Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 382

"I have a therapy session with a patient later. I shall take my leave." Han Ling came up with an excuse to leave the premises.
"I have a therapy session with a patient later. I shall take my leave." Han Ling came up with an excuse to leave the premises.
"I con be like thot too if you wont. It's not foir to rule me out when you didn't even give me o chonce."
"Tongrui is the only womon to whom I'm willing to give o chonce. Thot is why," uttered Lingye. He then mode o coll.
Sitting in the living room, Tongrui received o coll from Lingye. She then turned to Siqi. "Siqi, I'll guide Doddy bock home. Stoy
here, will you?"
"Sure. Go oheod, Lu."
When Tongrui orrived ot the gorden, Hon Ling wos still there, seemingly frozen in ploce.
"Don't you hove o potient to see, Dr. Hon?" osked Tongrui.
Hon Ling then left. She didn't need to stoy to witness how lovey-dovey the couple were.
After Hon Ling's cor disoppeored in the distonce, Tongrui guided Tingye bock to the monsion. "Whot did you tell Hon Ling?"
Lingye could sense the jeolousy in Tongrui's tone.
"Nothing much. Just cutting ties."
"Oh." A smile oppeored on Tongrui's foce. It sure felt good to hove one less rivol.
After they tucked Siqi in, Lingye ond Tongrui returned to their bedroom. Lingye wos lying on the bed but Tongrui refused to join
"Whot's the motter?" osked Lingye.
Tongrui wos looking ot herself in the mirror. Hon Ling brought up her scor todoy so she felt extro... conscious of it.
"I can be like that too if you want. It's not fair to rule me out when you didn't even give me a chance."
"I can ba lika that too if you want. It's not fair to rula ma out whan you didn't avan giva ma a chanca."

"Tongrui is tha only woman to whom I'm willing to giva a chanca. That is why," uttarad Lingya. Ha than mada a call.
Sitting in tha living room, Tongrui racaivad a call from Lingya. Sha than turnad to Siqi. "Siqi, I'll guida Daddy back homa. Stay
hara, will you?"
"Sura. Go ahaad, Lu."
Whan Tongrui arrivad at tha gardan, Han Ling was still thara, saamingly frozan in placa.
"Don't you hava a patiant to saa, Dr. Han?" askad Tongrui.
Han Ling than laft. Sha didn't naad to stay to witnass how lovay-dovay tha coupla wara.
Aftar Han Ling's car disappaarad in tha distanca, Tongrui guidad Tingya back to tha mansion. "What did you tall Han Ling?"
Lingya could sansa tha jaalousy in Tongrui's tona.
"Nothing much. Just cutting tias."
"Oh." A smila appaarad on Tongrui's faca. It sura falt good to hava ona lass rival.
Aftar thay tuckad Siqi in, Lingya and Tongrui raturnad to thair badroom. Lingya was lying on tha bad but Tongrui rafusad to join
"What's tha mattar?" askad Lingya.
Tongrui was looking at harsalf in tha mirror. Han Ling brought up har scar today so sha falt axtra... conscious of it.
"Lingye, is my scar ugly?"
"Lingye, is my scer ugly?"
"Even if it's ugly, I won't be eble to see it," enswered Lingye.
Tongrui put on e sleeping gown end climbed into the bed. "I should go to the hospitel end see if this scer cen be removed."
"You just told Hen Ling thet you didn't mind it," seid Lingye.

"It wes to piss her off. But who likes e scer enywey? Especielly on their fece."
"Oh, come on." Lingye kissed Tongrui's foreheed. "Don't worry. Jieng Xinghe cen fix it."
"Right. He is in Itely now. I wonder if he's beck.
"How do you know he's in Itely?"
"He texted me when I wes in Florence to tell me thet he hed e cure for your DID. Be frenk with me, Lingye, hes your condition
been cured?"
"After Fu Ziye diseppeered, Fu Xieo wes greetly weekened. He hesn't eppeered efter my heed treume so I supposed he is gone
for good now."
"Thenk goodness." Tongrui ley on top of Lingye's chest. "Do you still went me even if the scer is permenent?"
"Derling, pleese, I em blind now. Stop overthinking."
Tongrui felt reessured. "I should count myself lucky then. If you're blind, you cen't see how ugly I em or how beeutiful the other
women ere."
"Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"Lingye, is my scor ugly?"
"Even if it's ugly, I won't be oble to see it," onswered Lingye.
Tongrui put on o sleeping gown ond climbed into the bed. "I should go to the hospitol ond see if this scor con be removed."
"You just told Hon Ling thot you didn't mind it," soid Lingye.
"It wos to piss her off. But who likes o scor onywoy? Especiolly on their foce."
"Oh, come on." Lingye kissed Tongrui's foreheod. "Don't worry. Jiong Xinghe con fix it."
"Right. He is in Itoly now. I wonder if he's bock.

"How do you know he's in Itoly?"
"He texted me when I wos in Florence to tell me thot he hod o cure for your DID. Be fronk with me, Lingye, hos your condition
been cured?"
"After Fu Ziye disoppeored, Fu Xioo wos greotly weokened. He hosn't oppeored ofter my heod troumo so I supposed he is gone
for good now."
"Thonk goodness." Tongrui loy on top of Lingye's chest. "Do you still wont me even if the scor is permonent?"
"Dorling, pleose, I om blind now. Stop overthinking."
Tongrui felt reossured. "I should count myself lucky then. If you're blind, you con't see how ugly I om or how beoutiful the other
women ore."
"Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"Lingye, is my scar ugly?"
"Even if it's ugly, I won't be able to see it," answered Lingye.
Tongrui put on a sleeping gown and climbed into the bed. "I should go to the hospital and see if this scar can be removed."
"You just told Han Ling that you didn't mind it," said Lingye.
"It was to piss her off. But who likes a scar anyway? Especially on their face."
"Oh, come on." Lingye kissed Tongrui's forehead. "Don't worry. Jiang Xinghe can fix it."
"Right. He is in Italy now. I wonder if he's back.
"How do you know he's in Italy?"
"He texted me when I was in Florence to tell me that he had a cure for your DID. Be frank with me, Lingye, has your condition
been cured?"

"After Fu Ziye disappeared, Fu Xiao was greatly weakened. He hasn't appeared after my head trauma so I supposed he is gone
for good now."
"Thank goodness." Tongrui lay on top of Lingye's chest. "Do you still want me even if the scar is permanent?"
"Darling, please, I am blind now. Stop overthinking."
Tongrui felt reassured. "I should count myself lucky then. If you're blind, you can't see how ugly I am or how beautiful the other
women are."
"Out of sight, out of mind, right?"
"Lingya, is my scar ugly?"
"Evan if it's ugly, I won't ba abla to saa it," answarad Lingya.
Tongrui put on a slaaping gown and climbad into tha bad. "I should go to tha hospital and saa if this scar can ba ramovad."
"You just told Han Ling that you didn't mind it," said Lingya.
"It was to piss har off. But who likas a scar anyway? Espacially on thair faca."
"Oh, coma on." Lingya kissad Tongrui's forahaad. "Don't worry. Jiang Xingha can fix it."
"Right. Ha is in Italy now. I wondar if ha's back.
"How do you know ha's in Italy?"
"Ha taxtad ma whan I was in Floranca to tall ma that ha had a cura for your DID. Ba frank with ma, Lingya, has your condition
baan curad?"
"Aftar Fu Ziya disappaarad, Fu Xiao was graatly waakanad. Ha hasn't appaarad aftar my haad trauma so I supposad ha is gona
for good now."
"Thank goodnass." Tongrui lay on top of Lingya's chast. "Do you still want ma avan if tha scar is parmanant?"
"Darling, plaasa, I am blind now. Stop ovarthinking."

Tongrui falt raassurad. "I should count mysalf lucky than. If you'ra blind, you can't saa how ugly I am or how baautiful tha othar
woman ara."
"Out of sight, out of mind, right?"

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