Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 7

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 7
7 Meeting
Amelia POV
As we drive to the pack, I feel sick to my stomach. I had hoped by going to the human city I could avoid having to deal with a
pack Alpha. I know that they are not all as kind as Elias. We make a left onto a road outside of the city and drive for a mile before
we come to a gate. I can see how big the pack house is from here. The Darkmoon pack is large, but this pack seems to be even
larger. The guard opens the gate after he waves at Lily. “Don’t be nervous, Lincoln is very nice.” I want to say it’s because she is
a witch, but I keep my mouth shut. He would be foolish to piss her off with her powers. I lay my hand on my bump after I feel my
little one kick. A few seconds later, she pulls into a parking spot. I take a deep breath before I step out of the car. I follow Lily until
we reach the pack house. “Good afternoon, Beta Michael” she says to a man waiting at the door. Another man who looks like
him is standing behind him with a stoic look on his face. “Beta Michael this is Amelia, Amelia this is Beta Michael.” I bare my
neck as a sign of respect to him. “That isn’t necessary Amelia, welcome to the Nightfire Pack.” “Alpha Lincoln is waiting for the
two of you in his office.” The other man steps aside and Michael leads us past him. “Amelia this is Max the packs head warrior.” I
bare my neck to him and when I look up, he nods. I can feel him staring at me until we make our way up the stairs. “Don’t mind
Max, he can be intense, but he’s a good guy.” I don’t say anything, I just keep walking. “He seems like an a**hat to me” Star
We reach the office and Michael knocks before he opens the door. I walk in behind Lily and a man that looks like a male model is
sitting behind the desk. What the hell is wrong with me? I haven’t even broken my bond with Atlas and I’m checking out this
Alpha. “He is definitely nice on the eyes”, Star says. I push her to the back of my mind. What the hell is wrong with both of us?
When our eyes meet, he smiles. His smile is kind and his eyes are an ocean blue. I look down, not understanding what the hell is
wrong with me. I’ve been around attractive wolves all my life but Atlas is the only one that I have thought about this way. Once
I’ve composed myself, I look back up. “Alpha Lincoln, this is my friend Amelia.” “John told me that you wanted to meet her since
she is new in town.” “Please ladies have a seat.” I take a seat next to Lily. “Amelia, as Lily said my name is Alpha Lincoln.” “This
is the Nightfire pack.” “It is very nice to meet you, Alpha.” “It’s nice to meet you as well.” “Amelia, you have nothing to fear here.”
“No one will harm you or your pup while you’re in my pack.” I’m sure he can tell I’m nervous. “Thank you, Alpha.” “Lily, can I
speak to Amelia alone please.” I’m sure fear flashes across my face and Lily looks torn at his request. I don’t want him angry at
her. I tamp down the fear I feel. “I’ll be fine Lily,” I manage to get out without sounding afraid. She gets up to leave. She turns
back smiling at me before she walks out, closing the door behind her.
Lincoln POV

I’m in my office when Michael links me that Lily and the she-wolf have arrived. A few minutes later, a knock sounds on the door
and Lily walks in, followed by one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life. Talon is growling in my head. I ignore
him and push him to the back of my mind. I don’t want her to think I’m rude. Once Lily introduces us, they both take a seat. I can
see that she is nervous. When I ask Lily to leave, I can tell she is afraid but cares more about Lily getting in trouble. Not that Lily
would be in trouble for wanting Amelia to be comfortable. Lily knows I would never hurt Amelia. I pride myself on being an Alpha
with honor and integrity. Hurting a pregnant she-wolf would fall into neither category. “I’m sure you know why I have called for
you to meet with me.” “Please understand I have to ask these questions to protect my pack.” She nods and I continue. “Amelia
are you the Luna of the Darkmoon pack?” Her face that once showed fear is now one of disgust. “Absolutely not” she says. I’m a
little shocked by her answer because I thought for sure she was. “Freya Canfield is the Luna of the Darkmoon Pack” she says
with anger in her tone. “So you aren’t the Luna but you’re from the pack?”
She waits a moment before she answers me. “Yes, I used to be a member of the pack but now I’m not.” “Amelia, I can tell that
you don’t want to explain to me what happened but I need answers to protect everyone.” “The Darkmoon Alpha is sending
wolves near my territory and the human city looking for his Luna.” “If you are in some kind of trouble with the Alpha now is the
time to tell me.” “I haven’t broken werewolf law if that is what you’re asking me.” I can see she is angry but I’m not offended. “I
like her she is feisty” Talon says. “She is very pretty too.” “Settle down, I’m sure you can see she is marked and with pup.”
“Besides weren’t you the one pushing to wait for our mate.” “I didn’t say to f**k her, I am drawn to her.” “I think we should protect
her.” “I feel some connection to her and her wolf.” I push him down again but I felt it to when she came in too. I look back to her
to finish our conversation. “I appreciate that you didn’t break werewolf law, but I need to know why you left your pack and where
your mate is.”
Amelia POV
“Just tell him what that ba**ard Atlas did to us” Star says to me. “We have no idea if he is one of those Alphas that thinks
screwing around, on their mate is no big deal.” “You won’t know if you don’t tell him.” “I trust him and his wolf” Star says which
shocks me. She quiets and I pray I’m making the right decision. “My mate has been cheating on me since I got pregnant with our
pup.” He says nothing for a few minutes. “I’m sorry Amelia, that is awful.” “No mate should violate that bond.” “When I found out
what he was doing I left the pack and I didn’t look back.” “I came to the human city because I’m a rogue now.” “I know how pack
wolves feel about rogues.” He doesn’t say anything for a moment. “Amelia leaving your pack doesn’t break the bond you have
with them or your mate.” “I have no idea what’s happening at the pack since I left but my brother-in-law was the Alpha who
released my bond to the pack when I told him what was happening.” He looks at me confused. “My mate is the pack’s Beta and
was the Alpha’s brother.” “Was” he says as a question. “I spoke to my mother to let her know that I’m safe and she told me that
Alpha Elias was killed by his mate after I left.” “So your mate has taken the Alpha title and is looking for you because that will

make you Luna.” “I will not go back to him or that pack.” “I will never be his Luna or mate.” “If my presence in the city near your
pack is a problem, I will keep going till I find another city.”
He stands coming around the desk and sits in the chair that Lily left. “Amelia, you have done nothing wrong that you can’t stay in
the city.” “You do realize that he is not going to stop looking for you.” “He can look till the end of time.” “Even if he finds me I will
never be his Luna after what he did to me and my pup.” I lay my hand on my bump like I’m protecting him from the idea of Atlas.
“Atlas is supposed to be calling me to discuss his wolves presence in my territory.” “After my discussion with him I will let you
know what happens.” “Thank you, Alpha, I appreciate that.” I stand sticking my hand out to him to shake. He stands with a smile
on his face. He takes my hand and the minute our skin touches I feel something. Something I can’t even describe. I pull my hand
back and place it against my thigh. “If that is all Alpha Lincoln, I will leave you to your duties.” “Thank you for your time and
understanding.” “Have a good day, Alpha.” “You have a good day to Amelia.” “I don’t give him a chance to say anything more and
I walk out the door. Lily is waiting and follows me as I go down the stairs. “Amelia, are you alright.” “Yes, I’m fine, just tired.” “I
need to lay down.” She doesn’t push me and we head out to the car. The ride to the apartment is in awkward silence. I know she
wants to ask me what was said but thankfully she doesn’t. We pull into the parking garage and head up to our apartments. I’m
glad that I can stay in my apartment in my new bed tonight. “Lily, will you take me to the hotel tomorrow to pick up my car.” She
smiles “of course.” I turn the key in the door and head inside. I know it’s nowhere near bedtime but I wasn’t lying to Lily when I
said I needed to lay down. Once I take a shower, I slide into my bed and it doesn’t take long for sleep to take me under. I dream
of a wolf with brilliant blue eyes as I sleep.
Atlas POV
My phone rings and it’s Walker. “What have you found?” “Joseph and I caught her scent today in a diner in the human city near
the Nightfire Pack.” “Good, find her and bring her back to me.” “Make sure you are gentle with her or you will both be very sorry.”
“I’m afraid it won’t be that simple Alpha.” I growl “what the f**k does that mean?” “We were confronted by the Beta of the Nightfire
pack at the diner about being in the city.” “You were in neutral territory.” “They have nothing to say about your presence there.” “It
seems the Alpha and pack own a large portion of this human city.” “He wants to hear from you Alpha if we are to continue to look
for her here.” “Arrogant ba**ard, I am the Alpha and I don’t answer to him.” “You answer to me so I don’t care what the f**k he
wants.” “With all due respect Alpha if we hope to find her here you may want to speak with him otherwise, they could make a lot
of trouble for the trackers.” “Fine I’ll call the a**hole but only because of Amelia.” “You two stay there and continue to look.”
“Actually, I’m going to send two more trackers to join you.” “Yes Alpha” he says before he gives me the Alpha’s number.”
I walk over to the bar in my office and down two fingers of whiskey before I call this Alpha Lincoln. “You better sell that Freya is to
blame to this guy so we can get Amelia back” Silas growls. “I know what to say so settle down.” I dial and put the phone to my

ear. He picks up on the second ring. “Alpha Lincoln” he says. “Alpha Lincoln this is Alpha Atlas of the Darkmoon pack.” “Hello
Alpha, thank you for calling me.” “You’re welcome, my men said you wanted to speak to me about their presence near your
territory and in the human city.” “I’m sure you can understand my concern with unknown wolves near my pack.” “Of course, I can,
so please let me explain.” “My sister-in-law turned out to be an evil b**ch who decided she wanted me to be her mate and my
brother dead.” He says nothing and I continue. “She filled my mate Amelia’s head with lies about me being unfaithful and she
killed my brother who was our pack’s Alpha.” “Amelia believed her and left me and the pack before I could make her understand
it was all lies.” “She is pregnant with my pup and I need to get her back before something bad happens to them.” “I need to make
her understand that everything Freya said was a lie.” “I would never betray my mate.” “I can understand how upsetting that must
be for you but I can not have wolves causing issues in my city.” “As one Alpha to another I will have my men look for her and if I
find her I will give you a call.” “As far as your men if there is any trouble related to them in my city I will be forced to protect what
is mine.” “Do we have an understanding Alpha Atlas?” I am silent for a moment. I have no intention of pulling my men out of the
city now that I know they have scented her. “Yes, Alpha Lincoln, we understand each other.” “Good, I will let you know should we
find her.” The line goes dead and I slam the phone down. That condescending pr*ck will not keep me from finding my mate.

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