Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 98

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 98
32 Respect
Hudson POV
I can’t believe that Evelyn is our mate. The irony of the situation is not lost on me. That ba**ard Grant wanted me to bring his
mate back and led me right to her. “She is ours”, Tyson growls. “Yes, she is”. I agree with him. As we sit in the living room of the
cottage, I can’t help staring at her. I was so happy when she said that she would accept me despite the reason I was here.
Cayden tells us about his run in with the witch and by the sounds of it, she is powerful. I have been taught to never trust, so I’m
not sure what her motive is to help him. “In my life I have found that everyone has a motive. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes
it’s not. The next time you meet with her, I would like to be there with you Cayden.” He looks at me like I have grown ten heads.
“No offense Hudson, but to use your words, everyone has their motives. So, what is yours for helping me? My mother has
already accepted you.” I chuckle “I want your mother as my mate. That is definitely true. You are a part of her, which means that I
will protect you both. I may not be your father, but you are my mate’s pup.” He looks into my eyes. I’m sure to determine if he can
see any deceit. “If that’s the case you won’t mind if I read you.” I reach out my hand and he takes it. I’m not worried. The minute I
realized that Evelyn was my mate, everything in my world became about her. He pulls back his hand and nods at me. “Thank
you, I appreciate the help. I do really believe whatever her motive is will not bring me harm.”
“I’m going to shower and get ready for bed.” He heads for the stairs but stops before he takes the first step. “I will be putting a
spell on my room so I can’t hear anything.” Evelyn and I burst out laughing. Once Cayden is gone, I turn to Evelyn. “I don’t
expect us to mate and mark today. I want you to trust me. I’m sure that is hard after everything that happened with your ex-
mate.” I can’t help the growl that escapes me when I think about him touching Evelyn. A soft hand on my face makes the anger
melt away. “Hudson, I meant what I said outside. I am not broken, despite all that Grant did to me. I am strong and I accept you
as my mate. “I, Hudson Michael Ross, accept you, Evelyn Jane Hoffner, as my mate.” She smiles and takes my big hand in hers.
“I, Evelyn Jane Hoffner, accept you, Hudson Michael Ross, as my mate.” I feel the bond start to form and I stand. I scoop her up
in my arms. “Are you sure you are ready for this Evelyn?” “Take me to bed and make me yours, Hudson.” She doesn’t have to
say it twice. I take the steps two at a time. She points to a door and when I throw it open, I’m grateful to see a king-sized bed. It
will still be small for me, but I will survive.
I set her on her feet and pull the shirt over my head. Her eyes move down my body and when she licks her lips I lose the little bit
of control I had. I grab her, picking her up, so she wraps her legs around my waist. I slam my lips down on hers and she opens
willingly. My tongue moves around hers as her hands run all over my bare skin. My c**k is straining against my jeans. I grip her
a** kneading it as I kiss her. I pull back when we both need to breathe. “Are you fond of these clothes?” She smiles shaking her

head. I rip them to shreds without putting her down. Her beautiful breasts are bear and I lift her so I can take her n**ple into my
mouth. She moans and it just spurs me on. I roll her other n**ple in my fingers. I can feel her juices on my belly as I continue my
assault on her breasts. “Hudson please” she says in a breathy voice. “What do you want, Evelyn” I ask as I lay her down on the
bed. “I want you to f**k me. Make me yours” she says. I remove the rest of my clothing and her eyes get big when she gets a
look at my c**k. “Don’t worry, the goddess knows what she is doing. It will fit.” She chuckles and I climb on the bed. “I need to
taste you first, Evelyn. Your scent is making me crazy and I need to have your taste on my tongue.”
I don’t wait for her answer. I position my face at her core and take a long lick. “Oh, goddess you taste so good.” She arches her
back off the bed and I eat her like she is my last meal. I can feel she is getting close and I insert two fingers stroking her inner
walls. “Hudson, I’m going to c*m” she screams out. I add another finger, making sure she is ready for my c**k and bite down
gently on her cl*t. She screams out her orgasm and her body convulses. I climb up her body, not giving her time to come down
from her orgasm. I press my c**k to her entrance and push forward. She digs her nails into my back and I hope she draws blood.
I push until I’m seated to the root. “Oh, my goddess, your c**k is so big and it feels so good.” “It is all yours and you are all mine.”
“I’m yours” she says and that’s it. I start to move, claiming her body as mine. She moans with every thrust and I can feel the
pleasure building inside me. I need her to c*m again. I quicken my pace and she screams out. Her walls are squeezing my c**k.
I’m losing the battle when I bite down into her marking spot. The orgasm rips through me and I begin to empty my seed deep
inside her. I’m shocked when I feel her bite down marking me. I have never had an orgasm that felt this good and I know it’s
because Evelyn was made to be mine. I will never touch another woman in my life. “That was amazing”, she says, and Tyson is
strutting in my mind. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes me. “Thank you, Evelyn, for accepting me as your mate. I will never let
harm come to you as long as I live.” I kiss her before I roll off the bed and scoop her up. She squeals “what are you doing?” “I’m
going to clean you off so I can make you dirty again.” My phone rings in the pocket of my pants on the floor and without looking, I
know exactly who it is. I told him that I had a good lead. “Is that him,” she asks. “I’m sure it is.” She smiles “he can wait, I want
you to make me dirty.” I smile, life with this woman isn’t going to be boring, that is for sure.
Two Weeks Later
Calliope POV
After everything that happened, the pack needed something to celebrate. No one was saddened by my father’s death, which
speaks volumes to how he treated the pack. There are still a few males who share my father’s opinion on a female’s role in the
pack. They can either accept I am the Alpha or leave. We are having the formal ceremony today to make Anthony and Oliver
Betas and Benson Gamma. I head downstairs to speak with Janice, the head omega, about the festivities. I hear a male voice
and Aurora growls at the way he is speaking. “I will be in your room in ten minutes, omega. Do not make me wait.” I turn the
corner and the young omega’s eyes meet mine. I see fear in her eyes which just further pisses me off. “What the hell is going on

here”, I ask and Leonard turns to face me. He is a pack warrior. Loretta takes a step back and he growls. “Nothing is going on,
Calliope” he says with a smirk. “I must not have heard you correctly, Lenny, because I am the Alpha of this pack. Which means
you will address me as such or there will be repercussions.” I can see he wants to say more but he stays quiet. “Loretta, are you
alright?” She starts to shake her head and he laughs. Loretta looks to be in her twenties and Leonard is definitely in his forties.
He also has a mate, if I remember correctly.
“I’m not sure what the problem is, Alpha? I am a warrior and she is a female omega.” “You think because you’re a warrior and
she is an omega, that gives you the right to mistreat her.” His expression makes me believe that is exactly what he thinks. “Let
me make this perfectly clear to you. All members of this pack will be treated with respect. You will not abuse or mistreat any pack
member regardless of their gender or rank.” He chuckles and I step closer, pushing my aura forward. He has no choice but to
drop his gaze. “I know you saw what I am capable of, so I suggest you learn respect, or you will end up just like Mateo.” “Yes
Alpha” he says. “I will be watching and for your sake, I hope this last time I will have to speak to you about this behavior.” He
nods before he leaves the kitchen. I watch him leave and when I turn back to Loretta, I’m wrapped in a hug. “Thank you, Alpha.
I’m so happy you’re in charge now. I know in my heart things will get better.” Someone clears their throat and Loretta steps back.
“Loretta, you know better than to touch the Alpha.” “Janice, she had my permission. I actually came looking for you to see if
everything was ready for the celebration today.” “Of course, it is Alpha” she says as she comes to stand in front of me. “Thank
you for stopping that warrior from taking advantage of Loretta.” I nod and head back to my office.
I reach my office and I wonder how many omegas have been subject to this treatment. I link Benson to come to my office and
when he walks in, he’s smiling. “What are you smiling about?” “You really pissed off that a**hole Lenny. He walked into the
barracks sputtering about a woman telling him what to do. When one of the guys asked him what the hell his problem was, he
looked at me but wouldn’t answer.” “That’s actually why I called you here.” I tell him about what happened in the kitchen. “I want
him and any other members that think like him watched.” “There aren’t too many honestly, but I will make sure the other warriors
keep eyes on them.” “Are you ready to make this official today?” He smiles “I am and I can’t thank you enough for making me the
Gamma of this pack Alpha.” “Benson, you can call me Calliope unless we are in a formal setting. Honestly, I should be thanking
you. It’s because of you that I am Alpha of the pack. You were a man of honor even when you had an opportunity to have
power.” “Power isn’t everything and doing what’s right isn’t something you need to thank me for.” I stand and we head down to
the garden where the stage is set up.
I walk onto the stage and I’m joined by Anthony, Oliver, and Benson. Bradford, Julie, Abigale, Carter, and Sarah are sitting in the
front row. I smile before I turn to the men that will become my ranked wolves. “I want to thank the pack for joining us today. This
celebration will mark the change in pack leadership.” I take the dagger off the table and swipe it down my hand, allowing my
blood to flow into the chalice. I step in front of Anthony first. “Anthony Conlon, make your vow to the pack.” “I, Anthony Conlon,

vow to put the needs of the pack above my own. I pledge my loyalty to Alpha Calliope Robison.” He drinks and our connection
snaps into place. Oliver steps up and his smile is contagious. “Oliver Shifler, make your vow to the pack.” “I, Oliver Shifler
Conlon, vow to put the needs of the pack above my own. I pledge my loyalty to Alpha Calliope Robison.” He drinks and hands
me back the chalice. “Now you can’t get rid of me” he links me and I keep my expression even though I want to smile. I nod and
Benson steps up next. “Benson Pryer, make your vow to the pack.” “I, Benson Pryer, vow to put the packs needs above my own.
I pledge my loyalty to Alpha Calliope Robison.” He drinks and I set the chalice down on the table. I face the pack. “Crescent
Moon welcome your new Betas Anthony and Oliver Conlon and your new Gamma Benson Pryer.” The pack breaks into howls
and bares their necks.
After the pack run, we head inside to the banquet hall. I look around and the omegas are delivering the food to each table. I
watch as Loretta sets the food down in front of Leonard and his mate. He never makes eye contact with her and it takes
everything in me not to walk over and tell his mate what kind of man she is mated too. I walk over to to my table and take a seat
next to my mother. As the dinner goes on, I notice that Leonard is no longer sitting at the table. “Calliope, I have a bad feeling”,
Aurora says. I stand and walk toward the kitchen. Three women are standing near the window. “Ladies what are you looking at” I
ask and they all turn toward me. “Alpha, he is going to kill her”, the youngest woman says. I don’t wait for an explanation. I link
Anthony and head outside. Loretta is lying on the ground, blood covering her dress. “Get up you worthless b**ch. The Alpha is
too busy to help you now.” I growl and he turns looking at me with wide eyes. Anthony and Oliver come to stand next to me.
“Take Loretta to the hospital now.” They rush toward her as I walk toward Leonard. I can see Oliver wants to stay but he follows
my orders. “You have a mate and yet you hurt women. Do you hurt your mate?” “Yes, he does”, I hear from behind me. “Shut up
Eleanor” he yells at her.
“Eleanor, now is your chance because your mate is going to die.” “I, Eleanor Bane, reject you, Leonard Bane, breaking our mate
bond.” He grabs at his chest and falls to his knees. Eleanor is in pain, but she will survive. I walk until I am standing in front of
him. “You will be placed in the cells and tomorrow you will be executed for your crimes against the women of this pack.” I punch
him hard in the face knocking him out. I turn to face the pack members that have gathered. “Hear me when I say that any man
that is caught mistreating a female in this pack will be executed. This is the only warning you will receive.” A pin could be heard
and I nod at Benson to take Leonard to the cells. I head back inside and my mother wraps me in a hug. “I’m so proud of you,
Calliope.” “Thank you, mom” I say before we take our seats back at the table. Once the party has ended, I head to the pack
hospital to check on Loretta and Eleanor. I’m shocked to find them in the same room. “Alpha” they say and bear their necks to
me. “Ladies, how are you both feeling?” Loretta’s bruises look almost healed and Eleanor is smiling. “We both will be fine thanks
to you”, Eleanor says. “I’m glad and I promise that the pack will get better. It may take time, but I won’t rest until everyone
receives the respect and treatment they deserve.” I spend a few more minutes with them before I head to my new room. I
refused to take the room my father used. It will be gutted and redone.

Once I’m showered and dressed for bed, I slide under the covers. Aurora has been quiet since we dealt with Leonard. “Why are
you so quiet?” “I was thinking that since your father burned so many bridges with other Alphas, maybe we should host an Alpha
meeting here.” “You’re thinking about pack politics” I laugh. “No, I’m thinking about alliances and keeping our pack safe.” I still
think there is more to her suggestion, but she isn’t wrong. I have a lot of fixing to do and holding an Alpha meeting will help mend
some of the damage my father did. “I will speak with the guys tomorrow about setting up a meeting.” She seems pleased with
herself but I’m too exhausted to press her. I fall asleep and have dreams of a huge black wolf with beautiful brown eyes.

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