Bend Me, Daddy

Chapter 173

Serafina In the light of the following day, the previous night seemed like a dream.

Had I really agreed to be the sex toy of one of the scariest men in the mafia for money? A guy who'd ejaculated all over my face when I refused to give him a blow job? Yes. Yes, I had.

Although I was nervous as all hell, I felt no lingering shame in the transaction I'd made. Last night had been the first sexual encounter I'd ever had with someone. But despite the innocence of my body, I was an educated woman, and there was nothing wrong with two consensual adults doing whatever the hell they wanted to together. Some might think living with Jade and working in this club had helped me come to that conclusion, but honestly, I'd always believed that. If people weren't hurting each other or anyone else, then who the hell cared what they're doing behind closed doors if it made them happy? Or who they're doing it with?

As I parked my car in the back lot at work, I was surprised to see security at the door. I was even more surprised when he walked right up to my car and scanned the area around us while he waited for me to get out.

"Is something going on?" I asked him.

"I'm to escort you inside, miss. And I'll be here to walk you to your car when you finish your shift."

He was big and brawny, even larger than Enzo. "Oh... uh... okay. Thank you." This was new, but I wasn't going to argue about extra safety measures with the hours I worked. It wasn't uncommon for homeless people, or worse, to be hanging outside the club when we left in the early morning hours.

He saw me safely inside and stepped in with me, taking up a position outside the break room where we had some tables and chairs, along with some snacks and drinks. I put the sandwich I'd brought in the fridge, then started taking off my coat as I went over to the wall of lockers. I found an empty one and stashed my phone, purse, and coat inside.

When I unzipped one of the pockets of my purse to drop my keys in there, I caught a glimpse of Enzo's watch that I'd taken off his nightstand last night. Quickly, I zipped it back up before someone came in. I'd brought it with me so I could return it to him, assuming he came by tonight. He'd never really said anything when he dropped me off at my car last night about when I would see him again. Just that it would be "soon."

Grabbing a clean apron from the hooks on the wall next to the lockers, I tied it around my waist and then went to the bar to grab a notepad and pen. Bell was bartending tonight, and I was glad. She was much more pleasant to work with than Rob, but unfortunately, she only worked part-time so I only got to see her once a week. Twice if I was lucky. "Hey," I greeted her.

"Hey, Sera!" Bell returned my greeting with a smile. "How've you been, hon?"

"Good," I told her automatically. Bell was in her late thirties, tall and lean, with long blond hair she usually wore in some kind of braid and deep brown eyes. She looked amazing in her uniform of black slacks, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black vest, and bow tie..

"Oh, I have something for you," she told me as I was about to go check the table of three that had just come in.

"For me?"

She handed me a padded envelope with my name written on the front. I opened it up, and inside was a piece of paper and a cellphone. "Why am I getting a phone?" I asked her.

Bell shrugged, then walked over to the other end of the bar to get the drink order from a gentleman who'd just sat down.

I pulled out the piece of paper. Six numbers were written on it. A lock code? I tried it on the phone and the screen came to life, showing me there was a text message from "E." With an uneasy feeling in my chest, I opened the message.

Lost in the world of this story? Make sure you're on Ñ to catch every twist and turn. The next chapter awaits, exclusively on our site. Dive in now!

Keep this phone on you at all times. This is only to be used for conversations between you and I. If it rings, I expect you to answer it. If a text comes in, you have five minutes to respond. If you don't answer my call or don't respond to my text, I will assume the worst and come find you. Trust me when I say, unless you're in immediate danger, you don't want that to happen for many reasons.

I know your shift tonight is from 8pm to 2am. I will expect a response letting me know you have the phone in your possession no later than 8:05pm.

I CHECKED THE TIME. It was 8:04pm. Quickly, I punched out a text.

I have the phone, but I'm not supposed to have it on me while I work. I'll need to put it in my locker.


You have the manager's permission to keep this one on you.

If anyone gives you any shit about it, just let me know.

Remember what I said.

UNSURE, I looked around the bar, and then slid the phone into the front pocket of my apron, wondering what the hell I'd gotten myself into.

Lost in the world of this story? Make sure you're on Ñ to catch every twist and turn. The next chapter awaits, exclusively on our site. Dive in now!

Two hours into my shift, I felt the phone vibrate against the front of the hip. When I set my tray down on the bar and pulled it out, I saw there was a text from Enzo.

What time is your break?


In five minutes.

BECAUSE I WAS NEW, I had to take my break early in the night. But I was just grateful they gave me thirty minutes together and not two fifteenminute breaks, which wouldn't leave me with much time to eat.

I waited for a response, but none came, so I put the phone back into my apron and took the drinks Bell had set on my tray over to table five. I was starving, and I had to pee like nobody's business, but I tried not to think about my bulging bladder as I checked on my other tables and told the waitress who'd be covering for me who might need what while I was on break.

At 10pm exactly, my phone buzzed. I had just set my tray down on the bar and was heading toward the private restroom marked for employees only in the back of the bar near the break room. I waited until my most urgent need was taken care of and my hands were washed before I pulled it out and read the message.

Go into a bathroom stall.


Why? I'm hungry and I'd like to eat while I have a break.

Just do it, Sera. Let me know when you get there.

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