grateful. I look around my office before I link my Gamma to get this mess cleaned up. I head for my room because I will not

wait around to take back what belongs to me. Lincoln isn’t there to protect that f**king omega now. I smile as I head into my
shower and think about all the things I’m going to do when I finally have her.
Calliope POV
We are on patrol when my mother links me that someone has breached the protection spell. Aurora growls and we turn back
toward the cottages. Lily and Pheobe, along with two men, are standing in the middle of the collective. I shift as soon as I reach
them. The men look at me with shock all over their faces. Lily and Pheobe both laugh. “We are sorry about our mates”, Lily says.
“This is my mate, Neal, and that is Pheobe’s mate, Michael. They have never seen a red wolf before.” “A red wolf and she is
dressed even though she just shifted”, Michael says. I laugh before I remember why I rushed back. “Who entered the collective?”
“They are gone. The spell was effective but Pheobe and I are going to see if we can determine what type of supernatural tried to
make it into the territory.” “I’ll come with you. Aurora can tell from the scent if they meant any harm to the collective.” We take off
and Phoebe directs us to follow the tree line. As soon as we reach it, Aurora growls. “Our father was here.” We shift and I can
feel the panic rise in my body. “My father was here and he wasn’t alone.” “A powerful black magic witch was with him”, Lily says.
I feel bile rise in my throat. I have brought this danger to the collective. Lily takes my hand. “Don’t do that. I’m sure the witch isn’t
stupid. She felt the power of the spell. That buys us some time to deal with your father and that witch’s evil a**. I’m sure that
Lincoln will gladly help deal with that a**hat once and for all.”
She pulls me into a hug and I can’t believe how kind these people have been to us. The fact that pack wolves are in an alliance
with a collective is unheard of. She pulls back. “We will figure this out. I promise you that Calliope.” I nod and we return to the
others. Sarah wraps herself around my leg. Carter, Abigale, and my mother are smiling at me. “Calliope, I thought you left.” I
bend down and pick her up. “How could I ever leave you?” She wraps her arms around my neck. “Aurora, we need to protect
them at any cost.” She growls her agreement. I will not let that evil ba**ard hurt people I love. “Carter, I will be sending some
warriors to help with the patrolling until we deal with this a**hole” Michael, the pack Beta, says. “Calliope, we will be available if
you need us at any time” Lily says. She walks over and takes my hand. She moves her finger that is glowing in my palm. It looks
like a flame with a crescent moon above it before the light fades. “You are now connected to me” she says, but her mouth
doesn’t move. Holy sh*t, she just linked me. “How is this possible” I link back. “I told you that I may be blessed but you are a
descendent of the goddess. You and I are connected by our gifts. You were always meant to find me.” She wraps me in a hug
before they all disappear.
Cayden POV
I knock on the office door. “Come in”, Eli says. I walk in and he smiles when he sees me. “Hey Cayden, I’m glad to see you. We
haven’t really had much time to talk.” “I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for my family.” “Cayden, you and Evelyn

are my family. Mason and Micah tell me you are doing well with training. How is the magical training going?” “Lily, Rose, and
Pheobe are amazing. I can’t thank them enough. I have learned how to control my powers.” “Why do I have a feeling that you
didn’t just come to make small talk with me?” I smile “I want to destroy Franklin, Lydia, and the collective. You saw what he did to
those poor wolves. He isn’t going to stop.” “We will, but I want to make sure that everything is good with Clara and our pup
before we deal with those ba**ards.” “I want to do this for both of you. Franklin and Lydia are both so evil, the goddess only
knows what they are plotting.” “Cayden” he starts to say, and I stop him.
“I respect you as the Alpha and my brother-in-law but I’m not asking your permission.” I stand and he comes around the desk.
“Your sister will never forgive me if I let you leave without telling her.” I smile and stick out my hand. He takes it and I pass a
sleep spell to him. I catch him so he doesn’t hit the floor. That is no easy task with an Alpha wolf this heavy. “I’m sorry Eli, but
now she can’t be angry with you.” I link my mother and sister at the same time. “I love you both. Never forget that.” Their
questions start and I break the link. I teleport myself outside of the pack. “Cayden, we will see them again”, Riggs says. I take
one last look at the pack before I teleport again outside a place I had hoped to never see again.

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