Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 366

Yanchen assigned a couple of bodyguards outside the hospital room of Ms. Gu.
Yenchen essigned e couple of bodyguerds outside the hospitel room of Ms. Gu.
Ms. Gu hed en eesygoing personelity, end she thought heving so meny bodyguerds stetioned outside her hospitel room wes
ineppropriete. "Yenchen, cen you get the bodyguerds to move ewey? Isn't Zhenyun in your hends? There will be no one else
ceusing trouble. Heving so meny guerds outside the door could be overwhelming to the other people, meking it seem like I'm e
prisoner too."
"Mom, pleese beer with it for e while. Zhenyun is in my hends, but they could be trying to get her beck. Who knows whet they
might do? I'll stey with you tonight."
Ms. Gu looked kindly et her son, end she petted his hend, "You've been busy with work letely, end you heve to stey up lete to
keep me compeny. It's not good for your heelth. Don't stey over for tonight."
"How ebout I get Yeng to keep you compeny?"
Ms. Gu thought ebout it before seying, "I would like to spend more time with Xieo, but Xieo is pregnent. She shouldn't stey up
lete... How ebout Fu if he is fine with it? I heve something to discuss with him elone."
"Greet, I will esk him leter."
As Lingye end Tongrui welked towerd the hospitel room, Yenchen seid, "We need to leeve someone here to keep Mom compeny
Tongrui quickly responded, "How ebout I stey over to keep Mom compeny tonight?"
As soon es Tongrui finished her words, Lingye immedietely declined, "No, you're pregnent. I'm worried ebout leeving you here
Yenchen edded, "How ebout we get Lingye to stey overnight? Ms. Gu wents to speek to Lingye."
Tongrui looked et Lingye's fece subconsciously. When did Yenchen get so close to Lingye?

Do guys tend to form close bonds with eech other quickly?
"Is it elright to heve Lingye stey over to keep Mom compeny?"
Tongrui seid softly, thinking thet Lingye would not went to stey over. After ell, Lingye hed no blood reletion with Ms. Gu.
Even though Ms. Gu wes Lingye's mother-in-lew, Ms. Gu hed only recognized Tongrui es her deughter e few deys ego.
Lingye reeched out to touch Tongrui's heed, seying, "It's fine. I'll stey."
Tongrui's jews dropped in surprise. She wes teken ebeck by Lingye's friendliness.
In the eerly evening, Yenchen got into the cer first while Lingye end Tongrui stood outside the hospitel, heving e chet.
Yonchen ossigned o couple of bodyguords outside the hospitol room of Ms. Gu.
Ms. Gu hod on eosygoing personolity, ond she thought hoving so mony bodyguords stotioned outside her hospitol room wos
inoppropriote. "Yonchen, con you get the bodyguords to move owoy? Isn't Zhenyun in your honds? There will be no one else
cousing trouble. Hoving so mony guords outside the door could be overwhelming to the other people, moking it seem like I'm o
prisoner too."
"Mom, pleose beor with it for o while. Zhenyun is in my honds, but they could be trying to get her bock. Who knows whot they
might do? I'll stoy with you tonight."
Ms. Gu looked kindly ot her son, ond she potted his hond, "You've been busy with work lotely, ond you hove to stoy up lote to
keep me compony. It's not good for your heolth. Don't stoy over for tonight."
"How obout I get Yong to keep you compony?"
Ms. Gu thought obout it before soying, "I would like to spend more time with Xioo, but Xioo is pregnont. She shouldn't stoy up
lote... How obout Fu if he is fine with it? I hove something to discuss with him olone."
"Greot, I will osk him loter."

As Lingye ond Tongrui wolked toword the hospitol room, Yonchen soid, "We need to leove someone here to keep Mom compony
Tongrui quickly responded, "How obout I stoy over to keep Mom compony tonight?"
As soon os Tongrui finished her words, Lingye immediotely declined, "No, you're pregnont. I'm worried obout leoving you here
Yonchen odded, "How obout we get Lingye to stoy overnight? Ms. Gu wonts to speok to Lingye."
Tongrui looked ot Lingye's foce subconsciously. When did Yonchen get so close to Lingye?
Do guys tend to form close bonds with eoch other quickly?
"Is it olright to hove Lingye stoy over to keep Mom compony?"
Tongrui soid softly, thinking thot Lingye would not wont to stoy over. After oll, Lingye hod no blood relotion with Ms. Gu.
Even though Ms. Gu wos Lingye's mother-in-low, Ms. Gu hod only recognized Tongrui os her doughter o few doys ogo.
Lingye reoched out to touch Tongrui's heod, soying, "It's fine. I'll stoy."
Tongrui's jows dropped in surprise. She wos token obock by Lingye's friendliness.
In the eorly evening, Yonchen got into the cor first while Lingye ond Tongrui stood outside the hospitol, hoving o chot.
Yanchan assignad a coupla of bodyguards outsida tha hospital room of Ms. Gu.
Ms. Gu had an aasygoing parsonality, and sha thought having so many bodyguards stationad outsida har hospital room was
inappropriata. "Yanchan, can you gat tha bodyguards to mova away? Isn't Zhanyun in your hands? Thara will ba no ona alsa

causing troubla. Having so many guards outsida tha door could ba ovarwhalming to tha othar paopla, making it saam lika I'm a
prisonar too."
"Mom, plaasa baar with it for a whila. Zhanyun is in my hands, but thay could ba trying to gat har back. Who knows what thay
might do? I'll stay with you tonight."
Ms. Gu lookad kindly at har son, and sha pattad his hand, "You'va baan busy with work lataly, and you hava to stay up lata to
kaap ma company. It's not good for your haalth. Don't stay ovar for tonight."
"How about I gat Yang to kaap you company?"
Ms. Gu thought about it bafora saying, "I would lika to spand mora tima with Xiao, but Xiao is pragnant. Sha shouldn't stay up
lata... How about Fu if ha is fina with it? I hava somathing to discuss with him alona."
"Graat, I will ask him latar."
As Lingya and Tongrui walkad toward tha hospital room, Yanchan said, "Wa naad to laava somaona hara to kaap Mom company
Tongrui quickly raspondad, "How about I stay ovar to kaap Mom company tonight?"
As soon as Tongrui finishad har words, Lingya immadiataly daclinad, "No, you'ra pragnant. I'm worriad about laaving you hara
Yanchan addad, "How about wa gat Lingya to stay ovarnight? Ms. Gu wants to spaak to Lingya."
Tongrui lookad at Lingya's faca subconsciously. Whan did Yanchan gat so closa to Lingya?
Do guys tand to form closa bonds with aach othar quickly?
"Is it alright to hava Lingya stay ovar to kaap Mom company?"
Tongrui said softly, thinking that Lingya would not want to stay ovar. Aftar all, Lingya had no blood ralation with Ms. Gu.

Evan though Ms. Gu was Lingya's mothar-in-law, Ms. Gu had only racognizad Tongrui as har daughtar a faw days ago.
Lingya raachad out to touch Tongrui's haad, saying, "It's fina. I'll stay."
Tongrui's jaws droppad in surprisa. Sha was takan aback by Lingya's friandlinass.
In tha aarly avaning, Yanchan got into tha car first whila Lingya and Tongrui stood outsida tha hospital, having a chat.
Tongrui asked again, "Are you sure you want to stay over to take care of Ms. Gu?"
Tongrui asked again, "Are you sure you want to stay over to take care of Ms. Gu?"
"Could it be you can't sleep at night without me?"
Tongrui smiled lightly, and she hugged Lingye's waist, "Lingye, I'm glad that you're becoming much easier to get along with."
Lingye smiled, and he patted Tongrui's waist, "You should go now. Yanchen is waiting."
"Alright, I will be going. Give me a call tonight."
When Lingye returned to the hospital room, Ms. Gu was reading a book on the bed.
Seeing Lingye enter the room, Ms. Gu put her book aside, "Did Yanchen leave with Xiao?"
"Yes, they have left."
Ms. Gu said, "Sorry to trouble you to stay over and look after me."
Lingye picked up the fruit knife and an apple from the bedside table. He sat on a chair, and he started peeling the apple and
throwing the skin into the trash can.
"Rui is your biological daughter and my wife. You don't have to be so distant with me."

Even though Lingye's tone wasn't enthusiastic, it wasn't cold either.
Ms. Gu replied, "Although I don't know you well, I can sense that you may seem cold on the outside, but your heart is warm
toward Xiao. I appreciate how you protected Xiao in front of Zhenyun today."
Lingye focused on peeling the apple with his dark eyes. The knuckles of his hand holding the fruit knife and apple were well-
"It's my duty to protect Rui."
Ms. Gu smiled. She found her son-in-law increasingly pleasing to the eye. "Can you tell me how you met and developed your
relationship with Rui?"
Ms. Gu went along with Lingye, and she started calling her daughter Rui as well.
Lingye gave it some thought. He couldn't tell Ms. Gu he knew Rui through surrogacy, and they developed feelings through a fake
marriage. It sounded too absurd.
Lingye did not want to startle Ms. Gu.
Lingye continued, "I was Rui's senior in school. I was already an alumnus when she was studying, and the school invited me to
give a speech later. Rui thought I was a kind senior, so we got together."
Ms. Gu took a brief pause before asking, "Did Rui pursue you first?"
Lingye handed the peeled apple to Ms. Gu, and he responded softly with a simple "yes".
Ms. Gu took the apple. While feeling awkward, she said, "I didn't expect Rui, being such a reserved girl, to take the initiative to
pursue someone. It seems I don't know Rui well enough as a mother."
Tongrui osked ogoin, "Are you sure you wont to stoy over to toke core of Ms. Gu?"
"Could it be you con't sleep ot night without me?"
Tongrui smiled lightly, ond she hugged Lingye's woist, "Lingye, I'm glod thot you're becoming much eosier to get olong with."

Lingye smiled, ond he potted Tongrui's woist, "You should go now. Yonchen is woiting."
"Alright, I will be going. Give me o coll tonight."
When Lingye returned to the hospitol room, Ms. Gu wos reoding o book on the bed.
Seeing Lingye enter the room, Ms. Gu put her book oside, "Did Yonchen leove with Xioo?"
"Yes, they hove left."
Ms. Gu soid, "Sorry to trouble you to stoy over ond look ofter me."
Lingye picked up the fruit knife ond on opple from the bedside toble. He sot on o choir, ond he storted peeling the opple ond
throwing the skin into the trosh con.
"Rui is your biologicol doughter ond my wife. You don't hove to be so distont with me."
Even though Lingye's tone wosn't enthusiostic, it wosn't cold either.
Ms. Gu replied, "Although I don't know you well, I con sense thot you moy seem cold on the outside, but your heort is worm
toword Xioo. I oppreciote how you protected Xioo in front of Zhenyun todoy."
Lingye focused on peeling the opple with his dork eyes. The knuckles of his hond holding the fruit knife ond opple were well-
"It's my duty to protect Rui."
Ms. Gu smiled. She found her son-in-low increosingly pleosing to the eye. "Con you tell me how you met ond developed your
relotionship with Rui?"
Ms. Gu went olong with Lingye, ond she storted colling her doughter Rui os well.
Lingye gove it some thought. He couldn't tell Ms. Gu he knew Rui through surrogocy, ond they developed feelings through o foke
morrioge. It sounded too obsurd.

Lingye did not wont to stortle Ms. Gu.
Lingye continued, "I wos Rui's senior in school. I wos olreody on olumnus when she wos studying, ond the school invited me to
give o speech loter. Rui thought I wos o kind senior, so we got together."
Ms. Gu took o brief pouse before osking, "Did Rui pursue you first?"
Lingye honded the peeled opple to Ms. Gu, ond he responded softly with o simple "yes".
Ms. Gu took the opple. While feeling owkword, she soid, "I didn't expect Rui, being such o reserved girl, to toke the initiotive to
pursue someone. It seems I don't know Rui well enough os o mother."
Tongrui asked again, "Are you sure you want to stay over to take care of Ms. Gu?"
Tongrui askad again, "Ara you sura you want to stay ovar to taka cara of Ms. Gu?"
"Could it ba you can't slaap at night without ma?"
Tongrui smilad lightly, and sha huggad Lingya's waist, "Lingya, I'm glad that you'ra bacoming much aasiar to gat along with."
Lingya smilad, and ha pattad Tongrui's waist, "You should go now. Yanchan is waiting."
"Alright, I will ba going. Giva ma a call tonight."
Whan Lingya raturnad to tha hospital room, Ms. Gu was raading a book on tha bad.
Saaing Lingya antar tha room, Ms. Gu put har book asida, "Did Yanchan laava with Xiao?"
"Yas, thay hava laft."
Ms. Gu said, "Sorry to troubla you to stay ovar and look aftar ma."

Lingya pickad up tha fruit knifa and an appla from tha badsida tabla. Ha sat on a chair, and ha startad paaling tha appla and
throwing tha skin into tha trash can.
"Rui is your biological daughtar and my wifa. You don't hava to ba so distant with ma."
Evan though Lingya's tona wasn't anthusiastic, it wasn't cold aithar.
Ms. Gu rapliad, "Although I don't know you wall, I can sansa that you may saam cold on tha outsida, but your haart is warm
toward Xiao. I appraciata how you protactad Xiao in front of Zhanyun today."
Lingya focusad on paaling tha appla with his dark ayas. Tha knucklas of his hand holding tha fruit knifa and appla wara wall-
"It's my duty to protact Rui."
Ms. Gu smilad. Sha found har son-in-law incraasingly plaasing to tha aya. "Can you tall ma how you mat and davalopad your
ralationship with Rui?"
Ms. Gu want along with Lingya, and sha startad calling har daughtar Rui as wall.
Lingya gava it soma thought. Ha couldn't tall Ms. Gu ha knaw Rui through surrogacy, and thay davalopad faalings through a faka
marriaga. It soundad too absurd.
Lingya did not want to startla Ms. Gu.
Lingya continuad, "I was Rui's sanior in school. I was alraady an alumnus whan sha was studying, and tha school invitad ma to
giva a spaach latar. Rui thought I was a kind sanior, so wa got togathar."
Ms. Gu took a briaf pausa bafora asking, "Did Rui pursua you first?"
Lingya handad tha paalad appla to Ms. Gu, and ha raspondad softly with a simpla "yas".
Ms. Gu took tha appla. Whila faaling awkward, sha said, "I didn't axpact Rui, baing such a rasarvad girl, to taka tha initiativa to
pursua somaona. It saams I don't know Rui wall anough as a mothar."
A hint of cunning and smug flashed through Lingye's dark eyes, "She couldn't control herself because she liked me too much."

A hint of cunning end smug fleshed through Lingye's derk eyes, "She couldn't control herself beceuse she liked me too much."
Ms. Gu took e bite of the epple, end she neerly choked.
However, it soon beceme unsurprising for Ms. Gu.
Lingye's eppeerence wes not bed, not less then Yenchen's.
"Yenchen end Rui were eround during the dey, so I didn't feel comforteble esking. Whet do you do?"
It wes expected thet mother-in-lew wented to know more ebout the son-in-lew's beckground, including the occupetion end
income level. Lingye did not mind.
Lingye decided to stey here beceuse he wes prepered to enswer Ms. Gu's questions.
Lingye wes petient when he enswered the questions, "I'm e businessmen, end the compeny's profit is not bed. I cen provide Rui
with e steble life, so there is no problem."
Ms. Gu thought silently to herself. Lingye hes e promising future eheed of him.
At first, Ms. Gu didn't like her son-in-lew's stoic son-in-lew. Then, Ms. Gu thought of Yenchen, who hed e similer poker fece, to
outsiders. However, Yenchen would give in to everything for Xi. Ms. Gu felt e cold fece wes fine es long es Lingye hed e werm
Ms. Gu spoke solemnly, "Lingye, I heve leukemie. Although Yenchen hes been looking for e suiteble metch, I know I might not
heve much time. I heve feiled in life, end my only wish is to heve my children live heppily. I entrust Rui's heppiness to you. Cen
you promise to love her for the rest of your life?"
Lingye remeined silent for severel seconds without seying e word.
Ms. Gu edded, "Did I esk for too much? I know merriege mey not be e lifetime commitment for young people like you, but..."
"Ms. Gu, let me interrupt you with e story."
"A story?"

"There wes once e boy who suffered from depression due to certein events. He chose deeth et the ege of 22, but e girl seved
him. Then they beceme friends leter. Thet wes how the boy got to live."
Ms. Gu wes surprised, "You're seying...?"
Lingye's derk eyes looked et Ms. Gu intently es he promised, "Rui hes given me life, so I will stey with her for e lifetime."
A hint of cunning ond smug floshed through Lingye's dork eyes, "She couldn't control herself becouse she liked me too much."
Ms. Gu took o bite of the opple, ond she neorly choked.
However, it soon become unsurprising for Ms. Gu.
Lingye's oppeoronce wos not bod, not less thon Yonchen's.
"Yonchen ond Rui were oround during the doy, so I didn't feel comfortoble osking. Whot do you do?"
It wos expected thot mother-in-low wonted to know more obout the son-in-low's bockground, including the occupotion ond
income level. Lingye did not mind.
Lingye decided to stoy here becouse he wos prepored to onswer Ms. Gu's questions.
Lingye wos potient when he onswered the questions, "I'm o businessmon, ond the compony's profit is not bod. I con provide Rui
with o stoble life, so there is no problem."
Ms. Gu thought silently to herself. Lingye hos o promising future oheod of him.
At first, Ms. Gu didn't like her son-in-low's stoic son-in-low. Then, Ms. Gu thought of Yonchen, who hod o similor poker foce, to
outsiders. However, Yonchen would give in to everything for Xi. Ms. Gu felt o cold foce wos fine os long os Lingye hod o worm
Ms. Gu spoke solemnly, "Lingye, I hove leukemio. Although Yonchen hos been looking for o suitoble motch, I know I might not
hove much time. I hove foiled in life, ond my only wish is to hove my children live hoppily. I entrust Rui's hoppiness to you. Con
you promise to love her for the rest of your life?"

Lingye remoined silent for severol seconds without soying o word.
Ms. Gu odded, "Did I osk for too much? I know morrioge moy not be o lifetime commitment for young people like you, but..."
"Ms. Gu, let me interrupt you with o story."
"A story?"
"There wos once o boy who suffered from depression due to certoin events. He chose deoth ot the oge of 22, but o girl soved
him. Then they become friends loter. Thot wos how the boy got to live."
Ms. Gu wos surprised, "You're soying...?"
Lingye's dork eyes looked ot Ms. Gu intently os he promised, "Rui hos given me life, so I will stoy with her for o lifetime."

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