Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 15 Unexpected Power

Ben and Max started out toward the Ben’s left quietly. Ben started to ask more questions but Max motioned him to remain quiet. The two began their journey through the high snow, Ben holding his sword in his hand with his backpack securely in place. No need for skis on this path. The trees and bushes were too thick and there was no more slopes. Ben had fallen to the very bottom of the valley. The mist hung in the air. Max moved through the bushes completely focused, occasionally turning around to his companion motioning him to stop. At these moments Max would sniff and turn his head up listening for any sounds, after a few moments the two would continue onward. Silently the two progressed through the valley.

Lucy started first.

“Where do we go from here?”

“I think we are save for now. I have to figure out where we are. We must get over the river.”

“What river?”

“The river Stolex”

“Stolex? Why?”

Matilde chimed in. “The White Tiger will not follow us past the river.”

“White Tiger?”

“Yes, but we can tell you the whole story once we get there. Now we must find our way there. No time to wait.” Growler ended the conversation.

Lucy reached for her backpack, as both Growler and Matilde looked on, Lucy fumbled in the bag. Searching the bag for something inside.

“What are you looking for in there?” Growler asked. The tension tight in his voice.

“Ah. There it is. THIS!” Lucy beamed with pride. She held out a scroll.

“What are we going to do with a map? We don’t know where we are on it.” Growler replied.

“Oh if I am not mistaken the map will have taken care of that.” Just as Growler was about to complain more. Matilde grabbed his arm and then pointed for him to look. Growler stopped in his tracks. There on the map was an indication of where the sled was, including a drawing of the three of them. As Growler looked further he saw his path clearly. Matilde froze and let out a gasp. Then she pointed at the map. Growler grabbed Lucy and placed her quickly on the sled. He began to push the sled again, turning it to the right. Lucy looked at the map again and there on the map was the image of the White Tiger. Just a few inches away from where they were on the map. Growler was pushing with all his might as the sled began to pick up speed. Soon the sled was once again sliding down the slope hovering a few inches above the ground.

Then the roar filled the air. There behind them crashing through the trees was the White Tiger. It paused and lifted its head in the air. Another great roar. Then the huge Tiger began after them. Lucy screamed. The sled was gaining speed suddenly twisting and turning through the trees.

“Only a short distance I would think.”Growler said trying to comfort Lucy. He had seen on the map that the river was just through the thick trees and thankfully they were on top of another slope. Lucy looked back at the map. There just through the trees a bridge was drawn. If only they could make it.

If what Growler and Matilde were saying about the White Tiger then they would be safe just as soon as they crossed it. Lucy began to direct Growler as she kept an eye on the map. Left turns then right turns. Lucy kept her arm extended for Growler. He was guiding the sled in a zig zag path so the White Tiger could not run in a straight path. The Tiger was quick but not as quick as the sled.

The branches scraped across the sled’s front. Lucy laid her head down just in time for a branch to go overhead. She heard Growler let out a sound as the branch grazed across his shoulder. He held on tightly to the sled. Another one like that and he would surely fall. They heard the Tiger crashing behind them gaining closer and closer, just a few yards away. Again the sled turned and the big cat had to go around the trees. A few yards space was gained. The cat continued and got closer again. Another turn and more space between them and the deadly beast.

Suddenly light streamed down, the trees had opened up into a field. Lucy could see the river now. Could they make it to the bridge before the Tiger caught them? She shuddered and held her head down once again. The sled was now at top speed. It was going to be a dead run. The clearing would not provide any cover. The sled burst onto the field. Only a few yards until the sled would make the bridge. The Tiger pounced out off the trees and continued after them across the field. Lucy looked back for only a few seconds, but what she saw was beautiful. The massive White Tiger was a wonder to behold, majestic it ran gracefully toward them. Her fears were pushed away by the sight. Then the Tiger opened its mouth and its gigantic teeth shocked Lucy back to reality. The cat would easily devour all of them if it caught them.

Lucy covered her face. She could not bear to look. The sled shook from side to side, a slight turn and the sled almost tipped over. The Tiger’s paws were now close enough to hear them pounding into the snow. The cat was now close enough with one final jump it would have them. The Tiger leapt its claws coming down inches from the back of Growler. The cat stumbled but quickly was up again and gaining speed for one last jump before the bridge. The Tiger jumped, its claws coming down across Growler’s back. He screamed in pain. His hands held firm to the sled.

The White Tiger gathered itself and immediately halted. It stood tall and then let out a roar that shook the valley. The sled was on the bridge and slowly coasted to a stop midway across the bridge. Growler looked back. Pain seared through his shoulder where the claws had ripped them open.


Growler’s fears had been realized. The White Tiger was not stopping. The huge feline slowly moved onto the bridge. The legend was now breaking tradition and was going past the imaginary boundary it had remain back for over one hundred years. The sled would not move and Growler knew he could not budge it with his damaged shoulder. The sled has cease to move as if bound by invisible brakes.

“You will have to run Lucy and leave us here.”

“I cannot leave you.”

“We cannot make it in time. My ankle and his shoulder. We will stay here, but you must go on.” Matilde added.

Growler turned to face the Tiger, He would make one final stand and take on the Tiger. This would give Lucy enough time to sprint across the bridge. The White Tiger would surly not follow across to the other side.

“No, I won’t leave you here to die.” Lucy now had courage in her voice. She was no longer a screaming, crying frightened little girl. Growler looked into her eyes and saw power and energy swelling up inside. An aura covered her. She began to illuminate the air around her.

The White Tiger continued slowly. He made his deadly approach cautiously. The hairs on its back standing up, preparing for the attack. Lucy fumbled in her backpack. There must be something inside to help she thought. Nothing was coming to her hands as she searched the bag. The bridge creaked under the weight of the Tiger. The Tiger crept forward, now a few yards away. It crouched. Growler standing bravely in front of his wife and adopted child. The protector against a powerful predator. The Tiger began to spring forward.

Lucy finally grabbed the an object from her backpack, She turned and thrust it into the air. A Golden Scepter. Lucy held it out toward the oncoming tiger and closed her eyes. A rush of wind and then a splash. The attacking cat never made it to the sled. Just as Lucy had held out the Scepter, a ray of light and a blast of air smashed into the Tiger propelling him over the side of the bridge. The big cat landing in the icy water. Lucy ran to the side of the bridge just in time to see the Tiger swim back to shore. The Cat then looked at Lucy. Lucy held up the Scepter again and the Tiger cowered down. Lucy waved her hand in the air. Without uttering a sound she commanded the Tiger to go back to the woods. The White Tiger turned and ran. Soon he was hidden amongst the trees.

“What an wonderful girl you are.” Growler commented. Amazed by the scene he had witnessed. His doubts were now gone. Lucy and her brother must be the twins. He resolve to met Eloise himself grew as well.

“No, it was the backpack Charnac gave us.” Lucy was downplaying her part in repelling the White Tiger.

“I hope we meet this man. His magic is very powerful.” Matilde added.

“I hope so too.” Growler joined in. He what Charnac knew about the twins.

“Now, let’s get off this bridge.” Growler added.

Growler began to heave the sled. But again no movement.

“Let me try.” Lucy climbed down off the sled and raised the Scepter.

“Get on”. She directed Growler. Growler reluctantly climbed on the sled. After what he had just seen, he no longer doubted the little girl. Lucy closed her eyes and focused on the sled. As her mind visualized the sled moving, the Scepter began to glow blue. The sled lifted off the ground. Slowly the hugs sled with Growler and Matilde onboard began to move forward.

“Lucy, you are moving us.” Matilde yelled with excitement. Growler remained quiet. He did not like the idea that Lucy was now controlling the sled and he could do little to help. His pride was injured.

Lucy opened her eyes and saw the sled slowly moving across the bridge. She walked behind it keeping her arm raised. The sled made its way across the bridge with Lucy following behind. Lucy’s thoughts were now pushing the sled along its path. As the sled approached the end of the bridge it stopped.

Lucy started looking towards the fields beyond the bridge. She saw houses with smoke rising from their chimneys. Small stone buildings placed here and there with spacious fields separating them. This was farmland. The scene was completely opposite that of the other side of the bridge where the White Tiger ruled. The scene was peaceful and quiet. As the sled came to a stop the weather had also cleared. Warm and green fields grew out from the bridge. The day was getting late and the sun had already started to set.

There at the end of the bridge was a huge sign. Lucy paused to read it. To her disappointment the sign was not legible.

“Don’t worry that has been there for a thousand years and no one around here can read that. It was written in the ancient language.“ I hope these people are friendly as they have been in the past.” Growler said looking at the house and the end of the road coming from the bridge.

“I think they are. Look at all the flowers. Someone who cares that much about flowers has a kind heart.” Lucy pointed at the various flowers lining the path that led to the front door of a small quant house. As Lucy continued behind the sled, it began to rise above the grassy land. It was now fully past the bridge. Growler was able to now relax.

“Lead us up to the front door and then I think I can walk from there.” Matilde said to Lucy.

“No problem, I think I am getting the hang of this.”

Just then the sled jolted to the side. Everyone laughed. Growler more than anyone else. The laughter was loud enough that the door to the house soon opened.

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