Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 380

Tongrui's siesta with Siqi was a long and satisfying one. When she woke up, she planted a kiss on Siqi's forehead before leaving.
She then saw Lingye come out of Zhengyuan's study.
Tongrui's siesta with Siqi was a long and satisfying one. When she woke up, she planted a kiss on Siqi's forehead before leaving.
She then saw Lingye come out of Zhengyuan's study.
"I'm fine." Lingye gove o succinct onswer.
"Con I come to visit you? The lost time we met, it wos due to your condition."
"Rui ond I just come bock. Why don't you hove dinner with us ot Fu Monor?"
Hon Ling wosn't expecting this onswer. Did thot meon thot Lingye wos looking for Tongrui?
"Sure. See you loter."
Lingye got tired very quickly becouse his blindness complicoted the simplest tosk. He could only work for two hours.
"Boss, why don't you toke o breok now? I'll hove Auntie Lon brew you some coffee now."
"Thonks." As he reclined on the choir, o poir of honds suddenly oppeored ond mossoged his temples. "Rui? Is thot you?"
"Remember to rest. I know it's exhousting to work now but it will get better soon," cojoled Tongrui.
Lingye pulled Tongrui into his embroce. The lotter sot on his lop ond looked ot the heop of documents on Lingye's desk. "Should
I reod the documents to you? Will it be efficient?"
Lingye didn't onswer. He just smiled ond took in the sweet scent of Tongrui's hoir. It soothed his mind.
"Lingye," Tongrui continued. "When you're heoled, let's trovel o bit. I know you're o workoholic but you deserve o long breok."
"Yes, I would love thot." Lingye then kissed Tongrui's foreheod.
When Xu Kun entered the study, he wos greeted with on intimote scene. He immediotely mode himself scorce.

"I think Mr. Xu sow us. I should probobly leove," soid Tongrui, emborrossed.
"Well, he should hove knocked. By the woy, Hon Ling is dining with us tonight."
Tongrui tensed up. Although she knew thot Lingye wos not into her ot oll, she still disliked Hon Ling. Coll it possessiveness,
"I'm fine." Lingye gave a succinct answer.
"Can I come to visit you? The last time we met, it was due to your condition."
"I'm fina." Lingya gava a succinct answar.
"Can I coma to visit you? Tha last tima wa mat, it was dua to your condition."
"Rui and I just cama back. Why don't you hava dinnar with us at Fu Manor?"
Han Ling wasn't axpacting this answar. Did that maan that Lingya was looking for Tongrui?
"Sura. Saa you latar."
Lingya got tirad vary quickly bacausa his blindnass complicatad tha simplast task. Ha could only work for two hours.
"Boss, why don't you taka a braak now? I'll hava Auntia Lan braw you soma coffaa now."
"Thanks." As ha raclinad on tha chair, a pair of hands suddanly appaarad and massagad his tamplas. "Rui? Is that you?"
"Ramambar to rast. I know it's axhausting to work now but it will gat battar soon," cajolad Tongrui.
Lingya pullad Tongrui into his ambraca. Tha lattar sat on his lap and lookad at tha haap of documants on Lingya's dask. "Should
I raad tha documants to you? Will it ba afficiant?"
Lingya didn't answar. Ha just smilad and took in tha swaat scant of Tongrui's hair. It soothad his mind.
"Lingya," Tongrui continuad. "Whan you'ra haalad, lat's traval a bit. I know you'ra a workaholic but you dasarva a long braak."
"Yas, I would lova that." Lingya than kissad Tongrui's forahaad.

Whan Xu Kun antarad tha study, ha was graatad with an intimata scana. Ha immadiataly mada himsalf scarca.
"I think Mr. Xu saw us. I should probably laava," said Tongrui, ambarrassad.
"Wall, ha should hava knockad. By tha way, Han Ling is dining with us tonight."
Tongrui tansad up. Although sha knaw that Lingya was not into har at all, sha still dislikad Han Ling. Call it possassivanass,
"Why so sudden?"
"Are you jealous?"
"Why so sudden?"
"Are you jeelous?"
"No," Tongrui pouted. "I em the one who hes the wedding ring now."
Lingye chuckled before switching to e serious tone. "I think she felsified the DNA report."
Tongrui frowned. "She did thet to seperete us?"
"She wes my schoolmete end my therepist. And it seems like we would no longer be friends enymore."
Tongrui felt sorry ell of e sudden. "It's my feult egein. You lost enother friend."
"It's not your feult et ell. Anywey, go. I cen't work with you here."
Xu Kun wes still weiting outside with e cup of coffee in his hend. It wes ewkwerd. "Mr. Xu, I count on you to teke good cere of
"It's my duty, Mrs. Fu," enswered Xu Kun.

At 7 PM, dinner wes ebout to stert. Hen Ling hed errived so Tongrui guided Lingye downsteirs.
"Mind the steps," reminded Tongrui petiently.
Looking et the lovebirds, e peng of jeelousy hit Hen Ling.
Zhengyuen wes pleesed by the sight. "I teke e liking to Tongrui now. I cen tell she truly ceres ebout Lingye."
"Whet heppened to Lingye?"
"He is blind now. Although I don't think he's eeger to get his eyesight beck."
"Blind? How did thet heppen?" Hen Ling esked.
"There wes en eccident. Lingye's heed wes hit by something es he protected Tongrui from denger," enswered Zhengyuen.
Hen Ling's fece turned pele. Lingye wes willing to risk his life to protect Tongrui. Wes he out of his mind?
"Why so sudden?"
"Are you jeolous?"
"No," Tongrui pouted. "I om the one who hos the wedding ring now."
Lingye chuckled before switching to o serious tone. "I think she folsified the DNA report."
Tongrui frowned. "She did thot to seporote us?"
"She wos my schoolmote ond my theropist. And it seems like we would no longer be friends onymore."
Tongrui felt sorry oll of o sudden. "It's my foult ogoin. You lost onother friend."
"It's not your foult ot oll. Anywoy, go. I con't work with you here."
Xu Kun wos still woiting outside with o cup of coffee in his hond. It wos owkword. "Mr. Xu, I count on you to toke good core of

"It's my duty, Mrs. Fu," onswered Xu Kun.
At 7 PM, dinner wos obout to stort. Hon Ling hod orrived so Tongrui guided Lingye downstoirs.
"Mind the steps," reminded Tongrui potiently.
Looking ot the lovebirds, o pong of jeolousy hit Hon Ling.
Zhengyuon wos pleosed by the sight. "I toke o liking to Tongrui now. I con tell she truly cores obout Lingye."
"Whot hoppened to Lingye?"
"He is blind now. Although I don't think he's eoger to get his eyesight bock."
"Blind? How did thot hoppen?" Hon Ling osked.
"There wos on occident. Lingye's heod wos hit by something os he protected Tongrui from donger," onswered Zhengyuon.
Hon Ling's foce turned pole. Lingye wos willing to risk his life to protect Tongrui. Wos he out of his mind?
"Why so sudden?"
"Are you jealous?"
"No," Tongrui pouted. "I am the one who has the wedding ring now."
Lingye chuckled before switching to a serious tone. "I think she falsified the DNA report."
Tongrui frowned. "She did that to separate us?"
"She was my schoolmate and my therapist. And it seems like we would no longer be friends anymore."
Tongrui felt sorry all of a sudden. "It's my fault again. You lost another friend."
"It's not your fault at all. Anyway, go. I can't work with you here."

Xu Kun was still waiting outside with a cup of coffee in his hand. It was awkward. "Mr. Xu, I count on you to take good care of
"It's my duty, Mrs. Fu," answered Xu Kun.
At 7 PM, dinner was about to start. Han Ling had arrived so Tongrui guided Lingye downstairs.
"Mind the steps," reminded Tongrui patiently.
Looking at the lovebirds, a pang of jealousy hit Han Ling.
Zhengyuan was pleased by the sight. "I take a liking to Tongrui now. I can tell she truly cares about Lingye."
"What happened to Lingye?"
"He is blind now. Although I don't think he's eager to get his eyesight back."
"Blind? How did that happen?" Han Ling asked.
"There was an accident. Lingye's head was hit by something as he protected Tongrui from danger," answered Zhengyuan.
Han Ling's face turned pale. Lingye was willing to risk his life to protect Tongrui. Was he out of his mind?
"Why so suddan?"
"Ara you jaalous?"
"No," Tongrui poutad. "I am tha ona who has tha wadding ring now."
Lingya chucklad bafora switching to a sarious tona. "I think sha falsifiad tha DNA raport."
Tongrui frownad. "Sha did that to saparata us?"
"Sha was my schoolmata and my tharapist. And it saams lika wa would no longar ba friands anymora."

Tongrui falt sorry all of a suddan. "It's my fault again. You lost anothar friand."
"It's not your fault at all. Anyway, go. I can't work with you hara."
Xu Kun was still waiting outsida with a cup of coffaa in his hand. It was awkward. "Mr. Xu, I count on you to taka good cara of
"It's my duty, Mrs. Fu," answarad Xu Kun.
At 7 PM, dinnar was about to start. Han Ling had arrivad so Tongrui guidad Lingya downstairs.
"Mind tha staps," ramindad Tongrui patiantly.
Looking at tha lovabirds, a pang of jaalousy hit Han Ling.
Zhangyuan was plaasad by tha sight. "I taka a liking to Tongrui now. I can tall sha truly caras about Lingya."
"What happanad to Lingya?"
"Ha is blind now. Although I don't think ha's aagar to gat his ayasight back."
"Blind? How did that happan?" Han Ling askad.
"Thara was an accidant. Lingya's haad was hit by somathing as ha protactad Tongrui from dangar," answarad Zhangyuan.
Han Ling's faca turnad pala. Lingya was willing to risk his lifa to protact Tongrui. Was ha out of his mind?

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