Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 73

Chapter 73
~ 5 years later ~
“You’re home.” Mom gushed opening the door wider to
let me in. It was already five thirty, a bit late I may add. I
had taken a plane and a bus to get here. So that would
explain why I reached here so late.
I smile, place my heavy duffel bag on the floor and walk
into her arms. She squeezes me as I inhale her familiar
scent that always soothes me. “Oh I missed you.” She
“I missed you too mom.” I answered sincerely.
I had decided to come visit since it was summer vacation
and I would not enjoy spending my vacation days
cooped up in a small dorm room alone.
My roommate, Andie was an Indian who I got along with
fine. She was a bit of a clean freak but could
undoubtedly make the meanest grilled cheese sandwich.
She decided to spend time with her family and I decided
that I spent too long seeing my own.

It was just a few months without seeing them yet it felt
like an eternity. One more year at Harvard and I will not
have to leave them again.
We pull away and I giggle when she reaches up to wipe
the tears away from my eyes. “I can’t believe your
brother decided to stay at Yale instead of coming to
visit.” She humpths.
I shrug. “The last time I spoke to Arden it was a few days
ago. He’s still heartbroken about the breakup with
Rosalie. I think he didn’t come to visit because he’s afraid
he’ll see her around.”
Arden and Rosalie broke things off two weeks ago
because of a photo of a very drunk Arden making out
with another girl. Understandably Rosalie got pissed off
and called it quits.
Arden has been moping ever since. While he had gone
off to Yale, Rosalie stayed here to go to a local college
here along with her brother. The relationship had gotten
strained ever since and seeing Arden kiss the girl was the
last straw.

“If I know my son the way I do he’ll win her back. Afterall
he’s his dad’s son. By the way remind me to throw away
the playstation Rose gave him as revenge for not coming
to visit.” Mom stated and picked up my duffel bag. I
“Jeez baby, what are you packing in this bag? It weighs a
ton.” She complained.
I shrugged and walked up the stairs.
“Just some clothes and books I bought. Nothing much.
Where’s dad?” I asked turning to stare at her while
asking the question.
There were also a lot of letters Blake had sent me,
stacked neatly in a little box. As soon as we left high
school Blake had joined the military. He made me
promise to wait for him and promise to come back to
It was really hard not being able to touch or hear his
voice occasionally. It has been a tough five years and I
cannot wait until he is out of deployment.
Our only form of communication was the use of sending

letters since he was not allowed to use personal cell
phones or other devices where they were based.
It had already been two weeks without getting one of his
letters and I was beginning to grow worried. Usually it
took the maximum of a week.
She pants strutting up the stairs behind me. “Your dad
should be here in an hour tops. The office called him for
something urgent.”
“I can hold that mom.” I pointed at the duffel bag she
was struggling with. She nods and walks the remaining
steps to meet me then pushes the bag in my hands. I
groaned at the weight but either way walked to my room
with it.
“Thank you.” I said when mom opens the door for me. I
stride over to my already made bed and settle the bag
on top with a huff.
“Where is Avery?” I asked. Avery was my little sister
who’s four years and would be turning five in a few
months. She’s a little troublemaker but I loved her

“Her friend Gina is having a sleepover tonight so she’s
spending the night there. Don’t worry she’ll be home
early tomorrow. She’s excited to see you.” Mom laughs
knowing that the only reason Avery loved my company
was because she treated me like one of her dolls.
Which meant she would force feed me like I was a baby
and apply makeup to my face. I ended up looking like a
clown after but refrain from telling her so. I cringed. “I
missed her but I don’t miss the horrendous makeup.”
Mom laughed agreeing with me.”Well I’ll leave to get
settled and unpack. I’m going to start making dinner.
Tonight I’ll do your favorite, lasagna.” Mom smiled. The
messy bun she had her hair pinned into made her look
more youthful.
I grin. “Great. I’ll just take a shower and a short nap. I’m
jet lagged.” As soon as I finished a yawn slipped pa*s my
Mom nods in understanding and leaves after. I sighed
and plop down on my bed. University was hard but what
I found the most difficult was not being able to see Blake

After I had woken up from the coma five years ago I was
pleasantly and surprised to see that Blake was in the
same room.
His bed beside mine. He had insisted that he would stay
with me and wouldn’t take no for an answer until the
doctors placed him in the same room.
From that day I realized that I didn’t want to take life for
granted and wanted to spend everyday in his arms. We
had nearly died and we survived for a reason. And that
reason was to stand by each other no matter what. Love
each other no matter what . He was my life and I was his.
I pulled the zipper and took out my phone from the bag.
The picture of Blake and I lights up on my screen. We
had taken that picture on the day he left. My heart aches
as I brush my thumb over the screen, my vision blurred.
“I miss you.” I whispered.
When he was not deployed he’d come to visit me at
Harvard. We spent the few days he could spend in each
other’s arms, making love, kissing and trying to make up

for lost time.
It never was enough. I was selfish but I wanted him by
my side every day. And when the time came for him to
leave he took a piece of me with him.
I decided to text Ryan that I was home. I missed him. I
hadn’t seen him for months and the last time I spoke to
him, he started seeing a girl named Kimberly.
That name should ring a bell but it didn’t.
I tried coaxing him to send a picture of the lovely girl
that managed to snatch my bestfriends heart but he
refused. Wanting me to meet her face to face.
Ryan had decided after leaving high school that he felt a
pull to become like his dad, a police officer.
And after going through tough trainings and a few
months of dedication he had accomplished it. Making
everyone proud, especially his dad.
I placed the phone down on the bed and got up to head
to the bathroom. I needed a shower, unpacking can wait.
I groaned, kicking off the covers of my body. I blinked. It
was dark which meant it was night time. Why did mom

not wake me?
I sit up and carefully placed my feet on the floor then
reached over to put on the lamp placed on the dresser
beside my bed. The room lights up and I amble over to
the door.
My belly growls reminding me that I had not yet
eaten.Opening the door I walked downstairs. The living
room light is on so is the kitchen. I hear the soft platter
of rain hitting the roof and the windows. It’s relaxing.
My parents are in the kitchen, laughing at a joke that
pa*sed between them. I raise my eyes to the clock on the
wall. Seven. I didn’t sleep long.
“Mom why did you not wake me?” I grumble striding
over to them. They stop their conversing as dad snaps
his head to me. He gets up quickly lifting me up in his
arms like he did when I was younger.
” Welcome home baby.” He chuckles squeezing me into
his embrace.
“Dad I can’t breathe.” I choked out.
He quickly let’s me go and ruffles my loose hair that I

had cut to reach mid back.
I scowled fake glaring up at him.” You messed up my
hair.” I whine, blowing the few messy strands away from
my face.
He snorts. “You mean the hair that was already messed
We all laugh as I come to join them. We talked for a few
minutes and they listened to me yapping about
university. Mom had placed a plate of lasagna in front of
me whilst I sat at the kitchen island.
I was a few minutes digging into my lasagna while
listening to dad talk about his work when a horn blares.
Then it blares again this time louder. I drop my fork on
the plate and look at my parents.
“Were y’all expecting anyone?” I asked confused when
the horn blared again.
Dad shrugs while mom bites her bottom lip. “Not that
we know of, but to be sure maybe you should check
who’s out there. Maybe they need help somehow.” Dad

I furrow my brows. Me? “Why can’t you guys go, y’all are
the adults here!” I voiced out.
Dad raise a brow.” Didn’t you tell me a few months ago
that you’re an adult and I should not carry you like a kid
“But I-” I spurted. He had a point. I sighed and got up to
walk to the front door.
I opened it and noticed a jeep parked at front. It was
unfamiliar. I could spot the silhouette of a male but
because of the rain and the dim street lights I was unable
to see who it was.
Standing in the rain? Does this guy want to catch a cold?
“Is there something I could do for you, do you need
help?” I shout over the loud platter of the rain.
“How about a kiss and a welcome home baby?” A loud
familiar husky tone shouts over the rain.
My heart thuds, my eyes filling up with tears. “Blake!?” I
cried out already running towards him. I did not care
that the rain was already soaking me. All I cared at the
moment was to be in his arms.

“In the flesh baby.” He grins opening his arms as I jump
into them. He still wore his military clothes which meant
he had just arrived here. I smash my lips to his, moaning
when he grips my butt.
I pull away to plant kisses on his cheeks then stop to
look at him.” I missed you so much.” I cried hugging him.
His eyes soften. Blake’s features had changed alot during
these five years. He had shaved his head to a buzz cut
that suited him well, he also loved leaving stubble on his
face that made him look rough in a sexy way. His
muscles also had become more broader than they were.
“I missed you too baby. I’m now out of deployment so
you have me all to yourself.” He smiles, kissing my nose
as the rain soaks us up.
I cried and kissed him again as I heard the good news.
He pulls away. “You know this reminds me of the scene
in the notebook.” He laughs.
I send him a teasing look. “You mean the movie I forced
you to watch with me and you said you don’t ever cry for
sad movies but you did anyway?”

He narrowed his eyes playfully giving my butt a firm
squeeze. “Yes that movie. I remember you saying you
want to recreate that scene someday. You wanted to
makeout in the rain.”
My heart melts in a pile of goo. Why does he always
have to be perfect? I had not expected him to remember
that since it was about five years ago. “Didn’t think you’d
remember that.” I admitted.
“I always remember everything that has to do with you
Ley.” He whispers then places me down. He peers down
at me with love and longing.” But I want to change the
scene a bit.” He grins shakily as if nervous.
My brows furrowed only for me to widen my eyes when
he gets down on one knee. He peers up at me while I
begin to sob. He fishes a small box in the pocket of his
uniform. I gasp pushing my palm to my lips in shock.
“Ley I remember the first time I layed my eyes on you.
You were a cute little shy girl hiding behind your mom’s
legs. You looked like you wanted to be anywhere but
there. But when I came to you and held your hand I knew

then, that you’d have a permanent place in my life. You
trusted me like you never have with anyone else and I
did my best to not disappoint you. I wanted to always
protect you. “
He clears his throat, his eyes glistening. “But then I fell in
love with you and everything changed. I did not see you
as the little sister I always wanted to protect anymore,
you had become so much more. You took over my entire
life that day. My heart was already lost to you, you had it
in the palm of your hands without even knowing. God I
loved you back then and I love you even more now. I
want to protect you for the rest of my life and hopefully
protect our children in the future. I want you Ashley
Grey, all of you. And if you say no today, know that I will
continue to ask you until the answer switches to yes.
Because you’re my life and there is no other in this world
for me but you. So Ashley Grey soon to be Reed will you
marry me?” He is nervous I could tell. I could always tell.
I nod crying pushing out my hands so he could slip the
shiny diamond ring on. “Yes Blake I will marry you. The

answer will always be yes.” I said on a shaky breath when
he stands up to pull me into his arms.
“I love you baby.” He whispers hoisting me up and starts
walking towards the house.
“You have no idea how much I love you.” I breathed out
holding onto him.
He peers down at me to place a kiss on my lips. “Does
that mean we can start the baby making process
I giggle. “Blake, my parents are in the house.”
He raise a brow walking into the house with me still in
his arms. “So, didn’t stop us back then.” He teased
pecking my nose.
“You two are soaked.” Mom scowled.
“Did she say yes?” Dad’s excited voice asked.
“She said Yes!” Blake cheered.
“Oh my God grandbabies are on the way!” Mom squeals.
“Congrats you two. Tell your dad that he’s going to pay
for the wedding.” Dad joked.
“Asher you need to pay at least half!” Mom argued.

He turns to her and did the most childish thing. He
poked out his tongue. “Blake defiled my daughter before
marriage. So that means Ace will pay for the entire
Mom glares at him murderously which has him putting
up his hands in surrender.” It’s a joke babe.” He laughed.

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