Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 4

4 Friends
Amelia POV
I grab a sundress from my bag and sandals so I’m ready when Lily gets here. I sit on the couch and about an hour later a knock
sounds on the door. I look out the peep whole first, but it’s not Lily. It’s not Atlas either, so I open the door. “Hi, Amelia, right” the
young man says. “Yes, how do you know my name?” “Sorry I’m John.” “Lily asked me to bring you some dinner and to let you
know she’ll be up as soon as she can.” “We had some rowdy guests she’s dealing with.” He pushes the cart in that I didn’t even
notice he had. This time it only has one covered dish on it. “Thank you, John.” “You’re welcome, just call the desk if you need
anything else.” “I will” I say before I shut the door locking it. John is human, so I have no reason to think he knows who I am or
who Atlas is. Besides, I’m starving and the food smells good. I’m always starving anymore. I was worried, with all that’s
happened, I wouldn’t be able to eat, but thankfully I still have my appetite. I lay my hand on my bump. Are you making mommy
hungry bean? I take a seat and uncover the plate. Oh, my goddess, it’s chicken Alfredo. I love pasta and white sauce is my
favorite. I start eating with gusto. I’m almost done when a knock sounds on the door again.
I go and look out the peep hole and this time it’s Lily. She comes in and sees my eaten plate. “I’m glad you enjoyed the food.” “I
did, I hope you got to eat something too.” “Don’t worry about me I’m not growing a person.” “I’ll eat when we get to my
apartment.” “Are you ready to go see the apartment?” “Absolutely” I say and we head down to her car. “There’s actually an open
apartment three doors down from mine.” “That’s great, I’ll know my neighbor” I laugh. We pull into a parking garage attached to
the apartment building. “You’ll have a card to get into the parking area.” “This apartment complex is pretty secure.” “The owner
really cares about people.” “Do you remember how I said people helped me when I didn’t know anyone?” “Yes, I do” I say. “The
owner of the building was one of those people.” “That’s wonderful that he actually cares about the people that rent from him.”
“I’m sure that isn’t a common thing.”
We walk in and head to a desk. “Hi Mark this is Amelia, the girl I told you about.” A man that I assume is the person in charge is
behind the desk. “Nice to meet you, Amelia.” I shake his hand and he comes off around the desk with a set of keys. “Follow me
and I’ll show you the apartment.” We get into an elevator and take it to the third floor. We pass two doors and stop in front of the
third. The apartment reads 315 on the door. “My apartment is 317” Lily says. I smile because I’m really glad that I met Lily. He
opens the door and we head inside. I look around and honestly, I love it. It’s not fancy, but I don’t need fancy. It has two
bedrooms which is perfect for me and my pup. It has a small kitchen and a nice size living room. “What do you think, Amelia,”
Mark asks me. “I’ll take it, it’s great.” Lily hops up and down like a teenage girl. “When will I be able to move in?” “As soon as
you’re ready.” “I’ll need first and last month’s rent and then the keys are yours.” I take the money out of my purse and hand him
the money. “Here you go my dear, you have a new apartment.”

With the sh*t storm my life has been over the last few days, I’m actually happy in this moment. Mark leaves and Lily leads me to
her apartment. It looks exactly like mine but hers, of course, has furniture in it. I take a seat on her couch and she brings me a
glass of water. “So, I’m off tomorrow, if you want, we can do some shopping if you have the money.” I think about my brother-in-
law and my sadness creeps in a little. Elias was so kind and I can’t imagine what he is going through right now. “I’m sorry if you
don’t want to that’s ok” Lily says. She must have seen the sadness on my face. “No, I was thinking about something else.” “I
would love to go shopping with you.” “I’m not going to pressure you to talk to me but know that you can if you ever want to.” “I
can’t thank you enough for all the kindness and your friendship.” “So, it’s a date then, shopping tomorrow” Lily says. We drive
back to the hotel since I can’t really stay in my apartment until I get a bed. I get out of the car and lean down in the window.
“Thank you, again Lily.” “What time should I be ready for tomorrow?” “I’ll pick you up and we can have breakfast.” “So around
nine.” I wave and head into the hotel. As I walk, I get this weird feeling like I’m being watched. As I pass the desk, the guy from
earlier John, waves at me. “Have a good evening, Amelia” he says. “You too” I say and get on the elevator. There is something
strange about him, but I’m not scared. It’s not strange like a creeper. It’s just strange.
I reach my floor and take the key card out of my purse. Once I’m inside, I decide to take a shower. As I shower, I think about the
things I was able to forget about for a little while today. I look down at my growing belly. I can’t believe what Atlas did to us. No,
I’m not going to keep giving him the power to upset me. “You are strong Amelia” Star says. “We both are” I smile. Once I’m dried
off and, in my pajamas, I sit back down on the couch. I look at the phone I laid on the table. I think about the last conversation I
had with my mother. I think about not seeing them and having this pup without them. “Why don’t you just call them Amelia?”
“They aren’t the ones that hurt you” Star says. “They are going to want me to come home and that can’t happen.” “I know my
mother thinks I’m wrong because none of us thought Atlas could do such a thing.” “Amelia, your parents love you.” “If they
understand what he did they would support you.” “You can make them understand that you are not wrong.” I think about it for a
few minutes before I pick the phone up. I dial the number and my mother picks up on the fourth ring.
“Amelia is that you” she says. I take a breath “yes mom it’s me.” “Amelia, where are you?” “Please let us come get you.” “Mom, I
can’t.” “I told you what happened.” “He betrayed me and could have hurt my pup.” “I don’t want to talk about him.” “I just want
you to know that I’m safe.” “Amelia you can’t really believe Freya after all she has done.” Now I’m definitely confused. Atlas is as
guilty as Freya. “Freya is not to blame for Atlas’s actions.” “He was a willing participant in the affair.” “Amelia, I’m not talking
about the lies she told you.” “Freya killed Elias in cold blood.” “She killed her own mate because she wanted yours.” The room
feels like its closing in on me and I feel sick to my stomach. I can’t have heard my mother correctly. “Mom” I say before a voice I
never wanted to hear is on the phone. “Love please I can explain everything.” She called that ba**ard after all I told her what he
has done. “F**k you Atlas, I heard you with her.” “I swear to you Amelia I would never touch another woman.” “You may have my
parents fooled but I know what I heard.” “Forget about me and my pup.” “I intend to forget about you, you cheating pr**k.” I hang

up and rush to the bathroom. I haven’t thrown up since the beginning of my pregnancy but the thought of Elias being dead
makes me sick.
Atlas POV
I’m in the office when I get a link from Amelia’s mother that she is on the phone. I don’t even respond, I just take off for the
cottage. When I get there, her father lets me in. Amelia’s mother hands me the phone. I heard her tell Amelia that Freya killed
Elias before she saw me. I can’t worry about that right now. I plead with her to believe me but she won’t listen. When she says
she intends to forget me, Silas is at the surface. The line goes dead and I throw the phone, breaking it against the wall. I look at
my mother-in-law and she looks shocked and terrified. I push Silas down. “I’m sorry” I say to her and my father-in-law. “I will
replace the phone.” She lays her hand on my arm. “Give her a few days and hopefully she’ll call back.” “I’m losing my mind, I
can’t lose her and my pup.” She pulls me into a hug. “Everything is going to work out, Atlas.” “Thank you, I don’t know what I
would do without your support.”
I head back to the pack house. I link Neal to come to my office. A few minutes later a knock sounds on the door. “Come in Neal.”
I made Neal my Beta since he was head warrior and he has supported me since Elias’s death. “Neal, Amelia called her parents
again.” “We need to find her.” “Have the trackers been able to find out anything?” “The trackers went to all the human cities and
packs within two hours of the pack and have found nothing.” I slam my fist down on my desk “then tell them to go three hours” I
yell. ” Alpha, please calm down.” “We will find her but you need to have faith.” “You said she called her parents, we should be
able to get the number from their phone.” “We can see if any of the pack contacts can trace the phone.” “Thank you, Neal.” “I’m
sorry, for yelling.” “Alpha I can’t imagine having my mate missing, especially my pregnant mate.” I tell him about getting my in-
laws phone fixed and he leaves. “She is never going to forgive you for f**king that wh*re.” “Shut up Silas, yes she will.”
Lincoln POV
“Alpha Lincoln, she is moving into your apartment complex.” “She paid for two month’s rent.” “Well, we know she plans on
staying for a while.” “Did you find out any more about why she left her pack while she is with pup.” “No Alpha, I have a feeling
that something bad happened to her.” “I will be coming in to town to check on things.” “I would still like to meet her and get my
own feeling about her.” “I don’t want her to feel threatened but I need to make sure whatever she is running from will not affect
my pack.” “Of course, Alpha.” “She won’t be moving in for a few days.” “Good, I’ll be in town in three days.” I hang up and start
working on my paper work. I get a link from Michael that the patrol guard needs us at the border. I head downstairs and out of
the pack house. I shift and Talon takes off. Michael’s wolf, Felix, joins me as we run. We reach the border and the patrol guards
are waiting for us. We both shift and pull on our shorts.

They bare their necks at me. “What is going on” I ask. “Alpha, we have caught the scent of wolves near the pack border.” “How
many rogues are we talking about?” “No alpha, not rogue wolves.” “They had the smell of pack wolves.” “If I had to guess I would
say three to five at least based on the strength of their smell.” I link the pack warriors. Fifteen warriors arrive at the border. “I want
you all to search over the pack border and I want a report immediately if you find any wolves that don’t belong here.” “Yes Alpha”
they say in unison. They shift and take off over the border. “Michael follow me back to my office now.” When we reach my office, I
tell Michael about the pregnant she-wolf that came to the human city. “These wolves have to be connected to her.” “Why else
would pack wolves be near our border?” “I’m sure they know it could start war if they trespass without permission.” “Michael if
your mate who was pregnant with your pup was missing would you be afraid of pissing off another Alpha.” “No probably not but
I’m just as confused as you are.” “Why would a pregnant she-wolf leave her mate and pack unless something really bad is
happening?” “That’s what I’m afraid of Michael.”

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