Bend Me, Daddy

Chapter 259


Watching him, I saw the exact moment when he understood that I wasn't going to change my mind. And that he couldn't make me.

And yet, he would try.

His upper lip lifted in a snarl. "Get on your knees."

I kept my eyes on his. He had such beautiful dark eyes. You could see everything in those eyes. Every thought. Every feeling. All the way down to the deepest recesses of his fucked up soul if you looked hard enough. And right now, beneath all this bravado and intensity, he was terrified. I shook my head. "No."

He pressed the muzzle of the gun against my temple. "Get on your fucking knees, Sera."

When I didn't immediately obey him, he pressed it harder into my skull, making me wince. I wondered how far I could push him before he'd snap. "You won't do it."

A terrifying smile played around the corners of his mouth as he cocked his head to the side, but he said nothing. However, he didn't need to. I could see everything he was thinking in his eyes. And maybe this was not the night to press my luck. It seemed I'd pushed him enough.

Clenching my jaw, I dropped to my knees. But still, I kept my eyes on his.

The gun at my temple, he shoved down the front of his boxer briefs and gripped his swollen cock with his free hand. He loved these fucking power games, and I didn't want to feed his obsession, but I couldn't keep my eyes from his body. His sharp jawline and lean neck. The wide shoulders and muscular pecs, the left side decorated with a round tribal tattoo that joined the half-sleeve on his left shoulder and bicep.

I took in his cut abs, strong forearms, and that sexy as fuck "V" that led my eyes right to the prize. His cock jutted straight out between his hips, long and thick and so swollen the head was tinged purple.

Siamo liberi. Liberi di ricominciare. We are free. Free to start over.

The words ran along the front of his right hip, lyrics from a song by Vasco Rossi. I knew them well. Roughly translated...

We are free. Free to fly.

We are free. Free to make mistakes.

We are free. Free to dream.

We are free. Free to start over.

HOW I WISHED it were true, and that Enzo and I could start over in another time in another world.


The way he said my name, so full of raw need, had chills chasing each other up and down my spine. I knew what he wanted. He'd done this very thing back in the beginning of us. And I would give him this as a parting gift. Something to remember me by.

I placed my hands on his hard thighs. Just that simple touch made him hiss out a breath, and it suddenly occurred to me...

He could hold a gun to my head, make me do whatever fucked up things he wanted, but I was the one with the power here. Me.

Not him.

His cock bobbed in front of my face, a drop of come wetting the tip. My mouth began to water. But still, I held back.

"Put it in your mouth," he ordered huskily.

I glared up at him. "No."

His hand released his cock and tangled in my hair. He tugged me closer until the tip of it rubbed the crease of my lips, wetting them. "Suck it. Put my cock in your sweet mouth, or I swear to God and all that is holy, I'll pull this fucking trigger." He was shaking with the effort it took him to hold himself still. I waited until a low growl raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Then, and only then, did I lick the warm semen from my lips before I parted them for him. Because I wanted this as much as he did.

Using my hair to guide me, he shoved himself into my mouth, moaning as my teeth scraped along the tender skin of his swollen sex. As soon as he had what he wanted, he dropped the gun on the floor and kicked it out of my reach. Then he held my head with both hands, pulling himself halfway out and then pushing back in. He stayed like that for a few seconds, his eyes staring hungrily at the way my mouth stretched around his girth before he started rocking his hips in a steady rhythm. Rough and deep. Only my hands on his thighs kept him from completely gagging me.

As much as I fought him, a part of me did it because I loved to push him over the edge. I loved the way he wanted me. My name on his lips was spoken with more reverence than the name of a god. And when I sucked him hard and raised my eyes to his, he shouted it for the entire fucking hotel to hear and came in my mouth, hot spurts shooting down my throat. Having no other choice, I swallowed it all, and I moaned for more when he was finished. My skin felt far too sensitive, my panties were soaked, and I could feel my pulse in my clit.

But I needn't have worried. Enzo always took care of me. Always.

Pulling out of my mouth, he grabbed me beneath my arms and lifted me off the floor and into his arms, the strength he had surprising me still. He held my head cupped in one hand, pressing my face to his shoulder as he carried me back to the bed. I could feel his heart racing against mine. Feel the tremors of need run through him. And I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held him tight, unabashedly grinding myself against him, broken sounds of need leaving my throat no matter how quiet I tried to be. "Shhh...I got you, baby." He set me on the floor and took off my jacket, letting it fall in a heap. Then he stepped back, his eyes running over me hungrily, taking in the red dress all the way down my legs to my bare feet in the borrowed heels, and back to my face.

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I reached for him, but he shook his head. "Not yet."

My moan of frustration was cut short when he pushed me back onto the bed, shoved his hands under my skirt and pushed it higher onto my thighs until he could see my bare pussy beneath.

Something shifted in the air, subtle but there. He ran one hand up the inside of my thigh. "Why didn't you wear anything under this tonight?"

I moved restlessly on the bed. "Enzo, please." "Answer me, Sera."

I stilled when I heard the cold tone of his voice.

"Why didn't you wear anything under this dress?"

His eyes caught and held mine, and I shivered when I saw how cold his face was. I knew what he was thinking, and I wasn't having this ridiculous argument with him. Not now. I sat up and tried to scoot off the bed.

He caught me before I could, pushing me back down onto the mattress. "Why won't you answer me?"

"I'm not doing this with you," I told him. "So, either fuck me or get out of my way."

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