Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 34

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 34
34 Times Up
Pheobe POV
I close my eyes after my communication is broken with Lily. I feel like I just ran a marathon. Reaching someone you have no tie
to is difficult. The only reason it worked is because I held onto Iris while I searched for her. “Pheobe, are you alright?” “I’m alright,
just exhausted.” “Did you reach her?” “Yes, and hopefully she will believe that you’re really with me because I’m sure that Lucas
has realized where we are.” “Well being amongst humans should buy us some level of safety from him.” I laugh to myself, she
has no idea how wrong she is. “My brother would think nothing of killing every human in this city.” “He believes that humans are
ants to be stepped on by the strong.” “Please don’t take offense but how are you related to that evil ba**ard.” I laugh “just lucky I
guess.” She takes my hand again and I look at her. “You are nothing like him and I am so grateful that you helped me.” “You are
not defined by where you come from, only where you go.” I smile, just in a day Iris is starting to look better. “I couldn’t watch him
keep torturing you.” “He has no mercy.” “He killed our father to take over the coven, I know he did.” “My father was a black magic
witch but he was nowhere as evil as Lucas.” “My mother has no idea and she would never believe me even if I told her what I
saw the day father died.”
I walk down the hallway toward my father’s office. I can hear him arguing with Lucas. “You had no right to take his beloved in
trade.” “She is of no use to you.” “Lily is the one with the power that can make you more powerful.” “Why do you care father?”
“Suddenly you have grown a conscious.” “Be careful how you speak to me Lucas.” “I am still in charge of this coven so you will
do as I say and return Iris to her coven.” “We will find Lily without her.” Lucas laughs “I don’t care what you are, I will do what I
want father.” I hear him stomping toward the door and I hide inside a room looking through the crack in the door. Lucas stomps
down the hall with my father on his heels. I stay a safe distance but follow them. Once they are away from the mansion, Lucas
turns to my father.
“Lucas, you will follow my orders or you will be banished from this coven.” “I don’t care if you’re my son.” Lucas steps toward my
father until they are nose to nose. “You are only the leader as long as your alive, father.” “Are you threatening me boy?” “I don’t
make threats father.” In the next minute they are both gone and I feel sick to my stomach at his words. I turn to head back and
notice something on the ground. I brush the leaves a side and an amethyst ring is lying at my feet. I felt drawn to the ring. I pick it
up, placing it in my pocket. I rush into the mansion looking for my mother. I find her sitting in her office. “What’s wrong, Pheobe”
she says when I rush into her office. “I think Lucas just hurt dad.” She looks at me like I said the craziest thing she has ever

heard. “Pheobe just because they had a fight doesn’t mean your brother would hurt your father.” “Mom, I’m telling you” she
raises her hand at me. “Enough, I don’t want to hear any more of this nonsense.” “Go to your room.” She won’t even let me tell
her what I saw. I head to my room.
Flashback Over
“The next morning when I woke up, my mother told me that my father had been killed by a wolf while he and Lucas were outside
the coven.” I was destroyed. I loved my father. She wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say. Part of me wondered if she didn’t
want to have to hear it so she could stay in denial that her son had killed her beloved. “I’m so sorry Pheobe, I had no idea that
your father tried to help me.” “I still don’t understand how your father knew about Lily being special.” “I really don’t know Iris.” She
pulls me into a hug and I enjoy the feeling of comfort. She pulls back and she heads over the dresser to pick up a menu. “Alright,
let’s get something to eat because I’m starving and you need your strength.” “Then you need to rest and we can try to tell her
exactly where we are.” I nod and we order our food.
We sit down to eat and I feel someone is trying to connect to me. I pray that it’s Lily. Maybe she is strong enough to reach me. I
relax my mind. “Well dear sister, I didn’t think you had it in you.” “F**k you Lucas.” “You are a monster.” “Mother may not want to
see it, but I know what you did.” He laughs “oh Pheobe, you are too good for your own good.” “I am coming for you and that
b**ch.” “If you thought what I did was bad before it is nothing compared to what I will do when I have my pet back.” “I will die
before I let you take her back to that hell.” “If that’s what you want, you already know mother will believe me if I tell her some dirty
wolf killed you.” He cuts the link and any appetite I had is gone. After I tell Iris what he said, I go to lie on the bed and pray for
Lily POV
Amelia pulls back and I see such love in her eyes for me. “We will find her Lily, I promise.” I smile “the only thing I want you to
promise me is that you will focus on growing my little bean.” She shoots me a glare and I laugh. I’m saved by Dr. Neilson coming
in to check on Amelia again. She looks at the monitors and checks her vital signs. “The contractions seem to be gone and with
the IV fluid the evening primrose oil should be out of your system, Luna” “So can I go home?” “Amelia” I say because she needs
to focus on the pup and herself. “Honestly, Luna, I would like you to stay here over night but you should be able to go home in
the morning as long as everything stays stable.” I can see she wants to protest but she doesn’t. “As soon as Lincoln comes back,
I’m going to go see Aunt Jiselle.” “She might be able to help me do a location spell.” “The human city is big and we don’t have
time to walk around and hope to find them.”

A few minutes later, Lincoln returns. I kiss Amelia and hug Lincoln before I head to my aunt’s room. She is sitting up in a chair
and she looks so much better than when we found her in that f**king cell. She smiles when she sees me, but my look must
concern her. “What’s happening Lily?” “A witch reached out to me that she is with my mother in the human city.” “A witch, what
witch?” “I don’t know Aunt Jiselle but I have find them.” “Can you help me do a location spell?” “Do you still have the necklace
that your mother gave you? I smile and pull the necklace out of my shirt. “I never take it off.” “Good that will help us.” She gets
up, walking over to the table. “Come put the necklace on the table.” I do as she says and stand next to her. “Think about the last
time you saw your mother.” I close my eyes and remember the last hug we shared.
I hear my aunt start to chant and feel her take my hand. A few seconds later, images flash in my mind. A young woman and my
mother walking through the human city. A few seconds later, they are standing in front of the hotel. The hotel I worked in. I smile
to myself and the image is gone. “Did you see where she is” my aunt asks with excitement in her voice. “Yes, she is at my hotel.”
She looks at me confused. “I’m sorry, I mean the hotel that John and I worked at.” “Good find John and go to get her before that
ba**ard finds her again.” I hug my aunt and head out of the room. Neal, Michael, and John are walking toward me. I tell them
everything I just learned. “Well let’s get there now” John says. “Are you sure you’re up for this, Michael?” He smiles “I’m good Lily
I promise.” I wrap my arms around Neal and we teleport to the woods near the hotel. John and Michael appear next to us. “I will
never get used to that”, Michael says, and we all laugh.
We head into the hotel and Tammy is behind the desk. “Lily, it’s good to see you.” “Good to see you too.” “What’s up” she asks
while she smiles at John. I roll my eyes “I need to know what rooms you booked in the last twenty-four hours.” She doesn’t even
ask what for and turns to the book to me. I write down the three numbers and thank her before we load on to the elevator.
Pheobe POV
Iris is in the shower when I wake up. I walk over to the table and drink the soda that I had left from earlier. A knock sounds on the
door. “Who is it” I say as I walk over to look through the peep hole. A man wearing a hotel uniform is standing there. “I’m here to
pick up the dishes from your meal.” I smile and gather everything on the tray before I head back to the door. When I open it I feel
sick to my stomach. It’s not the hotel worker. “No hugs for me sister.”

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