Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 28 Mountain Tunnels

Shamus stood by his Terrordon. He looked out upon the Lake. The sun was rising at the waters edge, the Orange hue illuminated the water. Mist hung in the air. Shamus smiled. His plans were working. Soon he would have Eloise under his control and then he would be able to rule Zhunanium. The colors reminded him of a fire, burning down a village. His first village back up north. He remembered the cries and the smoke that filled the air. He closed his eyes and the images came back to him. Dead bodies lie on the ground, wounded enemies pleading for their lives. He chuckled. That was the first time he knew what he was good at. Killing and Power. Shamus opened his eyes. Now he must find a way to bury the Sunken Kingdom. The Terrordons would not dive into the water. That is one thing they could not do, but they could drop things that would sink. The power of the Terrordons was needed. Instead of laying siege to a castle on the ground, now he must lay siege to one already buried underwater.

Shamus turned to his men. His plan was clear. Order the Terrordons to make the trip to the Cliffs of Raygon and bring back boulders to drop into the lake. The huge stones would fall down into the water and smash against the Kingdom. He turned to his men and ordered the siege to begin. There was no way out around the lake for Eloise to escape. He had his troops encircled the entire shoreline. His men would be ready for any who would come out of the water.

“Keep your eyes open. We don’t want any of them escaping.” Shamus barked to his men.

“Anyone gets through and I will have your head on a platter for my Terrordons’ meal.” he said softly to his first in command.

Ballordog turned and looked into Shamus’s eyes. Shamus returned the look with menacing conviction. Ballordog turned and moved to his men, yelling and cursing threats as vile as Shamus’ heart. The men had covered the shoreline all the way around except for the edges where there appeared no escape was possible. One such area was the cave area that Paddy had found. The entrance was not visible from the shoreline’s high walls.

All of the team had made if through the door and now were trapped inside the mountain. There was only one way to go. Toward the door of Isar. Roscoe was the first to speak.

“The path leads off this way.” Roscoe began to lead. He was given a map by Eloise and was chosen to lead the team toward the door. He had studied the tales of the ancients and knew the mountain as well as anyone in the Sunken Kingdom.

“As we get closer to the door, the temperature will begin to increase. Miwa’s lair will be near the door so we will have to be careful and quick.” The team fell in line with Roscoe.

Max, Growler, Lucy, Ben, Joliet, Baggy, and then Pierre followed Roscoe down the path. Max continued to sniff the air. Nothing was detected by his powerful sensory ability. Growler kept his eye on Lucy. He was not going to let her out of his sight. All of his energies would be used to protect his girl. Ben and Joliet exchanged glances. Joliet kept her eyes on Ben. Something drew her towards him. He was not like the boys back in the Kingdom. He treated her with respect but he had fallen under her sister’s spell like the others. Joliet shook her head.

Ben wondered how different the two sisters were. He started thinking about Joliet now. She intrigued him, challenged him, fascinated him. He shook his head. Lucy smiled, she could see the connection happening between the two. She liked Joliet. She did not trust Adrienne. There was something about her that was too pretty, fake.

“Everyone come quick!” Roscoe turned and whispered to the team. He made a gesture for them to remain quiet. He dosed his torch. Everyone else did as well. The cavern grew dark. Then when their eyes adjusted to the lack of light a dim glow appeared ahead of them. Lucy felt something in her heart. She whispered to Growler. “Something is up ahead. I can feel it.” Growler strained to look into her eyes. He knew that she could sense things even before Max now. Max suddenly growled.

“Stay calm boy.” Growler instructed Max.

Pierre’s hair on his neck began to stand. He too could sense the tension now. He had been in too many battles not to feel this. He prepared himself.

As the team grew closer to Roscoe they could see light coming from the end of the tunnel. The light was stronger up ahead. Roscoe was just outside a huge opening. He motioned Growler to take a position on the edge of the opening. He then moved silently to the other side, carefully making sure he was not seen by anything on the other side of the opening. He motioned Ben to join him. Ben began to follow with Joliet coming right behind him. Ben turned and gave Joliet a surprised look. She motioned him to be quiet. He turned back and continued to the other side.

“Ok, what’s up?” Ben asked when he arrived at Roscoe’s side.

“There is something very odd about this place.” Roscoe pointed into the opening. There on the wall of the tunnel was a jewel illuminated. Ben started to take a step. Roscoe grabbed him.

“Look around on the floor.” As Ben scanned the floor he now realized why Roscoe was moving so carefully. Hundreds of bones lie about in piles. All the bones stopped within 4 feet of the jewel.

“Something is protecting that thing and before we go joining the others let’s take a little time to see what”.

“Right you are.” Joliet added.

“By the way why did you follow me over here?” Ben whips red to Joliet

“You are not getting ahead of me in this.”

“I am not going to protect you.”

“Ha, you could barely protect yourself.” Joliet volleyed back.

“Be quiet you two.” Roscoe stopped the banter. He gestured the two to remain ready. Roscoe stood up and threw his torch into the room. The torch flew into the air and as it got closer to the jewel it burst into flames. Everyone jumped back.

“Growler I think we can talk normally here.” Roscoe yelled. His voice echoing in the quiet tunnel.

“We will need to figure out how to get past this thing.” Roscoe pointed to the tunnel opening on the other side of the jewel.

“It must be some sort of gateway guardian.”

“We will need to think about this.”

“Anyone know of this legend?” Lucy asked.

Everyone shrugged. Eloise had not mentioned anything about a magical jewel. This they would have to figure out on their own.

“Ben, let’s try our backpacks.” Lucy said.

“Great idea. Something is sure to come out of the packs for this.”

Ben reached in first. His hand went deep into the bag, but there was nothing but air. He tried again this time he closed his eyes and concentrated. Still nothing.

“Nothing here sis, maybe you can get something.”

Lucy reached into her bag. Nothing.

Baggy began to sing.

“Oh jewel of the cave,

we come to thee to seek the door of Isar.

The riddle of the jewel,

the eight of us have no clue.

How we need to behave,

we must speak to you now from afar.

Oh beautiful precious jewel,

Now please tell us what to do.”

All stared at Baggy. Growler began to laugh.

“You fool Bear.” Pierre said.

Suddenly the jewel changed color. The jewel then repeated Baggy’s tune.

The team remained quiet, expecting more from the jewel.

“Enter!” A voice came from the jewel.

“Come on, let’s go” Joliet was the first to move before Growler could grab her. She led the way past the jewel as all smiled at Baggy.

“Good work, Baggy. ” Ben was proud of his friend.

“Only a song that popped into my head.” Baggy shrugged.

The team continued through the tunnels. The damp air grew colder and chilled their bones as they made their way through the caverns. After a few hours Growler stopped.

“We need to stop. The kids are in need of food. Let’ take a break and see what kind of delights their bags can conjure up.”

Ben and Lucy knew immediately what to do. They laid their bags on the ground and began to pull items out of the packs. First for Max some good tender bones, busting with marrow and dripping with juices. Ben had to wipe his hands clean. Next was a small jar of honey for Baggy. He began to lick his lips immediately in anticipation of the sticky sweetness. This continued for each member of the team, finally the packs had provided food for all. Fruits and vegetables such apples, pears, carrots, cucumbers etc. Jars of water and juice were also extracted from the magical backpacks. The most valuable items on the trip were two drab looking canvas bags carried by the two youngest members of the team. All sat and enjoyed the delicious food and drink. Soon afterward the group was back at it moving closer to the door of Isar.

Charnac continued to scan the bodies in the dungeon. He bypassed the other prisoners they had nothing he needed. What he was looking for only a guard would have. The first two guards he searched were empty. He knew they were too low in the pecking order to be allowed to carry anything of value, so he was not surprised when the search did not yield anything from them. He looked upon the one guard that had always been assigned to him. His face was twisted and traces of other guards and prisoners could be made out in the face. Eyebrows were aligned down one side of the face, eyes popped out of the opposite side of the face hideously disfigured. Charnac grimaced, he could only image the pain they suffered as the transformation occurred. He shook off the images and continued on.

Charnac moved slowly but steadily up the steps. He did not want to alarm Sylvester of his presence. As he continued upward Charnac doused the torches. He knew if the dungeons grew colder Sylvester would not venture further down. His body would not respond well to the cooler temperatures. Charnac could sense the warmer air as he moved upward and closer to Sylvester. Desperately searching each guard as he passed. His search was futile until after the eleventh guard he came across, Charnac found what he was looking for. He thrust the object into his pocket. He was now ready to confront Sylvester.

“Get those big things moving!” Shamus yelled. He was getting impatient. The Terrordons were not moving fast enough for him. He wanted to start the siege and the big creatures were taking their time, being stubborn. Shamus was anxious about leaving Charnac back at the castle, even in the care of his trusted men. Fifteen men in the charge of a locked prisoner should be enough. He had to get this started, his impatience was now being seen to all.


“Yes sir?”

“Angus, we need to get this moving. Get these damn things moving and back to the lake. If we give Eloise enough time, she will find someway to get out of this. Now Move!!” Shamus barked his command.

Angus, Shamus’s number one henchman was a reliable servant to Shamus. Angus was a tall slender man with a fantastic toned body. His muscles exposed for all to see in his small leather uniform. Angus skin was golden brown after many years in the sun. Shamus had started his reign with Angus from the very start when Shamus had only a few men on his side. Angus had fought with Shamus all the way and Shamus trusted Angus more than any other, save one. He wondered how she was doing. If she had been found out yet. Communication between the two had been shut off. He wondered if Eloise knew. He did not worry too much as long as he had Charnac. Eloise could not get away. Her fortress would soon be her prison. He smiled for only an instance. If only he could get these stupid Terrordons moving.

Angus yelled at his men. They were struggling, trying desperately to get the Terrordons to lift the huge stones. Shamus could not take the wait any longer.

“Angus give me my sword!”

Angus quickly retrieved his master’s sword. He knew what was going to happen. Someone was going to die. Shamus only asked for his sword when he was ready to punish his men. All paused as Angus handed the sword to Shamus. Without word Shamus walked up a soldier trying to move his Terrordon. Shamus smiled at the man, looked him in the eye and turned to walk to another. Suddenly as the man relaxed, Shamus spun around and with one swing of his sword severed the man’s head from his body. Shamus then picked up the head still dripping with blood and gave it to his Terrodon. The Terrordon quickly began to eat the head straight from Shamus’ hand. The head crunched in the Terrodons mouth. The powerful jaws mashed the head like a doughnut. Shamus then grabbed the reins of the Terrodon and led it to the rest of the man’s body. A small feast for the Terrodon.

“Angus get another to lead this creature. Make sure they all know that we must move in the next ten minutes. Anyone who cannot get their creature ready will be its meal!” Shamus walked away with no emotions. The affect was immediate. The remaining men got the Terrodons moving quickly. Soon they were all in flight back to the lake. The siege was about to begin.

“Adrienne, what will you do?”

“Whatever you tell me, why do you ask?”

“Adrienne, I know you have been in contact with Shamus.” Eloise said pointedly.

Adrienne was now confused and amazed that Eloise knew this. She had been so careful.

“How did you know?”

“My dear, I know everything that goes on in my palace. This is the only place that I can go. I know every inch of this place, as well as knowing everything that goes on. Tell me why are you with Shamus? What promises has he made to you”?

Adrienne paused and thought for a moment. Eloise was waiting for her response. The pause was tense and dramatic. The two stared at each other, each reading the other’s face. The wise Empress and the young upstart, battling wills. Eventually Adrienne bowed to the will of Eloise. Adrienne broke down and began crying.

“Oh Eloise, what have I done? Joliet was never to go on that journey. Shamus promised that both of us would be free to travel from this place and see the outside world.” Adrienne sobbed and shook with shame.

Eloise held the young girl in her arms. Eloise comforted Adrienne.

“It will be ok. Charnac will be saved and once he is here along with Ben and Lucy we will break the curse. Then you will be free to travel the world. If we defeat Shamus.” Eloise continued to divulge the facts of Shamus.

“Adrienne, I will now tell you of the acts that Shamus has committed and I will show you his deeds and allow you to judge for yourself.” Eloise led the girl back into the meeting room and upon the ceiling, images appeared to show the battlefield and villages that Shamus had captured and destroyed. Countless bodies began to pile up. Adrienne turned away in shame.

“Eloise, how do you know this? How did you see this?” Adrienne questioned the Empress, her disbelief still needed to be conquered.

“Adrienne, I have my spies as well. There is one that has been with Shamus from the beginning. I will not reveal him until Shamus has been captured, not to anyone until the time is just right. But take this to be true. All of the images that I have revealed to you now have happened as they have occurred on the fields of battle. I warn you that the images are extreme and disturbing but nothing compared to what would happen if Shamus were to be victorious.” Eloise was direct and to the point.

Eloise turned and waved her hand across the ceiling. As her hand passed across the arc of the dome, the images continued to appear. There was the attack on Parmesis and Charnac. Even Ben and Lucy appeared in the vision. The fire and destruction of Charnac’s house. Shamus’s glee at the capture of Charnac. Then images then flashed to a village where the Terrordons were attacking. The villagers were defenseless. Adrienne cried as the villagers were killed and eaten by the Terrodons. The men and women. Even the small children were swallowed whole.

“Do not turn your eyes away. You must see Shamus as he really is.” Eloise commanded Adrienne to watch.

The young girl cowered and yet kept her eyes upon the images. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. Then he demeanor began to change. Anger and hate began to rise. She had been tricked and led astray by this demon. As the images raged on, her hands became clenched fists of rage. Adrienne began to shake. Eloise passed her hands across the arc again and the images vanished.

“Enough, you have seen what this man has done and now you realize that we must defeat him.”

“Yes, he is evil. What can I do?” Adrienne was won over.

“You must reach out to him and tell him what we are doing here.”

“What? He will know that we are going to get Charnac.”

“Precisely. He must realize that he needs to act quickly. If he does not think his actions through enough, he will begin to make mistakes and allow openings to appear.”

“Continue to feed him the status, he must know that the others are now away. Do not let him know that the twins are in the rescue party for Charnac. He must think they are still here otherwise he will go after them. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yes, I can leave that little fact out.” Adrienne smiled

“Good.” Eloise gave Adrienne a small hug and left her in the big room. Eloise needed to plan for the assault about to take place.

Charnac made his way up the stairs.

“I hear you moving about down there. I warned you to stay put.” Sylvester yelled down to his captive.

Sylvester thought that this human was not as bright as everyone had made him out to be. The fool could see the power of what he was capable of. Did Charnac really believe he could get the better of him? Sylvester thought this to himself.

“Sylvester, I cannot hide in the shadows any longer. I will not be a prisoner anymore.” Charnac was defiant. He wanted to raise Sylvester’s mood. If he could get Sylvester to make a mistake then he could subdue him. By the looks of the place Sylvester had removed any of the other guards. Sylvester was the only one he had to worry about. He continued to lure the large serpent toward him.

“Sylvester, I have a question for you.”

“Go on human.”

“So why do you follow Shamus? He will only betray you as he has everyone? Do you really trust him?”

“Ah, my human plaything. You should know me better. Shamus is a fool as well. I do not answer to him. Maybe you have a misunderstanding of what has happened here. Shamus does not know I am in control here. He thinks his men are guarding you. The fool!”

This news surprised Charnac. Why then is Sylvester here and allowing him to be alive. Something else is on Sylvester’s agenda.

“So if you are not working for Shamus, then who do you work for?”

“I work for no one!”

“Then why do you keep me as your prisoner?”

“You are bait my good human pet.” Sylvester chuckled as he said this.

“Why do you laugh?”

“You are so simple minded my pet. The boy that comes to rescue you is what I seek.”

Charnac had made his way up the stairs and was now a few steps away from the landing where Sylvester was waiting. Charnac reached into his pocket. The object was still there. He pulled it out and looked at it. He was not sure he could make it work properly, he had to take a chance. He just wanted to find out more about why Sylvester needed the boy. Was there something he was missing.

“Sylvester, I am close now are you prepared to stop me?”

“Ha ha, Stop you?”

“Where are you willing to go?”

“Back to Eloise and the lake.”

“You will be too late to reach them. Shamus will have destroyed her little Kingdom by then. You will have to go around the mountain. There is no way through the mountain unless you use the door of Isar. Miwa still guards the tunnels and you will never get past her. ”

“That is a legend, she no longer lives. ”

“Oh my dear pet. She is alive and well. I have seen her recently.”

“What, are you friends with Miwa? I don’t believe you and your lies.”

“Pity your friends. Miwa and I are kindred spirits. We have an agreement. She will bring me the boy. The others she will kill and eat.”

“Why do you need the boy?”

“He has something that I need to get from him.”

“What would that be?”

“Oh my dear pet that I will not tell you until you are on the verge of death.”

“Well then maybe I can hear now!” Charnac yelled.

At this Charnac charged Sylvester. The attack surprised the great serpent. This was what Charnac wanted. Sylvester’s hesitancy was what he needed. As he charged Sylvester, Charnac held a small globe in his hands outstretched toward the snake. Suddenly the globe shined brightly. The flash of light blinded the snake. Sylvester struck out where Charnac was. Charnac sidestepped the serpent’s thrust, his fangs missing by a few inches. Charnac then blew a chalky mist into the serpent’s face. Sylvester breathed in and suddenly felt his senses deaden. He knew immediately that he was drugged.

“You fool!” Sylvester yelled.

Soon Sylvester fell sleeping before Charnac. Charnac knew he now had a few hours before the great snake would awaken. He needed to find something that Shamus had and then get away from the castle. Eloise would soon be in trouble, if not already. Charnac made his way up the remaining stairs and into the great hall. As he suspected no one was around. He was pleased and relieved for himself but also he knew Shamus must be on his way to Raspor. Charnac had to hurry, as he made his way through the castle he gathered food, he was hungry but did not have time to stop. Shamus would never think to protect such a insignificant item. Charnac only worried that Shamus had thrown the object away.

Charnac made his way to the top of the castle. Doors were unlocked and things were thrown about. Had Shamus left it this way? If so his ambition was getting the best of him and he would make mistakes. Charnac smiled to himself.

“You greedy fool”. Charnac said out loud.

He swung open Shamus’s door. Into the bed chambers of the evil one Charnac stepped. He was cautious. Shamus would have something set as a trap. He may be blinded by his desires but he also was a prisoner of his own fears. The most cruel leaders often knew they could trust no one. Would Shamus trust himself if he was in his shoes? Charnac thought not. As Charnac made his way across the room and travel deeper into the chamber the air grew heavy and cold.

Charnac thought to himself. “Even the air is strangled in this place.”

His eyes scanning the room, Charnac soon saw what he was looking for. Just as he had thought. Shamus left it unguarded and out in the open. Before he could grasp it Charnac felt a twinge in his shoulder. He had been shot. The room was in fact trapped and Charnac had just been hit with a drugged dart. He just hoped it was not poison. His last thoughts before darkness fell on him.

Roscoe continued to lead the way through the tunnels. The passage way grew tighter and Growler was finding the way harder and harder to squeeze through. Lucy was worried that Growler would not make it through the tunnels. Her concern was plastered on her face.

“Don’t worry Lucy, we will be ok. I can navigate through any passage way. I am the best in all of the kingdom.” Roscoe bragged.

“I am worried for Growler. The caves are getting tighter and tighter, soon he will not be able to fit through and we will have to leave him.”

“Maybe not, look ahead. More light and the opening is much larger.”

Roscoe was right. The cavern was now opening up into another large room. The team slowed down and took their time approaching the room. Roscoe called for Max to join him up front. Max made his way to the front, squeezing past Lucy.

“Ok Max, we need your nose once again. See if you can smell anything. I want to make sure we don’t have another surprise here.”

“I can sing again.” Baggy smiled. He wanted his comment to loosen things up.

“Somehow I think that will not be needed for this challenge.”

“Challenge, what do you mean?” Lucy asked,

“It appears that the passage to the Door of Isar has many challenges to overcome.” Roscoe reasoned that the tunnels were different levels of a puzzle.

“We will figure them out, this will be fun.” Ben added.

“Oh my young one, we must make sure not to fall to any of them.” Roscoe warned.

“Well my friend do you smell anything?” He turned to Max

Max barked.

“All clear,” Ben translated.

Before Ben could step inside Roscoe grabbed him.

“Not so fast.”

Roscoe pointed to the opposite wall. Again skeleton remains were littered around the far wall. Roscoe’s eyes scanned the walls. Nothing.

Each member of the party took a glance to see the room. All had taken a look except for Pierre. His eyesight was keen and sharp. His adapt hunting skills and stealth nature were reliant on his ability to see the smallest of details. Pierre now scanned the room. Everything looked normal and everything appeared to have not moved in quite some time. Then he saw it.

“I got it.” Pierre exclaimed.

“Ben and Lucy, can one of you pull out something in your magical packs for me?”

“Sure” Ben was the first.

“I will need a blow dart and gun”.

Ben reached into his bag and focused on the item. This was the first time he was this specific with his request. He felt around and nothing. He looked puzzled. He reached his arm out and to everyone surprise there was nothing.

“Lucy, you try your bag” Pierre requested.

“Maybe we should ask for what we need and not a specific item. The bag usually brings something different than what you are looking for but always something that works.” At this she confidently reached in. She felt around and again as Ben had found the pack was empty.

“Looks like your magic does not work in this cave.” Joliet added.

“Maybe if you told us what you are thinking we can figure something out as well.” Joliet questioned Pierre.

“Ok, look over at that ledge.” Pierre pointed across the room on the right.

“So, what is your point?”

“Well if I could get a better look, I think that ledge is not a ledge but part of a creature.”


“Follow the ledge down to the floor. Just at the bottom, there is a rock half covered. At first I thought that was just the way the stone had been created, but as you watch the small rock edge actually moves.”

Joliet stared at the floor and soon she was rewarded. The stone did ever so slightly move.

“He is right. But what kind of creature is that?”

“If I am not mistaken, it is a Sledgtonig”. Pierre turned to Growler.

“I am I right, could this be?” Pierre’s eye fell upon Growler.

Growler did not answer right away. His face was tense and everyone knew he was concentrating. Growler would be the expert on this kind of ancient creature. Pierre knew that Growler had one of the ancient books once. Ben and Lucy had also seen this back in Growler’s house.

“If it is, then we will have to think about what to do. A blow dart would only bother it like a flea.” Growler sneered at Pierre.

“Ben and Lucy, try once again to search your packs. Now that we know what this is then we can concentrate on the solution more precisely.”

Ben immediately reached into his bag first. His hand felt around and he was beginning to get discouraged. As he was pulling his hand out, he felt something fill the bag. At first it started small and then it kept growing. The object starting pushing out of the pack. As the object became clearer. Growler knew exactly what it was.

“Quickly, everyone come and help pull this out. We must get this away from us as soon as possible.”

The object appeared to be some sort of fruit or plant item. Lucy struggled why it was so urgent to get this piece of food away from them. Then the ground began to shake. All eyes looked toward the opening. At once there was a wall of rock, now the eyes were open and the body of this mammoth thing was now visible to all. A blob would be more akin to what this thing was.

“Hurry up, we must be away from this when the Sledgtonig comes or we will be eaten as well.”

As the last of the fruit came clear of the bag, Pierre grabbed Ben and dragged him off. Everyone else had moved themselves back into the tunnels. Ben could feel the breath of this thing on his skin. Pain pieced his body before he could yell, Pierre clasped his hands over the boys mouth.

“Try to hold it in, make no sound.” Pierre whispered into Ben’s ear. The Pain was unbearable. The cave grew dark and soon Ben was out cold. Pierre cradled the boy in his arms shielding him from the Sledgtonig.

The Sledgtonig devoured the fruit. It then let out a loud scream as if itself was being burned. Lucy peered through the tunnel opening. What she saw was amazing. Where there was once a huge stone like creature now there appeared a small elfish creature beaming with a grin from side to side. Lucy was drawn to it immediately and before anyone could stop here she was greeting the elf.

“Lucy! Stop!” Growler called to her but it was too late, she had made contact with the elf.

“It is ok.” Lucy was smiling.

“Hi there little one.” Lucy smiled at the elf.

The elf was hesitant but looked deep into Lucy’s eyes. The elf suddenly bowed down in front of Lucy. The group watched as Lucy reached down and placed her hands upon the elf’s shoulders. Suddenly the elf stood up and hugged Lucy.

“It is ok. He is safe.” Lucy said triumphantly.

“Now, what do we do with him?” Pierre questioned.

“Nothing. We let him lead us out of here.” Lucy replied.

“How? Does he speak?” Roscoe wondered.

“Yes did you not hear him?” Lucy quickly responded.

All looked puzzled. Then Lucy knew that no one else could hear the elf. She had made a connection and now the elf only communicated with her.

“He tells me that he is grateful that we freed him from the spell. He also says we must leave this place, there is great evil around here. The spirits that inhabit the mountain are ancient and are not open to new visitors to their home.” Lucy relayed the messages that the small elf sent her.

" What is his name?” asked Ben curiously.

“Lingley Fallonshire”

“Lingley?” What an interesting name.” Ben replied.

“Come on we need to keep moving. Can he help us get to the Door of Isar?” Roscoe asked.

“Yes, he says. It is just a little distance.”

“Great, let’s get moving.” Pierre was antsy. He did not like being trapped underground.

“Will Growler be able to continue?” Joliet asked.

“Lingley says yes, but just barely.” Lucy translated once again for the little elf. His manners were quick and his eyes were a fiery blue. He turned and started down the tunnel where they were headed. The communicated between Lucy and Lingley was silent but Lucy could hear him in her head.

“Hurry, we cannot lose him.” Joliet demanded. She pushed her way to the front and soon they all followed behind her as she tried to keep pace with the elf.

As they hurried through the tunnel the rocks in the hall illuminated once the elf passed. Quickly as they lit up the walls grew dark when he passed. if they lost contact with Lingley then they would be in total darkness. Ben looked back in the tunnels. Something was not right behind them and he did not want to linger. Ahead the tunnels led to the left, then to the right. Up a steady incline then back down. They came upon multiple tunnels, but without hesitation, Lingley led them through.

Paddy was woken up by his companion’s movement. Miwa was now awake and looking at her new friend. Paddy smiled at her. Her eyes were large and green. Gentleness appeared throughout her eyes, the bond between the two was now strong and growing. Miwa leaned forward and nuzzled Paddy. Her size and strength was still powerful to Paddy and she easily knocked him a few yards.

“Steady girl.”

The big creature closed her eyes and Paddy imagined a smile that grew upon her face. He felt safe, really truly safe for the first time in a long time. He could get used to this. Suddenly Miwa stood up. Something alerted her. She moved toward the tunnels. Paddy reached for her.

“Hey girl. What about me?”

Miwa turned to Paddy. Her eyes were caring and gentle. She bent down and allowed him to climb onto her back. Paddy grabbed onto her scales. The ones near her neck were small enough that he could get a good grip. Once he was settled on her Miwa rose into the air. Quickly she was moving through the tunnel and rising up.

In moments the two were through the opening in the tunnel and Paddy could see the sunlight. His eyes scanned the skies. He had never been this high before and the world looked totally different, but he had this feeling before. In his dream. Soon Miwa was flying over the land and he could see the mountains stretch in front of him. Paddy was unafraid for one of the first times in his life.

Miwa suddenly turned to the left. Then the big dragon let out a screeched that almost knocked Paddy off of her. The volume was so loud he could barely stop himself from covering his ears. The screeched was then answered from the distance. It was a different pitch. Paddy was now not feeling as safe as he had thought moments earlier. Why had he grabbed Miwa? He should have let here go. The ancient creature now sped up. The wind was cold against Paddy’s face he held on with all his might. Where Miwa was going was not exactly where Paddy wanted to go. It was too late to let go, and he was too high!

Soon Paddy could hear other noises, the noises that must have attracted Miwa. Paddy looked up from his cowering position. His curiosity was now stronger than his fear. He was amazed at what he saw. Terrordons flying below. Paddy was now concerned that Miwa was going to get caught by the Terrordons. There must have been at least twenty. They had not seen Miwa yet. Their focus was on something else. Paddy watched as Miwa herself stayed above the flying demons, she was watching them as well.

Paddy watched as the Terrordons circled and repeated their path back and forth. Suddenly Miwa dove down. He almost fell off before he caught hold of her again. Paddy was now more afraid than ever. Was she going to attack them? The air blew through Paddy’s hair. He gripped tighter to Miwa. He closed his eyes awaiting the confrontation. It never came. Miwa landed gently on the ground. Paddy opened his eyes. They were in a clearing. Miwa knelt down and laid her head on the ground. A small sound came from within her. Paddy understand that she wanted him to get off. He slide down her back and landed gently on the ground.

Where were they? He looked around. Nothing seemed different than any other clearing. Then as he was turning to look back at Miwa he saw it. There in behind the trees there was a house. Miwa nudged Paddy toward the house. He stepped forward, pulling the branches from his path. The house came further into view. It was not large. A stone structure hidden away in the woods. Paddy nervously stepped toward the door. It was a thick wooden door, aged through many years of weather. Just as he was about to knock the door slowly opened from within. Paddy could not see anything beyond the door. He turned back toward Miwa. The large creature’s eyes were big and bright. Miwa’s love for Paddy shone through. He could trust her. He turned and stepped through the door. An elderly woman greeted Paddy.

“Oh, well hello there sir.” The elderly woman’s voice cracked as she spoke. The years had definitely had built up inside her.

“Um, I am Paddy. I am sorry to intrude upon you but Miwa has brought me here. I assume that you know her.” At this Paddy turned to point at Miwa. She was not there. Paddy searched the skies but there was no sign of her. He was concerned that Miwa had left him with this old woman and now how did this look?

“Oh don’t worry about the old girl. She wanted to leave us alone. She probably is getting some food right about now.” The old woman laughed at this which made Paddy unsettled.

“Now come on in and let me take a look at you. Miwa does not bring many guests to the house.” Paddy entered the old house.

As he stepped over the threshold a chill went down his spine. Something was not right but what could this old woman do to him anyway. He shrugged off the feeling and followed the woman into the house. The house was small and the ceiling was low. He had to hunch over to walk under the support beams. The house was sparse but clean. Paddy wondered how long this woman had lived in the house.

“Come over here and sit at the table with me. I will make you something, you look hungry and a good cup of tea will warm you up as well. heh heh he.” The old woman was getting quite a good laugh at Paddy.

Paddy wondered what made her so happy, probably a little stir crazy living out here alone. He followed her to the small table in the room. The wooden chair creaked as he sat down. The house was filled with the aroma of vanilla and flowers. He followed the old woman with his eyes as she made her way over to the kitchen area. Paddy noticed there were 2 doors at the opposite end of the room from the front door. They were perhaps the bedroom and the bathroom, he hoped. The walls were lined with tapestries hung from hooks in the ceiling. The pictures on the cloth were worn out and faded. Nothing of great interest. Flowers and trees growing in a forest. Paddy’s eyes turned away from the tapestries. A fire was burning in the small stone fireplace positioned in the center of the room. The only heat in the place radiating from there.

“Do you live here alone?” Paddy asked nervously. He wanted Miwa to return.

“Oh, yes. Have been for years. After my daughter left. I was quite alone. Miwa has visited me often.” The old woman replied.

“Where did your daughter go? ”

“She made a decision to fly off in pursuit of happiness.”

“Did she find it?” Paddy was wondering what the daughter had gone after. As he looked around, he thought maybe the girl left to find something more than just a small shack to live in.

“I think she has finally found the one thing that will make her happy.” The elderly woman smiled at Paddy.

“So you have made contact with her?”

“Oh yes she may have left this life behind, but she still visits me.”

Paddy looked about the house but there was no evidence that anyone else had been in the place lately. The house had the look when old people retreat into their world and leave the rest of us alone. No reason to pick up things such as clothes and books, etc. Paddy wondered if the old woman had lost her senses and only wished that her daughter had visited.

“What is you daughters’s name?”

“Oh my dear boy you will discover that all in good time.” She rejected Paddy’s question as if it was some slight joke.

“Let’s get you that cup of tea.” She motioned him to sit down.

Paddy searched the walls and furniture for any sign of this old woman’s daughter. Perhaps there was a photo or something. Paddy had almost given up his search when he noticed above the fireplace on the mantel a small frame. He stood up and moved toward it.

“Now where are you going young man? Looking for me money, perhaps.” She cackled.

“Oh no mam, I was wanting to get a better look at the photo on the mantel. May I?”

“Oh of course. That is my daughter before she made her choice.”

Paddy reached for the frame and as he looked into the portraits eyes something familiar registered. He had seen those eyes before, but where?

“Where did your daughter go?”

“Oh she left for the mountains.” The old woman answered with a short response. Something was not being revealed, Paddy thought to himself.

“Here you go dear boy. Your tea. Please drink it up. I made this especially for you. Miwa would want you to drink this.” The old woman smile a most discomforting smile. What was she up to? thought Paddy.

Paddy slowly took a sip of the tea. It was sweet and delicious. Fruity with a hint of honey. One taste demanded another. Soon Paddy had swallowed the entire cup. Quickly he gave the cup back for a refill.

“You should slow down young man and have some food with that. Perhaps one of these cookies?” She handed Paddy a tray with two cookies. Plump and covered with some kind of sweet liquid resembling honey once more, except the color was off. This sticky sweet, delicious substance was a fluorescent yellowish green. He took a bite. The cookie melting in his mouth. The cookie exploded with flavors. Fruity lemon-lime, mango, passionfruit. Paddy devoured the first and even before the woman approved his taking the second it was already down his throat. She poured the second cup of tea and Paddy sucked the cup dry.

“Well you must have like my concoction.” The old women said to Paddy with an evil smile. Something was definitely not right with this woman.

“Yes, very much so.” Paddy tried to be nice. His desire for Miwa to return was growing each time he had to look at the old woman.

“Oh, well I am sorry but that is all I had on hand. I am sure it will be enough.”

“Sorry to forget my manners but the tastes were so delicious and inviting. I had to have more.”

“Oh that is quite alright young man. I am sorry I did not have more. Please come sit down over here on the sofa. You look tired and need to rest.”

The old woman was right he did feel tired all of a sudden. He quickly made himself comfortable in the chair and soon he was fast asleep. The old woman looked down upon Paddy.

“Miwa will be so happy.” She cackled loudly.

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