Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 9 Mattie

“Welcome, our new friends to our abode. May you eat well and enjoy good company within our walls. You are protected and need only ask for anything your heart desires. Not all requests will be fulfilled however, but we will try our best.” Growler laughed at himself with this last sentence.

“Oh dear. He does like to hear himself talk at times. Don’t mind him you two. Now I want to hear your story and how did you come about our house.” asked Matilde.

Lucy was the first to begin. “Well, we come from a far off land. Two nights ago we were in our bedroom when all of a sudden Ben’s bed began to spin and rise off the floor. The bed continued to spin and we covered ourselves up with the blankets to protect us from the cold. When the bed stopped spinning we were in the forest with the birds.” As Lucy continued to tell their story, both Matilde and Growler remained quiet. At the mention of the events at Charnac’s house Matilde’s features tightened. She and Growler exchanged glances. No one had started eating. As Ben caught their exchange he noticed the mood between them became tense. Something in this story did not sit well with them. Ben knew there was more that they knew.

“Then we followed Max to your house.” Lucy concluded the story.

“Well that has been quite a journey.” added Matilde. Something was now on her mind. Lucy picked up on it but did not say a word.

“Yes, you must miss your family by now.” Growler spoke before Matilde could stop him. At this both children looked at each other. Lucy began to tear up and cry. Ben went to Lucy and hugged her, trying to comfort his twin sister. Matilde poked Growler.

“Oh, uh we will get you back home. I will make sure you find your way to Eloise. First thing in the morning we will gather our supplies and map out our path. Should take us a few days to get there but with Max and I leading you, you should make it safely to the lake. Then we will have to figure out how to reach her for she resides at the bottom of the lake in her sunken kingdom.”

As Growler completed this statement the two children became calmer. Lucy looked at Growler through tear filled eyes. The words did not need to be said. She was grateful for Growler’s help. She reached out for his hand and he gave his to her without delay. His huge rough hands encompassing hers. The bond had been completed.

“Ok, now let’s eat.” added Matilde.

“Yeah, I’m hungry” Ben chimed in.

“Well said my boy.” Growler smiled.

Looking out over the table, Ben and Lucy were amazed by the size of the food. There were meats, veggies and fruits. Large quantities filled the large bowls. The food was enough to feed several families back home.

“Hope this will be enough for you both. We were not expecting guests.”

“Oh this will be quite enough. Everything looks and smells great.” Lucy replied.

Ben filled his plate with meat until Lucy nudge him and then he took some beans and potatoes. Growler filled their glasses with juice.

“You will have to be content with the juice my lad. Not of age to drink the hard stuff I think. Or at least that is what Mattie thinks. Ha ha ha.” Growler chuckled.

“Yes, and don’t go giving him anything behind my back.” Matilde gave Growler a stern look. “

Now let’s put some of that good music on.” Matilde walked over to a wooden cabinet in the corner of the room. As she opened the door, the hinges creaked loudly.

“Ah, my dear friend let’s entertain our new little friends.” She said to the cabinet. Matilde pulled a stone from a bag and placed it inside the wooden box that was now exposed. Once the stone was inside she moved her hands over what appeared to be some buttons. The stones lit up and the cabinet came alive. The whole cabinet glowed as Matilde turned a knob on the right, the sound grew louder in the room. Soon the place was filled with sounds of strings, drums, horns and even a lilting voice. The music was soothing and calm.

“Good eating music, this will help the digestion.” added Matilde.

“Mattie’s in love with this contraption. Had to pay a great deal for that confounded thing.” Growler obviously thought the “sound” device was a luxury that Mattie and he could have skipped.

“Where did you get it?” Asked Lucy politely.

“Well, Mattie spied this thing at a market when we were in …” Growler was interrupted by her loving wife.

“Now, let’s forget this thing. It has magic and it is very pleasing to me. Let’s just enjoy the music and the food, now children eat up.” Mattie did not want to bring up the incident that led them to this wonderful box. The technology was not common in this place and it was one of the things she wanted in exchange for her seclusion in the woods when her and Growler wed. The two had a moved to the woods to get away from the people. The two had really been one. Growler did not like the company of people. His wife had been the opposite but her love for Growler meant that she had given up many things that she missed. One was the interaction of people.

As the dinner progressed, Ben and Lucy enjoyed the food and the company. Matilde told fascinating stories of the land and the people. Growler had come to this wilderness years ago and lived in the place for ages alone with only Max as his companion. Then as he was attending a festival in the nearby village of Langwell. He met Matilde Mattisson. As Growler told this story, Matilde grew quiet and a smile became prevalent on her face that she could not hide. Lucy understood that the two had a great love between them. Growler did not tell many stories but when he did Mattie loved to listen. She did not hear his voice and storytelling enough.

The house originally was only one floor with only a bed room and a kitchen, sparse and simple. When Matilde moved in Growler had started building the upstairs to provide room and a view of the woods that Matilde enjoys. Growler told of how he spent months working alone to put the hoof and upper floors together. Matilde added some touches to the story to keep Growler from wondering off on tangents. Growler would tend to exaggerate as he drank his grog. He then began to tell of how the two met.

“The day was clear and crisp” as Growler continue to tell the story, the music from the cabinet became a little livelier as if the cabinet knew the mood in the place had changed. Everyone was eating well now. Ben and Lucy were filling up on the delicious food. It was good to have warm food that did not come out of a backpack. Growler continued with the story.

“The festival of Langwell had attracted many villagers from around the area. The music was playing and filled the air with joyous celebrations. I was not looking for anything specific just the normal stuff. New tools, maybe weapons, stuff like that. At these events there are plenty of good bargains to be had, especially if you wait until the end. Not really my cup of broth though.” Growler continued. “Most people at these things detest me. People being happy and friendly who don’t usually act that way in private. All a show. I was walking around and had found the music and dance area, only because there is always good drink around there. I was drinking a grog when I turned around and saw this beauty. Long flowing red hair, blue eyes and the spirit inside.” Growler looked at Mattie and smiled. Mattie smiled back in embarrassment.

“There I was minding my own business just looking at this angel then along came this fool.”

“Oh now he was a nice man.” Matilde commented.

“He was and still is a fool.”

“He was my boyfriend at the time.”

“And such a nice one at that.”

“OK, we don’t have to discuss it now in front of our guests.” demanded Matilde.

“Alright.” Growler got back to the story.

“This fool of a man came to me and boasted how this angel was his woman.”

“Pierre is a good man.”

“Just not a good man to women.”

“Continue dear.”

“As I was saying this fool began to boast. I looked at him with amazement. How could this wonderful angel be with this man? I asked myself. At this point I knew I had to speak to this woman. I watched her move and dance. Her energy, grace, and charm were enthralling. Then our eyes met. The look between us took my breath away. Someone had punched me in the gut so hard the air was gone. I knew then that she was no longer going to be with anyone else.”

“Oh such arrogance.” added Matilde added with a small smile.

“She knew it at once as well. Sometimes the love just clicks at once. I had never believe it before but when I saw Mattie’s eyes I knew what true love was.”

“How did you get together?” asked Lucy.

“Well, this brute of a man.” Matilde now spoke. “He would not take no for an answer. Of course I didn’t really want to say no, but I did have a boyfriend.”

“Yes and I did have to fight Pierre for you.”

“Yes, and now his is one of your best friends, is he not.”

“You are right dear, but he still is a fool and does not treat women kindly.”

“He will learn when he meets his true love.”

“Who would love that beast? Probably a witch perhaps?”

“Oh Growler, don’t be so unkind.” Matilde gave him a stern look.

“Ok, you are right again my dear. Perhaps a dim-witted, deaf woman.” chuckled Growler.

“That way she would not have to listen to him.” Growler laughed even harder at this.

“That is not fair.” Mattie smiled in spite of herself.

“Alright, let’s get back to the festival. There I was minding my own business then this angel comes into view. After seeing this woman how could I not pursue her?”

“Oh, please. He was a shy one.” Matilde interjected.

“Pierre and I were dancing.” Matilde continued before Growler could. “Then this large buffoon bumped into us.” Matilde chuckled.

“I did not see Pierre.”

“So this Buffon runs into us, not looking where he was going.”

“Once our eyes met then”.

“Yes, after our eyes met.” Interrupted Growler. “The whole world stopped. I quickly asked Mattie to dance with me.”

“Ignoring everyone else. Before I could think, he grabbed my arm and we were off.” added Matilde.

“We were in our own world.” Continued Growler. “I can still smell her perfume now, intoxicating.”

“We continued to dance and by the end of the song, all was set.”

“Yes, dear. It was magical, until Pierre smashed your face with his fist.”

“That was a cheap shot. I wasn’t even looking.”

“Pierre knocked the poor man out.” Matilde sarcastically responded.

“No matter, by this time she was mine.” Added Growler confidently.

Ben and Lucy smiled at each other, enjoying the playfulness of Growler and Matilde. The two giants laughed and continued to talk about the way Growler pursued Matilde and how she played hard to get. According to the married couple this lasted for only a month. As Growler had stated earlier their fate was indeed set the moment they laid eyes on each other. Ben and Lucy could now see the love that was shared by these two. Both Ben and Lucy felt at ease for the first time during their journey, laughing often at Growler and Matilde until finally late in the night Matilde began to make the evening end.

“Well my two young visitors the night is getting old. There has been good food, music, and story telling. We all now need to turn in. If you both will follow me I can show you to your beds while my husband can close things up.”

Matilde then guided the children upstairs. Up the three went with Matilde leading the way. The huge stairs were like everything else in the house; big, large, and yet still welcoming. Ben and Lucy each exchanged glances as the path and Mattie led them up into the sky. As the three ascended the stairs, the view out the windows became more and more apparent. Ben and Lucy had come into the house from the front, but the rear of the house was the view to behold. The thick trees hid the vastness of the view but as the children climbed higher and higher in the house the trees gave way to the view. Stretching before them Ben and Lucy paused to look out the window at the top of the stairs. Cliffs were now in sight over looking a great cavernous divide. The Growler house was built at the edge of a huge canyon. As the sun’s last streams of light made their way through the trees, the view was beautiful. This view however was only partly visible since the mist had already begun to descend upon the valley below. The moon was full and illuminated the valley below.

“Aye, a beauty of a view. Wait until morning when the valley reveals itself to you.” Matilde added as the children admired the sights.

“Come now you two. Best be getting you to bed. You have a long journey ahead of you and some work to do before you are off. Rest is what you need before traveling.”

“Matilde. Where are all the other people?” asked Lucy openly.

“Don’t you worry my child. You will begin to meet them soon enough. Most aren’t worth the trouble.”

Matilde directed the two travelers down the hall away from the open window. The walls were made of solid stone and the cold air was easily felt by both.

“Good sleeping weather we have now.” added Matilde trying to comfort the children. She had noticed the cold as well and wish Growler had started the fire in the bedrooms sooner.

“Don’t you worry you two, tonight you will be warm and toasty in your room. Nice heavy blankets and the smell of good wood will make the sleep deep.”

Growler suddenly came bounding up the stairs.

“Excuse me.” Growler added as he moved quickly past the three.

“Got to get the fires started, right dear?”

“ ’Bout time you lazy bum!” Matilde playfully called out.

Ben was impressed at the speed and dexterity that Growler handled himself sliding past he and Lucy. Such a large man to show such agility meant that he must be a good hunter and fighter thought Ben.

No sooner had Growler past them, then the house began to fill with the wondrous scent of burning wood. Lucy thought of christmas time back home. The scent of pine always filled the house during the holidays. As with most children it was her favorite time of the year.

Growler welcomed the children into their room. Matilde led the children into a huge bedroom decorated in fine silk tapestries and rustic furniture. The stones that lined the walls downstairs continued the motif throughout the room as well. The fireplace, which Growler had just lit warmed the room fully.

“Wow, look at this view, it must really be something when the clouds are gone and the sun is up.” Exclaimed Ben.

The window looked out over the back of the house and the valley that laid in front of them.

“Well, there always seems to be some mist coming from the valley. The sun does look wonderful streaming its way through the mist. You need to get to sleep now and be ready to rise in the morning.” Matilde added.

“Now, it is time to get to sleep and I will leave you.”

“Ok you two, you will need to share this room, but as you can see there is plenty of space for the both of you.”

The room was as big as Ben and Lucy’s two bedrooms back home combined with room to spare. On either side of the room were queen sized beds both with their headboards against the wall. The footboards came out into the room with a good fifteen feet still between them. The fireplace was positioned dead center between the windows facing the the valley, the supply of wood was lain under each window for convenience for the fire. The floor of the room was lined with one massive floor rug, intricately decorated with scenes of the forest. Under each bed however were area rugs of deep fur, apparently from former live animals that Growler had hunted and skinned. Lucy took off her socks to feel the warm thick fur on her feet. Soft as cotton balls.

Ben and Lucy were left alone to prepare for bed. Once the two had gotten into bed, the warm fire filled the room. Ben and Lucy began to discuss the next day’s events.

“What do you think Growler will be collecting for us? Should we tell him about our backpacks?” asked Lucy.

“No, we should keep that our secret. Better to let Growler prepare us for the trip. I am still wondering where we are headed and how far the trip will be. It sounded to me that it will take us some time to get down the valley and to the sunken kingdom. Not sure how we will be able to get to the kingdom under the water.”

“Yeah, I Know. Also I am ready to meet other people. We have been here for days now and have only met a Charnac, Mattie, Growler and the birds.”

“Don’t forget Max.” Lucy quickly added.

“I know, this place is crazy, but fun.”

“I can’t believe how big Growler and Mattie are. Real giants. Wonder what else we will see.” Lucy added with excitement.

“Yeah, but there are also things like that devil flower out there.” Ben reminded Lucy of the narrow escape.

“Let’s get some sleep.”

“Ok, sleep good Lucy.”

“You too. We will be home soon.”

“I hope Mom and Dad are not worrying too much.” Lucy finally added.

Bothe were quite after that. Neither wanted to add anything. Both were really missing home. The beds were soft and warm and the two quickly drifted off.

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