Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 230

Mu Tongrui bent over to pick it up and passed it to Xiao Ya. She apologized, “I'm sorry for bumping into you, Miss.”
Xiao Ya shook her head and took the picture, saying, “It's okay, I wasn't paying attention too.”
“Who's that in the picture?”
Mu Tongrui was really curious about who was the woman to Fu Lingye. Why would she have his picture?
By the looks of it, the picture's owner kept it with care. Although the picture had been taken some time ago, it looked new.
Xiao Ya replied casually, “Oh, he's my ex.”
Mu Tongrui was startled. Never did she expect that she'd bump into Fu Lingye's ex.
Although she had always prepared herself to accept that Fu Lingye had past relationships, she never prepared herself to meet
his ex in person. Mu Tongrui couldn't stop comparing herself to his ex.
Obviously, this tall woman who stood in front of Mu Tongrui was way better than her in every aspect.
She did not feel inferior as Xiao Ya's fashion and looks were different from Mu Tongrui's.
Xiao Ya resembled the looks of a lady boss.
But Fu Lingye said that career-oriented lady was not his cup of tea... Could it be possible that he was hurt by such a lady before?
Xiao Ya asked her purposely, “You know my ex?”
Mu Tongrui felt awkward, “What a coincidence, I know Fu Lingye too.”
“Oh, is it? Then that's really a coincidence, you're Fu Lingye's...”
Mu Tongrui admitted, “Girlfriend.”
Xiao Ya laughed, “Nice to meet you, I'm Xiao Ya.”
It was lunchtime so Xiao Ya invited Mu Tongrui for a meal together. Mu Tongrui did not decline the invitation as she would love to
ask more about things related to Fu Lingye in the past.
They chose a Chinese restaurant and ordered 8 dishes. There were vegetables, meat, and some dim-sum.

Xiao Ya sighed, “I just returned from the US after staying there for 5 years. I really miss Chinese cuisine!”
Mu Tongrui agreed, “Yes, I was abroad for 3 years too. We cannot compare the food out there with Chinese food.”
Xiao Ya glanced at the skincare product that Mu Tongrui put aside. She asked, “This brand is popular among pregnant ladies but
they don't have much effect. Are you... pregnant?”
Mu Tongrui denied subconsciously and answered, “My skin is more sensitive, that's why I go with this brand.”
Xiao Ya curled her lips subtly. She saw the wedding ring and asked, “You're getting married to Lingye soon?”
Mu Tongrui felt that there was nothing to hide. She answered, “Soon, but we're not sure when.”
“Do invite me to your wedding dinner when it happens!”
Mu Tongrui laughed and kept silent. Xiao Ya continued, “I had never expected that Fu Lingye will be married one day, it's such a
shocking news.”
Mu Tongrui paused and asked, “Why wouldn't he get married?”
Does Fu Lingye believes in bachelorism?
Xiao Ya sipped on some juice and asked, “Ms. Mu, how long have you and Fu Lingye been together?”
“It's been some time.”
If it wasn't for the surrogacy three years ago, she would only be with Fu Lingye for half a year.
“Then, it seems like you haven't known him well enough. Don't you ever find him having a totally distinct personality at times?”
“No, Lingye is good. Despite his stubbornness, he's really a good guy. Maybe he was not good at expressing his feelings.”
Fu Lingye's temper could be uncertain at times, but Mu Tongrui felt loved.
Xiao Ya shook her head, “Ms. Mu, you misunderstand. I mean, don't you think that Lingye is a different person sometimes? Or
should I say that Ms. Mu has spent too little time with him, that's why you've never seen a different Fu Lingye?”
“Ms. Xiao, what are you trying to tell me?” Mu Tongrui frowned.

“I broke up with Lingye 5 years ago, that's when I went abroad to the USA. Do you know why we broke up?”
Xiao Ya saw that Mu Tongrui kept silent, hence she continued while eating, “Because he would transform into an entirely different
person. Ms. Mu, I'm not sure if you'll understand me but my advice to you is to be more cautious. Don't marry Fu Lingye easily
when you don't even know the real him.”
Mu Tongrui put down her chopsticks and replied in a displeasing manner, “Ms. Xiao, the reason I'm here having lunch with you is
out of politeness. But if you continue instigating our relationship, I shall take my leave.”
Mu Tongrui held the things in her hand and wanted to leave. She turned back and said coldly, “You did not feel Fu Lingye's love
for you, that's why you left him 5 years ago. Since both of you broke up, then don't disturb his life now.”
Xiao Ya threw her chopsticks down and snorted, “If I tell you that Fu Lingye has multiple personality disorder and he might turn
into a stranger in a split second, will you still stay with him?”
Mu Tongrui trembled.
What? Multiple personality disorder?
Mu Tongrui clenched her fists and turned to stare at Xiao Ya, “If Fu Lingye turns into a different person, I will not distance myself
away from him, like you do.”
“Mu Tongrui, you're taking it too lightly. Wait till you meet the other Fu Lingye! I believe you'll be escaping just like me. Don't tell
me you're not afraid of a psycho. He might harm you when he splits into another personality one day.”
Mu Tongrui continued sarcastically, “Ms. Xiao, have you ever loved Fu Lingye? How can you say that he's a psycho? The Fu
Lingye who spends time with me is the best man in the world. Don't you dare slander him.”
After finishing her sentence, Mu Tongrui turned and left the restaurant.
She was confused after leaving the restaurant.
Xiao Ya's words echoed in her ears.
Does Fu Lingye really has split personality disorder?

Why didn't he tell me about it then?
Mu Tongrui sent a message to Fu Lingye after she hailed a taxi.
“I'm out shopping. Will be passing by Fu Corporation and would like to meet you. Are you busy now?.”
Fu Lingye dialed her phone right away.
“Where are you? I'll ask Xu Kun to pick you up.” Fu Lingye asked hastily once she picked up the phone.
“No worries, I'm already on my way.”
Fu Lingye nodded and asked, “What did you buy then?”
“I came out for some skincare products since I'm running out of them.”
“Just tell me what you need in the future; I'll ask someone to get it for you since you're now 3 months pregnant. The doctor said
that your progesterone is too low, so you ought to be more careful.”
“No, Lingye is good. Despite his stubbornness, he's reolly o good guy. Moybe he wos not good ot expressing his feelings.”
Fu Lingye's temper could be uncertoin ot times, but Mu Tongrui felt loved.
Xioo Yo shook her heod, “Ms. Mu, you misunderstond. I meon, don't you think thot Lingye is o different person sometimes? Or
should I soy thot Ms. Mu hos spent too little time with him, thot's why you've never seen o different Fu Lingye?”
“Ms. Xioo, whot ore you trying to tell me?” Mu Tongrui frowned.
“I broke up with Lingye 5 yeors ogo, thot's when I went obrood to the USA. Do you know why we broke up?”
Xioo Yo sow thot Mu Tongrui kept silent, hence she continued while eoting, “Becouse he would tronsform into on entirely different
person. Ms. Mu, I'm not sure if you'll understond me but my odvice to you is to be more coutious. Don't morry Fu Lingye eosily
when you don't even know the reol him.”
Mu Tongrui put down her chopsticks ond replied in o displeosing monner, “Ms. Xioo, the reoson I'm here hoving lunch with you is
out of politeness. But if you continue instigoting our relotionship, I sholl toke my leove.”

Mu Tongrui held the things in her hond ond wonted to leove. She turned bock ond soid coldly, “You did not feel Fu Lingye's love
for you, thot's why you left him 5 yeors ogo. Since both of you broke up, then don't disturb his life now.”
Xioo Yo threw her chopsticks down ond snorted, “If I tell you thot Fu Lingye hos multiple personolity disorder ond he might turn
into o stronger in o split second, will you still stoy with him?”
Mu Tongrui trembled.
Whot? Multiple personolity disorder?
Mu Tongrui clenched her fists ond turned to store ot Xioo Yo, “If Fu Lingye turns into o different person, I will not distonce myself
owoy from him, like you do.”
“Mu Tongrui, you're toking it too lightly. Woit till you meet the other Fu Lingye! I believe you'll be escoping just like me. Don't tell
me you're not ofroid of o psycho. He might horm you when he splits into onother personolity one doy.”
Mu Tongrui continued sorcosticolly, “Ms. Xioo, hove you ever loved Fu Lingye? How con you soy thot he's o psycho? The Fu
Lingye who spends time with me is the best mon in the world. Don't you dore slonder him.”
After finishing her sentence, Mu Tongrui turned ond left the restouront.
She wos confused ofter leoving the restouront.
Xioo Yo's words echoed in her eors.
Does Fu Lingye reolly hos split personolity disorder?
Why didn't he tell me obout it then?
Mu Tongrui sent o messoge to Fu Lingye ofter she hoiled o toxi.
“I'm out shopping. Will be possing by Fu Corporotion ond would like to meet you. Are you busy now?.”
Fu Lingye dioled her phone right owoy.
“Where ore you? I'll osk Xu Kun to pick you up.” Fu Lingye osked hostily once she picked up the phone.

“No worries, I'm olreody on my woy.”
Fu Lingye nodded ond osked, “Whot did you buy then?”
“I come out for some skincore products since I'm running out of them.”
“Just tell me whot you need in the future; I'll osk someone to get it for you since you're now 3 months pregnont. The doctor soid
thot your progesterone is too low, so you ought to be more coreful.”
“Lingye, you've been really wordy! You sound just like a grandma, who rambles non-stop!”
But she felt sweet to hear his caring words.
Fu Lingye frowned and chided, “If you're naughty, I'll tie you up beside me. It's a...”
Mu Tongrui cut him off and imitated, “It's a critical time during your pregnancy now... I know, I promise that I'll be good. I won't be
out next time unless I've got your permission, is that okay?”
She reached Fu Corporation quickly. Mu Tongrui paid the taxi driver and continued, “I'm here. I'll hang up as I'm going into the lift
Mu Tongrui reached Fu Lingye's office. He immediately took over the things from her hand.
“Are you tired?” Fu Lingye asked while hugging her.
Mu Tongrui denied, “Of course not, pregnant ladies are not that weak.”
Fu Lingye passed his mug to Mu Tongrui for her to have a sip.
“Have you had lunch?”
Mu Tongrui caressed her stomach and said, “No, I've eaten only a few mouthfuls. I'm feeling hungry already.”
“What do you want? I'll get Xu Kun to order.”
“Anything, some porridge will be good.”
Fu Lingye dialed Xu Kun's line and asked him to order some food from a renowned restaurant.

Mu Tongrui stared straight at Mu Tongrui.
Fu Lingye raised his eyebrows and asked, “Do you miss me so much that you have to keep staring at me?”
Mu Tongrui put down the mug and snuggled into his chest. She whispered, “Yes, I miss you. That's why I'm here! Will I disturb
your work?”
“Why did you come when you knew that?” the man asked in return.
She glanced at his handsome chin and asked, “Lingye, are you hiding something from me?”
Mu Tongrui asked exasperatedly, “You haven't told me when your first time was.”
Fu Lingye found it humorous. He stared straight at her, “Why are you so interested in this matter?”
“Don't I have the right to know about it since we're getting married soon?”
“Will you be jealous or mad if I told you the truth?”
Mu Tongrui shook her head, “I will not get mad. I'm not a child; it's normal for you, an old man to have a few relationships in the
“Did you just call me an old man?”
Fu Lingye felt offended once his age was being revealed.
Mu Tongrui tried to ingratiate, “You're the youngest and the most handsome man I've met so far!”
“Ironic, isn't it?”
Mu Tongrui was at a loss of words.
She continued, “Not ironic, it's the fact. Now don't sidetrack my topic! You ought to tell me about your past since I don't know
about it. Mine is just straightforward and you know it all.”
The man's eyes lit up, “You're so curious about my past?”

Mu Tongrui nodded her head.
“Rui, my past may not be as good as you think. It was dark and helpless. I'm a prideful man who wouldn't want to share my
failures with the woman I love.”
“But I want to know about them because I'm hoping to share the burden together with you. I know it may be hard for you. If you
really refuse to talk about it, I won't force you to do so.”

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