Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 79

Chapter 79
13 The Past and Future
Evelyn POV
The guard pulls the SUV in front of a modest home. Sadie is pacing in my mind, which is doing nothing to calm my nerves.
“Sadie calm down please.” She whimpers but stops pacing. I take a deep breath before I get the guard’s attention. “You will not
speak about where I went today to anyone. That includes the Alpha”, I say using my ranked command. “Do I make myself
clear?” “Yes Luna” he says. “Stay here until I return.” I open the door and walk up the paved path. When I reach the door, I ring
the bell. The door opens. I expect to be greeted by Troy, Patricia’s mate. Instead, a woman I can scent is a human, smiles at me.
“Can I help you” she asks sweetly. “I’m sorry I must have been given the wrong address. I was looking for Troy Martin.” “You’re in
the right place. Troy is around the back of the house.” Before I can even speak, I hear a male voice from behind her, “Luna.” I
look at the woman when he uses my title. “It’s alright Luna, she knows what we are.” “Please come inside” the woman says and I
follow them to a room with a large table.
“Please Luna, have a seat”, Troy says. “Troy, you can just call me Evelyn.” “No, I can’t. You will always be my Luna.” I smile and
take a seat. “Luna, this is Michelle, my wife.” She bows and I chuckle. “That isn’t necessary Michelle. Please both of you sit
down.” They both join me at the table. I’m just about to speak when the door bursts open and two teenage boys rush in. Troy
immediately stands “boys we have an important guest.” They come to stand next to Troy and they have his features. “Dominick
and Donald, this is Luna Evelyn.” They both bare their necks to me and I nod. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” They both head
for the stairs and Troy sits back down. “How old are they” I ask curiosity getting the better of me. “They just turned thirteen”
Michelle says. “They look like fine boys, I’m happy for you both.” “Thank you” they both say.
“Luna, what can we do for you” Troy asks. “I was hoping I could ask you some questions about Patricia?” I see a flash of
sadness and pain in his eyes before Michelle takes his hand. “I’m sorry” I start to say, but he stops me. “There is no need for you
to be sorry. You can ask me anything you want.” “Did Patricia ever talk about the day my pups died?” This time the look in his
eyes is one of pure anger. I even see a flash of his wolf. He takes a deep breath before he answers me. “Yes she did.” “Can you
please tell me what she said?” He looks at Michelle who nods before he looks back at me. “She said that your pups didn’t die
that day.” The room feels like it’s closing in on me. I feel like there is no air in my lungs. I knew the truth in my heart, but it’s still
hard to actually hear it said out loud. I see panic on both Michelle and Troy’s faces before the darkness takes me under.
Troy POV

When the Luna first arrives, I think about all the times I thought this would happen when I first left the pack. I wish I would have
stayed in the pack for a while. At least until I told her all the things Patricia had told me before she was killed. I knew in my heart
the Alpha had something to do with my mate’s death, but I couldn’t prove it. I didn’t think twice when the choice was becoming a
rogue or remaining in a pack that was being led by a monster. How could he watch his mate suffer for what he had done? How
could he kill my innocent mate for not keeping his secret? In my heart I know why she is here, but when she finally asks, a part of
me wonders what good it is to tell her after all this time. What if her pups are truly dead? The goddess only knows what the
rogue and witch did with them. I look at my beautiful human mate and she nods “she has the right to know.” She says through
our link. I felt guilty for a long time about falling in love with Michelle, but I know now that Patricia sent her to me.
As soon as the words leave my mouth, the Luna’s eyes flash black. She starts to breathe fast and I can tell she isn’t well. I rush
over to catch her before she falls to the ground. “Michelle, get me a cold rag please.” I pick her up, laying her on the couch.
“Should I call 911” she asks. I smile “no love, she can’t go to a human hospital. If her wolf ever took over, it could expose our
kind.” She hands me the rag and I place it on the Luna’s forehead. I say a prayer to the goddess that she wakes up soon. After
about fifteen minutes, her eyes start to flutter open. She looks at me and I can see the tears she is holding back. She starts to sit
up and I help her. “I need you to tell me everything, please.” I nod and take a deep breath. I look down before I tell the story
Patricia told me all those years ago.
I return from training and head into the cottage I share with Patricia. She is in the kitchen sitting at the table when I walk in. I had
rushed back because I could feel her anguish through our bond. I bend down so we are eye to eye. That’s when I notice her
cheeks are stained with tears. “What happened” I growl. She looks in my eyes and I can feel my wolf is at the surface thinking
someone hurt our mate. “Patricia tell me what the hell happened.” “The Luna had her pups this morning.” I look at her confused
about why she would be distraught when that is amazing news. “Did something happen to the pups?” She throws her arms
around my neck and I pick her up, setting her in my lap. I cradle her as she sobs. “Patricia, please tell me what happened?” She
pulls back and before I can ask again, she opens our link. “The Alpha did something with the pups. He used his Alpha command
on me to tell the Luna that the pups had died.” “What do you mean he did something with the pups?”
“When the pups were brought to the nursery I checked them and they were perfect. One boy and one girl who were perfectly
healthy. A few minutes later, he came into the nursery and two people appeared next to him. A rogue and a witch. He told me to
move and picked up each baby, handing them to those ba**ards. He turned to me, “these pups died. Do you understand me
Patricia?” I asked him what was happening but he just growled. “You will never speak of what you saw today and you will tell
everyone that the pups died” he said to me using his Alpha command. I can’t live with this and you know that I can’t tell. What
should I do, Troy” she asks me. I rub my hand through her hair. “I promise you that we will make this right.”

Flashback Ends
I can’t even look into her eyes, knowing that I could have stopped her suffering. I can feel tears running down my own cheeks.
“I’m so sorry Luna. I was a coward. After Patricia died I just wanted to be as far away from that place as I could get. I should
have found a way to tell you what Grant had done.” I feel a hand on mine. When I look up into the eyes of this woman who has
been through so much, all I see is strength and compassion. “Did Grant kill Patricia?” Her question takes me off guard at first, but
then I answer. “I believe so. She had gone to his office the day she was killed. She linked me right before she saw him. I went to
find her but they weren’t in the office. I don’t believe it was a rogue attack.” “I am sorry for all he took from you.” “Luna, you owe
me no apology. I should have been stronger.” “No, you did absolutely nothing wrong. I’m glad that you found happiness and I’m
hopeful that one day when your children are older you will find your place in a pack again. They will need to know that side of
who they are.” I doubt that will happen but I nod. “Thank you, Luna.” “What will you do now?” I can’t help but ask. She is quiet for
a moment. “I will find my pups and make that ba**ard pay for every moment I have lost with them.” “Please be careful, Luna.”
She stands and wraps me in a hug. She hugs Michelle before she heads for the door. I pray that the goddess keeps her safe.
Evelyn POV
I compose myself before I reach the SUV. I slide into the seat and buckle my seat belt. “Is everything alright, Luna” the guard
asks. “Yes, take me to the Nightfire pack, now.” This time he doesn’t question me. A million thoughts run through my mind as we
drive toward the pack. “We will get through this together”, Sadie says, and I know she is right.
Clara POV
“Are you sure you’re ready for this, Clara” Cora asks. “I have thought about it over the past week and honestly, I’m not sure but
I’m tired of letting the past hold me back, Cora.” “I understand but this is a big step and after all that you went through.” “No, I am
not going to continue to let what those men did to me stop me from loving Eli the way he deserves. The way that I deserve. He
loves me and I know deep in my heart he will never hurt me.” “I’m so proud of how strong you are and I’m honored that the
goddess chose me to be your wolf.” I smile and I stand up from my bed. I give myself a little pep talk before I head down the
hallway toward Eli’s room. Once I’m standing in front of the door, I think about turning back, but I don’t. I reach for the handle,
opening it slowly. Once I’m inside, I close the door, trying not to make any noise. I hear a chuckle and I turn to see a smiling Eli.
“What on earth are you doing, love” he asks me.
I don’t answer him but I maintain our eye contact. I start to walk toward the bed. The smirk he was wearing is gone and I’m not
sure what he is thinking. As I get closer, I notice his eyes darken. Once I reach the side of the bed, I reach down and grip the
sides of my t-shirt intending to pull it over my head. I feel two strong hands on mine stopping me. “Clara” his voice is deep and

raspy like is holding onto his control by a thread. I know he is afraid of me being ready or hurting me. “Eli, I want this. I want you
to make me yours.” He groans and before I can ask him what’s wrong, I’m lifted off my feet. I find myself underneath my mate
and he is looking into my eyes. I’m sure he is looking for any fear or indecision. “If you really mean that Clara, then I will
absolutely make you mine.” I smile “but not tonight. I want this to be special for both of us.” I can’t help the disappointment I feel.
“Clara, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?” The butterflies that are fluttering around my stomach feel amazing. “Yes, I will.”
I press a kiss on his lips and he deepens it. I feel it in my core and I wish at this moment that he wasn’t such a gentleman. Cora
giggles and when he pulls back I’m breathless. He rolls to his side and I expect him to move his arm so I can get up, but he
doesn’t. I look back and he smiles. “Sleep love, tomorrow we will complete the bond and you will forever be mine.” He pulls me
close and I have never felt so loved and safe. I might be nervous about tomorrow, but I meant what I said to Eli. I’m ready for the
bond to be complete.

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