Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
49 Leave
Larisa POV
“Ara, I need you.” “I’m here with you, Larisa. He is going to be very sorry if he tries to touch us.” I growl which only seems to
make him laugh. He stalks toward me and we partially shift. I have to release the grip I have on my towel, but being naked in
front of this pr*ck is the least of my worries. I swing my claw, drawing it across his chest. Blood pools on his shirt but it doesn’t
seem to stop him from grabbing my throat. “You’re about to pay for that mutt. I’m about to f**k you so hard you’re going to
scream for mercy.” He reaches out to grab my breast and I manage to knock his hand away. He tightens the hand he has around
my throat and moves closer until he is almost flush against me. I smile and he looks confused. I raise my knee into his balls as
hard as I can. He groans, letting me know that I have hit the target. His grip on my neck lessens and I punch him in the face. He
falls to the ground and I rush out of the bathroom. When I reach the door, I throw it open to find a very pissed-off looking
Magnum. His eyes are blood red and it sends a shiver through my body. His eyes go right to my neck. “Where” is all he asks. I
turn pointing to the bathroom. He leads me back into the room and pulls his t-shirt over his head. He slides it over my head and
down my body. His scent is making it very hard to focus. I try not to stare at his bare chest, but I’m losing the battle. Before he
can say anything, the ba**ard from the bathroom comes stumbling out into the room. “You little b**ch” he manages to get out
before he is pinned against the wall.
“Magnum what the f**k?” “You tried to touch my beloved. You tried to r*pe her.” The vampire’s eyes get big and I don’t know who
is more shocked by his words, me or the vampire. He just claimed me as his beloved. I shake those thoughts away. It’s just the
bond, it changes nothing. “I didn’t know that she is your beloved. Jonelle said we could have her. She said you didn’t care what
we did with the mutt.” Without another word, Magnum snaps his neck and drops him to the floor. He turns and walks back toward
me. “Oscar will be here to take care of him. Do not open the door for anyone else.” I nod and he leaves without another word.
Ten minutes later, Oscar arrives and I can see concern all over his face. “Laura, are you alright? Did he hurt you?” I smile “no, I
kicked him in the balls and then Magnum took care of him.” He looks at my shirt and a smile creeps onto his face. “You’re
important to him, aren’t you?” I don’t know what to say right now. “You don’t have to answer I already know I’m right. I just hope
that finding you will help him let go of this idea of revenge against your pack. My brother isn’t a bad man, he has just been misled
by the past.” I don’t know why but I hug Oscar. I knew he was a good guy. After all that’s happened, I’m starting to believe that
Oscar is right about Magnum. Oscar stiffens at first, but then he hugs me back. He releases me and heads over to deal with the
body. “Lock the door and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I do as he asks before I go to sit on the bed. “I told you that our mate

wanted us”, Ara says. This time I don’t argue with her because, honestly, I don’t know what to think right now. As stupid as it
sounds, I want that to be true.
Magnum POV
The minute she opens the door and I see the marks on her neck, I lose all control. That f**king b**ch tried to have my beloved
r*ped. I am not the best man for the choices I’ve made, but I would never force myself on a woman. As soon as I drop his body
to the floor, I want nothing more than to pull Laura into my arms and claim her just like I did a few minutes ago. I know I have no
right to feel that way, but I do. I fight that urge and once I know she is safe in the room, I leave in search of Jonelle. I head to my
room and when I throw open the door she is lying on my bed in a bra and panties. The sight of her makes me both angry and
sick. She smiles before she gets up on all fours. “Do you want to play pet?” Speaking those words to her makes my skin crawl,
but I need her to think she is still in my good graces. I walk over to the drawer and pull out a pair of hand cuffs. She fails to notice
that these are not just any hand cuffs. “Yes master” she says. “On your back with your hands gripping the headboard.” She does
as I command and once she is in position, I cuff her to the bars of the headboard. Once she is completely secure, I’m sure my
look becomes predatory. She smiles because she still hasn’t realized how sorry she is about to be.
“Now that you are right where I want you, tell me what you did.” Her face goes from a look of confusion to one of fear. “You
should be afraid. Now tell me what you did.” She tries to use her magic but if she had paid attention, she would know that those
are the handcuffs she enchanted for me. They suppress a supernatural’s magic and she willingly allowed me to put them on her.
“Magnum, please” she says, but her pleads just piss me off further. “Fine, you don’t want to answer, then I tell you exactly what
you did. You decided to defy my orders and send one of my men to r*pe the she-wolf.” “You mean to r*pe your beloved” she says
with all the venom she can muster. “Yes, she is my beloved. You are not.” A flash of pain crosses her face before it turns to pure
hatred. “She isn’t worthy of you but you can’t see that because of the f**king bond. She is making you forget everything that is
important.” “If you think what you’re saying will save you, it won’t.” “So, your parent’s death means nothing to you. You chose a
filthy mutt over your revenge, over your parents.” Her words twist my insides but I keep my face impassive. “What I chose is to
be done with you.” I move toward her. “If you kill me my father will stop at nothing to destroy you and this coven. Just let me
leave and I will never return. You can have your filthy mutt.”
I laugh “do you think I really believe that you will just leave quietly and not try to hurt Laura?” She can’t hide her rage anymore.
“F**k you, Magnum. Your parents will hate you for choosing that pathetic mutt over avenging them. Your right, I will kill that b**ch
after I torture her as she calls out for you to help her.” I’m sure my eyes are blood red and I have no more restraint left in me. I
don’t know what makes me angrier, that she is threatening Laura or that she is right about my parents hating me. I grab her head
turning it so I have access to her neck. She screams because she knows what is coming. I bite down, pushing enough venom
into her system to poison her blood. She is screaming and I know if her hands were free, she would be clawing at me. When I’m

satisfied that I’ve given her enough, I step back. It only takes seconds for the poison to take effect. When everything goes silent,
I walk over and close her eyes. I turn and walk back to the room, laying my hand against the door. “Laura open the door, it’s me.”
I hear her footsteps as she moves closer to the door. She opens it slowly and I want to rush inside and pull her into my arms.
Before I realize what’s happening, she wraps her arms around me. “Thank you” she says.
The tingles on my skin are doing nothing to help me stay in control. “Laura, I’ve dealt with Jonelle. Come with me” I say offering
her my hand. I lead her down the stairs and outside of the mansion. I release her hand and we stand in silence for a moment
before I turn to her. “Leave, return to your pack. The coven is no longer a threat to you or your Alpha.” Tears start to run down
her cheeks. “Magnum” she starts to say and I bare my fangs at her. “Leave before I change my mind.” I can see she wants to
argue but I’m grateful when she heads toward the woods. I let my soldiers know not to stop her before I head back inside. Oscar
is standing inside the hallway and I know he saw what just happened. He pulls me into a hug and I allow myself to take comfort
from my brother. I pull back and look into his eyes. “Please have the men clean my room and dispose of Jonelle’s body.” He nods
and I walk past him to my office. I pick up the phone off my desk and dial the number. He picks up on the second ring. “Magnum,
tell me you have good news for me.” “Actually, Alpha the coven is no longer interested in being part of your plan against the
Nightfire pack.” “Excuse me”, Alpha Grant says. “I believe you heard me. Our business is done” I say and disconnect the call. I
stand and walk down the hall to the room that I had kept Laura in earlier. I strip down to my boxers and slide under the covers
letting her scent surround me. I may not be able to have my beloved, but maybe I can in my dreams. Her scent relaxes me
enough to let the darkness take me under. Once I’m asleep, I’m with my beautiful beloved and I wish I could stay asleep.
Larisa POV
When he tells me to leave, I should be happy. I’ve been trying to escape since they kidnaped me from the pack. Then why does
it feel like my heart is breaking as I run through the trees? Ara whimpers before we shift. She runs as fast as we can to reach the
pack. I’m sure my family is preparing to rescue me and I know my aunt has the ability to wipe the coven off the face of the earth.
I feel like we have run for hours, but I know that’s not true. As soon as we pass into the pack territory our body is ready to give
out. A patrol guard approaches us and I’m sure he can scent vampire on the shirt Ara is carrying in her mouth. I shift and
manage to stay on my feet. The guard shifts “Larisa” he says, before I watch him start to link. A few seconds later, howls break
out and I can hear what sounds like a stampede moving toward us. When I see Talon, Silas, Aurora, and Star break through the
trees, I can’t help but smile. I’m sure my parents and family have been sick since I was taken. As soon as they reach me, they
shift. My father scoops me up and starts running. I’m sure he is taking me toward the pack hospital. “Daddy don’t hurt the
vampires” is the last thing I say before everything goes dark.

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