Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 128

Chapter 128
61 New Alpha
Silas runs as fast as our legs can carry us back to the pack house. I need to wrap Calliope in my arms. I know that she is safe
but I need to see her. As soon as we reach it, we shift. I pull on shorts and rush through the door. I take the steps two at a time
until I reach our wing. I throw the door open and I feel my shoulders relax when I see Calliope, Faith, Penny, and Jasmine sitting
in the kitchen. I notice the girl the witch used and a young boy are sitting on the couch in our living room. Calliope is on her feet
and around the couch as soon as she seems me. She jumps in my arms before I can even ask questions and, honestly, holding
her is all I care about right now. I bury my head in her neck and breathe in her enhanced scent. A mix of hers and our pups
surround me. I’m instantly calmed and at peace. When we finally release each other, Calliope leads me over to the love seat. I
pull her onto my lap. “I’m going to take Faith and lay her down”, Penny says, giving us a few minutes alone. She must know that
Cayden is safe or I’m sure she would be running out of here just as any of us would for our mates. I pray that Evelyn makes that
ba**ard suffer. Jasmine sits on the couch nearest us and smiles at me. “Calliope told me the good news. I’m so happy you two
are having another pup.” “Thank you, Jasmine. I’m glad that Lily and Selma were able to get you away from the witch safely. It’s
a good thing your daughter knows you so well or we might not have realized it in time.” I notice the young girl’s eyes fill with
shame. Jasmine must notice it too. She looks at the girl with sympathy. “Anna and Felix, I want you to meet Alpha Eli.” They both
stand and bear their necks to me. “It’s very nice to meet you both. Anna, no one is angry with you for what happened. We all
would have made the same choice.”
Anna’s eyes meet mine for the first time and a genuine smile beams at me. “You were very brave, both of you” I say and Felix
puffs out his chest. “Mom, wants to take them back to the Crescent Moon. She has already spoken to Oliver and Tony. They
want to adopt them. Their parents were killed when Felix was a baby and Grant took them from the orphanage because he knew
no one would be looking for them” Calliope says. Silas tries to push forward and growl but I don’t want him to scare them. “Of
course, Anna had no choice in what she had to do. Grant and that witch are the only ones to blame. You or I would do anything
to protect our family,” I link her back. “Is the witch in the cells” I link Lily. “Yes, she is Eli. I told her that the Alpha will be dealing
with her.” I chuckle and Calliope looks at me. “Jasmine, we need to deal with two things in the cells. When we are done, we will
take you back to the pack. I’m sure Calliope wants to tell everyone about our pup. I’m sure Leo is losing his sh*t because I would
be.” Jasmine nods and I take Calliope’s hand. We make our way downstairs and to the cells. The cells on each side are filled
with the members of Grant’s pack. They all bear their necks as we walk past them. I’m glad they are not hostile, but I’m a little
shocked that none are angry about what happened. We come to the last cell and the witch is chained to the wall.

We step inside and she picks her head up meeting my eyes. She looks between me and Calliope. I can tell she is trying to call
upon her magic and I smile. “Do you know why you can’t reach your magic?” She glares at me but doesn’t answer. “Fine, I’ll tell
you. You tried to take my mate from me. The witches that brought you here have stripped you of your powers. You are for all
intents and purposes a human now.” Her eyes get big and she seems to be checking my face for any sign of deceit. “It isn’t
possible” she spits out with all the venom she can muster. “You are never leaving this cell. That ba**ard you came with is
probably dead by now, not that he would rescue you. He is so delusional that he sacrificed his own pack. You aren’t important to
him.” “F**k you, just kill me already.” I laugh “I won’t be the Alpha that kills you.” I step back and Calliope steps forward. “You took
my mother and those two children to get to me. You wanted me so badly. You are going to wish for death by the time I’m done
with you. No one f**ks with my family.” I can’t help when my c**k twitches in my pants as I watch my sexy mate walk toward the
b**ch hanging on the wall. She must feel my desire through our bond. She turns and winks at me. “Later Alpha” she links me.
“Our mate is a bada**” Silas says and I laugh. “Yes, she is, our bad**.”
Evelyn POV
I never really thought about the fact that killing Grant would make me the Alpha of this pack. The pack was mine by birthright but
my father handed it over to Grant because he had a d**k. “I’ve never thought about being Alpha. I’m sure that the wolves in this
pack won’t want to follow a woman if they are anything like Grant.” “To f**king bad. They can follow us or become rogues. We
deserve to be the Alpha”, Sadie says. I look at Hudson and he smiles at me. “I am glad to be your Luna as long as I don’t have to
wear a dress”, he says, and we all burst out laughing. I wrap my arms around his middle and he kisses my head. “You and I will
be Alphas if there are any wolves left to live in the pack after Eli finishes with them.” I pull back and look at Cayden. “That means
some day that you will become Alpha if you want to Cayden. I won’t force you to but you are my oldest child.” He smiles “I love
that you want that for me, mom, but I don’t want to be Alpha. I just want to be a warrior, have my mate, and some pups.” I nod
and Grant’s words come back to me. Without thinking about it, my hands go to my still flat stomach. Cayden and Hudson both
look at me with confusion. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.
“Evelyn, what’s going on”, Hudson asks. A mix of worry and love in his expression. “I think I might be pregnant.” Hudson’s eyes
get big before he drops to his knees. He places his head against my belly and wraps his arms around my waist. After a few
seconds, he stands up and I can see excitement in his eyes. “I can hear the heartbeat.” He lifts me and I wrap my legs around
his waist. He kisses me, pouring all of his love into the kiss. “I’m still here”, Cayden says, and I chuckle against his lips. Hudson
lowers me to the floor and Cayden wraps me in a hug. “Congratulations, I can’t wait to be a big brother.” I hear the pain in his
voice. I know he is happy for us but he is thinking about Clare. He still carries guilt that he shouldn’t. “We better get back” he
says as he releases me. “Hudson, can I talk to Cayden alone for a moment?” He kisses me before he heads for the door. I turn
to Cayden but before I can say anything, the room is bathed in light. We both turn and a man I thought I would never see again
smiles at me. “Theo” I say and he smiles. “You are as beautiful as ever, Evelyn. Hudson is a very lucky man. I knew he would be

good to you.” I should have known he would have been part of sending Hudson to me. “So, I don’t have much time. This is the
last time I will have the chance to speak to either of you. The goddess has been very generous with my visits. I want you both to
be happy. You won’t miss anything this time, Evelyn, and you deserve every bit of happiness this pup will bring you.” He walks
toward us and comes to stand in front of Cayden.
“I am proud of the man you have become. Your sister has been given a second chance at life and happiness. You don’t need to
feel any guilt about moving on with your life. She wants you too. It’s alright to love this pup and be the best big brother. It doesn’t
mean you don’t love Clare. You are the reason that she was able to live the life she did, Cayden no matter how short it was. You
are the reason that a piece of her will live on in Faith. If it wasn’t for your sacrifice she was destined to die in that hell”, Theo
says. Tears start to roll down Cayden’s cheeks. He turns to me and I wrap him in a hug. Theo places his hand on Cayden’s back
before he touches my cheek. “I love you both and I always will”, he says, before he is gone. We stay like that for a long time
before he finally picks up his head. “I can’t wait to tell my brother or sister about their big sister. Let’s go find out if any of our pack
members survived.” He takes my hand and we walk out of the pack house. Hudson smiles when he sees us. He shifts and
lowers down for me to climb on his back. I lay down enjoying the feeling of the tingles as we run back to the Nightfire pack. I
close my eyes and picture a future that I never imagined.
I lead Calliope out of the cell. “Eli, we are on our way back. Mom killed Grant. Are there any survivors from the pack” Cayden
asks. “Yes, I have them in the cells. They all surrendered after the Beta spoke against Grant. I was just about to speak to them.”
“Mom has decided to become Alpha of the pack. I’m not sure if they will agree, but she has killed their Alpha.” I smile “well, if
they don’t, I’m sure they can leave because she has earned the title. They can become rogues if they aren’t happy with their new
leader. We will wait for you all to arrive before we speak to them. Calliope needs to clean up anyway.” “Is she alright” he asks
with concern in his voice. “She is, but the witch is dead.” “Good, now we just have to deal with Octavius.” He cuts the link and
Calliope is staring at me. “Let’s go get you cleaned up it seems that the new Alpha of the Red Moon pack is on her way.”

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