Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 3 Partenia

As Ben and Lucy ate, Charnac began his story of the world in which Ben and Lucy found themselves. Charnac made sure that the children were listening first, then he began.

“The world in which we live is called Zhunanium.” Charnac walked over to a desk which was on the other side of the huge room that the children had been eating in. As Ben and Lucy watched Charnac made his way from the table to the old wooden desk. The twins both took stock of things about the room. It was huge, far bigger than what they expected after seeing the cottage from the outside. On one side was the eating area in which Ben and Lucy now sat at the round wooden dinner table. Ben thought to himself, “We are back in time. This feels like medieval Europe.” Ben had just read about Robin Hood and had always been fascinated with knights and castles. This room had similar tapestries and painted ceilings with animals depicting stories. On the wall nearest him there was painted on the wall a scene depicting a huge cat, maybe a lion attacking a troll carrying a sword-like weapon.

Lucy had been watching Charnac pass from the dinning area over to the area where the desk was. As her eyes followed him, they picked up from the walls multiple scenes painted on the walls. Like the scene of the lion battling the troll, there seemed to be a repeating character in each. The various scenes had a bird in each one, either flying overhead or perched in a tree limb overhanging the scene below. Lucy was about to ask about the birds when Charnac began once again.

“Let’s see. Yes here it is. Ben and Lucy please move the things off the table, we will need some room.” The plates and bowls were soon placed in a pile on the floor next to the wall.

“We can gather those up after I tell you the history of this place.”

Once the table was cleared, Charnac placed a scroll onto the table. As the scroll was unrolled, the details of the old parchment were revealed. “This my dear children is Zhunanium. This place has very special powers I presume that do not exist in your world.” Charnac continued as Ben and Lucy positioned themselves to see the drawing.

“As you see this land has areas marked out. These all have names and stories of their own. Some are peaceful and some to the north are very dangerous and should be avoided at all times.” Charnac began to speak of the areas on the map, starting from the lower left section.

“This is where we are, in the land we call Partenia. Partenia, The land of the Birds. Obviously where our dear friend Parmesis and his people live.” Charnac gave a quick smile to his old friend.

“People! I dear say. Flock is more accurate.” Parmesis added quickly.

“Oh yes, sorry my dear friend. Human habit. My apologies.”

“Accepted, old man.”

“As I was saying, Partenia is where Parmesis and his flock reign.”

“So there are other areas where other animals live and talk as well?” asked Lucy.

“Oh, yes my child. You will soon discover that there are many such species in this world who are civilized.”

“Civilized!, Bah, only the Birds are cultured.” Parmesis added indignantly.

“Now, let’s not get into that. Ben and Lucy should get an objective view of this world in which they find themselves.”

“Very well. Continue your little tale.” Parmesis’ feathers were just a little ruffled.

“Thank you Parmesis. As I was saying, you will soon discover that there are many species in this world that are colonized. Some are not so advanced as our friend here.” Parmesis took the complement and swelled with pride.

“Oh, now don’t go and frighten them Charnac.”

“You are right my friend. Let’s begin here with Partenia. As you have seen Partenia is a land ruled by birds and Parmesis is the leader here, or I believe you might know what Kings are?”

“Yes, we know about Kings.” answered Ben.

“Ok, then. Parmesis is the King of the birds and his family has ruled here for centuries.”

Lucy now interrupted.

“Charnac, how is it that we have so many words in common with this world? Are you what we call human?”

“Ha, ha, ha, yes I am human. Very good young lady. As you will find out there appears to be many similarities to your world and ours I would think” Charnac now seemed nervous and cautious.

“Before I move forward about the history of this place I should explain how a bird can understand and articulate with a human, and even in your language.”

Charnac continued allowing a slight pause for both Ben and Lucy to contemplate his comment. Ever since they had arrived it seemed that the inhabitants of this land knew their language as well as they did. Until now this did not seem out of place once they understood the birds themselves. Now both Ben and Lucy were struggling with this concept.

“Well, to start with this land has a magic all its own and as you will soon discover that do you as well. A magic more powerful than you have ever dreamed of.”

This comment caught both of the children by surprise. Were they both dreaming this? Magical lands of talking birds and old wise men. Now this is what legends and stories are all about, thought Ben.

“Ben and Lucy where do you think any of the fairytales come from? Out of pure imagination? Some yes, but there has to be a spark first. A glimmer of an idea for the stories to grow. Here is where some of those have started.” Charnac now became serious and stern.

“You two must remember this above all else, anything is possible yet you must allow the impossible to happen.” Charnac drew the kids in closer.

“Belief is the key to the magic here and everywhere. If one does not believe in one’s heart then there will always be limits.” Charnac paused to let the children think about what he had said.

As the silence lingered in the air, Parmesis broke the silence.

“Get on with it old friend, stop the dramatic show.”

“Yes, my friend. Let me continue. As I said all things are possible in this land. The good and the bad. Remember that if you can dream it, then things can happen. One must however, learn to control any power that comes to you.”

“Power? What do you mean?”

“Power or magic if you prefer. In this land all creatures possess magic. Some stronger than others and some who do not know their own strength.”

“What kind of magic do you have? Asked Lucy.

“You have already experienced it.” Charnac looked down at the empty bowls. Both Ben and Lucy had devoured their food.

“Do you mean the food was magic?”

“Well just a little, but keep looking at the bowls.” As Ben looked into the bowl, a mist began to form around the edges. The mist grew in density. The slight grey color slowly changed in luminosity. First the cool colors of blue, then purple as the air grew warmer, through red then orange and finally to yellow. As Ben stared into the yellow hue images started forming inside. Ben’s mouth dropped as the image in his bowl transformed into the house that he and Lucy had just left. A star filled sky surrounded the house. A shooting star flew past his window. Ben looked up with amazement in to Charnac’s eyes. Charnac was concentrating on the images flashing in the young boys eyes. Ben blinked and broke the fixation.

“Very well my son. Very good. In time you will begin to control your powers, especially in the presence of others. Without control, that ability can expose weaknesses to your enemies. Now let’s see what your sister comes up with.”

Ben and Charnac both turned to see what Lucy would come up with. Lucy’s mist had already formed and the images were racing inside her bowl. The scene was not at all as pleasant as Ben’s. Lucy shivered and twitched to each image.

“Charnac!” yelled Lucy.

Charnac stretched his arms around the little girl, holding her as if she were his own in a comforting, assuring embrace.

“Don’t look away my child. You must begin to learn to use your powers. I feel that your magic is very strong and the sooner you understand and control it, the better.”

Lucy squeezed Charnac’s hand. Ben starred into the bowl as well. He was amazed that he did not see anything. Sensing that Ben had realized this, Charnac spoked.

“Yes, Ben you cannot see the images as strongly as your sister. Nor can I. That is why I was so focused on you when you looked into your mist. Now I must do the same to see what Lucy is seeing.” Charnac turned his attention to Lucy.

“Lucy, describe what you saw.”

“I can’t. Oh it was horrible.” Lucy began to cry.

“Enough Charnac, leave my sister alone.” Ben protecting his sister.

Charnac snapped back at Ben, catching himself before he said anything. The abrupt action startled both Ben and Lucy and for the first time they both felt uneasy about Charnac. The air in the house grew tight.

Charnac relaxed, and his smile returned to his face.

“Pardon my reactions, sometime I focus so much on trying to catch meaning from the observations that I lose my manners. I am truly sorry if I frightened either of you. Please accept my apologies. You both must be getting tired and need some rest. Let me show you to my guest room. There is plenty of room for the both of you.” Charnac rose and indicated that the two should follow.

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