Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 51

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 51
51 Vision
Lincoln POV
As we pull into the pack, I can’t wait to get back to Eli. It’s crazy how much I miss him after just a few hours. I walk around the
SUV opening Amelia’s door and we head to my parent’s wing of the pack house. I knock and we head inside. My parents are
sitting on the couch just staring at my son. Eli is resting in my mother’s arms, sleeping peacefully. “How did it go” my father asks.
We take a seat on the couch across from them and my mother stands placing Eli in Amelia’s arms. “It went very well actually.
The pack will be joining us in about a month. I have spoken with the contractors and they are eager to start work tomorrow on
the new cottages. Tristan and the pack members seemed happy about the move.” “I’m proud of you, Lincoln, for the man and
Alpha you have become. A far better leader than I ever was.” My mother takes his hand in hers. I hate that he says that about
himself. I stand and come to sit next to my father. “One bad decision does not take away all the good things you have done as
my father and Alpha of this pack. You made things right when it counted most. I’m proud to be your son” I say and hug my father.
When I pull back I can see unshed tears in my father’s eyes. “Thank you, Lincoln” he says before turning to Amelia. “Thank you
for forgiving me and allowing me to be part of my grand pup’s life.” “We love you Charles and we’re thrilled our son has you in his
life.” She stands coming over and setting Eli in my arms before she hugs my father. I love that she has my parents and so does
our pup.
We talk a bit longer about the new pack members and making it a smooth transition for both packs. Amelia feeds Eli so we can
head to the hospital to see what’s happening with the woman that John found. I know she hates leaving him again, but I don’t
want him anywhere near someone we don’t know or trust yet. We start the walk down the path to the hospital when I get a link
from Michael. “Lincoln, when you return, please come to the hospital.” “We’re back, what’s happening?” “It’s Pheobe’s mother,
the woman is Pheobe’s mother”, he says and cuts the link. I immediately stop walking. “What’s wrong, Lincoln” she asks, when
she notices I’ve stopped. “The woman John found outside the pack is Pheobe’s mother.” “Oh, my goddess” she says. She turns
rushing toward the hospital. “Amelia wait”, I say, and she turns back to me. I walk to her, “Amelia, we have no idea what her
presence here means.” “She’s hurt Lincoln and her magic has been blocked.” “I understand that, but based on what we know of
Lucas, he could be using her to get to Pheobe and Lily. We have no idea what he is truly capable of, and I don’t want to think that
she has anything to do with it, but we have to protect our family and pack.” I can see she wants to say more, but she knows I’m
right. I don’t want to think the worst either, but we have to be prepared. Right now, without her powers, she poses no threat, but I
don’t trust that Lucas hasn’t set other things in motion.
Pheobe POV

As I sit holding my mother’s hand, I can only imagine what my ba**ard brother did to her. I know Lily saw more than she told me.
I’m sure she is trying to protect me but I need to know. I can’t feel her magic at all. I rub circles on the back of her hand as I pray
to the goddess to save her and bring her back to me. “Mom, I’m here” I say, hoping she will open her eyes when she hears my
voice. She doesn’t and I feel like I’m drowning. I’ve lost my father because of Lucas. I can’t lose my mother because of him.
Michael comes over, resting his hands on my shoulders. “I promise you, Phoebe, that he will pay for this with his life.” “I know he
will, Michael.” “He has taken too much from me already.” I look around the room at the people I consider my family now. The
people who have accepted me and offered me a place in their lives. I am grateful every day that I helped Iris and found them. I
just hope that I can help my mother too. I link Michael, “do you think I could sit and talk to her alone for a few minutes? I have
some things I need to say to her if I don’t get an opportunity later.” “Pheobe” Michael says, I’m sure wanting to offer me
reassurance that she is going to wake up, but he can’t. No one can promise me that. “Of course,” he says, turning to Lily and
Neal. “Let’s step out for a minute and give Pheobe some time with her mother alone.” Lily walks over, putting her hand on my
shoulder. “We will be in the hallway if you need us.” “Thank you, Lily.” “Thank you for trying heal her.” She squeezes my shoulder
before they all head out of the room.
I stand going around the bed. I know Lily is protecting me from what she saw but I need to know. I place my hand on my
mother’s forehead and open the link between our minds. As the memories start to flow into my mind, I can feel the anger and
pain start to rise in my body.
Lucas POV
“So, mother, you have been helping your sweet princess behind my back. You and father have no loyalty.” “You have become a
monster and I’m sorry that I have ever gave you life after all you have done.” “Now how could you say such a thing to your son?”
Lucas stands and wraps my mother in his arms and they appear in a room I’ve never seen. There are metal tools and tables with
shackles. As soon as he steps back, my mother’s eyes get big. He starts to chant and I watch him bind her powers. She starts to
back up but he raises his hand, stopping her from moving. “Well mother, you were so worried about your precious princess when
you should have been worried about what I am going to do to you.” I watch as he tortures her, his own mother, as she pleads for
mercy. I’m not sure how long it lasts but it seems like forever. She is lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood when he bends
down in her ear. “I’ll make sure to tell your princess how you suffered before she joins you.”
She lies there again for what seems like forever. The door opens and someone comes in, but I can’t make out what he looks like
because she couldn’t open her eyes at this point. “Teresa please wake up”, I hear his voice but it’s so soft I can’t tell who he is.
She doesn’t respond because she can’t. “I’m going to get help love, please stay with me. Lucas is a monster who would order

the death of his own mother, but I will never let that happen as long as I have air in my lungs.” A few minutes later, everything
goes dark but I can still hear the distant voice. She must be barely conscious. “Teresa, I promise that I will be back but this pack
will protect you until that happens.” “I know you were afraid to take my mark because of Lucas but it will help you to heal.” I feel a
warmth through my body and I pull my hand back.
Vision Ends
Who the hell was that talking to my mother? I place my hand on her shoulder and pull back the gown. There is a fresh warlock’s
mark that is a bright blue color. It can’t be a black magic warlock mark or it would be black or gray. I’m so confused. “Mom
please, I need you to wake up.” This time I place my hand on her chest to feel the steady beating of her heart. “Mom, I realize
now you did all this to protect me. I’m sorry for ever doubting you. Please wake up, I need you.” I feel her heart rate increase
under my hand. “Mom, I know you can hear me and I’ll be here when you wake up no matter how long it takes.” I take a seat and
take her hand in mine again. A few minutes later, the door opens. Amelia, Lincoln, and Michael walk in. I stand and Amelia wraps
me in a hug. “How is she” she asks. “She hasn’t woken up yet but she’s strong. I saw all that my brother did to her before he
ordered her death. If it wasn’t for a coven member helping her, she would be dead right now.” “Why do you think the coven
member helped her knowing what your brother is capable of,” Lincoln asks. I’m sure he is worried that Lucas is behind her being
here. I walk to the head of the bed and reveal her marking spot. “It seems he is my mother’s mate and despite knowing what my
brother is capable of, he saved her.” “I couldn’t see who he is, but I believe that he put his own life at risk to save my mother
because they are second chance mates.”
Amelia POV
I link Lincoln “I think that is proof enough that her mother isn’t part of what Lucas has planned.” “I agree love and it appears
whoever her mate is, is willing to stand against Lucas, even if it costs him his life.” I pray that Pheobe is right and her mother
wakes up. “Pheobe, do you think unbinding her powers will help her wake up quicker.” “It definitely couldn’t hurt but I understand
if you’re not ready for that to happen yet.” “No, Lincoln and I both believe she is not a threat to the pack after all you have told
us.” She smiles and nods. A few minutes later, the door opens and Lily walks in, followed by Neal. “Are you ready Pheobe,” she
asks. “I’m only here for support because you don’t need me to do this with all of your power”, Lily says. “Your connection to her is
what will help the most.” Pheobe places her hand a foot above her mother’s body and starts to chant. An iridescent purple glow
starts to engulf her body and a few seconds later it’s gone. Michael must realize the same thing I do, because he is at Pheobe’s
side before, she falls. She is awake but you can tell it took a lot out of her.
He leads her to the couch and Lily kneels in front of her. She places her head against Pheobe’s. After a few moments she sits up
on her own. “Thank you, Lily.” “I’m always here for you, Pheobe” Lily says. “I’m glad to see my daughter has found such lovely

friends.” We all jump when we hear the voice coming from behind us. Pheobe jumps up from the couch like she wasn’t just ready
to faint. She wraps her arms around her mother and the room is silent. Lincoln wraps his arms around me and I am so grateful
for a mate that trusts my judgment. I hope that Lucas is ready for one pissed-off sister and her family.
Lucas POV
I call for Leland. He appears in my office a few moments later. “I assume you finished her.” He nods and I can tell he isn’t happy
with my orders but he has always been obedient. “Where is the body?” He looks at me confused. “The body is gone as you
directed Lucas. I disposed of her.” I grab him by the throat. “I wanted that body you a**hole. I wanted you to finish her off not get
rid of the body.” “She was dead when I got to the torture room Lucas, I thought you realized you killed her.” I release him, as I
could see how he misunderstood. “Fine, I have other ways to torture Phoebe.” “Did you ready the warlocks?” “I did, when will we
be attacking.” “Patience, I want you to take five warlocks to the pack and see exactly where the weakest part of the border is. If
you kill a few mutts that will be fine too.” “Yes Lucas”, he says before he leaves my office. It’s sad that he is the only loyal one.
My family was nothing but a disappointment.

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