Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 27

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 27
27 Own I
Amelia POV
When he tells me to go back to Lincoln, I see the man I always knew he was. I hated that Lincoln and Lorraine felt betrayed by
him. I start back for the pack. “Amelia, please don’t go back and leave us here with him”, my mother manages to get out before
Charles growls. I walk back until I’m standing in front of her. “Despite all that I told you, you two chose Atlas.” “Just as you made
your choice, I’m making mine.” “You are no longer my parents and whatever your fate is now, you both deserve it.” I take off
running back toward the pack. When I reach the pack house, I use the door that b**ch Jennifer led us out. I look around the
corner hoping that I can get back upstairs unnoticed. Once I don’t see any sign of her I head toward the stairs. I look down the
hall and I notice her slip into Lincoln’s office. I’m going to rip her head from her body. I start down the hall until Star’s words stop
me. “Amelia, be smart about this.” “You can’t shift and we need to protect our pup”, Star says. I know she is right but I don’t want
her anywhere near my mate.
I head back downstairs to find Michael. When I reach the dining room, I start to look around, hoping to find Michael. I can’t just
ask the pack members. I notice Lorraine sitting at the Alpha table. When she notices me, she rushes over to me. “Amelia, what’s
wrong?” “There’s too much to explain but Lincoln needs help.” “Where’s Michael, Lorraine?” “Amelia where is Lincoln?” “He’s in
the office with Jennifer.” I see her eyes flash to black before she takes my hand leading me upstairs and toward Lincoln’s office.
Lincoln POV
I feel like my mind is swimming. I can’t connect with Talon. I can’t believe that b**ch stabbed me. I can hear voices talking around
me but I can’t form words. Amelia’s scent is still all around me and I’m trying to push through this fog. Goddess, I will kill the two
of them if they do anything to Amelia. How could they choose that ba**ard over their own flesh and blood? My father pops into
my mind, but honestly, right now I need to focus on my mate and making sure she is safe. All the voices are gone and I reach out
to Talon again. “Lincoln what the hell did they give us.” “I don’t know, but when I catch them they are going to wish they hadn’t
done all this.” “They don’t deserve Amelia or our pup.”
I don’t know how long passes and I feel the fog is starting to lift. I’m not in control yet but I can feel it returning. The door opens
and the scent I pick up isn’t Amelia. “Oh, my goddess, Lincoln” I hear Jennifer’s voice. She picks up my head placing it in her lap
and I manage to pull away. “Lincoln, I’m not trying to mate you.” “You’re sick, I’m trying to help you.” “Amelia” I manage to get
out. “I have no idea where she is.” “I’ll call the pack doctor.” “I won’t leave you like she did.” I manage to growl and she looks at

me before she picks up the phone. Once she calls the doctor, she comes back over kneeling next to me. She takes my hand and
I again pull it away. “Lincoln, just because you have a mate doesn’t mean we can ‘t be close like we used to be.” “You will always
be my first love and if she is gone then maybe you can find those feelings for me. Before I can even attempt to tell her to f**k off”,
I hear a growl and Amelia’s scent invades my nose.
Amelia POV
When we walk into the office, Jennifer is kneeling next to my mate talking about him mating her. “Move your a** away from my
mate now you b**ch.” She turns to the sound of my voice and there is shock on her face. “What didn’t expect to see me again
after you helped my parents take me away from Lincoln and our pack.” She stands and her eyes flash black.”Lincoln and this
pack should belong to someone pure like me, not a wh*re like you.” I can see she is ready to shift and attack me when Lorraine
steps in front of me. She immediately stops and her look changes to hurt. “How could you want this for your son?” “She is
pregnant by another Alpha and you are willing to accept her.” “He deserves a pure mate that can give him a real heir.” Lorraine
growls and grabs her by the throat. She begins to squeeze and Jennifer scratches at her hand trying to break free. I place my
hand on her shoulder. “Not until Lincoln hears all she has done.” Lorraine drops her to the floor. As she gasps for air I step
around and punch her in the face as hard as I can. She falls over unconscious on the ground. Lorraine wraps her arm around me
“well done sweetheart.”
We both lean down and Lincoln grips my hand. The door flies open and the doctor rushes inside. “What the hell happened?” she
says as she looks between Lincoln and Jennifer. Lincoln is awake but whatever they gave him hasn’t worn completely off yet.
“My parents gave him something that knocked him out.” She pulls a syringe out of her bag and leans down giving Lincoln the
shot. Within seconds he is completely coherent. “Lincoln, can you call for the guards to take Jennifer to the cells so I can tell you
all that I have learned.” “Of course, my love.” He links the guards and they arrive a few minutes later to take her away. Dr.
Nielson leaves after she makes sure that Lincoln is fine. “I’ll leave you two to talk” Lorraine says. “No, please stay you’re going to
want to hear this story.”
She takes a seat and Lincoln won’t let me go. He takes a seat and pulls me onto his lap. I rub circles on his back as I tell the
story. I tell him about Jennifer and I’m glad she isn’t in the room because I have to kiss Talon to calm him down. “We will deal
with her but you need to hear the rest of the story.” “How could she possibly know that ba**ard Atlas?” “I don’t believe she knows
Atlas directly.” He looks at me with confusion on his face. “Jennifer mentioned Elder Thomas.” “I believe he got her to help my
parents.” “That son of a b**ch.” I tell them how they made it out of the territory but I was saved by an Alpha. “What Alpha saved
you?” “I’ll forever be in his debt” Lincoln says. I smile at Lorraine and then back to my mate. “Alpha Charles saved me from my

“My Charles” Lorraine says like, a question. “Yes, he knocked my father out and he told me to go back to my mate.” I can see
Lincoln is torn after what Charles did. “Lincoln your dad made a mistake.” “He isn’t perfect but he did the right thing when it
mattered most.” “If he didn’t stop them, I would be with Atlas right now.” He growls and buries his head in my neck. He stands
lifting me with him until he sets me on my feet. He kisses my forehead and I’m so glad to be back here with him.
Lincoln POV
I link Michael “come to my office please.” A few seconds later he walks in. I give him the short version of what Amelia just told us.
“Stay with them until I get back.” “I need to go find my father.” “If you go straight out the back door of the pack house you should
run right into them, Lincoln”, Amelia says. I lean in and peck her lips before I head for the door. As soon as I am out the back
door, I shift into Talon. We take off at full speed. I catch my father’s scent and I step out from the behind the trees. Linda is
begging for her life as she sits near a lifeless wolf, I assume is Jack’s wolf. Maverick my father’s wolf, is pacing back and forth.
“Maverick” I yell and he turns toward me. Just as he does Linda shifts heading for Maverick.
I don’t even get the words out when Maverick turns catching her wolf in his mouth. He clamps down and I hear bones break. He
drops her to the ground. My father shifts and we stand in silence for a few minutes. He pulls on shorts before he walks toward
me. “Lincoln” he says but I raise my hand to stop him. “I was so angry with you for what you did.” “I’m sorry” he starts to say and
I again stop him. “Dad, you tried to take my mate from me.” “I know I did and I will spend the rest of my life making up for it if you
and Amelia will forgive me.” “When I saw them taking her from you, I thought about your mother.” “How I feel since she rejected
me is indescribable.” “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.” “I would never want this pain for you Lincoln.” I pull him into a
hug. “I forgive you dad.” He pulls back and for the first time in my life I see tears in my father’s eyes. “Thank you, Lincoln.”
“Charles Thomas I lift your banishment from the Nightfire pack.” “Do you think your mother will ever forgive me?” “I hope so dad.”
We shift heading back toward the pack. We both shift pulling on shorts. We head up to the office and when my mother sees us,
she rushes over hugging my father. I smile and motion my head for Amelia and Michael to leave my office to give them privacy. I
have a phone call to make. This time he is going to be very sorry and wish that he left well enough alone.

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