Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 96

Ashley‘s par
“I! “istuttermil, cheeks now stained with patches of scarlet
My eyes tall to the now empty box that once had those books scattered on Blake‘s bed safely inside I had inced that huge box
under the bed months ago
Left their not knowing that one day my husband would lose his memory and sleep here. I had completely forgotten about them.
When I don‘t answer him, partly because I was embarrassed and the other part, well let‘s just say I remembered when we
literally fucked like the characters in the book, he continues
“He pushed deep, deeper than her other lovers. He felt huge stretching her walls, she couldn‘t take it anymore and asked him
no, pleading with him to fuck her harder.”
“Okay enough.” I muttered beyond embarrassed and saunter over to him.
He laughs outstretching one hand to stop me while the other held the book higher, away from my reach. “Wait wait I‘m not done.”
He laughs.
I huffed dropping my bag on the floor while I tried and failed to grasp the book. Even with heels on he still was much taller than 1.
Curse my height.
“Blake.” I whined feeling mortified. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum that didn‘t have any certain rhythm.
His blue eyes twinkle as he chuckles with mirth. “And he did, thrusting more brutally into her heated pussy. She mewled,
scratching his back, taking his hard huge cock into her. Slick with sweat he bent to taste her and –” He stops dropping his eyes
to mine.
They were dark with lust. In a swift move he captures my hand and pulled me to him. My eyes widen as I peered at him in shock.
He bent his head until we were eye level, his blue eyes glinting with desire and amusement mix into one.
“Please tell me we tried those scenes before?” The way his tone took on a husky and heavy one made me know that Blake was

My heartbeat quicken and all of a sudden I felt my entire body overheated. I peered at him beneath my lashes knowing he loved
when I did and bit my bottom lip seductively.
He gulps visibly, breathing now shallow. I tilt my head to the side. “Why? Did you picture us while reading those scenes?” I asked
I would laugh at my so–called innocent voice but I was too occupied with clenching my legs together to stop the slight throb
between them.
I was definitely not innocent anymore, Blake made sure of that a long time ago.
His eyes darken considerably and they flicker down to my lips in hunger. I was rejoicing in my head knowing that I still had an
effect on him even without his full memory.
“Yes.” He croaked out on a tone heavy with desire.
My lower regions throb with want,
“I pictured you beneath me, on top and all the positions those characters did.” He admitted and licked his lower lip, his eyes
dipping to stare at the little cleavage that peeked out from the shirt.
My insides melted and I could feel my now hardened nipples brushing against the material of the bra. “Then to answer your
previous question, yes we did recreate those scenes in the books. Even better I might add.”
His jaw clenched like he was restraining himself and his head dips. “Then I don‘t mind recreating them again.” He mutters. 1 My
heart freezes then like being struck by lightning starts beating uncontrollably. Did he just bluntly put it out there that he wants to
fuck me? Like right now? Is this a good idea to do it so soon? 3
But even with questions racing through my head, I stay still waiting for his lips on mine. They were dangerously close, parted
already to take mine. His darken blue eyes stared into my own, gauging my reaction. When he doesn‘t see that I backed away
he takes this as permission to continue. My eyes flickered closed and I sucked in a sharp breath when our lips brush. Soft and
warm like how I remember
“Blake, Ashley!” A male voice shouted downstairs, causing us to jump away in shock Blake stares at me in surprise, blue eyes
flickering down to my lips then back to my eyes. 5

None of us uttered a word to eachother yet. I didn‘t think we could after what almost happened a few seconds ago. 1
“Blake!” This time I can identify that the male‘s voice was Blake‘s dad, Ace. 2
As if jolting back to reality he shakes his head then lifts a hand to brush through his hair.
“I should probably go see what he wants.” He mutters like he didn‘t want to stop what we were about to do. Like he was
disappointed that we were disturbed.
I nodded and smiled softly. “You should.” I said, already knowing why Ace was here. We had planned to surprise Blake by
bringing over his black jeep back. When he usually leaves for deployment, he leaves his jeep in his parents garage since Ace
loves to use it. He couldn‘t drive yet of course since his head still hasn‘t healed completely but we hoped that seeing the black
jeep could jolt back some of his memories.
Blake nods and walks out of the door, leaving me staring at the scattered books on his bed.
I bring my hand to my mouth, touching my lips with my fingers softly and sighed. Just one brush of our lips nearly made me go
insane. I giggled like a damn high school girl finally getting her crushe‘s attention. I sighed, dropping my hands and bent down to
pull the empty box closer to me. 1
I began packing the books back inside neatly all the while bringing my fingers to my lips occasionally and smiling like I had lost
my mind.
I struggled while pushing the now filled box underneath the bed. When I was done, I picked up my discarded bag, walked out of
the room and headed to mine so I can literally throw the bag towards the bed. I fell ungracefully on the floor with a thud at my
failed attempt at aiming. 1
“I‘ll pick you up later.” I promised.
I swear pushing that heavy box back under the bed took all my energy to do anything else. Closing the door I headed downstairs
to see what the men were up to.
Ace is the first to lift his head when he hears me approaching.
“Ashley, would you please remind my son that he hasn‘t completely healed and he can‘t drive as yet?” Ace chuckled.

My eyes narrow as Blake turns to me sheepishly while scratching the back of his head. “It‘s just to drive over to my parents and
come back.”
“Your doctor had been very strict when he suggested that you should not drive until you are cleared to. So no.” I fold my arms
under my breast. He groans lowly. “Are you my wife or my mother?” I scowled. “Both if you don‘t stop acting like a baby.” He
grins, blue eyes flickering with amusement. “Was that one of our role plays as well?”

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