Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 237

Blue County Villa.
Qiao Sang was on a sofa as she watched the news. It was about a car accident in Bei City caused by a drunk truck driver. The
truck dove deep into a river from a highway and sank.
The man were killed and the vehicle was destroyed.
Qi Yanli stepped out from his study room to see Qiao Sang engrossed in the horrific tragedy.
Qi Yanli took the remote to turn off the TV. Not expecting Qi Yanli to be there, Qiao Sang turned around only to be lifted and
carried in his arms.
Kissing her, Qi Yanli said in a hushed tone, “Aren't you scared watching news like that?”
Traumatized by Qiao Sang's accident, to this day, Qi Yanli's heart still pounded as if he was having an anxiety attack whenever
he saw images of rivers or lakes.
How could she not have any reaction seeing a man lose his life in a river?
Qiao Sang got lost in her thoughts hearing the question.
Qi Yanli placed her on a big cloudy bed, then peppered kisses on her everywhere, “Zoning out? You're with me now.”
In swift motions, Qi Yanli slid her clothes down then quickly undressed Qiao Sang completely.
“Qi Yanli-”
“Mm?” Qi Yanli was already caught in the moment.
He enthusiastically seduced Qiao Sang, who was shivering at this point, “I don't think I'm ready for it-”
Qi Yanli cut her off, “Sang. I need to do this to know that you are real. For some reason, I have a feeling that this is just a dream
and you could leave me anytime soon. I want to bond with you deeply by making love to you.”
Then, Qi Yanli buried his face in her shoulder. He let out a sigh as he took in this possibly fleeting moment.
Qiao Sang cradled his head then comforted, “Don't worry. I won't go away as long as you don't let go.”

“I could never.” Qi Yanli whispered suggestively as he kissed along her ear, neck, collar bone, then her chest.
He suddenly stopped as he moved away from her to take a good look.
A bright red mole on her left breast stumped Qi Yanli.
Being examined closely while naked made Qiao Sang's blush. She wrapped herself up in some clothes as she shyly requested,
“I'm really not there yet. Would you be willing to give me a bit more time?”
This time when Qi Yanli looked up from her chest, the look in his eyes expressed a complicated emotion.
“How come I never noticed the mole before?”
Qiao Sang panicked, but she lowered her eyes to avoid eye contact, “Maybe because it's not obvious? I've always had it.”
Qi Yanli stared at the curve of her neck. After a moment of silence, he softened up, “I guess. From now on, I will pay extra
attention on every little detail of your body.”
That statement was half serious and half flirtatious. Though Qiao Sang was tempted, another voice in her head told her
This man was the love of my sister's life. It is wrong to be physically intimate with him? If there was an afterlife, what would she
think about this now?
Let's not forget that he indirectly murdered her!
Nothing could stop me from getting my revenge, even if it costs my life. In that sense, sacrificing my body is insignificant
compared to that.
To be safe, Qiao Sang probed, “I'm sorry that I don't remember this, but have we... gone all the way?”
Qi Yanli stared at her when he clarified, “We did everything but the last step. We were still in universities then. You were scared
to get pregnant so I respected that. I held it off thinking we would be married soon anyway and that we had our whole lives
ahead of us. Who would've know that we'd be separated for ten years? Sang, I'm really not sure if I can make it if you make me
wait another ten years.”
Qiao Sang couldn't tell if it was his deep gentle gaze or his earnest confession that made her eyes well up with tears.

For a split of a second, she really felt that she was Qiao Sang, the girl who was head over heels in love with Qi Yanli.
Qiao Sang could not bring herself to say a word. Instead, she enveloped her arms around his neck as a response.
Qi Yanli suggested, “It's time to put our wedding on agenda when we see my parents tomorrow.”
Qiao Sang, “I've only been back for days. Are we rushing it?”
“Sang. I have been waiting and longing for this too long. I cannot even bear waiting for another day.”
Qiao Sang couldn't explain it but she somehow agreed to everything he said compulsively.
As if there was no other alternative.
Am I really marrying him though?
That night, Qi Yanli fell asleep cuddling her.
Qiao Sang lighting nudged him, “Qi Yanli?”
He appeared to be fast asleep.
Gently moving aside the big arm across her hips, Qiao Sang pulled away a corner of their blanket and snuck out.
Qiao Sang stealthily entered the bathroom with her phone. Then, she shut the door tight to make a call.
After the call connected, Qiao Sang instructed in a muted tone, “Cut Fu Lingye's brake hose.”
“You're putting me in a difficult situation here, miss. This is about life and death!”
“You already got my money, now it's time you do your job. We're stuck on the same boat anyway. It's best if you keep your eyes
on the reward you'll get for a job well done. Unless you don't need money for your daughter's bone marrow transplant anymore.”
After a long moment of silence, Qiao Sang hung up.
Holding her phone in her hands, Qiao Sang zoned out on the toilet seat as she tried to organize her thoughts in a private
moment. Loud footsteps snapped her back to the present.

Qiao Sang's blood drained from her face, her heart skipped a beat. When she scrambled up, her phone fell into the toilet.
Simultaneously, Qi Yanli entered.
Their eyes met. Time stopped.
Qi Yanli was bothered as he looked at the phone.
Qiao Sang's face was as white as a ghost.
Qi Yanli was surprised by her reaction. He let out a comforting smile, “You poor thing, relax. It's just a phone, not a big deal.”
“I was startled when you called my name. I thought you were asleep.”
Qi Yanli gazed at her as he let in a piece of personal information, “My pee woke me up.”
Qiao Sang's expression, which was a mixture of embarrassment and panic, amused Qi Yanli.
He studied her as he joked, “What? Do you want to stay for the show?”
Qiao Sang took off.
Qi Yanli closed the door behind her then turned to look at the phone in the toilet bowl. His eyes turned frosty in suspicion.
Qiao Sang returned to the bed, hoping that Qi Yanli hadn't heard the conversation.
Not long after, her body felt a loving squeeze from behind. Qi Yanli rested his lips on her ear, “Were you hiding in the bathroom in
the middle of the night to play on your phone?”
“I wasn't. A stomachache woke me up.”
Qi Yanli's warm hand wandered to her stomach. As he massaged it, he asked, “Why? Are you on your period?”
“Why else would you suddenly get a stomachache? You always have horrible cramps during your time of the month. Heh,
remember one time you slept all day in your dorm? You were in so much pain but you wouldn't tell me the reason. I ended up
carrying you to the medical room. I made a big fool of myself that time.”

“It's normal for girls to experience it... You don't have to sweat about it.”
“I know it's normal, but I can't help but feel bad. Is it still as intense now?”
Qiao Sang shook her head, “It's gotten way better since then.”
“Rumor has it that women get rid of period cramps after they have babies. For that reason, would you like to have my babies?”
The corner of Qiao Sang's lips twitched.

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