Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 47

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 47
By 30 April 202330 April 202313 min read
Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 47
47 Ceremony
Amelia POV
After we leave the office, we head back to our bedroom to get dressed. Eli is starting to squirm, so I sit on the chair feeding him
while Lincoln showers. I look down at this perfect little boy who will grow up surrounded by love. He will know every day how
lucky he is to have his family. He will become a leader this pack deserves learning from his father. Thoughts of the Darkmoon
pack enter my mind. The pack deserves the type of leader Elias was. “Amelia” I hear Lincoln say my name and it brings me out
of my thoughts. “What are you thinking about love” he says, sitting down next to me. “The Darkmoon pack”, I say. “I spoke with
Tristan and let him know that we will be meeting with them tomorrow around twelve.” I smile and nod. “Amelia your the Luna of
this pack.” “You are a part of every decision I make going forward.” “We are partners and your decision carries as much weight
as mine does.” I feel warmth spread throughout my chest at his words. Lincoln is unlike any Alpha I’ve ever known. I don’t think
even Elias would have said that to Freya.
“What do you think we should do with the pack?” I look at him confused. “The moment I killed Atlas the pack became ours.” “So,
you’re the Alpha of the Darkmoon pack?” “I can either make them part of the Nightfire pack or I can speak to Elder James about
appointing a new Alpha.” “What are you going to do?” “Amelia, I just told you this is our decision and we will make it together.”
“So what do you think we should do?” “Honestly, Lincoln I’m not sure.” “There are so many obstacles to them joining our pack.”
He smiles “what obstacles love?” “Space for one, the pack isn’t small and we would need to have housing for all its members.”
“Ok what else?” “Lincoln, I don’t know how about uprooting all their lives to bring them here.” He smiles “I think those are both
valid points, anything else.” “Not that I can think of right now.”
Lincoln POV
After I finish in the shower, I come out and notice that Amelia looks like she is million miles away even though she is staring at
our son. When we start to talk about the Darkmoon pack I already know what I would like to do, but as I told Amelia, this isn’t my
decision alone. “I agree that it will be a change for the pack members and we will have to do some building to accommodate this
many new pack members.” “But” she says with a smile. “As you said they deserve leaders like Elias” I say taking her hand.

“Besides this pack is our son’s birthright since Elias had no children of his own.” I see tears form in her eyes and one runs down
her cheek. I get down on my knees in front of her. “Amelia talk to me.” She rests her hand on my face. “You are the most
amazing man I have ever known.” I place my hand over hers “no I’m the luckiest man you have ever known.” “I have the perfect
mate and pup.” She chuckles and I lean in pressing my lips to hers. She pulls back, wiping the few tears from her cheek. I take
Eli from her, who is finished eating, to burp him.
“I think we should talk to the pack and see how they feel about becoming part of the Nightfire pack” she says over her shoulder
as she heads into the bathroom. I rub Eli’s back and smile at how amazing she is. Twenty minutes later, she walks out and she is
stunning. She takes my breath away. Eli is asleep in my arms and I lay him in the bassinet before I turn to Amelia. I walk toward
her. I wrap my arms around her waist. “You are so beautiful and I will spend the rest my life loving you and all our pups.” This
time I kiss her softly. When she pulls back, the love in her eyes humbles me. “Thank you, for loving me and our son.” “I know you
think you’re lucky but honestly, I would live through it all again to have you.” I take her face in my hands and kiss her one more
time. I pull back “are you ready love?” She smiles “I’m more than ready.” She picks Eli up and we head down the hallway. When
we reach the bottom of the stairs, my parents are waiting for us. When my father hugs Amelia and takes Eli from me, I think how
this moment almost didn’t happen. I’m just glad that he remembered the man he really is when it counted most. He passes Eli to
my mother and turns to Amelia.
Amelia POV
I love to see Charles and Lorraine with Eli. They are both so in love with him. I can feel Lincoln’s happiness through our bond
that his father is here after everything that happened. Lorraine takes Eli and it’s time for the ceremony to begin. I can see through
the curtains that the whole pack is in the pack garden. “Where is Pheobe” I ask but before anyone answers, she walks in with
Michael, Lily, and Neal. They both look beautiful, but Pheobe looks nervous. Lily walks over to me and wraps me in a hug. She
whispers “are you ready Luna?” I chuckle “absolutely.” When she pulls back, she waves her hand in front of me. She opens her
palm and the most beautiful bracelet is lying in her hand. “Lily, you didn’t have to do that.” “Yes, I did.” “It’s not only a gift but also
a spell.” I look at her confused. “The bracelet is enchanted to protect you when I’m not there.” I wrap her in my arms again.
“Thank you for being my friend and my family.” She pulls back and heads toward Pheobe. She gives her a necklace. “I know you
don’t need the protection but you’re part of our family now, so this is for you.” I see a tear roll down her cheek and I’m happy she
has found her place with us.
“Alright let’s get this show on the road, Lincoln,” Lorraine says. He starts for the door and I’m confused because I thought we
would be walking down together. I notice that Charles is still here with me and Pheobe. “Well ladies, I know I’m not your father by
blood but I would be honored to walk you to the stage for your ceremony.” I fight back the tears “I would love that.” He turns to
Pheobe “I would love that too.” He stands between us and we both wrap our arms in his. The doors open and we walk through,

stepping out into the garden. It is so beautiful. I can’t believe that Lorraine arranged all this in such a short time. As we walk
toward the stage, I see Lincoln standing with Eli in his arms. I assumed Lorraine would be holding him but I guess I was wrong. I
look to the left of the stage and Elder James walks up. I love that he will be the one presenting us to the pack. When we reach
the bottom of the stairs, Charles hugs me and kisses my cheek before he does the same to Pheobe. I walk up, coming to stand
next to Lincoln.
“Nightfire pack, it is my great pleasure to be here today to announce your Luna and Beta Female.” The pack starts to howl at his
words and then they quiet. “Amelia, please step forward” Elder James says. I step in front of him. He hands me the chalice that
has Lincoln’s blood in it. “Amelia Thomas, make your vow to the Nightfire Pack.” “I, Amelia Marie Thomas, vow to put the packs
needs above my own.” “I vow to lead the pack by the Alpha’s side and always treat all pack members with kindness and
respect.” “Please drink from the chalice Amelia” Elder James says. I drink and the moment I pull the chalice away I feel the
overwhelming connection to the pack. I close my eyes and try to focus on putting blocks up so I can get my baring’s. Lincoln
wraps his arm around me and I open my eyes. “Are you alright love?” I smile “I am, thank you.” We turn to face the pack.
“Nightfire pack welcome your new Luna, Amelia Thomas.” “I would like to also announce the future Alpha of the Nightfire Pack,
Eli Daniel Thomas.” Again, the pack breaks out into howls. We step back and Pheobe and Michael step forward.
Pheobe POV
When Lily hands me the necklace after she gives Amelia the bracelet, I feel even more connected to these two women. I know
we are different, but I feel like they are more like my family than my coven ever was. When Charles asks to walk me to the stage
I’m honored and saddened. It makes me think of my father. He will never get to see this happen or for me to have pups. Lucas
took him away from our world and if it takes every breath in my body, he will pay for it. I push those thoughts from my mind
because this is one of the best days of my life. The first was the day I found Michael. Standing on the stage staring out at all the
pack members, I have butterflies in my stomach from the nerves. When Elder James calls Michael and I forward, he takes my
hand as we walk toward the Elder. “Nightfire Pack it is time for us to name your Beta Female.” “Pheobe take the chalice.” I take
the chalice in my hands. “Make your vow to the Nightfire pack.” “I, Pheobe Brin Master, vow to put the packs needs about my
own.” “I vow to support the Alpha, Luna, and Beta male to defend the pack against all enemies.” “I vow to use my powers to
defend the pack and never against it.” The Elder nods and I drink from the chalice. I immediately feel connected to Amelia and
Lincoln. It’s different than my connection to Michael, but it’s just as amazing.
“Nightfire Pack welcome your Beta Female Pheobe Master.” The pack breaks out in howls and the nerves I was feeling seem to
fade away. “Now the Alpha and Luna would like all pack members of shifting age to join them in a pack run” Elder James says. I
hate that I can’t be part of this. Michael squeezes my hand. “Don’t worry, Pheobe, you’re still going on the run”, he links me. I
furrow my brow at him. He leads me down the stairs and starts to take off his clothes, shifting into Jaxon. He licks my shoulder

and I laugh. He lays at my feet and nudges me with his head. “You want me to ride you like a horse.” I swear the noise he makes
sounds like a snicker. I climb up so I’m on his back with my hands buried in his fur. The connection to Jaxon is just as strong as it
is to Michael. We wait for Lincoln and Amelia to shift and lead the run.
Amelia POV
“Are you ready, Star?” She is so excited I didn’t think she was going to make it to the end of the ceremony. We step off the stage
and Licoln stands waiting for me to shift. “It won’t hurt like our first shift Amelia, but it might be a little uncomfortable since its
been so long.” “No worries Star, I’m ready.” The heat consumes my body and the familiar feeling of bones shifting and fur
growing comes rushing back. A few seconds later, I’m looking at Lincoln through Star’s eyes. He looks shocked as he walks
forward, placing his head on her snout. “Star your gorgeous” he says and I can feel her pride. Star is average but her fur is a
beautiful chocolate brown with spots of white on her paws. He lays a kiss on her snout before he steps back, shifting into Talon.
Star immediately rubs herself against him. “Star now is not the time for mating.” “You say that because you had your time.” “I
know and I’m sorry but the whole pack is here.” “As soon as the run is over, I’ll feed Eli and see if Lorraine will keep him for a
little while.” “Thank you, Amelia.” She deserves her time with our mates too. We nod at Talon and he takes off. We run side by
side with our pack following close behind us. It feels amazing and the connection gets even stronger. I worried about being
accepted, but now I know this pack was where I belonged from the beginning.
Lucas POV
I head to the wing my mother uses in the mansion. I haven’t seen her in two days and though I’m glad to not hear her nagging
about my treacherous sister, I need to know why. I know she is worried I will kill Pheobe when I attack that pathetic pack and she
should. My sister made her choice and, just like with my father, I made mine. As I get close to the door, I can feel my mother’s
magic and I stay quiet. What the f**k is she doing that she would be using her magic? I push open the door and she turns looking
shocked to see me. “Lucas, what’s wrong?” “I don’t know mother, why don’t you tell me.” “I have no idea what the hell you’re
talking about.” I force her to sit and walk toward her. “You wouldn’t be reaching out to the little b**ch that betrayed us would you
mother.” I see anger flash across her face but it’s gone quickly. “I haven’t spoken to your sister since she left the coven.” “You
were never a good liar mother but to be sure I think we should have a drink.” I swirl my hand producing a vial of truth serum. I
see fear this time in her eyes and I know I was right. She has been in contact with Pheobe. I smile to myself. She doesn’t know it
yet, but she just helped my plan. “Drink mother and then we can talk more.” She purses her lips until I pass my hand in front of
her. Once she drinks the vial, I lead her to the chair. “Now let’s have a chat, mother.”
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