Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 42

42 Keep Her Safe
Amelia POV
My heart breaks as I hear this woman talk about losing her mate. I can’t help but think that the ba**ard she is running from killed
him and I’m sure she believes the same even though she doesn’t say it. The fact that he could threaten that precious little girl
makes me sick. Star growls “disgusting excuse for a wolf.” “I agree Star, they need our protection from that ba**ard that wants to
use her like a damn breeder.” “Lincoln, we need to help them” I link him. “I agree love, you are my Luna and you don’t need my
permission to extend safety to anyone.” I smile because I couldn’t love this man more. I worry she won’t accept our invitation but
I’m hopeful she will because of Penny. She agrees and I feel relief that they are safe but we will have to find out exactly what we
are dealing with. I stand to lead them to one of the cottages and I feel a sharp pain in my belly before I feel liquid start to run
down my leg. I stop walking immediately and look down to see blood pooling at my feet. I thought my water broke but I feel panic
spread through my body at the sight of the blood. This isn’t supposed to be happening. The doctor said everything was alright. I
turn and Lincoln is already coming around the desk.
“Lincoln I’m bleeding.” “I know love, we need to get you back to the hospital.” I panic and link Lily “please get to the office I need
you now.” Seconds later she appears with Penny. The minute she sees the blood she wraps me in her arms not waiting for an
explanation. “Go to the hospital” she yells at Lincoln before we disappear. When we reappear the doctor and nurses are already
waiting for us. They place me on the gurney and start to wheel me down the hall. “It’s ok Luna, we will get the pup out safe.” I
say a prayer that he’s right because I can’t lose our little bean. I say a prayer to the goddess as they wheel me into a room. The
doctor begins to move the wand from the ultrasound machine over my belly and I can tell by his face that it isn’t good. “What
wrong tell me now” I demand. “Luna” he says and the door flies open. Lincoln rushes in taking my hand. “What the f**k is
happening” he growls at the doctor. Talon is at the surface and I know he’s upset but being angry won’t change what’s
happening. I squeeze his hand to calm him down. He looks down at me and his eyes return to their beautiful blue color.
“Luna your placenta is pulling away from your uterus.” “Your losing blood.” “We need to deliver the pup now for both your safety.”
“I promise you he is ready, Luna.” I look at Lincoln because I’m scared. He puts his hand on my face “I’m here with you love, you
both are going to be fine.” He leans down and kisses me. The doctor and nurse wheel me to another room without Lincoln. Once
I’m prepped and ready for the c-section they bring Lincoln in. I thought I would have to do this alone so I’m happy to see him. He
takes a seat by my head and runs his hand through my hair offering me comfort. “I’m scared Lincoln.” “I know but we will get
through this together.” “Have you thought about any names love?” I smile he’s trying to take my mind off what’s happening.” I
haven’t been able to pick any I liked and I’m just about to tell him that when the doctor gets our attention. “Alright Luna were

going to begin and you’re going to feel pressure along with pulling.” I nod and Lincoln takes my hand. It’s just as the doctor says,
I can feel pressure and pulling but no pain. At one point I feel like I’m going to puke but it passes quickly.
Lincoln POV
The minute Lily disappeared with Amelia my heart left me. I can’t lose either of them. I run as fast as my legs can carry me and
shift as soon as I hit the pack house door. I can hear my parents yelling my name but I can’t stop to tell them what’s happening. I
have to get to her. As soon as I hit the doors a nurse takes me to Amelia’s room. I have to be strong for her and our son but I’m
panicked inside. Talon is whining to see Amelia scared and worried. When the doctor says she has to have a c-section my heart
clenches in my chest. I have to hold it together for her right now. They wheel her away and I take some deep breaths to calm
myself. I change into the clothes they gave me and pace waiting for them to return. A moment later a nurse comes in to lead me
to the operating room. I head right for the seat near Amelia’s head. I need to touch her and feel that she is alright. I brush my
fingers through her hair before the doctor says its time. I take her hand in mine. I don’t even know how much time passes before
I hear the doctor say “you have a healthy baby boy.” Our pup’s cries fill the room and I exhale the breath I didn’t even realize I
was holding.
I look at Amelia and a tear slides down her cheek when she hears his cries. “He’s alright, our pups alright” she whispers and I
lean in and kiss her lips. “Yes love, he’s perfect.” She chuckles “you haven’t even seen him yet.” “I don’t have to, he’s our pup.”
“He can’t be anything but perfect.” “Go check on him Lincoln please” she says. I hate to leave her but I do as she asks heading
over to a basinet where the nurses are cleaning up my son. “Congratulations Alpha” the two nurses say and I reach down
touching his tiny hand with my large finger. “That’s our pup Lincoln” Talon says. I smile amazed that my wolf has accepted my
pup so easily like he was always meant to be ours. I knew he would but hearing him say it looking at him is amazing. Before I
can ask how much he weighs I hear the doctor’s tone change speaking to the nurse helping him with Amelia. I turn to see what’s
happening. “Alpha, you need to leave” the doctor says in a tone that I don’t like. “No, I will not, what is happening.” “Alpha, I
respect you but your mate is bleeding and I need to do my job so I can make sure we don’t lose the Luna, now get out.”
In any other instance I would kill a man for speaking to me this way but right now I’m not the Alpha. I am a man who needs his
mate and the doctor is the one who can help her not me. I walk toward the door looking back once at them working on Amelia. I
walk out of the room and stop in the hallway. I walk to a chair about five feet from the door and sit. I won’t move from this spot
until I know they are both alright. I watch a nurse run down the hall with bags of blood in her hand. I can’t believe this is
happening. An hour ago, we were in the office and I was so proud of her. She is the perfect Luna and mate. She cares about our
pack and others. “Have faith the goddess won’t take her from us” Talon says. “I hope your right because I won’t survive losing
her.” I put my face in my hands and just wait. A few minutes later I feel a hand on my back and pick up my head to see my
mother standing next to me. “Lincoln” she says and I stand wrapping my arms around my mother. “Lincoln, Amelia is strong and

she will fight to be here with you and your son.” “He’s beautiful and perfect mom but I need her to be alright too.” “She will, I have
faith she will.” I hear the door open and immediately turn to see the doctor coming through the double doors. He is covered in
blood and the hope I was feeling a few minutes ago starts to fade.
“Alpha, she is stable and should make a full recovery.””You will be able to see her shortly.” I grab the doctor and pull him into a
hug. “Thank you for saving my mate and pup.” “No thanks is necessary for saving the Luna or the future Alpha.” I step back and
he smiles before he turns to go back in the room. I turn to my mother “I told you that girl is strong and she is not going
anywhere.” I hug her and say a prayer of thanks to the goddess for keeping Amelia safe. Thirty minutes later a nurse comes out
and leads me to the Luna room where Amelia is feeding our pup. I can feel the tears in my eyes and I make no effort to stop
them from flowing down my cheeks. “Come here love” she says and I walk over to the side of her bed. She motions for me to
slide in next to her and I do just that wrapping my arms around both of them. As I watch my mate feed our pup I thank the
goddess again for blessing me with this woman and our pup.
Atlas POV
I link Tristan to have the men ready in the pack yard for our attack. I have waited long enough and knowing that Walker has
probably told them things about our pack means that we need to move now. Thomas walks into my office. “Do you really think
now is the time to attack knowing that James is still alive?” “I would be careful Thomas it sounds like your worried about facing
your fellow Elder.” “That could be because I’m f**king worried about what that means.” “You do realize that they have their own
warriors.” I laugh “Thomas I have no problem doing what it takes to get what I want, just ask my brother.” The shock on his face
is comical. “You really killed him didn’t you.” I walk over and grab Thomas by the throat. “Yes, and I will have no problem doing
the same to you so don’t get all righteous on me now.” I release him and walk over to me desk. I pick up the phone and he
answers on the third ring.
“Is your collective ready?” “Good, we are heading to the Nightfire pack now and I expect that you will do what I paid you for.” I
hang up the phone and again Thomas is looking at me like I’ve grown ten heads. “Please don’t tell me that you have really put
your trust into filthy rogues.” I don’t share my whole plan with Thomas because he doesn’t need to know my plans for the rogues.
“You just don’t know how to do business Thomas.” “If you pay enough, you can buy loyalty and power.” He shakes his head and I
can tell he doesn’t agree but I don’t really care about his opinion. The only thing that matters right now is making that ba**ard
Lincoln pay for taking my mate and getting Amelia back by my side before she has my pup. We head downstairs and my men
are waiting in the pack yard as I ordered. “Today we will destroy the pack that has taken your Luna.” “I want my mate and pup
back safely.” “Do I make myself clear.” “Yes Alpha” they say in unison. “Alpha Lincoln is mine to kill, everyone else is up for

grabs.” “Make your Alpha proud.” The wolves begin to shift and howl. Thomas and I shift taking off in the direction of the pack
and my mate. I will have her in my bed tonight and remind her she is mine.

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