Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 33

33 In Touch
Lucas POV
I’m in my office with Leland. “I want them found and I don’t want any excuses.” “Take the three strongest warlocks in the coven
and find them, Leland.” “What do you want us to do when we find them you know your sister will not come so easily” Leland
asks. Before I can answer my mother barges into my office. “Where is your sister?” “Leland leave us now” I say and he
disappears. “Mother do not barge into my office again.” She wants to say something but she must feel the anger radiating off me.
“Sit down mother.” She takes a seat. “Your daughter decided to help my pet escape, so I don’t know where she is.” “I told you
Lucas” I put my hand up silencing her. “I don’t want to hear excuses for her defiance mother.” “She will be punished for her
disobedience and Iris is going to pray for death when I find them.” “Please Lucas” she says. “I will not kill Pheobe mother, but she
needs to learn her place.” “She needs to know that my word is law.” She nods and gets up to leave my office. She stops like she
is going to say something, but then she leaves without a word. Good because nothing she says right now is going to protect
Pheobe from my wrath when we find her.
I leave my office, heading up to my sister’s room. I head into her bathroom and grab her hair brush from the vanity. I head to my
room and open a dresser that holds different magical vessels. I take one and place her hair into the well. I cut my finger
squeezing until blood covers her hair. Once I close the lid, I place my hand over it while chanting a location spell. After a few
minutes, I can sense nothing. It’s like she disappeared from our world completely. She isn’t stronger than me, so why the hell
isn’t it working? Iris can’t be helping her because Pheobe isn’t strong enough to unbind her powers. What the f**k is happening?
I throw the vessel and it busts against the wall. A few seconds later Leland appears before me. “We swept the area surrounding
the coven and found her magical signature.” “It appears the magical signature leads to the human city.” “She would think that
going where the pathetic humans are would protect her but it won’t.”
Amelia POV
Despite the pain being gone, I’m still worried. If that she-wolf gave me something, how do I know it won’t hurt little bean? The
thought that a woman I don’t even really know tried to hurt my pup makes me sick. Lincoln is holding my hand as Lily paces back
and forth. Neal finally pulls her onto his lap. “Calm down love, I can feel your rage.” “Your damn right I have rage, that little b**ch
tried to hurt my nephew.” “I know and she won’t get away with it.” He wraps her in his arms and I smile at how much he loves my
friend after all she has been through. “Amelia, has the pain stopped” Lincoln asks. “Yes, I’m not having any more pain right now.”
I feel his guilt through our bond. I scoot over and pat the bed next to me. I can see he is about to protest, but thankfully he slides
in next to me. He wraps his arms around me breathing in my scent. “None of this is your fault, Lincoln.” He is silent for a few
minutes but then he finally speaks. “It feels like it is, love.” “These are my pack members that are trying to hurt you and my pup.”

I wait till he looks in my eyes. “Do you blame me for my parent’s actions?” He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Do you blame me for
Atlas’s actions?” He growls and tightens his grip on me. “Of course not, you have nothing to do with their disgusting actions.” I
smile “exactly and neither do you.” “Whatever the reason this girl tried to hurt our pup is not your fault.” “She is the only one to
blame and I know you will deal with her.” He presses his lips against mine and I melt into the kiss. I hear someone clear their
throat and we turn to see a smiling Dr. Neilson.
Her smile fades “Alpha and Luna I wish I had better news.” “We ran tests on the cup that had the lavender tea in it and we found
evening primrose oil.” “What is that exactly?” “It’s an herb that is used to induce labor.” “Based on the amount of residue in the
cup she gave you a large dose.” Lincoln stands but doesn’t let go of my hand. “So, she tried to make Amelia go into labor.” “It
appears that way Alpha.” “Will that hurt my pup if she gave me a lot?” “No Luna, the pup will be fine and the medicine we gave
you has stopped the labor.” I feel myself relax at her words. Based on Lincoln’s eyes, I can tell he is linking someone. He turns
bending down and kisses my lips. When he pulls back, he looks in my eyes. “I promise you that she is going to pay for what she
tried to do.” “Lily stay with Amelia, please”, Lincoln says. “No way, I told you she is going to be ash for trying to hurt my little
bean.” I laugh “Lily, I think Lincoln can handle her besides I want you to stay with me so we can finish our conversation about
your mom.” I can see she can’t say no to me and she turns to Lincoln. “That little b**ch better pay with her life.”
Lincoln POV
“You have my word” I say before I head for the pack house. I walk toward the dining room and my mother rushes toward me.
“How is she?” “She is better, Lily got her to the hospital in time for Dr. Neilson to stop her labor.” “I can’t believe that woman
would do this.” “What does she have to gain?” “I don’t know mother but we are about to find out.” We walk into the kitchen and
Maureen is sitting at the table with a cup of tea like she didn’t just try to destroy my world. “Did she lose the pup” she says like
she is asking what the weather is. Before I can even respond, my mother has her by the throat pinned to the wall. “What did you
do you little b**ch” she growls out. I come to stand next to my mother. She looks at me with cold unfeeling eyes “you took the
most important person to me and I hope your pup is dead.” My mother starts to squeeze and I can see the panic on her face. I
put my hand on my mother’s arm because I want to know what the hell she is talking about.
She loosens her grip enough that the b**ch can speak. “I took nothing from you but you are about to lose your life for your
treachery.” “You killed my mate” she growls out. I notice her mark for the first time. Now I’m even more confused by what she just
said. “Maxwell was my mate and you took him from me.” “Maureen, Max was not marked and he never claimed you as his
mate.” “He wasn’t ready for me to mark him but he marked me.” “You killed my mate.” “I hope Atlas kills you and that b**ch.” My
mother looks to me and I nod. I hear the bones break and she drops her body to the floor. I link a warrior to come to dispose of
her. I can’t believe he had a mate and he never told us. Max made her believe that he wasn’t ready when he really probably had
no intentions of allowing her to claim him because of her rank. He will have so much to atone for with the goddess.

Lily POV
“Love, I’m going to check on Michael”, Neal says and heads out of the room. I sit down on the edge of Amelia’s bed and place
my hand on her belly. “You’re sure you’re ok,” “Yes, I’m sure, I promise” Amelia says. I’m glad she is alright. I would be destroyed
if something happened to her or her pup. Amelia pats the bed next to her and I lay by her side looking up at the ceiling. I think
about all these evil people who want to ruin others’ happiness. I feel a nagging pain in my head and I sit up. “Lily, what’s wrong”
Amelia asks as she sits up too. “I’m ok don’t get up, you need to rest.” The pain comes again and this time I hear a distant voice I
can’t make out. I stand and try to focus on the voice. “Lily what’s happening, you’re freaking me out.” “I feel like someone is
trying to speak to me like Aunt Jiselle did but I can’t hear them.” “The voice is like a whisper.” She grabs my hand. “Lily lay down
and put your head in my lap.” “Relax and try to clear your mind.” “Maybe they will be able to get through if you allow yourself to
relax.” I’m willing to try anything. I pray this is my mother and she is just weak. I lay down, putting my head in Amelia’s lap. She
begins to comb her fingers through my hair and I feel my body begin to relax. I try to clear my mind and the voice seems to get
“Lily, can you hear me” an unfamiliar female voice calls out to me. “Who are you?” “What do you want?” “Lily, I’m with your
mother, we need your help.” I feel my body tighten at her words. “Lily relax and breathe” I hear Amelia say. I take a few deep
breaths and wait to hear the voice again. There is a few seconds of silence until I hear the voice again. “Lily, we are in the human
city please hurry.” “He will be here soon.” The voice is gone and I sit up. “Lily was it your mother” Amelia asks. “No but the
woman said she is with her.” “How can we know this isn’t a trap or that this person is being honest?” I look at Amelia “we don’t
but I have no choice.” “The woman said he would be there soon.” “She has to mean that ba**ard that has my mother.” “Maybe
my mother got away, I have to help her Amelia.” She wraps me in a hug and I say a prayer to the goddess to keep her safe until I
find them.

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