Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 44

Chapter 44
I’ve been jumping rope for more than twenty
minutes. In between I took a couple of breaks. I
slump down on the mat exhausted beyond belief.
My muscles ache, screaming at me in hatred for
putting them through this torture. Maybe Blake
was right, I am out of shape.
My stomach is flat on the mat, the thin sweat on
my skin coating it without being able to penetrate.
My cheek pressed into the navy blue mat as I pant
for air. Blake slumps down beside me and pokes
my sides. I groan not being able to move.
“You’re not dying are you?” He joked but I can
hear the tinge of seriousness in his tone.
I glare at him, not liking that he was finding this
amusing. “I’m glad you find this amusing.” I said
sarcastically and turned my head away from him.
He laughs at my childishness. I’m staring at the
huge boxing ring in the middle of the room.
I remember seeing Blake fight for the first time

and instead of being frightened or disgusted I
found it enjoyable to watch. I’m staring at it in
longing, wondering when I’ll be able to actually
train inside. When I’ll be able to box.
My thoughts are cut off by the firm slap on my
a*s. Blake’s hand leaves a sting and I gasp,
turning to face him. “You’re not ready for that ring
yet bambina, you have a lot of work to do. ” He
smirks and stands up.
I narrowed my eyes and turn over until my back
was now pressed to the mat. “Did you seriously
have to slap my butt to tell me that?”
He smirks. “Then what would be the fun in that if I
hadn’t? I much rather slap your little taut a*s than
only speaking to get your attention.” He winks
then gets serious. “Now time for sit-ups.”
My eyes widen and I puffed out an exhausted
breath. “But I haven’t rested for five minutes yet.”
I moan in complaint.
Blake’s eyes darken as he stares me down. “Don’t

make that sound again unless I’m deep inside you
or pleasuring you with my mouth and fingers.” He
warns then stoops down beside me. It takes
everything in me to stop the way my body reacts
to his words.
He raises his brow. “Now start.”
I rolled my eyes and began doing sit-ups. By the
time I was done, I was spread out on the mat like
a dying starfish. The muscles in my stomach
burned like they were lit on fire. Hair that got
loosened out of the ponytail from jumping is now
stuck to my sweaty forehead like a second skin.
Blake is beside me, holding a towel and a bottle of
water. My heart is racing from doing so many
things that I wasn’t accustomed to. “My muscles
are on fire.” I breathed out.
“Good then that means it’s working.” Blake states
and throws the towel on my face.
I sit up and peel the towel away from my sweaty
skin. My muscles groan in protest as I do so. I turn

to scowl at Blake and start to wipe the sweat off
my forehead. “You know you’re not going easy on
me. ” And I loved that. I didn’t want him to treat
me like a fragile doll.
He grins and hands me the bottle of water. “Why
would I? I need my girl to be able to protect
herself when needed to be. I can’t exactly achieve
that if I treat you like a piece of cake.”
I raise a brow.”A piece of cake?” I push the bottle
to my mouth and start gulping down the water like
I was in the desert for ages.
A tiny mischievous grin forms at the corner of his
lips. “Yes, a piece of cake. I wouldn’t achieve
anything if I’d eat you out like a piece of cake
every minute.”
I choked on the water, finally realizing what he
meant. Blake is quick to tap my back as I force the
water out of my lungs. When I finally recovered I
sent him an accusing glare. “Do you always have
to make a sexual comment?”

He shrugs. “I enjoy teasing you and letting you
know exactly how I feel. Too bad you didn’t get it
“How was I supposed to know that you liked me
to? You had many girlfriends parading around!” I
“First of all, they weren’t my girlfriends, they were
just girls I slept around with. And second of all,
how could you not know I was in love with you?! I
treated you like you were my girlfriend Ashley,
everyone saw this except for you. Even Ryan
knew!” He grumbles.
I scowled. “Yeah like sleeping around makes me
feel so much better. You used those girls Blake
when you could’ve simply told me how you felt. For
God sake I was in love with you too back then and
still am now! Treating me like your girlfriend when
you were with other girls didn’t really rea*sure me
that you wanted me in that way.” I hissed.
He sighs.” I admit that I was going at it the wrong

way. I should’ve confessed my feelings a long time
ago. But it’s better late than never, I’m not making
that mistake again. I want you Ashley and I’m not
letting you go.”
“You promise?” My tone had now gone soft.
“I promise.” His voice is thick with honesty as his
eyes flickers down to my lips.”I want to take you
out on a date.”
The words fly out of his mouth so fast that I wasn’t
expecting it. I start to choke on my saliva, shocked
that he’d just asked me out on a date.
“Why do you seem so shocked?” He questions in
confusion after tapping my back.
” I just wasn’t expecting you to ask me out on a
date.” I admit after catching my breath.
He raised his brow. “Why is this a shock, we’re
together aren’t we? Unless you have someone
I shook my head. “God no, I don’t want anyone
else. It’s just this whole relationship thing is new

to me. Sometimes I feel like it’s just a dream that
we’re together and at any moment I could just
wake up and we’d be back as, friends.” I admit and
looked away from him.
“Sometimes it feels like a dream for me too.” He
starts. I turn to face him, his eyes are already on
me, watching me in admiration and love.
It makes my pulse race. “A F*cking beautiful
dream that I never want to wake up from.”
He moves so quick that I didn’t even realize he
was just a breath away from me. Face millilitres
away, lips parted and so close that I could already
taste his minty breath.
His fingers come to tangle in my hair, tugging out
my ponytail until my hair falls over my shoulder in
thick loose curls.
He draws my head forward and captures my lips
into a slow and pa*sionate kiss. I could feel all his
emotions pouring out and I was sure he could feel
mine. When we finally pulled away to catch our

breaths, we were panting like we had run a
His forehead is pressed on to my own, his eyes
closed like he was enjoying this moment.” Feel
that?” He asks and opens his eyes.
Blue meets green and we stare. Love reflecting in
our eyes. “This isn’t a dream, this is reality. We’re
in each other’s arms and nothing can pull us away.
This is meant to be Ash, I know you could feel it
too. We are meant to be.”
I nod in agreement and lift my hand to brush my
thumb over his soft pillowy lips.They were red from
my kisses.God I love him. “So when’s the date?” I
He grins. “This Saturday and before you say that
you don’t want anyone to find out about us yet,
I’m rea*suring you that no one will see us. It’ll just
be the two of us far away from prying eyes.”
I like the sound of that.

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