Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 113

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 113
47 Omega
Jasmine POV
I walk into the dining hall and head for the table where the ranked members are already seated. Bradford leans in to tell me
something when a loud growl catches my attention. I turn and the scent of honeysuckle invades my nose. My eyes land on the
most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He clearly isn’t a member of my pack. His eyes are black, looking between me and
Bradford. Madison comes to stand next to him and pulls him toward me. When they come to stand in front of me, his scent is
driving both myself and Coralee crazy. I never had these feelings for Mateo as he was forced upon me by my father. “Alpha, this
is my uncle Leopold. We call him Leo” she says with a smile. “Mate”, I say with a smile. I see so many emotions in his eyes, but
the one that is most prominent is fear. “I am an omega in the Nightfire pack.” He says it with such finality I’m not sure what to
respond. “You are an Alpha and I’m an omega”, Leo says. “He thinks we don’t want him because of his rank” Coralee says. I
take a step closer, feeling the heat of his body. If we weren’t surrounded by pack members, I would wrap myself around him.
“What is your full name Leopold?” I know what he thinks is coming based on the dejected look on his face. “Leopold Jasper
Bellon” he says and seems to brace himself. “I, Jasmine Alyssa Robison, accept you, Leopold Jasper Bellon, as my mate.” His
eyes get big and I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips. He stares at me for long time before I finally remind him of what
comes next. “Leo, do you want to say to me?” That snaps my handsome mate out of his trance. “I, Leopold Jasper Bellon,
accept you, Jasmine Alyssa Robison, as my mate and Alpha.” I feel the bond starting to form and this time I do wrap my arms
around him. The tingles are better than I ever imagined they would be. I remember where we are and I pull back. I turn to my
men and they are all smiles. “I won’t be at training this afternoon. I will be spending time getting to know my mate”, I say before I
take Leo’s hand. I lead him up to the wing we will now share.
I arrived at the Crescent Moon this morning. I haven’t visited my brother’s pack in a very long time. He found his mate and left
the Nightfire pack when he turned eighteen. My mate Carly grew up with us. She was also an omega. It’s hard to believe she has
been gone for four years. Our daughter just turned nineteen and she is the only reason I fought to live after our bond was
broken. When Carly died, I wanted the goddess to take me too, but I couldn’t do that to Diana. She wanted to come to visit her
cousin but she needed to finish some work for her college classes. She is supposed to join me tomorrow. The fact that we are
now sister packs is amazing. We can visit anytime we want now instead of having to ask for permission. Madison asked me to

meet her in the dining room this morning. She was so excited and insisted I needed to meet the new Alpha. I was impressed
when she told me that the new Alpha of this pack is a woman. So many male werewolves don’t recognize how strong and worthy
she-wolves are. I love the Nightfire pack because that has never been an issue. All of the members are treated equally
regardless of rank or s*x. From what my brother says, the Crescent Moon pack was not so lucky when Mateo was in charge.
I enter the dining room and my niece bounces over to me. “I’ll grab you some breakfast. The Alpha will be down soon” she says.
“Maddy, I can get my own breakfast. Do you remember I work in the kitchen at my own pack.” “Well, too bad. You’re a guest and
I’m getting your breakfast. We can eat together.” I roll my eyes but she rushes off. I find an empty table and take a seat. Reggie
my wolf is pacing in my mind. Before I can ask him what the hell his problem is, the scent of wild flowers invades my nose. It
can’t be. “Mate”, Reggie says, and I stiffen. The most beautiful woman with long ebony hair walks into the dining room. I can
already tell by her aura that she is a high-ranked pack member. “Go to mate” Reggie says, but I stay rooted to my spot. “She isn’t
going to want an omega for a mate.” Reggie growls and I’m about to say more when I see a man lean into her. Reggie pushes to
the surface and I growl out loud. Everyone is looking at me, but more, she is looking at me. I can’t believe what I’m hearing when
she accepts me. She is the Alpha of the pack and she is accepting an omega. She deserves to have a mate that is strong and
can help her lead the pack. Why would the goddess pair her with me? As she leads me upstairs, a hundred thoughts swim in my
head. I know she just claimed me in front of the pack, but could she really want a man that will never be able to protect her or the
Octavius POV
I appear in the hallway where we were holding Selma. My men are already in search of her. I’m ready to lose all my restraint
knowing that she couldn’t have escaped alone. I turn to see Bryer ranting at his father before he finally notices me. “What the f**k
happened?” “It seems my brother has finally grew a set and helped my beloved escape.” I’m glad to know it was none of the
coven members that helped the little b**ch escape. “He wasn’t alone” Bryer says getting my attention. “Who was with them?” “A
man and woman I’ve never seen before. The man was a hybrid and the woman a wolf.” It couldn’t be. Would he be stupid
enough to come into my home knowing that I want him dead. “Octavius, I want her back.” I smile “you shall have her as soon as
we take care of some mutts.” This is perfect. My nieces’ powers have been suppressed and with both covens we’ll have no
problem killing both of those half-breeds.
After Cayden and Penny left, I sat in my chair and I haven’t moved. Calliope is rubbing circles on my back, but honesty right now,
not even that is helping. “Eli, we need to speak to your parents. They have a right to know what is happening” Calliope says. I
pull her close to me. I nod before I link them. A few minutes later, the door to my office opens and my parents step inside. I’ve

never seen my parents look so defeated. How do I tell my father that this ba**ard wants him for my sister? Calliope squeezes my
hand, offering me support. They both take a seat and I take a deep breath to prepare myself for this conversation. “What’s going
on, Ele” my mother asks. “I received a phone from the man that has, Larisa.” My father’s eyes turn black and I know Talon is at
the surface. “Where the f**k is she and why are we not out getting our pup,” my father roars. My heart breaks and I think of how I
would feel if someone had taken Faith from me. I shake those thoughts away. “Lincoln, you need to calm down. I’m afraid too,
but yelling at Eli isn’t helping the situation.” “The person that called would not tell me their name. He said that she is safe for
now.” My mother growls and I continue. “He said he won’t hurt her if you turn yourself over to him”, I say looking at my dad. My
mother whimpers and my father stands. “That is fine, set it up and I will go wherever the ba**ard wants. I will do anything to have
your sister back safe and sound” he says. “No, you will not hand yourself over to some mad man with a vendetta.”
My father growls and I can hear the challenge in it. “This isn’t your decision, pup. I will not let your sister suffer for my past
decisions.” I come around the desk and stand in front of my father. “I love Larisa and I will do anything to get her back but I will
not sacrifice one for the other. There is no guarantee this ba**ard will stay true to his word even if we do as he asks.” My father’s
resolve seems to fade and he falls back into his chair. “I can’t lose your sister, Eli.” I bend placing my hands on his shoulders.
“We aren’t a weak pack without resources. We have two days to respond to his demands. Let’s gather everyone in the
conference room and come up with a real plan that makes sense. Handing you over is not that plan.” My mother stands and
wraps me in her arms. When she looks back at my father, my heart breaks. I can see the guilt and sorrow in his expression.
“Lincoln Thomas, don’t you dare.” I step back, giving my mother space. Calliope snakes her arms around my waist. My father
whips his head in her direction. “I love you and none of this is your fault. We will get our pup back and you will not blame yourself
for other people’s actions. Your daughter is of Alpha blood and she is strong. Your son is absolutely right and you need to trust
your family.” My father stands and wraps my mother in his arms. “I love you, Amelia. How did I ever get so lucky to be blessed
with you as my mate.” “I love you too, Lincoln. We are both very lucky that the goddess owed me one.” We all laugh and for a
moment I have hope that we will get Larisa back and deal with these ba**ards. My parents leave to gather the others.
Oscar POV
I head back to check on Laura as Magnum requested. When I head inside, she is lying on the floor near the wall instead of on
the cot. I’m immediately concerned when I see no movement to the sound of me coming into the room. I know how wolf hearing
works. “Laura” I say, but she doesn’t respond and that’s when I smell it. The scent of Laura’s blood. I rush to open the cell and
make my way to her. When I roll her over, she has blood on her face. That f**king b**ch did this to her. I’m just about to call for
my brother when something hard hits me and I fall into darkness.

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