Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 46

46 Accept I
Pheobe POV
A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. “Pheobe, are you alright”, Amelia asks, and I take a deep breath before I
open the door. She looks concerned when she sees me. “What’s wrong” she asks concern in her voice. “I need to talk to you,
Michael, and Lincoln about a conversation I just had with my mother.” She looks past me like she expects to see her and I
chuckle. “Not here in the physical world, in my mind.” “Of course, let me get changed and we can go to the office.” She takes Eli
from Lorraine who has to go check on the arrangements for later and we walk down the hall to the office. I can feel Michael even
when I can’t see him. The door opens before we touch the handle and both our beloveds are smiling. Michael’s smile falls and
he must feel my turmoil through our bond. “What’s wrong Pheobe,” he says, as he wraps me in his arms. I hope that telling them
is the right thing to do. I don’t want to keep secrets from them. Michael leads me over to the chairs in front of the large desk but
when I try to sit next to him, he pulls me onto his lap.
“Michael”, I say, and he growls. Amelia laughs “it’s a wolf thing, Pheobe, you’ll get used to it.” I roll my eyes but I stop trying to
move to the chair. I look down at the ring before I look back at Lincoln and Amelia. Eli is asleep in Amelia’s arms and for a
moment I just stare at this perfect little boy. I take a deep breath before I begin. “As I told Amelia my mother reached out to me.”
Michael growls again and he buries his nose in my neck.” I see a look of concern on Lincoln’s face. “What did she want
Pheobe?” “She told me she wants to help me.” “Do you believe her Pheobe” Amelia asks and I don’t know what the answer is
but I’m afraid to make the wrong decision. “After all that’s happened honestly, I’m not sure if she is trying to deceive me to get
Lucas what he wants.” “Which is Lily” Amelia says. “I think that Lily and Neal should be here for this part of the discussion”
Lincoln says. I watch him link for a few seconds and moments later Lily and Neal appear near the door. They take the chair next
to us. “So, your mother reached out to you” Lily says. “Yes, she did, but I’m not sure what her intentions truly are Lily.” “How does
she plan to help you?”
“She told me that I don’t have all my powers and in order for me to gain them I have to smash the ring she left for me.” “So, she
helped you in the hotel room against Lucas.” “She did, but what if that was part of gaining my trust.” I see sympathy in Lily’s
eyes. “May I see the ring, Pheobe?” I slide it off my finger placing it in her hand. I feel a sense of loss when the ring is off my
finger. She closes her hand and her eyes. After a few seconds, when she opens them, she has a smile on her face. “Pheobe
what exactly did your mother say about this ring” Lily asks. “She said that I will need all my powers against Lucas and smashing
the stone is the only way to make that happen.” “Pheobe I know how hard it is right now for you to trust your mother after her
support of Lucas but I think you should do what she asked.” I look around to the others. Amelia and Lincoln nod at me. I turn in

my seat so Michael and I are eye to eye. “What do you think Michael?” “I think you need to trust your instincts and your family”,
he says, pointing around the room. Lily hands me back the ring but I don’t put it back on my finger.
I grip it tightly in my hand. “I think I should do this outside just in case.” I stand and Michael takes my hand. We all head down the
stairs and to the pack yard. I just pray to the goddess that doing this isn’t a mistake. I let go of Michael’s hand to walk away from
the others. “No way” he says as he comes to stand next to me. “I have no idea what is about to happen and I can’t have you get
hurt if this is a trick.” “You are my mate and we are in this life together.” I smile and I can tell that he isn’t going to listen. I lean in
and kiss him before I place the ring on the ground. I pick up my foot and slam it down, smashing the ring. A purple smoke comes
from around my foot traveling up my body. I’m completely engulfed and I can feel it start to penetrate my pores. “Pheobe” I hear
Michael’s voice but I can’t answer. I feel like I’m being lifted off the ground and I feel the minute Michael’s hand slips from mine.
Lily POV
As we watch Pheobe step on the ring, she is surrounded by purple smoke that completely covers her body. I watch her body lift
off the ground and despite Michael’s attempts to hold onto her, he can’t. He looks like he is on the verge of shifting when we
watch the smoke be absorbed into Pheobe’s body. He completely shifts losing the fight with his wolf. When I realize what’s about
to happen, I rush forward placing my hand in the air. As she starts to fall, I stop her from hitting the ground and lower her slowly.
Michael shifts back and rushes to her. She is unconscious and we all rush to her side. “What is happening” he says with panic in
his voice. I place my hand on her forehead and close my eyes. The minute my skin touches hers, the power I feel mirrors my
own. My eyes snap open and everyone is waiting for me to speak. “Lily, is she alright?” “Yes, she just needs time to adjust to
receiving all her powers so quickly.” “Take her to one of the guest rooms on our floor, Michael, and link me if anything changes”
Lincoln says. Michael bends down, scooping her up into his arms, carrying her to the pack house.
“That was pretty intense, Lily”, Amelia says. I steal Eli from her arms and she chuckles. “Yes, it was because whoever bound
Pheobe’s powers knew she was special like me.” I see the shock on everyone’s faces. “She is a blessed witch” Lincoln asks.
“Yes, and I have a feeling there is a story behind what her mother did to hide her powers.” “I was young when my powers
emerged and my mother knew what my father would do to use me.” “So maybe her mother knew what would happen if Lucas
knew what power his sister had.” “I believe that and I hope I’m right.”
Two Hours Later
Pheobe POV

My eyelids feel heavy but I manage to push them open. I look around and nothing looks familiar in this room. I feel a warm body
next to mine and I know it’s Michael, which makes me relax. “Michael” I say softly and he sits up quickly and starts to kiss my
face. “You scared the hell out of me love, don’t do that again.” I smile, “I’m fine I promise.” “Do you feel different because that
was pretty intense?” “I do feel different, stronger.” He brushes the hair from my face. “Are you still feeling up to having your
ceremony tonight?” “It’s supposed to be in an hour.” “Yes, I definitely feel up to it and I’m ready.” He smiles at my words and lays
a soft kiss on my lips. I watch him link and a few minutes later we head back to the office. Everyone is waiting for us inside. Lily
smiles the minute she sees me. She rushes over and hugs me. I know it sounds weird, but I feel strangely connected to her. It’s
different but I keep that to myself. “Pheobe, I know we have the ceremony tonight but tomorrow I think we should see what you
can do now that you have all your powers.” “Of course, I would like to know too.” “I also think you need to reach out to your
mother.” “Maybe she can let us know exactly what your brother has planned.” I’m still worried about my mother’s loyalty to Lucas
but since she seemed to have been honest about the ring it’s worth speaking to her. “Yes I’ll reach out to her but we still need to
be careful with the information she gives us.” “Agreed” Lincoln says.
A knock sounds on the door and a very irritated looking Lorraine walks in, followed by Charles. “Why the hell isn’t everyone
getting ready for the ceremony?” “Mom” Lincoln starts to say but stops when Lorraine gives him a look. “You all better go get
dressed now.” It’s funny to see the Alpha listen to his mother so quickly. “Yes mom” he says and leads the Luna out of the office.
She turns to me and I stop smiling. “You young lady are about to become a ranked member of this pack and you need to go put
that beautiful dress on so you can take your place as Beta Female.” She smiles and wraps me in a hug. “Thank you” I say. We
head to our room and I go to the bathroom to dress. I’m in front of the mirror when I notice a mark on my side that wasn’t there
yesterday. I turn so I can get a better look and it is the shape of a crescent moon. Why would I have a mark suddenly appear on
my side? It has to have something to do with the powers I just gained. I shake it off for now because I don’t want to be late. I slip
on the dress and put on light makeup before I head out of the bathroom. When I walk into the bedroom, Michael is getting
dressed. “Oh my goddess your gorgeous” he says, and his eyes darken. “Don’t even think about it, we don’t have time.” His eyes
return to their beautiful chocolate brown and he smiles. “Later your mine love.” I nod and walk over kissing him. “It’s time to go
love.” It’s funny but the nerves I had about being accepted by the pack seem to have faded and I’m ready as Lorraine said to
take my place.”

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