Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 19 Connection

The light filled the room. Lucy covered her eyes. Her eyes had not yet adjusted themselves after she awoke.

“Ha Ha Ha. Little one, I fear you would sleep all day if left alone.” Growler bellowed out his amusement at the little girl.

“Time to get up Lucy. Paddy has created a wonderful breakfast. It would be rude to sleep through it.” Maddie added.

“Oh, yes I am starving.” Lucy could not keep her excitement in check. She bolted out of the bed still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“Oh come sit over here.” Paddy requested.

Paddy pulled a small bench over to his small dining table. Lucy nearly dropped at the site of all the danish and breads that filled the table. Lucy could not image that Paddy had time to bake all of these before now. Had she slept that long? She began to wonder how long she had actually ben asleep.

“Where did you get all of this?” Lucy exclaimed.

“Well you were out quite a long time. I went into town and gathered these from the bakery. The best in all of the valley.” Paddy was pleased with himself.

Lucy looked at the pastries. She breathed in the aromatic scents. The fresh bakery smell reminded her of her home. The feelings welled up inside like a flood, the tears began to flow. She ran to bathroom.

“Lucy!, What happened” cried Paddy.

“It’s ok. She must be missing her home and her brother.” responded Mattie, trying to make Paddy feel ok.

“She has held up wonderfully.” added Growler. “That girl has the inner strength that most men could not dream of having.”

“Remember she is still a little girl.” Mattie struggled to get up, Paddy lending a hand to escort her to the bathroom as well.

“I got it now, thank Paddy.” with that Mattie glanced over to Growler giving him an evil eye for not helping her up.

Mattie made her way to the bathroom door. She paused, listening for Lucy. Lucy was still crying.

“Lucy, can I come in?” Mattie asked quietly.

“Yes. Of course” Lucy actually wanted Mattie to be with her. She needed her mother but Mattie would do for now.

Lucy opened the door and Mattie threw her arms around the child. Lucy squeezed Mattie tightly. The young girl gave herself to Mattie as if she were her own mother. The time being away from Ben and the days away from home now flooded Lucy. It overwhelmed her. She let it all out in the arms of Mattie. Mattie was taken back by the sheer intensity of the moment. She could barely breathe herself. Not knowing what to say she held her tongue waiting for Lucy to stop. Tears were welling up in the gentle giant as well. The poor girl gripped Mattie in her arms. The tears flowing down her cheeks began to soak through Mattie’s sleeve. Having never had children, this outflow of emotions was overwhelming for Mattie, she began to cry as well. The two held together crying in unison. Growler heard the two but did not say a word. He tried to distract himself and Paddy.

“Paddy, this breakfast is wonderful. I want to thank you for your hospitality.”

“Don’t mention it. Anyone who is a friend of Mattie’s is a friend of mine.” Paddy was relishing the company.

“Friend? I am more than that I will remind you.” Growler blurted out. -

“Uh I didn’t mean anything.” Paddy feared not to get Growler upset. Paddy shied away.

Realizing that his jealousy got the best of him, Growler quickly put his large paw around Paddy’s neck. This did not at all lessen Paddy’s fears but instead made him tense even more. Growler quickly removed his hand and Paddy stepped back away from the huge man.

“Paddy, we will need to be getting on with our trip now. Can you tell us the way?”

“Oh, I will do more than that. I will accompany you to the other side of town and get you on the right path.

Images began to swirl in Ben’s mind. From the total darkness now images of Charnac appeared through a haze of smoke. The images were distance as if Ben were watching from a distant vantage point out of the view of the people he saw. Ben winched. Charnac was chained to a stone wall. The old man had both arms retrained above his head. He was a prisoner. Ben concentrated on the image, the haze began to lift and as it did Ben could see that Charnac was in some kind of dungeon. Now Ben could hear the dripping of water, as if in a cave. The light that was barely present flickered from a nearby candle or torch. Ben tried to move about the room to what else he could see but as Charnac was chained so it seemed he was as well. The view was coming from another person who was a prisoner as well chained to the wall next to Charnac. Ben could sense danger and fear in the dungeon. Abruptly light flooded his eyes. The images were now gone but he still had a sense of being restrained. He tried to move but then he felt the grip tighten. Ben slowly began to see images. There in front of him was the face of a giant serpent.

“Ah, my victim is waking up. So nice to have fresh meat.”

Ben focused on the eyes of Sylvester. He concentrated. He began to try to freeze the snake as he did in the tunnel.

“Oh, don’t bother trying that trick again my little snack. As you can see we are outside in the brilliant sun. I want to thank you for flushing us out of that dark forest.” Sylvester said with a lisp and a flick of his tongue.

“Let me go you overgrown gardner snake!”

“Oh my what nerve! You think you could possibly scare me little snack?”

“You are a coward!”

“How so?”

“You attacked me when I was knocked out.”

“MMM, so you think that if I loosened my grip that you would be able to defend yourself against me?” Sylvester nearly chuckled at saying this with the little human.

“Yes, you coward!”

“Why should I release such a tender snack, when it is so close to my belly?”

“Don’t you want a snack that goes down easy instead of causing you heartburn?” Ben responded quickly. Ben looked at his surroundings. When they were flushed out of the snake’s lair, they all had landed in a huge bush. Ben now saw that it contained berries and soft leaves which must have broken their fall. Ben finally saw Baggy and Max. Both lay in a heap under the body of Sylvester.

“Oh don’t worry about them. They will be more like the full meal. I thought I would start with an appetizer first.” Sylvester grinned at Ben as a snake might do if it could smile at its prey.

“This might be fun to play with you a little before enjoying the feast.” At this Sylvester loosened his grip on Ben. Ben stood in his spot. Then as Sylvester was about to swallow him whole Ben crossed his arms to shield himself. This exposed his arms directly to Sylvester’s view. The snake froze.

“What now pompous one?” Ben quick egged his enemy.

“Where did you get those?” asked Sylvester. Sylvester was now staring at Ben’s arm bands. Ben had forgotten about them. He now looked at them for the first time as well.

“Now!” came the call from Baggy. Before Sylvester could strike Max and Baggy were upon him. The two tore at the giant snakes throat, ripping huge gashes. Blood began to spurt out covering Ben completely. Sylvester looked deep into Ben’s eyes, appealing to him. It was too late, the surprise attack was successful as Sylvester’s blood flowed out. Ben tried to breathe but only could swallow the blood. As Sylvester fell down his fangs shot out and pieced Ben’s right thigh. Pain seared through him. The snake’s final act began to paralyze Ben, his body collapsed, feeling drained out of his legs and continued throughout his body. Ben blacked out.

“Ben!” Max cried out. The boy lay motionless covered in the blood of Sylvester. Baggy and Max stood motionless.

Lucy screamed in pain.

“Lucy, dear what is wrong?” Mattie asked.

“My leg” Lucy spoke before passing out.

Mattie looked at her legs. The left one was ok, then she stopped and froze when she saw the right leg. How could this be? She quickly looked around the room. Nothing was in the room.

“Growler, come quick. Now!”

“Yes, dear.”

“Now!!” Mattie voice bellowed her fear.

Growler knew this was not good. When Mattie used this voice he knew something was bad. Panic swelled up inside him. He ran to the bathroom, as he swung the door open, his fears were realized. Before Growler was the limp body of Lucy.

“Quickly, take her out of here.”

“You can lay her on my bed.” Paddy suggested. Growler carried Lucy to Paddy’s bed and gently laid her down.

“What happened?” Growler questioned.

“She looks to have been bitten, but there was nothing in the room.” Mattie answered, panic filled her voice.

“Bitten? How?” Paddy questioned then ran to the bathroom to search for the culprit.

“Growler, this is serious. I have seen this type of bite before. We need to get Mondoberries.” Mattie added.

“Why? What caused this?”

“No time to explain right now just go and get them quickly. They should be growing near the river.” Mattie was quickly thinking now. Her brain speeding quickly.

“Yes dear.” Growler quickly exited the house and ran to the river. Mondoberries as he knew were powerful and for Mattie to ask for these must mean that the venom in Lucy was as powerful as well. His fear grew.

“Paddy, come here. I need your help.” Mattie was now in full control.

“Yes, Mattie what do you need?”

“First I need a large bowl. When Growler returns with Mondoberries.”

“Mondoberries? Why?”

“No time right now, just get the bowl, some of the juice. Any juice will suffice and some of the wild Asper flowers I saw by your walk. We will need to make a mixture and spread it on the wound as well as make her drink it. Now move!” Mattie commanded.

Paddy scrambled to the kitchen, returned with the bowl and the jar of grape juice. He then went outside and began to gather the flowers of the Asper plant. The brightly colored flowers were often used in medicine mixtures by the ancient tribes of Mattie’s village. Paddy had heard stories, but never trusted them. At this point he knew not to question Mattie. When she was this concentrated he knew not to mess with her.

Mattie opened up Lucy’s dress to expose her leg. The wound had already begun to turn blue. Mattie was deeply concerned that the venom was starting to move within Lucy. She was getting nervous. What was taking Growler so long. Paddy returned with the Asper flowers.

“Quickly Paddy we will need to grind those up into a powder. Get some fresh water as well.” Mattie was giving the orders out like a taskmaster. No room for discussions. Paddy handed the bowl to Mattie with the flowers. She began to work on the flowers, grinding them as best she could. Paddy returned with the water. Mattie continued with the flowers, grinding them into a fine powder, she then add some water. She then began to apply the paste to Lucy’s wound. Lucy’s body jumped in pain.

“Hold her down. Where the hell is Growler!”

Paddy held Lucy firmly. The little girl writhed in pain. This was tearing Paddy apart to see the little girl like this. Just then Growler burst in.

“Finally!” Mattie exclaimed. Growler rushed into the bedroom. Mattie grabbed the Berries and threw them in the bowl with the paste. She did not make any more sounds as she quickly went to work grinding the berries up.

“Hold her mouth open.”

“Do you think this is wise?” Growler asked. Mattie ignored him and brought the bowl to Lucy’s lips. Lucy coughed as the concoction flowed into her mouth.

“Hold her, she needs this or she will die!”

Growler increased the force with which he held Lucy. The little girl fought the medicine at first then relaxed as the juice flowed into her body. She relaxed her entire body and drank the juice down. The medicine immediately began to affect her.

“Ok, we can now let her sleep. We will have to keep constant eye on her.” Mattie was still commanding the men.

“Now can you tell us what happened.” Growler asked.

“Yes, I am sorry for my rudeness. She has been bitten by Sylvester.”

“How?” Paddy jumped and began to look around.

“Where?” Paddy was now petrified with fear. Sylvester was known throughout the area.

“I don’t know how but I have seen this wound before and there is no mistaking the affects of his bite.”

“But how. We would see him. By now he would be as big as the house itself.”

“I don’t know how but as you can see it has happened.”

“How do you know this?” Growler questioned his wife.

Mattie began to explained that back in her village Sylvester had begun his life.

“There was once this girl named Heather.” Mattie began her story as the three sat around Lucy.

“She was the daughter of Jacob Conlinson. He was a single parent as his wife had died of fever when Heather was very young. Jacob had raised Heather by himself. The girl was 14 years old and was often alone while Jacob worked as a trapper and hunter collecting his game that he trapped in the woods. Heather would often clean the hides and skins of the prey. Even though they were trappers and killed animals for a living, Jacob always taught his daughter to respect nature and that they would only kill animals for what they needed. They often had small pets around the place. Heather had a way of relating to the animals often spending more time with them than with other humans. In the village the rest of the children remained distant to the Conlinsons.” Mattie paused and took a drink of water.

“So how did Sylvester come about? We don’t have all day.” Growler was anxious since Lucy had been ill.

“Now, dear patience. Lucy is sleeping well now and all we can do is wait. I am getting to where Sylvester comes into the mix.” Mattie responded while also trying to ease Growler’s concerns.

“Let’s see, where was I?”

“The other children did not play with Heather.” Paddy quickly added.

“Oh, yes. Well, often Heather would play by the river. She loved the fish and often watched the smaller animals around the banks. The frogs, rabbits, turtles and such. During the summer months the river was alive with activity. This is when the few snakes that lived in the area would come out and sun themselves on the flat rocks. Heather would be very patient while she watched them. She began to get closer and closer to the snakes before they would run from her. She was fascinated by these creatures.” Mattie turned and took a quick glance at Lucy. She remained sleeping calmly. Mattie continued her story.

“One day Heather watched a young snake move about the rocks. As she watched, the snake appeared to look directly into her eyes. Something clicked, the two communicated without a word. The snake did not move as Heather moved toward him. She began to touch him and the snake slithered into her hands.” Paddy cringed.

“At this point Sylvester was no more than the length of a common garden snake. Heather did not realize that this snake had just been born on this day, he appeared to be a few months old already. This snake was not your normal snake as we all know. The venom inside him was magical for he was born in a magical time and place. If Heather had seen his birth she would have stayed away. It is said that when he was born he ate all his siblings. His appetite was far more intense than any snake had ever been.”

“What happened to her, did he attack her then?” Paddy was anxious to hear more. Mattie smiled then continued.

“Funny thing about this girl, it truly seemed as if Sylvester had feelings for her. He did not attack her. Yet”, Mattie added with a exaggerated pause. This made Paddy

“Heather brought the little snake home with her. The next few weeks she kept the snake inside. Her father was not completely happy with the situation but allowed her to keep him since she seem so attached to him. His first mistake.” Mattie gave a sorrowful look.

“As the weeks continued, Heather named the snake Sylvester and as the time progressed so did the size of this snake at an alarming rate. Jacob began to have concerns as the snake was quickly growing to two, three and even four feet long within no time. Heather was now catching small animals to feed Sylvester. She did not seem to notice as she adored the snake and it seemed that the snake adored her. She would not go anywhere without him. The villagers began to be concerned as more and more of their small animals would go missing.” Mattie stopped and went checked on Lucy.

“How could Jacob allow this creature to be in his home?” Growler asked Paddy.

“Love can cloud anything. His little girl was happy and he wanted to only see that.” Mattie chimed in.

Paddy understood, not from his own children for he had never been married but his mother had loved him and his father dearly. His mother would overlook his father’s nature and often accepted things until it was too late. Paddie’s father had been a thief and trickster. His father kept this from her for years until she caught him trying to steal a neighbor’s money pot. The two had a terrible fight and his father accidentally stabbed her. The blow was fatal and she died in his arms. Paddy’s father had truly loved her but since that day he ran off never to be seen again. Paddy was left to be cared for by his aunt Claudia. She was kind but not too intelligent. She had raised Paddy with love and affection. Claudia too had never married and Paddy soon became her world. Paddy loved his Aunt as dearly as anyone could.

“Sylvester grew and grew.” Mattie started back up. “This began to concern Jacob and he eventually told Heather that Sylvester must sleep outside at night. Heather was heartbroken, but she would sneak him back in at night after her father had fallen asleep. She taught Sylvester to leave at dawn so her father would not know he was in the house. This continue for a few weeks until one night Jacob went to see his daughter during the night. As he opened the bedroom door he saw Sylvester leave through a trap door under her rug.” Mattie shook her head.

“The next day Jacob confronted Heather about Sylvester and he sealed the trap door shut. Sylvester tried to come back but the door was solid. He had to stay outside that night. That was a deadly turn of events.” Mattie paused and took a breath. Growler and Paddy were now on edge.

“This is when Sylvester’s evil nature began to take hold. This night Sylvester roamed the village. He missed Heather and could not understand why she was keeping him out. He became angry and as he was roaming, his route took him past the local tavern. Luck, bad luck would have it that Chester Peterson was just leaving the bar.” Mattie face was now sad and crestfallen. She continued her story.

“Chester was a kind hearted soul but he could not control his drink. Sylvester was slithering by the road when Chester burst out of the bar, happy as can be. As he stumbled home their paths would cross. Chester’s winding path home came upon Sylvester. Chester, who was a kind hearted soul, went to pet Sylvester and tripped and fell on the snake. In a moment of defensive reaction Sylvester bit Chester. The snake’s venom coursed through Chester. Chester’s blood flowed back into Sylvester and this is when he first tasted human blood. Sylvester soon became drunk with the blood and the alcohol that was within Chester. Sylvester could not stop himself. He drew more and more blood from Chester and at the same time Chester received more venom. Sylvester got his fill and soon left Chester alone by the road. Chester, the poor man had been fatally wounded. He would however not die suddenly, but slowly and painfully.” Mattie closed her eyes, she swallowed.

Mattie’s eyes opened with tears in them. She first looked at Growler, then to Paddy. She took a deep breath and then continued.

“If Chester had died quickly then that would have been merciful. However he did not.” Mattie face was filled with pain.

“The venom that Sylvester had begun to generate was a powerful unique venom. Chester’s body began to change. Scales began to form around his wound, similar to what Lucy had earlier.” Growler eyes widened.

“Lucy’s wound has begun to restore itself to normal, so I am not as concerned.” Mattie tired to comfort them.

“Chester’s wound would not stop changing. In fact his entire body would change.” Mattie now paused and took a drink of juice herself. Growler and Paddy kept their focus on Mattie waiting for her to continue.

“You see Sylvester’s venom is unique in that each victim’s body is transformed. The venom takes the characteristics of the previous victim and affects the new victim. Since Sylvester had been fed by Heather for all this time, no one ever realized this until this night. Chester’s body was found in the morning. Not as he had been but it was Chester however. The body had morphed into a pile of scales with bits of rabbit fur. His head remained the same as it had been with Chester’s face contorted, leaving it to show the pain that Chester had gone through. It was horrible. ” Mattie stopped. She closed her eyes. The image in here mind caused her great pain.

“Go on Mattie, what happened next?” Paddy was anxious now to hear the story continue. Mattie looked at her husband for strength. Growler smiles at here and squeezed her hand for comfort. She was now ready to proceed.

“The next victim was even worse. As I said the next victim would take on the characteristics of the previous victim.” Paddy swallowed hard but never moved his eyes from Mattie.

“The next day Sylvester and Heather were out in her yard playing when a neighbor’s dog made its way toward Heather’s house.” Paddy closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

“Yes, Paddy that is what happened. The dog came too close and began to sniff Sylvester. Sylvester reacted and struck out at the dog. The poor dog yelped in pain, Heather turned and hit Sylvester. No, she yelled at Sylvester and before Sylvester could think he reacted and bit Heather. She fell to the ground as the dog had earlier. Sylvester slithered away, scared that he had attacked Heather. The dog and the girl laid in the yard motionless. Soon the venom began to take affect. The dog which was bitten first began to morph into the form of the previous victim. Which had been Chester. The scales also formed around the wound, the body twisted and mutated, the dog yelped in pain as his body transformed. The internal organs burst, the creature bled to death from inside.” Growler looked over at Lucy, concern flooded inside.

“Jacob heard the dog yelping as he came running from the house. He froze at what he saw. The dog’s head had twisted and the face of chester was now taking shape. Two arms were now present where the dogs front legs were before.” Paddy winched. Growler swallowed. Matti continued.

“Jacob turned away from the body then realized that his daughter was lying there as well. He went to her. She did not show any signs of transformation yet. She was still breathing. He quickly took her inside of the house and began to take care of her.” Mattie paused.

“Why did she not change?” Paddy had to ask.

“She did not show any outward signs, I did not say she did not change.” Mattie added quietly.

Paddy eyes expanded at this comment. Growler shifted in his seat.

“What happened next?” Paddy asked tentatively. He was afraid of the answer but could not wait to hear what happened next.

“Heather was cared for by her father for the next few days. He never left her side. The dog’s body soon rotted and the various animals that eat dead things took care of the rest. All that was left was the bones. Human and dog.” Mattie looked at Paddy for effect.

“Heather would get better and soon came around and woke from her sleep. She was not the same unfortunately. She did not speak and when she tried she made noises similar to a dog’s whimper. When Jacob held her, she would turn her head so he would caress her head just as a dog would do. Jacob was concerned but the love for his daughter clouded his ability to see. Heather was not herself and never would be again.” Mattie stopped.

Growler looked down upon Lucy. She was sleeping peacefully. He placed a hand on her. She turned to face him and smiled in her sleep. He returned the favor. Mattie was ready to continue.

“Heather would awake but was not herself. She did not respond with the usual energy and spark of life she had before. Over the next few days Jacob would go to the market and get supplies. When he returned Heather would be sitting in a chair staring into space. One day when he returned and something tragic happened. As Jacob opened the door his lovely daughter attacked him. He fought her off by instinct. She stabbed him with a knife into his heart. The wound was fatal. Jacob shoved her away instinctively. He pulled the knife out. The blood was now running out of his body. Heather then attacked again. Ss she leapt at him he fell back raising the knife up. Heather fell onto her father and the knife. The knife pierced her heart. The two were found, daughter and father arm in arm dead in their own blood.” Mattie reached her hand out to Growler. He held her hand. Paddy looked away.

Paddy was the first to break the silence. “So the venom from Sylvester had affected her mind?”

“Yes, she was never the same again. She never returned to the little girl that she was.”

“We will see how Lucy responds to her bite.” Mattie said solemnly.

“How did Lucy get bit? Sylvester has not been in the house.” Paddy said with misbelief.

“I am not sure, but I have a fear that she was not the only one affected.” Growler added.

“I think she was affected by her brother. I am fearful that the true bite was on him.” Mattie said

“But how can that affect her?” Paddy was confused.

“Twins can have a powerful connection.” Mattie responded quickly.

“Twins! Of course.” Paddy reacted with acknowledgement.

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