Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 32

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 32
32 Relax
Amelia POV
Once we reach the room, the exhaustion starts to hit me. This whole day has been tiring, to say the least. It weighs heavy on my
heart that Elder Brandon lost his life because of Atlas and that ba**ard Thomas. I know in my heart it’s not my fault, but it doesn’t
make my heart hurt any less for the pain this is causing everyone. Lincoln is trying to protect me from his feelings, but I can still
feel his anger and pain. “Amelia” Lily says, and I’m brought out of my thoughts. I look at her and she places her hands on my
shoulders. “Atlas and Thomas are going to pay just as Max did for all they have done.” She wraps me in a hug and I give in just
feeling her love for me. A knock sounds and Lily pulls back looking confused. She heads to the door “who is it?” “I have your
dinner, ma’am” a female voice says and Lily opens the door. “Ma’am the Alpha told me to bring you two something to eat and
drink.” “He was worried about the Luna and his pup.” I smile at how sweet my mate is. Lily lets her in and she sets a tray with the
most delicious smelling food on the table in the corner of the room. Chicken parm, angel hair pasta, garlic bread, and chocolate
cake. “I’m in heaven right now” I say smiling at the omega. “What is your name?” She looks at me with shock at my question.
“Maureen, Luna.” she says. “I made you this lavender tea to help you relax after all the stress today.” “I still can’t believe that Max
betrayed the pack and killed an Elder.”
Packs are all the same news runs like wild fire, both bad and good through the wolves. I look at her with sympathy. It’s always
hard when a pack member goes against their pack. I rest my hand on her shoulder. “Thank you, for all of this”, I motion to
everything she just placed on the table. “I assure you I will do all I can to help the Alpha protect the pack.” I notice a fresh mark
on her neck which makes me smile. I’m glad she found her other half and I pray they treat her well. “Congratulations” I say and
she looks at me with confusion. “Your mark, it looks pretty fresh.” “Congratulations on finding your mate.” A look passes over her
face before she smiles at me. “Thank you, Luna” she says before she excuses herself. We sit down and dig into the delicious
food. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until the food was here in front of me. I clean my plate, eat half the cake, and drink all the
tea. “I am seriously stuffed”, I say rubbing my belly, and Lily laughs.
“Lily what is our plan to get your mother back?” She smiles and looks at my belly. She stands and starts to clean up. “You will not
be part of any plan that will put you and little bean in danger.” “My mother would kill me for putting you and your pup in harm’s
way.” “That’s the kind of woman she is.” Her face falls and I pull her to sit next to me. “Your mother wanted to protect you
because that’s what a mother does.” “Lorraine is absolutely right, our pups come before anything.” “I just hope that all that has
happened to her does not destroy the spirit my mother has always had” Lily says. “If she is anything like her daughter it’s not

possible.” She smiles and wraps me in a hug. “I’m so glad that the goddess led you to the hotel that day” Lily says. “So am I, the
goddess always has a plan.” “You, Lincoln, and this pack have become my family.”
“Alright enough with the heavy stuff” she laughs. “I think you need to go relax in the tub after the events of today and that
awesome meal.” “I will watch some tv and wait out here until your done.” “That sounds amazing.” I head into the bathroom and
turn on the water, filling the tub. Once I’m undressed, I slip down into the water. I place my hands on my bump as I relax into the
water. I can feel my eyes get heavy and despite my efforts to not give into sleep, I do. Pain like I’ve never felt brings me out of
the peaceful sleep and I grip my stomach. What the hell is that? It must be false labor. I put up a block because I know if Lincoln
feels this, he will be distracted from what he is doing. I have at least another month before our pup can come. The pain begins to
subside and I start to relax again. “Star” I say. “I’m here with you Amelia.” “What is that pain, is it false labor?” “I don’t know but I
think we need to get checked by the pack doctor to be safe.” She’s right, I manage to get out of the tub and start to dry when the
pain comes again. I scream this time and Lily doesn’t even open the door. She appears in front of me. “What is going on, are you
“I’m in pain, it’s probably false labor” I grunt out. “Probably my ass” she says, grabbing my robe and wrapping it around me
before we are no longer standing in my bathroom. “Hey, get over here and help your Luna” Lily says to a woman that must be a
nurse. She looks panicked when she hears who I am. She grabs a wheelchair, rushing over to me, and I get in the chair when
the next pain hits. Lily stays with me as they wheel me back to a room. Dr. Neilson comes rushing inside. “Luna, what
happened?” “Honestly, I think it’s just false labor but it really hurts.” “It’s ten times worse than the pain of my ex-mate’s infidelity.”
“Today was very stressful and I’m sure it’s ok but we thought I should be checked” I say pointing to Lily who looks like a mother
hen standing with her arms crossed. Once I’m in bed, they hook me up to machines and another pain hits. I see a look of
concern flash across Dr. Neilson’s face. She turns to me, “Amelia you are in labor.” I start to panic, “my pup” I say and she takes
my hand. “We are going to try to stop the labor but you are far enough along that if we can’t stop labor your pup has a good
chance of being born perfectly healthy.” “The nurse is going to give you some medicine that can help stop the contractions and
we are going to do an ultrasound to check on the pup.” She leaves to get the machine and I break. “I can’t lose my pup Lily.”
Lincoln POV
As I break through the hospital doors, the pain almost brings me to my knees again. A nurse rushes toward me. “Alpha, I’ll take
you to her.” She turns and I follow her down the hallway. Once I’m in the room, I rush to Amelia. “Love what’s going on.” “I’m in
labor but Dr. Neilson is trying to stop it” she says with tears in her eyes. My mate is so strong, but right now she is afraid. I hate
that there is nothing I can do to change what is happening. I take her hand in mine. “I’m going to go see where the doctor went”,
Lily says. I lean down placing my head against hers. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there Amelia.” “Lincoln, Lily was with me and believe me,
she, got me here faster than you could”, she laughs. She is trying to make me feel better, but until I know that she and my pup

are safe, that won’t be happening. A few minutes later, Lily comes back with Dr. Neilson looking embarrassed. “Sorry I was in the
bathroom” she says, as she pushes the machine over to Amelia’s bed.
“Amelia, how is the pain?” “It’s not as bad since the nurse gave me the pill.” “Excellent, let’s take a look at the pack’s future
Alpha.” I smile at the doctor’s words and say a prayer to the goddess that he will be alright. She starts to move the wand and our
pup appears on the screen. He is moving and looks perfect. I hold my breath until I hear Dr. Neilson speak “he looks good and
as I said earlier, Luna, if we can’t stop the labor he is ready.” “He is developed and a very good size like most Alpha wolves at
this stage.” My shoulders relax at her words and I wipe a tear that runs down Amelia’s cheek. “Thank you, Dr. Neilson”, I say and
she leaves the room. I place my hand on Amelia’s belly. “I’m going to go see my mate but I will just be outside.” We both nod and
Lily leaves, closing the door behind her. “How did it go with the warriors?” “Let’s not talk about any of that right now.” “That’s
probably why you’re having all this pain.” She smiles and places her hand on my face. “Lincoln, you heard the doctor, the pup
and I are going to be fine.”
“I know I just hate that all this stress probably threw you into labor.” “It’s my job to take care of you and our son.” She smiles “you
are the best mate and you take excellent care of us.” “The dinner you had Maureen bring us was amazing.” “Honestly between
the lavender tea and the bath I was feeling very relaxed.” “That is why it was such a shock when the pain started.” I look at her
with confusion which I’m sure she can see all over my face. “Love what are you talking about?” “I was taking a bath when the
pain started.” “Not that, you said I had Maureen bring you food.” “I never even saw Maureen before I went to the cells with Neal.”
She tries to sit up with a look of panic on her face. I link Lily and Neal and they both rush into the room. “Lily go to our room and
bring me all the dishes Amelia ate off or drank from.” “What is happening?” “I think Maureen gave her something but I need to be
sure.” “I will turn her to ash” Lily says. “You absolutely can if she did, just get me the dishes.” She is gone before I can finish my
sentence. I link the doctor and as soon as Lily is back she takes everything to test it. “Lincoln, why would she do this?” “I don’t
know, love, but if she did, I will find out why before Lily turns her to ash.” “I promise you that.”
Pheobe POV
We walk into the human city after I change both of our clothes. Iris looks a little better after my healing but she is nowhere near a
hundred percent. As we walk down the sidewalk, I really don’t know what to do next. I only thought about getting her out of that
place. “Iris, what do we do now?” “How do we find Lily?” She smiles “how old are you, Pheobe?” I look at her confused by the
question. What does my age have to do with my question? “I turned twenty a week ago.” “You are a strong, resourceful, and
amazing young lady at twenty-years old.” She smiles “I know how hard it is to go against what people expect of you.” “Thank
you, I just hope we can get you back to your daughter.” “We will, let’s find a place to stay and get something to eat before we I try
to reach out to Lily and John.” I nod and we head down the street looking for a hotel. Before we walk inside, I produce some

money to pay for the stay and our food. We walk to the counter and a nice girl behind the desk gives us a card key. We head up
to the third floor and once we are inside, Iris immediately falls down on the bed. “Are you alright?” She picks up her head and
smiles at me. “I’m better than ok, I’m free of that ba**ard because of you.” “I can never thank you enough for helping me.” “We
can’t take to long to find Lily because Lucas will not rest until he finds us.”

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