Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 93

Ashley‘s pov “Are you kidding me?” I grumbled beneath my breath as I pulled into our driveway. A small white Toyota was
packed on the opposite side of the road. And out came Christal with a good amount of grocery bags held in her hands. She kicks
the door closed and walks up to the house.
Was she our new neighbor? Why did I not see when she moved in? Oh right I was too preoccupied with Blake and that stupid
manuscript. Blake and I got out of the car and the sound of the car doors slamming shut has Christal turning around. She squints
her eyes and smiles happily when she realised it was Blake and I.
“Hi there neighbors!” She shouts with a slight tone of giddiness.
Great. Note my sarcasm. Just fucking great. $
Blake smiles and waved at her.” Guess we‘ll catch up sooner than we thought. How about you come over for dinner tonight? It‘s
the least we could do for a new neighbor!” He shouts.
I turn to glare at him over the car. He doesn‘t notice too busy smiling at an equally happy Christal. Christal‘s smile broadened at
his words. “I‘d love to. I‘ll bring over some homemade cheesecake, we can have that for dessert!” She says.
You can keep your dessert and shove it up your as
“Do you need help cooking Ashley? I‘d love
I shook my head quickly, sending her a tight smile. “No I‘m all good here, can‘t wait to taste the cheesecake.” I spoke through
clenched teeth.
She nods her brown eyes dancing with happiness. Is she always this cheerful? Can‘t she for once have a scowl or a frown on
her pretty face. “Then I‘ll get to it, I‘ll see you two in a few.” She winks then turns around.
Great more mouths to feed.
When Christal disappeared inside her new home that was literally a few minutes away, well more like seconds away, Blake turns
to face me with a smile on his handsome face.
After seeing my glare his smile drops. “What‘s wrong?” He asked in worry. His blue eyes scanning my features. My glare
worsened. “Why didn‘t you just go help her put in the groceries instead? That‘s what a good neighbor would do.” I spat and
walked to the boot and opened it.

I grasp some grocery bags and stiffen when I hear Blake‘s approaching footsteps. I could feel his eyes on me as he also
grabbed some grocery bags.
“Are you mad that I invited her for dinner?” He asked softly. 1
I huffed. “Mad? Why would I be mad when my husband literally invited someone over for
dinner without consulting with me first?“1 hissed and walked away from him. “It‘s not like we don‘t know her Ashley!” He shouts
behind me. I turn around and glared at him menacingly
“Yes that‘s right we do know her. How could we forget?” I spat. His eyes widen not expecting my rather harsh tone.
Could you really blame me? My husband remembers a girl he had a crush on when he was younger yet he doesn‘t remember
his wise that‘s been there, by his side for years. No I wasn‘t feeling jealous, I was feeling fantastic. Again not my sarcasm. 1
Not getting a word from him I turned around, blinked back the tears that threatened to spill out. This wasn‘t how I wanted us to
be. I lay the groceries on the floor and opened the door with the keys.
I entered inside leaving Blake to stare at my back in shock and confusion.
“This taste so good!” Christal moans, eating the last piece of lasagna on her plate. I smiled, it was tight lipped and cringey.
“Thank you.” “Yes Ashley, it‘s really good.” Blake complimented.
I turn to send him a scowl across the table, I was still mad at him from earlier. He tears his eyes away and clears his throat
“Well I guess it‘s time for dessert.” He smiles trying to ease the tension that Christal seems to not notice or didn‘t care.
Her eyes dance with happiness and she nods her head. “Yes I can‘t wait to hear what you two think about it. I‘d love to get some
criticism from a certain talented chef.” She sends me a wink and stands up
She began to share the cheesecake which I wasn‘t going to lie, looked great. I stand up to remove the dirty plates.” I‘ll just make
some room.” I murmured and walked towards the kitchen area. Blake follows after me, his dirty plate in his hand.
“Are you still mad at me?” He asked softly. I throw the plates in the sink, careful not to break them. I turn to face him and give him
a forced smile. “Ofcourse not. Why would I?” I said, sarcasm dripping in my tone like honey. This honey wasn‘t sweet but bitter.

I walked away from him, leaving him standing there. I was acting bitter and jealous. I sighed, wiping a hand down my forehead. I
needed to calm down. Christal head lifts when she hears my footsteps approaching. She smiles. She had already placed the
cheesecake on clean plates, waiting to be devoured by us. “I‘m not the best chef like you but I really hope you‘ll like it.” She gives
me a soft smile. Why can‘t she be a bitch? Aren‘t you acting like a bitch now? My subconscious reminded me.
Instantly I felt guilty, she hadn‘t showed me any stinky attitude and here I was giving it to her just because I was jealous.
I send her a smile, this time it‘s not as cold. “I‘m sure I will.”
I sat back down and Blake enters the dining room. His eyes flicker to me but I tear mine away quickly. Even though I was trying
to act a bit more civil with Christal it didn‘t mean I forgave him for just inviting her over without asking me first. He sits down and
Christal claps her hand. “Good now that we‘re all here let‘s dig in.” She giggles And I dug in, pushing the cheesecake in my
mouth. It literally melts in my mouth and the sweet tang awakens my taste buds. I hum nodding my head. “It‘s really good.” I
complimented and watch her eyes light up.
“Thank you Ashley. This recipe has been in my family for years, I always try to recreate it but I could never do it as good as my
mom.” She smiles sadly. Her usual chirpy attitude had now diminished.
I cleared my throat and tried to change the subject because somehow I could tell that something she said saddened her
“So why did you decide to move back here?” I asked digging into the cheesecake. She lifts her eyes and they brim with tears.
Crap did I say something wrong? She sighs shakily. “My mom died recently. I remember her loving here and feeling homesick.
She never wanted to move but my dad forced us to because of his job. She always dreamed about coming back here, where all
our happy memories are. But she never got the chance. I guess I want to live that dream for her.” She shrugs.
My heart drops and instantly I feel way worse for showing her a bad attitude earlier. “I‘m
sorry for your lost Christal.” I said softly. I could only imagine the pain she was going through after losing her mom.
“That‘s so nice of you to want to live her dreams for her now that she‘s not here anymore. You‘re an amazing girl, Christal.” Blake
says. This time I try not to feel jealous or angry because he was right. She was amazing. She smiles sadly.
“I kind of remember you wearing pigtails and glasses when we were kids. Your hair was always messy. I think I followed you
around like a lost puppy.” Blake laughed trying to ease the tension that threatened to engulf us.

Christal lifts her eyes to his then back to me. I stiffen upon realizing Blake‘s words. Pigtails and glasses? Christal never owned
glasses and never put her hair in pigtails and she definitely never left her hair messy. Was he–?
Christal smiles. “I think you‘ve mistaken me for your wife Blake. Ashley was the one with messy pigtails and glasses. But you did
follow me around like a lost puppy.” But Blake and I don‘t laugh. Instead Blake looks at me like I was another species. Did he
seriously mix up Christal and I? 10

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