Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 124

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 124 58 What’s Up Mom Calliope POV
I still can’t believe we’re having a pup. I’m worried about tomorrow, but I can’t help the happiness I feel right now. Knowing that
Eli and Silas are just as excited is amazing. Eli went to speak to his father in the office, so it’s just me and Faith this morning.
After I got her dressed and gave her breakfast, we put a DVD on. I love these moments when it’s just the two of us. She loves
simple songs and Mickey Mouse. I smile down at her and she crawls over to me. Faith reaches for me and I pick her up,
peppering her face with kisses. “Do you want to call grandma? She is going to be so excited that you’re going to have a brother
or sister.” She is going to be so excited about having another grandpup. I kiss her forehead one more time before I dial my
mother’s number. The phone rings twice before she picks up. “Hello” she says and I smile hearing her voice. I miss her, but we
are both where we need to be. “Hi mom, how’s Leo?” “He’s fine Calliope. I was just about to call you. How are you?” It’s strange
that she didn’t ask me about Faith or Eli. That’s usually her first question after she greets me. “I’m great actually. I know I won’t
get to see you for a few days and I couldn’t wait to tell you that Eli and I are having another pup.” I pull the phone away from my
ear as she squeals. After a few seconds, I put it back to my ear. “Mom” I say with a chuckle. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scream in
your ear. I’m just so excited. How far a long are you?” She knows Eli and I haven’t been together that long, so that’s a strange
question. “I’m very early. I was a little worried about the timing, but I’m happy. I have an appointment with the pack doctor today.”
“Calliope, I know you can’t come here with everything going on, but I can come to see you if that’s alright?” “I don’t want you to
leave your pack vulnerable. I have no idea what the ba**ard has planned. He has tried to get so many supernaturals involved.
Goddess only knows what will happen when Eli and the others arrive at Grant’s pack.” “I’m sure they can handle the pack for a
day without me. Besides, I need to see you after the big news. You will not be going with the pack to fight Grant. You have to
protect my grandpup. I’m sure your mate feels the same way I do.” Something doesn’t feel right about this conversation. It
sounds like my mother but she would never say these things to me. “Mom, I won’t be fighting. I will be staying in the pack.”
“Good, you have always been a smart girl. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt. I’m so happy to have you as my daughter.” “Thank
you, mom.” I have to say something that lets me know if I’m just being paranoid or something is going on with my mother. “My
wolf Scarlett and I are excited for you to come and visit.” Aurora growls low and sits on her haunches at me calling her the wrong
name. “I miss Scarlett too. I will be there before dinner if you want to let the patrol guards know.” “Absolutely, I’ll see you this
afternoon.” As soon as I hang up, I dial Oliver. He picks up on the third ring.
“Oliver, where are you right now?” “I’m with Tony and his parents in their cottage.” “Have you seen my mother today?” “I haven’t
seen her since our run after training this morning. What’s wrong, Cali?” “I just got off the phone with my mother and despite
sounding like her, something isn’t right. She didn’t know my wolf’s name.” There is silence for a moment and I wonder if the call
dropped. “Oliver, are you there?” “I’m sorry, I was just taken back. She would never forget Aurora is your wolf.” Aurora preens in
my mind at Oliver’s words. I roll my eyes. “I need you to get Leo to call me in private. He would know if she has been acting

strangely.” “He’s probably in the kitchen. I’ll head back to the pack house and have him call you.” I disconnect the call and the
door opens. Eli steps inside smiling until he sees my face.
“Calliope, what’s wrong” he asks as he comes toward me. I tell him about the conversation with my mother. “It sounds like my
mother but something’s wrong. My mother would never get my wolf’s name wrong. She would never tell me not to fight. She
knows that I have never backed away from a fight. I am stronger than most male Alphas.” I see hurt and sadness flash in his
eyes. “Eli, if I didn’t want to do this I wouldn’t. We discussed it like adults and I agreed. You didn’t order me not to fight. I know
you respect me and that’s all I ask as your mate.” I lean in and press a kiss on his lips. When he pulls back, I can see nothing but
love in his eyes. The phone ringing on the table gets my attention. I pick it up and Leo greets me. “Oliver said you needed to talk
to me about your mom. She isn’t acting like herself this afternoon, Cali. She has been avoiding me since training this morning
and even told me to leave her alone when I went to bring her food”, Leo says. I can hear the hurt in his voice. “Leo, my mother
loves you. Something is wrong and I intend to find out what that something is.” I hang up with Leo and tell Eli what he said. “Can
you ask Lily to join us at the border when she arrives, Eli?”
Why can’t things just slow down? We should be excited about going to see our new pup, but instead something is going on with
Jasmine. I agree with Calliope that something is off. We head to the pack hospital. I’m holding Faith and she is babbling. I keep
trying to get her to say dada but she is making every other sound. Calliope is laughing and I pull her close to my side. These are
the times I love the most. Just us doing normal things instead of waiting for another issue like an attack. We reach the hospital
and the doctor is waiting for us. She leads us to the back and a nurse comes in to draw Calliope’s blood. Once she leaves, the
doctor pushes an ultrasound machine in. “We did the blood work as is protocol, but Alpha Eli assures me that you are pregnant. I
brought the ultrasound so we can get a look at the pup.” Calliope smiles at me and I take her hand in mine. The doctor starts to
move the wand over Calliope’s stomach and I stare intently at the screen. I wait for the little jelly bean to appear like last time. My
heart squeezes in my chest when the screen comes to life. Calliope is staring at me with concern on her face, but I can’t even
speak. “Well, it seems that you will be welcoming two new pups, Alphas.” “Twins, we’re having twins” Calliope says, and I can’t
help the smile that breaks out on my face after the shock wears off. “Did you hear that, Faith? You’re going to be a big sister to
two pups.”
“Alpha Calliope, you’re about two weeks along. Since you are both of Alpha blood, your pregnancy will be shorter than average
wolves. The pups will grow faster and the pregnancy will last about four months. I’ll print you a few pictures and grab your
vitamins.” The doctor leaves and Calliope still hasn’t said anything. Is she upset about us having twins? I know it’s a lot to have a
pup and add two more to the mix, but we can do anything together. “Calliope, talk to me” I say and her eyes meet mine. “We’re

having two pups.” I chuckle “I know sweetheart. Tell me what you’re thinking.” “I’m a little overwhelmed, but I’m happy, Eli” she
says. I smile and bend to kiss her forehead before I help her sit up.
Once she is cleaned up, we head to my office. I want to tell my parents before we talk to everyone else. I place Faith in her pack
n play and take a seat behind my desk. I pull Calliope onto my lap and kiss her, pouring all my love into the kiss. When I pull
back, I place my forehead against hers. “I love you, Calliope. Thank you for making me a father again. I can’t wait to see you
round with our pups.” “I love you, Eli. Aurora and I are excited about carrying our pups.” A memory flashes in my mind and I try to
push it away. Calliope takes my face in her hands. Before she can say anything, the door to my office opens and my parents
walk in. “Sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt but you linked us, Eli”, my mother says and I laugh. “No come in, we have some
exciting news to share with you both.” I look at Calliope. “We are expecting two pups” she says. My mother screams and my
father’s smile warms me. Calliope stands and my mother practically squishes her. “Mom, don’t squeeze my mate to death.” My
mother gives me a glare before she loosens her grip on Calliope. “Congratulations” my father says before he hugs us both. After
we all sit down, we tell my parents about Jasmine’s behavior and upcoming visit. “We will take Faith, but please be careful. You
know your mom, Calliope. So, if something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t”, my mother says. “One last thing before we
head to the dining room. I would like to have Calliope’s Alpha ceremony next week.” My mother nods and I can see her wheels
turning. “Something simple will be fine” Calliope says and my mother looks disappointed but smiles.
Calliope POV
“The patrol guard linked me. Your mother is at the border”, Eli says. I take a deep breath and we head out of the pack house. Lily
is waiting in the yard. She smiles and I have a feeling that she knows about the pups, but I stay quiet. Amelia is her best friend
and I would expect no less. “Let’s go see what’s going on with your mom”, Lily says. We make it to the border in ten minutes. My
mother looks like she is ready to lose her cool, which is not like her at all. “Calliope, why am I being detained like this? I am your
mother and I shouldn’t be stopped when I come to visit.” The patrol guard looks at Eli and he nods, giving them permission to
leave. I go to step closer and Lily stops me. “That is not your mother” she says. “Calliope, what the hell is this woman talking
about? Of course, I’m your mother. What the hell is going on here” my mother yells. Lily waves her arms and begins to chant.
“Show your true self” she says, and the figure changes before our eyes. A girl who can’t even be eighteen is standing before us.
She looks petrified and my heart clenches in my chest.
“Where is my mother?” The girl bursts into tears. “The witch has her. I was supposed to get close to you and let the witch know
when we were alone. She wants to take you away from the pack before the attack begins. It will weaken your mate. I didn’t want
to do it but they have my brother. He is just a little boy. Alpha Grant doesn’t care who he hurts” she says in between her sobs.
“How are you to let the witch know when you have me?” She pulls a vial of bright red liquid from her pocket. “I smash this and it

brings her to it. I’m so sorry. I just wanted to help my brother.” Lily puts out her hand and the girl sets it gently on her palm. Eli
pulls me to him and buries his head in my neck. “Mine” he says and I rub circles on his back. “No one will take me from you. Lily,
please take the girl to the cells and make sure she is comfortable.” I turn to her “you are not a prisoner, but I can’t have you
walking around the pack until we figure everything out. We will help you save your brother.” Her eyes brighten at my words and
she nods. Lily takes her hand and once they are gone, Eli pulls back. “What if you hadn’t realized that something was off about
your mother?” “Eli, I know your scared but I am strong and I will do my best not to fight, but I might have no choice with a witch
involved. We will come up with a plan and we will keep everyone safe, including our pups.”

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