Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 72

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 72
6 Tell Me the Pas
Franklin POV
“Explain to me how the f**k she escaped.” “Sir, I have no idea what happened. They were both in the cell. No one came in or out
of that cell.” I laugh “you expect me to believe that she had magically disappeared from the cell. She is a f**king wolf, not a witch.
They are both wolves, nothing more. I should kill you for your incompetence.” “I’m sorry sir, please.” “Get out of my sight before I
change my mind and snap your f**king neck.” He rushes from my office. The door to my office opens a few minutes later and
Eric walks in. He is my second in command. “Have you found her?” “No sir, we haven’t. We can’t even scent her. We ran all the
way to the Nightfire Pack border.” “She isn’t stupid enough to run to pack wolves. She knows what they think of rogues. I have
made sure that they both think it would be ten times worse if a pack found them.” “What do you want us to do sir?” “Keep
looking, I have phone calls to make.” He leaves the room and I sit at my desk. I take the book out of my desk as this is not a
number I call regularly. I place the phone to my ear.
“Alpha Grant” his cold voice comes through the phone. “Grant it’s Franklin.” There is a moment of silence before he finally
speaks. “Why the f**k are you calling me after all these years?” “I just thought you should know that the b**ch escaped. My men
are out looking for her but have had no luck finding her.” “How is this my problem? I gave you a lot of money to make the two of
them go away and you dare call me now to tell me she is still alive.” “Go away can mean many things, Grant.” “I am Alpha to
you.” “No you’re not. I am not a pack wolf and you are in no way my leader. Now she has no idea about her past, so it shouldn’t
be an issue for you and your Luna. I just thought you should know.” “You better pray she stays gone or your little collective is
going to be my pack’s next conquest.” “I told you she has no idea where she came from and she has been a prisoner all her life.”
“Good, it better stay that way for your sake.” The call disconnects and I slam the phone down.
After I compose myself, I call a number I know very well. She picks up on the second ring. “To what do I owe this call Franklin?”
“I missed you.” She laughs “we both know that’s not true. So what do you need from me?” “You know me so well, Lydia. The little
b**ch has escaped and I need to locate her before she causes any trouble.” There is silence and I know she is thinking about
what she will demand of me for this favor. Her help is never free. “What do you want, Lydia?” “I’m not sure yet, but rest assured
there will be a hefty price for this favor.” “Fine, I don’t care, just get here.” “On my way, love.” I hate when she calls me that. We
decided long ago not to give into the bond because the goddess is a b**ch who has no right over our free will. That doesn’t mean
we can’t enjoy each other from time to time. It’s also nice to know a witch for times like this.
One Week Later

A knock sounds on my bedroom door. I slide on my jeans before I head over to open it. It has to be my family or Clara because
no one else is allowed on this floor. I open the door and my sister is standing there smiling. She walks in and takes a seat.
“Come in Larisa” I say sarcastically. “You’re lucky I knocked.” I roll my eyes but take a seat across from her. “What’s up that
you’re here so early?” “I just wanted to see how things are going with Clara.” I smile “it’s really good. I just wish she would trust
me enough to tell me what happened before I found her.” She reaches out, taking my hand. “I’m sure she will in time but don’t
rush her. She seems really happy here with you.” “She does, I hope in time she accepts me completely.” “I believe she will.” She
stands and hands me a piece of paper before she leaves my room. I open it and warmth spreads through my body as I read.
It’s my turn to take you on a date. Meet me in the garden in an hour. Be hungry.
I place the note on my dresser and head into my bathroom to shower. “Do you think she is ready to tell us” Silas asks. “I don’t
know, but I think it’s good she wants to spend more time with us. She has been smiling more and eating more.” He chuckles “yes
she has.” I get out of the shower and throw on jeans and a blue t-shirt. I head down the hallway and downstairs. As I walk
through the foyer, I hear my name being called. I stop and turn to see Susan standing in the living room. Silas growls but I keep
my expression even. “What do you want Susan?” “I just wanted to apologize for the way I have been acting.” “Honestly Susan, if
you had said something against me I could have easily forgiven you but you spoke against my mate. It will not be so easily
forgiven. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to be somewhere.” She nods and heads to the dining room. I walk out of the pack
house heading toward the garden. I smile thinking about spending the afternoon with Clara. When I reach the garden she is
sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket. She is smiling but I can tell she is nervous.
I sit down on the blanket and take her hand in mine. I bring it to my lips, placing a kiss on the back. “This is amazing. Thank you
for planning a date for us.” “I wanted to thank you for being the man you are. Most men in your position would not want me for a
mate.” “I love that you planned this but you don’t have to thank me for loving you or choosing you.” “Love, you love me.” “Of
course, you are my destined mate. I loved you the moment I found you. Our souls are bound to each other. You are my other
half.” She stays quiet and I don’t want her to feel like she has to say it back to me. “Clara, I don’t expect you to say it back. I
know that you are not ready to accept all this yet.” “Eli” she says, stopping me from continuing. “I have only ever said that to one
man in my life.” I control the growl that wants to escape and push Silas to the back of my mind. Now is not the time to act like a
jealous a** when she is finally opening up to me. “My brother, Cayden, is the only man besides you that has been kind to me.”
Silas whimpers in my mind and my heart breaks that she hasn’t had the love and kindness that I have known all my life.

Clara POV
The thought of telling him all that happened is terrifying. Cora assures me that it won’t change how he feels, but that’s hard for
me to believe. I hate to even think about the hell that the collective was and the fact that Cayden is still there. Franklin is probably
making him suffer for my freedom. I push the thoughts that plague me away. Cayden made me promise to live for both of us and
I will not let his sacrifice be for nothing. “Eli, this isn’t easy for me to talk about, but you deserve to know everything.” His eyes are
so kind and loving. I could get lost in them, which is why I look away. “Cayden and I were abandoned so we never knew our
parents. We were found by wolves in the collective when we were just pups. As you can imagine, the collective leader is a
ba**ard. Cayden and I have been slaves since we were children. We were forced to do Franklin’s bidding. He has made us steal
and hurt others if it suited him. We have both taken our fair share of beatings when we refused to do horrible things. Sometimes I
wished that the goddess would take me as I lay on the floor bleeding. I wish I could say that was the worst of what I endured.” A
growl escapes him and I know Silas is angry, but it’s not at me.
I look at him and he lays his hand on my face. “I’m here, I’m not going anywhere”, he says with such love in his eyes. I press my
eyes closed and take a deep breath. “The men in the collective would use me.” I can’t even bring myself to finish the sentence,
but when Eli pulls me into his arms I know he knows. “I promise you that they will pay for all they have done.” “I wish that was
true but I have no idea where they are or how I got to the forest outside the pack. The last thing I remember is Cayden telling me
to close my eyes before he told me he loved me. He always tried to protect me.” I pull back and look into his eyes. He smiles “we
will figure it out.” I take a deep breath and muster all the resolve I have. I press my lips to his and I can’t even begin to describe
the feeling of being safe and loved in Eli’s arms. He pulls back with a smile on his face. “Thank you, for trusting me with your
past. You are always safe with me.” I believe him with every fiber of my soul. “I love you, Eli. I promise that I will be ready to
complete the bond soon.” “I love you Clara. There is no rush. I want you to be comfortable, so please take all the time you need.
We have a lifetime together.”
Franklin POV
I head down to the cells. I dismiss the rogue standing guard. I walk over to the cell holding the little ba**ard. Despite the beatings
he has received, he won’t tell us how his sister escaped. I knew he would be hard to break. It’s the only bond the two of them
have ever known. He is lying on the floor and his eyes are swollen shut. His wolf is so weak he is taking forever to heal him. I
open the cell door and bend down. “This punishment can end mutt if you just tell me where she is?” He manages to crack one
eye open. He swallows a few times before he manages to speak. “You can kill me. She is free of you and this place and that is
all that matters.” He closes his eyes again and it’s all I can do not to snap his neck right now. I need him alive a little longer. I
stand and walk out of the cell. When I get upstairs, Lydia is waiting in my office. “You look like you haven’t gotten what you want

Franklin.” I glare at her. I am in no mood for her antics. “That is why you are here. Tell me what you need to find her.” “Bring me
the boy and I’ll see what I can do.” I link my guard to bring him to my office. He will be useful even if he doesn’t want to.

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