Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 101

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 101
35 Apples and Cinnamon
“Alpha Eli, Alpha Calliope has arrived with her Beta” the patrol guard links me. “Escort them to the pack house. The Beta Female
and Gamma will be waiting for them.” “Yes Alpha” he says. I link Larisa to come to take Faith, but she doesn’t respond
immediately. With everything that has been happening with the vampire attacks, a pit forms in my stomach until I hear her voice
in my head. “I’ll be there in a few minutes, Eli. I lost track of time talking with Rose.” “Is she still upset?” “She is fine Eli.” “Good,
she had me worried. Take her time and come here to get Faith when you’re done talking to Rose. She is asleep right now. I don’t
believe that Alpha Calliope will mind if she is in the office while we speak.” “Alright, I’ll get there as soon as I can.” I cut the link
and walk over to check on Faith. She is smiling in her sleep. She really is the most beautiful pup. I walk back to take my seat and
arrange the documents on my desk. A few minutes later, the scent of apples and cinnamon invades my nose. My heart starts to
beat out of my chest. No, this can’t be happening. I won’t accept it. Silas growls at my words. “Eli, you can’t reject” he starts to
say and I cut him off. “Clara was my mate and I will not accept another. How can you even suggest it?” Before he can say
another word, the door opens. My heart breaks when I hear the woman that I’m sure is Calliope call me mate. “Mate” Silas says,
and I can’t believe what he is saying. He really wants me to accept her. “My mate is dead.” I see hurt flash in her eyes and I feel
like an a**hole. This isn’t her fault and I have no right to hurt her when this should be the happiest day of her life.
She turns away from me and I take a deep breath, pushing Silas to the back of my mind. When I look back at her, she is
wrapped in her Beta’s arms and it takes everything in me not to walk over there and rip her away from him. No, I have no right to
feel that way she isn’t mine. Pheobe looks at me with anger and disappointment on her face. She turns leaving us alone without
a word, which I’m grateful for. “I’m sorry for my outburst. Please come in and sit down so we can talk about the pack alliance.”
Calliope turns and despite the tears staining her cheeks, her eyes are cold. She wipes her face and walks toward the chairs in
front of my desk. “Calliope, we should leave. We don’t need to have an alliance with this pack”, her Beta says. When he calls her
by her first name, it pisses me off. She turns looking at the man who is way too comfortable with her. The cold look she just gave
me is replaced with warmth and love. What the hell is going on between them? “Oliver, this alliance is what is best for the pack.
My vow is to put the pack’s needs above my own. I can put my own hurt aside to get through this meeting. Come take a seat so
we can get the documents signed. Then we can return home.” I can see he wants to protest, but instead he comes and takes a
seat beside her. She avoids meeting my eyes and picks up the pen off my desk. “Calliope, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I would like
to explain why we can’t be mates. It isn’t anything that you have done.” She cuts me off “Alpha Eli, you have made it perfectly
clear you are not interested in being my mate, so your explanation isn’t necessary. I will be fine, so you don’t have to worry that

you have hurt me. As we will not be mates, please call me by my title. I would like to get the documents signed and head back to
my pack.”
“What the f**k is wrong with you” Silas growls in my mind. “What the hell is wrong with you? Have you forgotten Clara and Cora
so easily? It’s only been six months.” “I’m going to forgive you for that comment because I know your hurt and afraid, but don’t
you ever say such a thing to me again Eli” Silas says. “Cora and Clara want you and I to be happy and loved. They want our pup
to have a mother even if it’s not them. The fact that the goddess has given us a second chance is not a betrayal. You denying it
because of guilt and fear, is spitting in the goddess’s face. Besides, Clara and Cora want us to accept this bond with Calliope.
They want you to love with all your heart again. You need to speak to Calliope alone and make this right, Eli. I know I can’t force
you to accept our mate, but I will truly be disappointed in you if you don’t.” This time he puts a block up and I can’t reach him.
Calliope POV
I can tell that he is speaking to his wolf. Aurora is whimpering and honestly my heart is breaking as I sit here and look at this man
that is meant to be mine. I know Aurora said that our mating wouldn’t be easy, but I never expected him to deny being our mate.
Oliver and Anthony had told me of him losing his mate in childbirth before we came for this meeting today. I never expected to be
his second chance. My heart broke for him when they told me the story and it breaks for us both now. “Calliope, I know your hurt,
but we can’t give up on Eli. He is meant to be ours. I know you’re strong and we will get through this”, Aurora says, and my heart
breaks a little more. He is still in love with his mate who died and why wouldn’t he be? I can’t imagine losing someone you are
bonded to. Before I can tell her that he doesn’t want us, a pup’s cries getting my attention. Eli is up and around the desk without
a word. I turn and he is rocking his pup. I can’t help but smile as I watch him with his daughter. “Our daughter” Aurora says.
“Aurora, I want him and the pup as much as you do, but he is still broken. He doesn’t want a mate.” He sits back in his chair and
I look at the most beautiful little girl. The pup from my vision is looking back at me with big beautiful eyes. She reaches out
toward me and Eli stiffens.
She starts to babble and I can’t help but smile at her. “Calliope we should finish the paperwork and get back to the pack. I’m sure
Alpha Eli needs to attend to his pup” Oliver says with irritation in his voice. I notice Eli’s eyes darken. “Do you have a problem
Beta” Eli says. I don’t trust Oliver not to get himself in trouble in this moment. He is like a protective older brother but
disrespecting an Alpha no matter the reason could get him killed. “Oliver, please go downstairs and wait for me while I finish
signing the papers.” “I don’t feel comfortable leaving you alone with Alpha Eli” he says. “Oliver that wasn’t a request. Go
downstairs and I will be down when I am finished.” He looks at me with pleading eyes before he finally stands. He turns and
leaves the office closing the door behind him. I turn back to Eli “I apologize for my Beta.” Before he says anything, the little girl
starts reaching for me again. “May I hold her for a moment?” I don’t know what I expect but I’m glad he doesn’t say no. He
stands coming around the desk and places her in my arms. “What is her name?” “Faith is her name” he says as he sits across

from me. His expression is unreadable. “She is beautiful” I say as she places her hand on my face. “Are you in a relationship with
your Beta?” I can’t help the shock on my face as I look up at this man sitting across from me.
The shock quickly fades and turns to anger.He doesn’t want to accept me but he is pissed that I might be in a relationship with
Oliver. “My personal life is none of your concern.” I see his jaw tense at my words. I’m not sure if this is his wolf or him that is
angry about Oliver. A knock sounds on the door and a young woman walks in. She is definitely related to Eli. She smiles when
she sees me holding Faith. She sits in the chair next to me and grabs Faith’s foot. “She likes you” she says and Eli clears his
throat. “Larisa, can you take Faith so I can finish my meeting with Alpha Calliope.” He puts the emphasis on the word Alpha.
“Sure” she says. I kiss Faith’s head before I hand her to Larisa. “It was nice to meet you, Larisa.” She smiles “likewise, I hope we
see each other again.” I nod and she leaves the room. Eli and I are alone for the first time since I arrived at the pack. I pick up
the pen off the desk and start to sign the papers again. I can feel Eli’s eyes on me but I don’t look up at him. I sign the last paper
and set the pen down. I stand and stick out my hand. “Crescent Moon is now aligned with the Nightfire pack. We are here should
you need help with the vampire attacks.” He looks at my hand before he stands and finally takes it. The tingles threaten to make
my legs give out, but I maintain my composure.
When Calliope reaches out her hand I’m torn. I know touching her is not a good idea but at the same time I want to feel her hand
in mine. I take her hand and the familiar tingles dance on my skin. She pulls her hand, but I don’t let go. “Calliope, please let me
say this.” She nods and I take a deep breath. “I lost my mate six months ago. I never expected to be given another chance and
the thought of accepting our bond makes me feel like I am betraying Clara. You deserve a mate that accepts you without
hesitation and I truly wish that I could be that mate.” “I understand Eli and I hope you have the happiness you deserve in this life.
I’m sure Clara is watching over you and Faith. She is very special little girl.” I finally release her hand. “I meant what I said about
the vampire attacks. Take care Alpha Eli” she says with a smile. Everything in me wants to stop her from walking out of my office
but I can’t. Once the door closes, I fall back into my seat. “Silas” I say but the block is still between us. “Alpha, there are at least
twenty vampires at the eastern border. We have already linked the Betas.” Fear grips me because the gate to the pack is on the
eastern border. Silas comes forward “get to our mate before something bad happens to her.” I don’t respond as I rush through
the pack house. I shift as soon as I’m out the door. We run as fast as we can and I pray to the goddess that she protects
Larisa POV
I head back to Rose’s cottage with Faith. My aunt smiles when she sees me and comes to say hello to Faith. She kisses her
forehead before I head into Rose’s room. Rose jumps up when she sees me. Her eyes turn black and she reaches for Faith. As

soon as she has her in her arms, she kisses her little face. “Hello sweet girl. You’ve gotten so big.” “Rose has to tell Eli who her
wolf is. He thinks that something is wrong with Rose. That she is angry with him. He needs to know the truth.” She smiles at me
and takes my hand. “I know but we need to wait until he accepts Calliope. She is his future.” “What if he doesn’t accept her?”
She smiles “I know your brother. It may take a little time and a push, but he will accept her. I have faith in his heart.”

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