Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 13

13 Talk
Atlas POV
I haven’t heard from Neal or the Elders. I can’t believe that she has managed to hide herself from my men this long. I need her
back and by my side. If anything happens to her or my pup, I will lose my mind. “What do you think she is going to be like when
you finally find her Atlas?” “Do you really think she will be happy to see you” Silas says. “Despite everything that has happened
Silas she is our mate and I can make her believe me.” “I have always been good to Amelia.” “If only you could have kept your
d**k out of your sister-in-law you would have been the perfect mate.” “Enough Silas, I don’t want to hear any more about Freya
or what I did.” “Well until I have my mates you will hear about it every day human.” “You will have a lot of begging to do if we
finally get her back where she belongs” Silas says. “I know what I have to do so you need to calm down.” “Calm down, I told you
not to f**k that b**ch how many times but you just had to hurt Elias.” “You better pray she believes you and comes home.” I block
Silas because I can’t listen to him anymore right now.
The phone rings on my desk and I pick it up on the second ring. “Alpha Atlas, it’s Elder Thomas.” “Elder Thomas, I’m glad to hear
from you.” “We’re you able to speak with Alpha Lincoln?” “That’s actually what I’m calling about.” “I wanted to let you know that
Elder James and I will be meeting with Alpha Lincoln tomorrow.” “I really appreciate all your help with this matter Elder Thomas.”
“I just want Amelia and my pup home safe.” “I understand Atlas and I’m hoping our meeting tomorrow will make sure Alpha
Lincoln is on board with helping make that happen if Amelia is found in his city.”
Neal POV
I walk into the hotel hoping that Amelia will speak to me since I’m alone today. After everything that happened with the warrior
the other day, I want her to be comfortable and not afraid. She knows me even if it’s not well, and I need her to understand I
mean her no harm. She is my Luna and I would lay my life down to protect her. I walk past the desk toward the restaurant she
was working in. “Excuse me”, I hear a male voice from behind me. I turn to see the man that was here with her the other day.
He’s human, so I’m sure he isn’t going to be too big of a problem. When he gets close enough to me he whispers so only I can
hear him. “I believe Amelia was clear that she didn’t want to see any of you, so I suggest you leave her alone.” “Sir, I understand
you are trying to protect Amelia but I assure you I am no threat to her.” “I just want to speak with her.” He steps closer “I know
what you are.” His words take me off balance until I notice a scent that wasn’t there when I walked in. Our eyes meet “you’re not
human, you’re a warlock.” “I am and Amelia is under our protection.”
What the hell is happening right now? How does a warlock become involved in wolf business? “I’m sure you don’t want a war
amongst our kinds and that is exactly what will happen if you keep Luna Amelia away from my Alpha.” “Maybe you should be

wondering why Amelia, who is pregnant with your so-called Alpha’s pup would run from your pack and him?” “I understand what
she thinks happened but I need her to listen to the truth.” He laughs “maybe you should find out the truth before you try to tell her
what it is.” I growl low “you know nothing about what truly happened in our pack warlock.” “I really don’t care what your Alpha
says happened I know who I believe.” “I will speak to Amelia and if she wants to meet with you I will let you know.” “Make no
mistake if she doesn’t want to speak to you, it will not be happening.” I don’t have a choice in this moment, I just have to hope
that Amelia will agree. I give him my number and I say a prayer to the goddess she will at least hear me out. I head out of the
hotel. As I walk toward the woods, the warlock’s words play over in my mind about knowing the truth. Everything that happened
the day Elias died still haunts me. “Neal, we will find the truth no matter what it takes”, Jasper says. I strip placing my clothes and
phone in my bag. We shift and Jasper takes the bag in his mouth before he takes off toward the cottage.
Lincoln POV
After we finish speaking to my parents, I want to talk to Amelia about the meeting tomorrow. I’m sure she is nervous and I want
to reassure her that I will never let her go back to him, regardless of the Elder’s decision. She is mine. My cell phone rings in my
pocket but I ignore it. It keeps ringing and I pull it out, seeing John’s name on the screen. I silence it. I can call him back when we
are done speaking. She smiles, “Lincoln, answer your phone I’m not going anywhere.” I put the phone to my ear “what’s going on
John?” “The ranked wolf from the other day came by the hotel looking for Amelia twenty minutes ago.” I growl and Amelia looks
at me with concern on her face. “What the hell did he want?” “He wants to speak with her.” “That is never happening.” Talon is
growling in my mind. “Lincoln, I want to protect Amelia too.” “This wolf might be able to help her if she makes him understand the
truth.” “He seemed genuine and I believe that he has been misled by the Alpha.” I know he’s right but that doesn’t mean I want
this wolf anywhere near my mate. “I will speak with Amelia and call you back” I say before I hang up.
Amelia takes my hand “what’s wrong?” “One of the wolves that came to see you in the hotel showed up again today.” I can see
the concern on her face. “Neal” she says, and I hate that I have to even entertain her speaking with him. “He wants to speak with
you.” I can see the turmoil on her face. “What did John say that made you change your mind about me speaking to him?” I smile
that she is so smart and strong. “He thinks that if you can make Neal understand that you know what Atlas did first hand, he
could help us prove that he betrayed you.” “What do you think?” “I think no matter what happens I’m never letting you go back to
him.” “You are mine, my mate.” She smiles “do you think I should speak to him?” “What do you know of Neal?” “I met him a few
times and we spoke briefly but Elias spoke highly of him.” “He always said that if Atlas wasn’t his brother and Beta, that he would
have chosen Neal.” “I think if you want to speak with him, I will support that.” “I will have John bring him to the pack and he will
speak with us here.” “Thank you, Lincoln for supporting and protecting us” she says placing her hand on her bump. I take the
phone back out of my pocket and call John. “Call the wolf and bring him to the pack to speak with us.” “Yes Lincoln”, he says and
I put the phone back in my pocket.”

Amelia POV
“Amelia, are you sure we should meet with him?” “If he doesn’t believe us, he will tell Atlas we are in the Nightfire pack” Star
says. She’s right he knows I’m in the city but he has not idea that I’m actually in the pack. “Lincoln, are you sure you should bring
him here?” “If I can’t make Neal believe I’m telling the truth he will tell Atlas where I am.” “Your pack will be at risk and I” he stops
me with a kiss. When he pulls back, he smiles at me. “This is our pack and I don’t care if he knows you are here.” “The Elders
will know tomorrow and this pack will defend its Luna.” I lean in and kiss him like it’s the most natural thing. He deepens the kiss
and the tingles are even stronger than before. I still can’t believe the goddess has blessed me with a second chance. He pulls
back when we are both breathless. He places his forehead against mine. “Thank you for being honest when I asked you about
your feelings for me.” “You can thank Star, she threatened to keep me awake with her awful singing if I didn’t tell the truth.” He
bursts into laughter and Star growls in my head. “Seriously I’m glad I was brave because I want to spend to the rest of my life
loving you raising and raising our pups.”
An hour later, we are sitting in Lincoln’s office when he gets a link from Michael that Neal has arrived with John. I knew I would
be nervous but my stomach is in knots. A few minutes later a knock sounds on the door and Michael walks in followed by Neal.
His eyes land on me sitting next to Lincoln. He takes my hand in his. “You can have a seat, Neal”, Lincoln says. I can feel his
alpha aura and Neal does as he says. He is focused on my hand in Lincoln’s. “Neal, you came to talk to me, so please do” I say.
“Luna, Alpha Atlas is looking for you and wants me to bring you home.” “I am no Luna to the Darkmoon Pack and it will never be
my home again, Neal.” “I’m sorry for the loss of your Alpha.” “Elias was a good man and he meant a lot to me.” “Atlas is no
longer my mate and therefore I am not your Luna.” “Amelia, I realize that Freya told you things that paint Alpha Atlas in a bad
light.” I can’t help myself I laugh. “Is that what he told you that Freya lied to me.” “He is the f**king liar.” Neal looks at me with
shock. “Freya never spoke to me about what she was doing with my mate.” “I heard them in the office and felt it everyday of my
pregnancy.” “So don’t you dare come here and tell me about what a wonderful mate Atlas was.” I take some deep breaths.
Lincoln rubs circles on my hand calming my rage. “Are you alright love?” “I will be” I answer before I turn back to look Neal in the
eyes. “I am the future Luna of the Nightfire Pack.”

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